View Full Version : Change URLs to lowercase?

03-26-2017, 01:52 AM
On a my vBulletin, I am getting this url structure when in its thread title, it contained with uppercase.

For example:

Title: What Hosting Package is Needed for a Site with Thousands Active Users Everyday?

URL: www.example.com/threads/16442-What-Hosting-Package-is-Needed-for-a-Site-with-Thousands-Active-Users-Everyday

I want to have URL like this:

URL: www.example.com/threads/16442-what-hosting-package-is-needed-for-a-site-with-thousands-active-users-everyday

Mean that I want all words in the URL should be lowercase.
while the title is not preserved.

It is possible to do this?


CAG CheechDogg
03-26-2017, 02:21 AM
Why lower case ? is there some kind of benefit if they are lower case?

final kaoss
03-26-2017, 03:10 PM
Sounds like an OCD thing to me. However in the long run, the url is fine just the way it is, there is no real point in fixing it, other than to relax your OCD.

CAG CheechDogg
03-26-2017, 03:21 PM
Lol ok ... I thought it was something that helped your rankings or SEO ....

04-02-2017, 09:56 AM
Why lower case ? is there some kind of benefit if they are lower case?

Yes it has many benefits

One of them, for example

Why Lower Case ? Is There sOme Kind Of benEfit if they Are Lower Case?

will you like it?

Btw, I changed all urls on my forum to lower case, including threads, forums and blog posts.

Paul M
04-02-2017, 02:28 PM
Yes it has many benefits
Such as what ?

04-03-2017, 01:07 AM
Such as what ?

One of benefits I showed above in the reply
There are a few and of course lower case is always better according to my personal option.

Paul M
04-03-2017, 04:06 PM
One of benefits I showed above in the reply
There are a few and of course lower case is always better according to my personal option.
What benefit, that post doesnt list a benefit. :confused:
What are these other mysterious benefits ?

Personal opinion is fine of course, but its not a benefit, just a preference.