View Full Version : Hey MarkFL, Got a good one for ya.

12-31-2015, 05:21 AM
I just showed a spammer the door based on SFS. When I checked them out they have been incredibly busy. Over 100 entries in 2 days. All the report entries had the same email and ip.
A genuine moron.

I want to add insult to injury. I normally go through and remove homepage, sigs, and other items they put in their profile. Then I ban them. I have gone back and put commentary in the sig and click save. I go back to the forum and scope out their profile but what I typed in is not there. I want to park some glib comment focused mainly on those that come by and look them up.
Something cute like a song I heard as a kid that has the line in it:
"He's here. He's there. He's everywhere. So beware, beware, beware."

Boy that would throw them off balance. So is there a setting I goofed up or is it not allowed after you ban them? Is there something you could make to over ride that if that's the case?

You seem to be the go to guy so I'm asking you.

12-31-2015, 05:39 AM
Well, off the top of my head, when a new signature is added (when there was no prior signature), old posts don't show the new signature...and I don't know at the moment if there is a way around this. :)

12-31-2015, 06:47 AM
I think I lost ya there.

When I get ready to ban some one or ban them from the mod tools, I go in to their user profile in the ACP and clean out all the spammy details. What I want to do is go back to the profile and add some things of my own. Adding insult to injury. I just want it to show in the user profile when their buddy's come by to visit and search for them.

12-31-2015, 10:16 AM
Do it in the ACP, not in the front end.

12-31-2015, 12:59 PM
Ok riddle me this. When I select one at random and put it in the search engine, it comes back with nothing. How are they looking them up?

12-31-2015, 02:54 PM
Well, off the top of my head, when a new signature is added (when there was no prior signature), old posts don't show the new signature...and I don't know at the moment if there is a way around this. :)

you can add the signature to all old posts using a SQL Query.

UPDATE " . TABLE_PREFIX . "posts SET showsignature = 1 WHERE userid = UID

change UID to the user's ID #

--------------- Added 1451580995 at 1451580995 ---------------

Ok riddle me this. When I select one at random and put it in the search engine, it comes back with nothing. How are they looking them up?

Where in the profile are you trying to add it?
When you search for the username in the ACP it doesn't return any users? Have you tried using the "List New Registrations"?

12-31-2015, 05:03 PM
In the ACP. I have it set to moderate new signups. I run the IP through Stop Forum Spam and make the decision to let them in or not. I then clean out all the user profile entries and ban them.

12-31-2015, 05:35 PM
In the ACP. I have it set to moderate new signups. I run the IP through Stop Forum Spam and make the decision to let them in or not. I then clean out all the user profile entries and ban them.

right... but where in their profile are you trying to add this extra information? If the signature, then use the query I posted above to turn it on for all of thie rposts, and edit the Banned Users usergroup and enable allow signatures

I think I lost ya there.

When I get ready to ban some one or ban them from the mod tools, I go in to their user profile in the ACP and clean out all the spammy details. What I want to do is go back to the profile and add some things of my own. Adding insult to injury. I just want it to show in the user profile when their buddy's come by to visit and search for them.

Big Al
01-01-2016, 03:15 AM
What I want to do is go back to the profile and add some things of my own. Adding insult to injury. I just want it to show in the user profile when their buddy's come by to visit and search for them.

Why not alter their password take over their account and then you can put what you like in their profile and comments etc.

01-01-2016, 03:40 AM
Why not alter their password take over their account and then you can put what you like in their profile and comments etc.

why, when you can ban them and edit everything in the ACP anyway?