View Full Version : Help with determining uniqueness in postinfo (postbit) [PROBLEM SOLVED]

07-19-2015, 08:33 PM
I'm trying to add tabs to the postinfo in postbit. However whenever you click on the tabs on for example my postinfo, another users tab also gets changed. I'm wondering what is it and how would I go on about making it unique so only my tab changes when I click on it? (unique for each user)

As you can see in the image below, I have two tabs (the text are fillers) and I want them to be unique for each users. Right now as I said when clicking on the tabs on one user, every users tab changes.


You can see and try it out here : https://pixlicity.com/showthread.php?6-Count-to-100-000


07-19-2015, 08:49 PM
I just posted this on vbulletin.com, but I think what you want to do is to use {vb:raw post.postid} as part of some kind of tab name or id, so that it will be different for each post. I looked at the html for like 30 seconds and couldn't see how the tabs worked exactly, but maybe you already know where to put the unique id.

07-19-2015, 09:01 PM
I just posted this on vbulletin.com, but I think what you want to do is to use {vb:raw post.postid} as part of some kind of tab name or id, so that it will be different for each post. I looked at the html for like 30 seconds and couldn't see how the tabs worked exactly, but maybe you already know where to put the unique id.

Yea. I replied. I know that it's possible because there are addons doing the same thing, I just want to use my own instead of an addon with a bunch of uneccesary code in it that I really don't need.