03-16-2017, 09:59 PM
Hi all,
I followed this thread and I'v managed to import wordpress header and footer to vbulletin 5.2.5 but there is a problem that I can't solve as my PHP knowledge is not on high level.
I created two products (for header and footer) and two hooks (one for each product). Than I created two folders inside core/packages (for header and footer) and inside that folders I created /api folders and php files.
This is what I added in php file:
class wpFooter_Api_WordFooter extends vB_Api_Extensions
public $product = 'wpfooter';
public $version = '1.0.0';
public $developer = 'me';
public $title = 'WP Footer Extension';
public $minver = '5.2.5';
public $maxver = '5.9.99';
public $infourl = '';
public $checkurl = '';
public $AutoInstall = 1;
public $extensionOrder = 10;
public function wpFooter(){
return get_footer();
I also created custom template for footer with this content:
{vb:data wpfoot, wordfooter, wpFooter}
{vb:raw wpfoot}
For footer I used footer_before_body_end hook location.
As I said, header and footer are imported but the problem is that they are shown on top of the page, before any content.
How can I solve this? What I'm doing wrong?
I followed this thread and I'v managed to import wordpress header and footer to vbulletin 5.2.5 but there is a problem that I can't solve as my PHP knowledge is not on high level.
I created two products (for header and footer) and two hooks (one for each product). Than I created two folders inside core/packages (for header and footer) and inside that folders I created /api folders and php files.
This is what I added in php file:
class wpFooter_Api_WordFooter extends vB_Api_Extensions
public $product = 'wpfooter';
public $version = '1.0.0';
public $developer = 'me';
public $title = 'WP Footer Extension';
public $minver = '5.2.5';
public $maxver = '5.9.99';
public $infourl = '';
public $checkurl = '';
public $AutoInstall = 1;
public $extensionOrder = 10;
public function wpFooter(){
return get_footer();
I also created custom template for footer with this content:
{vb:data wpfoot, wordfooter, wpFooter}
{vb:raw wpfoot}
For footer I used footer_before_body_end hook location.
As I said, header and footer are imported but the problem is that they are shown on top of the page, before any content.
How can I solve this? What I'm doing wrong?