View Full Version : Get a specific forumbit via a $forumid

12-20-2015, 10:12 AM
Hello all! :)

I want to get a specific forumbit row (like forum home forumbits: title, last post, stats etc), let's say for forumid, $forumid. I detect function construct_forum_bit (file: includes/functions_forumlist.php), but it don't return something:
$forumbit = construct_forum_bit($forumid);
.. any idea? What I miss?

12-20-2015, 02:09 PM
From what I just found, it returns a string of HTML for all of the forums which are children of $forumid. If $forumid points to a forum with no children, then a NULL string is returned.

12-20-2015, 02:19 PM
Thanks for your reply MarkFL :)

So, I have to develop from scratch what I want to do?
Just see those function and think that I could do what I want with an integrated function...

Thank you :)

12-20-2015, 02:28 PM
Thanks for your reply MarkFL :)

So, I have to develop from scratch what I want to do?
Just see those function and think that I could do what I want with an integrated function...

Thank you :)

Yeah, I would likely write a db query joining the forum and thread tables to get that information. :)