View Full Version : VB5.1.1 User manager modules missing

06-24-2015, 10:56 PM

While trying a variety of solutions to the issue of spam, I made a mistake and it's seriously impacting my admincp.

The symptom is that in user_manager reputation module is not appearing, instead I get a 404 where reputation should be. Page styles (e.g. background) are being overridden by the 404 page styles.

The second symptom is that I cannot confirm changes made on the user manager page, because the save button is missing (confirmed missing on administrator level account).

The fear is that I pasted over directories in admincp/ because the JS folder inside /admincp is empty. When I use developer tools I see errors for adminlog.php?do= modlog.php?do= and user.php?do=

user.php?do=edit&u=13177:1 GET https://myforum.com/admincp/user.php?do=edit&u=13177 500 (Internal Server Error)

core/admincp admin user manager loads the reputation module into the user manager page, but there is no option to save changes.

Do I need to copy files from core to admincp ?


06-24-2015, 11:13 PM
Check error logs if it shows missing files upload them

06-25-2015, 09:37 PM

I cat'd and tail'd some error logs in /var/log while loading the user manager but nothing appeared.

What I did realize is that the missing module is for privatemessage.php!

I was trying to update this so that forum users could flag bad posts, but I don't recall making any changes to the file, just doing a cat and copying it to file. I am doing more research on privatemessage.php

Has any one had an issue like this? Where one module borks the ability to save changes?


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It does says on core/admincp that core/admincp/ajax.php is missing.

I did a find -name and there are a few:


None of which are in core/admincp

Was something deleted maybe? If so what is the best way to replace that file?

Is it possible that one of the listed ajax.php are the correct file and it just needs to be copied to the correct directory?


06-26-2015, 01:43 AM
If you are not sure what one is missing you will need to go to your ftp and see what one is then replace it this goes for any other files as well

06-26-2015, 05:06 PM
Hi ForceHSS

I don't know what you mean by FTP. Do you mean the server on which VB is installed?

If I could get a copy of the install files (e.g. Upload dir) for 5.1.1 I would immediately replace the file for privatemessaging.

The problem is I can't seem to access the 'memebers area' with either vb.org or vb.com credentials....

Thanks again for responding to this thread.


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I think another part of the issue is the missing /admincp/ajax.php and now myforum.com/ajax.php 404 errors.

From what I understand, VB pulls from /core to 'do' things via the /admincp directory. How or why I don't know. If this is the case, than I need to evaluate the ajax.php files in /core directory for issues?

I feel that being able to diff against a default version of the file would help alot.

Maybe that's what's causing my privatemessage.php file to crash.


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So, I fixed this.

The private message section was broken, basically loading a 404 page. So I re-enabled private messaging, and it's fixed. The user manager page works now.

Pro-tip: Do not decactivate private messages in the admin CP. Do it in the php file if you really must.


06-26-2015, 11:47 PM
Chances are, this issue has been fixed in one of the later releases. There have been a lot of bug fixes since 5.1.1.