View Full Version : Where is the redirection performed?

01-28-2016, 07:49 AM
Hello all,

I have migrated my forum to vBulletin 4, then upgraded it to vBulletin 5.
In order to not lose the visitors who come from external links, I created a table with a redirection mapping from the old links to the new ones.

So where is redirection treatment performed in vBulletin 5?
I suppose the system tries to find the page related to the URL, (in case it doesn't) then it tries to match a redirection from vBulletin 4, (in case it doesn't) then it leads the user to a 404 page. However, I want to put some treatment before the 404, in the case I can find out it is a link from the old system, so I would redirect to the proper vBulletin 5 URL.

Thanks in advance!

02-17-2016, 11:59 AM
Hello everyone,

just to give an update to whoever has the same problem, I succeeded with my redirection.

I found that the class \vB5_Frontend_Routing (file: vb5/includes/vb5/frontend/routing.php) manages the requests and tries to find out what page should be displayed to the user.

Every page request will fall into \vB5_Frontend_Routing::setRoutes, which will try to create the route to the requested path. And this is the piece of the code:

try {
$message = ''; // Start with no error.
$route = Api_InterfaceAbstract::instance()->callApi('route', 'getRoute', array('pathInfo' => $path, 'queryString' => $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']));

My problem was: once I migrated from an existing forum to vBulletin, I had to create redirection for all my existent threads and forums. However, once I have hundreds of thousands of links, it didn't seem smart adding all of them to htacess.

So, once I have a custom routine to create vBulletin path from a legacy path, this is my result:

try {
$message = ''; // Start with no error.
$route = Api_InterfaceAbstract::instance()->callApi('route', 'getRoute', array('pathInfo' => $path, 'queryString' => $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']));
// begin: my custom redirection
if (isset($route) && $route == false) {
$newPath = MyClass::getVBPathFromLegacyPath($path); # this custom function returns string or false
if ($vbPath !== false) {
$route = Api_InterfaceAbstract::instance()->callApi('route', 'getRoute', array('pathInfo' => $path, 'queryString' => $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']));
$route['redirect'] = $newPath; # this is important, so vBulletin will create a 301 redirection
// end: my custom redirection

As we can see, the code is executed only in the case vBulletin is not able to create a route. And it only creates a route in the case a newPath (which is a vBulletin path, created using vBulletin API) is successfully created.

To me, it seems safe. And I hope the redirect parameter set "by hand" doesn't break things at some point.

So far, in a test environment, everything looks fine.

02-17-2016, 01:32 PM
This is good work. This particular problem comes up frequently and is one of the issues that causes VB5 to have a poor upgrade reputation. Nobody wants to lose their links that have been accumulated over years and wait for the search engines to re-index not to mention links in threads. I'd be interested in seeing the redirection table format. Thanks for sharing your work.

02-17-2016, 04:15 PM
You're welcome!

About my table, it is done and it is functional (in, fact, I created 2 tables: one for forums and other for threads), but as I put much more data than I need, I will improve the first solution.

The first solution was based in the thought: "Once I want to be sure that all my redirection work, I will save them in the DB, then I visit every single link and flag it as successful mapping. At the end, I add the redirection to htaccess".
However, I realized I don't need the htaccess at all.

Just a reminder: I migrated from Phorum 5.2 to vBulletin. This helped me a lot, because the structure of the link was pretty different.

First solution

Here it is the structure of the tables, later I will explain how I use them:

*note: I removed search indexes for some fields to keep the SQL shorter.
nodeid smallint(5) NOT NULL,
nodeparentid smallint(5) NOT NULL,
forumid smallint(5) NOT NULL,
forumparentid smallint(5) NOT NULL,
importforumid smallint(5) NOT NULL,
importforumparentid smallint(5) NOT NULL,
title varchar(70),
phorumSlug varchar(70),
`vb5Slug` varchar(70),
phorumUrl varchar(150),
`vb5Url` varchar(150),
UNIQUE KEY uky_objectId (nodeid)
) CHARSET=ucs2 COLLATE=ucs2_general_ci ENGINE=innodb;

nodeid mediumint(9) NOT NULL,
nodeforumid smallint(5) NOT NULL,
threadid mediumint(9) NOT NULL,
importthreadid mediumint(9) NOT NULL,
importforumid smallint(5) NOT NULL,
title varchar(70),
phorumSlug varchar(150),
`vb5Slug` varchar(220),
phorumUrl varchar(220),
`vb5Url` varchar(330),
phorumChecked tinyint(1) DEFAULT NULL,
vbChecked tinyint(1) DEFAULT NULL,
UNIQUE KEY uky_objectId (nodeid)
) CHARSET=ucs2 COLLATE=ucs2_general_ci ENGINE=innodb;

The tables are mainly mappings between ids, slugs and paths of Phorum and vBulletin.

everything with "import*" or "phorum*" is related to Phorum;
everything with "forum*" or "thread*" is related to vBulletin 4 (I only kept it in the table for safety reasons);
everything with "node*" and "vb*" is related to vBulletin 5.

The table legacy_forum was created from forum (forums in vB4) and node (table for all nodes - forums, threads, posts in vB5).
The table legacy_thread was created from thread (threads in vB4) and node (table for all nodes - forums, threads, posts in vB5).

All fields related to slugs and URLs were derived from the title.

As I learned more related to the redirection, I realized I simply need to treat the paths vBulletin can't treat, instead of creating rules or mapping to htaccess. So I do not need all that URL mapping.
The paths vBulletin can't treat (Phorum paths) already have the legacy id. So, I get the legacy id with preg_match, then I can fetch vBulletin nodeid from the legacy table and, at the end, get the correspondent route using vBulletin API.

Future improvement

Once I do not need the mapping, I removed it from the tables. I also removed the references to vB4.
At the end, those will be my redirection tables:

*note: I removed search indexes for some fields to keep the SQL shorter.
nodeid smallint(5) NOT NULL,
nodeparentid smallint(5) NOT NULL,
importforumid smallint(5) NOT NULL,
importforumparentid smallint(5) NOT NULL,
UNIQUE KEY uky_objectId (nodeid)
) CHARSET=ucs2 COLLATE=ucs2_general_ci ENGINE=innodb;

nodeid mediumint(9) NOT NULL,
nodeforumid smallint(5) NOT NULL,
importthreadid mediumint(9) NOT NULL,
importforumid smallint(5) NOT NULL,
UNIQUE KEY uky_objectId (nodeid)
) CHARSET=ucs2 COLLATE=ucs2_general_ci ENGINE=innodb;

In those tables, I still have information I do not use. However, I will keep some ids just for the sake of do not throw away some data that might useful.

Edit (1 day after I wrote the post): I tested the solution I wrote as "future improvement". Everything works fine. :)

02-17-2016, 04:20 PM
Yes, thank you very much for taking the time/effort and being conscientious enough to share what you found in resolving your issue to benefit others.

It is quite discouraging to see a user ask a question, and then they later reply only to say something like "Nevermind, I solved it." Sharing solutions is what makes this a real community! :)

02-18-2016, 06:38 AM
I agree with you.