View Full Version : Server response time issue with vB5.2

09-26-2016, 09:51 AM

Post upgradation from vB3.8 to vB5.2, our forums(IREF (www.iref.com))'s response time is horrendous. On an average it takes about 7-10 secs to load the page.

Can someone suggest changes to be made to make it faster again.

Paul M
09-26-2016, 03:36 PM
vB5 will never run as fast as vB3, its basic design is different, and it generally needs more powerful hardware - I presume you were aware of that before upgrading ?

(Out of interest, for what reason did you upgrade ?)

That said, 7 - 10 seconds however seems way too slow (I did not get that when I just visited your site, but that was as a guest).

You need to try and narrow down the cause, is it the database server, or web, as there are so many things and factors that can influence it. There is no one magic "change this" and it will go faster.

09-26-2016, 04:39 PM
Definitely looks like your server for the most part for the first time load. It looks like you have most things set up well, compression, etc.. Your caching could be improved but that will not help first time page load which is your main issue.

You could probably tweak your settings a bit to get that time down though I am more familiar with Vb4. I bet some added server resources would help immensely..

