View Full Version : Forum hacked/deleted - need help rebuilding pages

08-21-2016, 10:30 AM
Hi, i'm looking for anyone who can code basic forum pages (not threads) with the correct html coding? My forum index/main pages were deleted by hackers.

I'm trying to revive the old pages from Archive.org since I recently moved servers and all backups have been removed already.

I built one of my forums basic pages/threads but the html is more like

--->>> welcome to this forum etc etc

when it should be something like

--->>>> = $forumTitle;

Thank you very much

08-22-2016, 03:30 AM
If all they did was delete/edit your files, wouldn't it be easier to keep your SQL database and reupload a clean version of vbulletin? Preferably one that is secure and up-to-date?

In addition, I'd send out an email to all your users that they should change their passwords. If they accessed your directory, they probably read your config.php file and most likely have your database username and password as well. So I'd change those as well too.