View Full Version : Adding user profile picture to open graph

01-03-2017, 06:39 PM

In my CMS articles I displays the avatars of the author of the article, but because the image is small (60×60 px) Facebook didn't grab it when I share the link to Facebook.

So I think in adding user profile picture (Big size) as a variable to the opengraph array.

The question is ..
How I can get the profile picture in every article?
then how I can add it to opengraph array?

Thanks in advance.

01-03-2017, 06:56 PM
Assuming you have the user's userid in $userid, you can get the URL of their profile pic as follows:

$ppuserinfo = fetch_userinfo($userid, 8);

if ($vbulletin->options['usefileavatar'])
$ppuserinfo['profilepicurl'] = $vbulletin->options['profilepicurl'] . '/profilepic' . $ppuserinfo['userid'] . '_' . $ppuserinfo['profilepicrevision'] . '.gif';

if (!file_exists($ppuserinfo['profilepicurl']))
$ppuserinfo['profilepicrevision'] = 0;
$ppuserinfo['profilepicurl'] = 'image.php?' . $vbulletin->session->vars['sessionurl'] . 'u=' . $ppuserinfo['userid'] . "&dateline=$ppuserinfo[profilepicdateline]&type=profile";

$profilepicexists = $ppuserinfo['profilepicrevision'] OR $ppuserinfo['profilepicdateline'];

Now, if the variable $profilepicexists evaluates to true, the URL of the profile pic is in $ppuserinfo['profilepicurl']. :)

01-03-2017, 06:59 PM
Thank you mark, I will give it a try, but how I can inject the profilepic to the opengraph array?
I tried it manually by adding link to the image in the top of vbcms_content_article template but Facebook ignore it and don't add it to the og:images !!

01-03-2017, 07:05 PM
I don't know what key you wish to use for the $opengraph array, but suppose with wish to use the key "profilepicurl', then you could add:

if ($profilepicexists)
$opengraph['profilepicurl'] = $ppuserinfo['profilepicurl'];

01-03-2017, 07:11 PM
I want to use og:image property.

01-03-2017, 07:20 PM
I want to use og:image property.

I don't know what that is...I thought you wanted to store the URL of the profile pic in the specified array. :)

I have negligible experience with the CMS articles feature of vB, but I thought I would be able to give you a leg up on getting the data you want into the array. :D

01-03-2017, 07:23 PM
After a quick google search, it appears you need a meta tag in your template, and you will have to register the URL variable for your template, and your meta tag would then look something like:

<meta property="og:image" content="{vb:raw profilepicurl}" />

01-03-2017, 07:24 PM
When you share a link in FB, the image that appears as thumbnail comes from this property.
If you open any page in sharing debugger tools you will see all properties that FB uses from your page.

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Stupid Q
How I can register the variable?

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$ppuserinfo = fetch_userinfo($userid, 8);
Sorry, #8 here what is mean?

01-03-2017, 07:33 PM
Suppose you have the name of the template to which you wish to send the variable in $template_name, then in your plugin, you could use

if ($profilepicexists)
vB_Template::preRegister($template_name, array('profilepicurl' => $ppuserinfo['profilepicurl']));

01-03-2017, 07:39 PM
Here is my plugin, is it right?

Hook: vbcms_article_populate_end(vbulletin cms)
Name: Add profile picture as meta tag
Order: 5
$ppuserinfo = fetch_userinfo($userid, 8);

if ($vbulletin->options['usefileavatar'])
$ppuserinfo['profilepicurl'] = $vbulletin->options['profilepicurl'] . '/profilepic' . $ppuserinfo['userid'] . '_' . $ppuserinfo['profilepicrevision'] . '.gif';

if (!file_exists($ppuserinfo['profilepicurl']))
$ppuserinfo['profilepicrevision'] = 0;
$ppuserinfo['profilepicurl'] = 'image.php?' . $vbulletin->session->vars['sessionurl'] . 'u=' . $ppuserinfo['userid'] . "&amp;dateline=$ppuserinfo[profilepicdateline]&amp;type=profile";

$profilepicexists = $ppuserinfo['profilepicrevision'] OR $ppuserinfo['profilepicdateline'];
if ($profilepicexists)
vB_Template::preRegister(vbcms_content_article_pag e, array('profilepicurl' => $ppuserinfo['profilepicurl']));

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It didn't work !!

Here is what I get in my source code
<meta property="og:image" content="" />

01-03-2017, 07:48 PM
You will need to get the actual userid, it's not going to automatically be in $userid...I just used that as a placeholder...for example, at the plugin hook location "postbit_display_complete" you can get it from $post['userid'], but I don't know what array is going to contain it at your plugin hook location.

Looking at that template, I would first try (at the very top of the plugin):

$userid = $poststarter['userid'];

01-03-2017, 07:52 PM
authorid is the variable :)

Here is the code I use to show avatar for example
require_once(DIR . '/includes/functions_user.php');
$avatarurl = fetch_avatar_url($view->authorid, true);
if ($avatarurl[0]) {
$avatarurl = $avatarurl[0];
/* render template and register variables */

$view->avatarurl = $avatarurl;

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I modified the plugin code to this, but without luck !!
$ppuserinfo = fetch_userinfo($authorid, 8);

if ($vbulletin->options['usefileavatar'])
$ppuserinfo['profilepicurl'] = $vbulletin->options['profilepicurl'] . '/profilepic' . $ppuserinfo['authorid'] . '_' . $ppuserinfo['profilepicrevision'] . '.gif';

if (!file_exists($ppuserinfo['profilepicurl']))
$ppuserinfo['profilepicrevision'] = 0;
$ppuserinfo['profilepicurl'] = 'image.php?' . $vbulletin->session->vars['sessionurl'] . 'u=' . $ppuserinfo['authorid'] . "&amp;dateline=$ppuserinfo[profilepicdateline]&amp;type=profile";

$profilepicexists = $ppuserinfo['profilepicrevision'] OR $ppuserinfo['profilepicdateline'];
if ($profilepicexists)
vB_Template::preRegister('vbcms_content_article_pa ge', array('profilepicurl' => $ppuserinfo['profilepicurl']));

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I made a lot of tests, but I don't know why the plugin can't see $authorid or $poststarter['userid'] or even $userid.

BTW, if I put {vb:raw authorid} in the template it give me the author id !!

Any suggestions?

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No suggestions to how to get the authorid to complete this plugin?

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I found it ^_^

$userid = $view->authorid;

solve the things

there is only one problem left, this code
$ppuserinfo['profilepicurl'] = $vbulletin->options['profilepicurl'] . '/profilepic' . $ppuserinfo['userid'] . '_' . $ppuserinfo['profilepicrevision'] . '.gif';

give me wrong image pathlike this


the right path is

How I can fix this?

Thanks in advance.

01-04-2017, 02:35 PM
Try changing the line:

vB_Template::preRegister('vbcms_content_article_pa ge', array('profilepicurl' => $ppuserinfo['profilepicurl']));


vB_Template::preRegister('vbcms_content_article_pa ge', array('profilepicurl' => $vbulletin->options['bburl'] . '/' . $ppuserinfo['profilepicurl']));

01-04-2017, 06:34 PM
Thank you Mark it works now.

I tried before inject bburl in this line
$ppuserinfo['profilepicurl'] = $vbulletin->options['profilepicurl'] . '/profilepic' . $ppuserinfo['authorid'] . '_' . $ppuserinfo['profilepicrevision'] . '.gif';

but I couldn't figure it out, but now it works and Facebook grap the picture too ^_^
just note I not use template I added the code to the plugin that I bought from BirdOPery5 (More Open Graph Images Gold) and now I have what I want exactly.

01-04-2017, 06:37 PM
Excellent! Glad to hear you now have it working as you want. :up:

01-04-2017, 06:39 PM
Thank you for your appreciate help, without it I couldn't get things like I want, thank you more and more.