View Full Version : vB5 API from Python Script Issues

08-06-2016, 04:38 AM
Hi Guys,

I am writing to create new topic and user from python script. I am able to get the user and topic info using API's but I am facing issue with POST API namely "user.save"(INSERT or UPDATE
user). The error which I am getting is "[["fieldmissing_email"]]" and my
parameters looks like

{"userid": 0, "password": "test123","user[]":[{"username": "test", "email":"test.test@test.com"}], "options[]": [ {"showAvatar": 1}], "adminoptions[]": [{"canviewmembers":True}], "userfield[]":[{"showavatars": 1}], "notificationOptions[]": [], "hvinput[]": [], "extra[]": [] }

I am not familiar with php so can anyone help me how to pass parameters to API's to get this task done. One example will do.

Also, when I try to update title in node table from mysql, it is not reflected on forum. I have updated title,htmltitle, description in node table and also rawtext in text table but still no success.

08-06-2016, 11:43 AM
Hi Guys,

I am writing to create new topic and user from python script. I am able to get the user and topic info using API's but I am facing issue with POST API namely "user.save"(INSERT or UPDATE
user). The error which I am getting is "[["fieldmissing_email"]]" and my
parameters looks like

{"userid": 0, "password": "test123","user[]":[{"username": "test", "email":"test.test@test.com"}], "options[]": [ {"showAvatar": 1}], "adminoptions[]": [{"canviewmembers":True}], "userfield[]":[{"showavatars": 1}], "notificationOptions[]": [], "hvinput[]": [], "extra[]": [] }

I am not familiar with php so can anyone help me how to pass parameters to API's to get this task done. One example will do.

This is odd. It's usually the hvinput that gives people problems. Try removing the period between test.test and see if that is causing an issue. It could be the email is failing the regex test as a valid email.
EDIT:I ran your JSON through a validator and it failed. "canviewmembers":True should probably be "canviewmembers": 1. I didn't test it but invalid JSON will cause errors.

Also, when I try to update title in node table from mysql, it is not reflected on forum. I have updated title,htmltitle, description in node table and also rawtext in text table but still no success.

Changing title and htmltitle should do the trick. Try clearing the system cache after you change the titles. Also, you need to empty your browser cache in some instances to see the changes.

08-08-2016, 09:12 AM
Thanks Mel

It worked!

Paul M
08-08-2016, 10:58 AM
Could you be a little more specific on what worked :)

08-08-2016, 03:41 PM
If removing the dot in the email address worked then there is a problem with email validation in vB as dots in email is valid.

08-08-2016, 05:17 PM
I think it was the invalid JSON. I guess we'll never know unless the OP comes back and tells us what worked. I don't think there's anything wrong with the email validation.