View Full Version : Customizing forum style width for all Display resolutions

12-19-2015, 06:38 PM

I would like to know how to keep my forum width to left side and add some blocks on right side of my VB homepage. I followed the below code and edited it in my css file. But i cant see the same fixed length on all resolutions. how can i make it same for all resolution desktops/laptops/tablet

I made changes using my 24 inches monitor and it looks good. but if i see from any other laptop with digfferent resolutions, my forum blocks are going to left side.
how can i make it Even for all resolutions

First edit the vbulletin.css template and find this code:

margin: {vb:stylevar doc_margin};

change it to

margin: auto; ( auto or left or right)

Then in Style Variable Editor in Common group find doc_width (Document Width)
change Units to PX
and Size to XXX (example 800)

XXX is your forum width size

12-21-2015, 03:39 PM
can someone help me out here. Did i posted in wrong forum ?

12-21-2015, 03:59 PM
can someone help me out here. Did i posted in wrong forum ?

You may need to change the width to a percentage instead of using px as the units. :)

12-21-2015, 03:59 PM
You have to use percentages, not pixels.
For example a container which contains everything, could have a width of 100%.
Inside that container you then have 2 blocks, which could be 80% and 20%.

Mark beat me to it.

12-25-2015, 03:09 AM
I just want to report that this issue was resolved by adding the following CSS selector to the "additional.css" template:

body, .morbid-box {
width: auto !important;