View Full Version : Clicking on "New Topics" gives a message "Your criteria is not restrictive enough"

04-23-2015, 03:32 PM
Clicking on "New Topics" gives you a message "Your criteria is not restrictive enough and might return too many results. Please restrict your criteria and try again".

Do we need to fix something in the admincp?

04-23-2015, 09:21 PM
Go to Site Builder > Navigation > click to edit New Topics item > change it to:


04-27-2015, 08:30 PM
Go to Site Builder > Navigation > click to edit New Topics item > change it to:

Had the same problem. Don't know why, I have never touched the "New Topics" link, so vBulletin seems to ship it broken...

Your solution however, does seem to work for me, although with a minor change: the double quotes should be percent encoded:
search?searchJSON=%7B%22date%22%3A%22lastVisit%22% 2C%22view%22%3A%22topic%22%2C%22unread_only%22%3A1 %2C%22sort%22%3A%7B%22lastcontent%22%3A%22desc%22% 7D%2C%22exclude_type%22%3A%5B%22vBForum_PrivateMes sage%22%5D%7D

So basically, the code went from (not yet percent encoded, for readability):

to (not yet percent encoded, for readability):

04-27-2015, 08:39 PM
It doesn't ship broken, it's an issue that we are seeing on just a few sites. We just haven't figured out why it is only happening on some sites but not most.

09-12-2015, 05:43 PM
When I try that full line


It only will output


Yet, I can add that at the end of my URL and it works, but there seems to be a BUG in the Navigation Bar that stops the string at the first quotation..

Any ideas??

09-12-2015, 07:34 PM
I am having this same issue, just upgraded from 4.22 to 5.1.9.

I am having the same new topics issue as previously mentioned in this thread.

2. The contact us form is not sending email even though the diagnostic email test worked.

3. It is not displaying number of people currently viewing each forum on the main page as it did with ver 4

4. when on the moderator page, when clicking on the link to home page, the url has an incomplete name .php with no file name, used a work around and selected hat all 404 errors go to home page

5. can't seem to get the xml sitemap generation to write

09-19-2015, 07:37 AM
I am having this same issue, just upgraded from 4.22 to 5.1.9.

I am having the same new topics issue as previously mentioned in this thread.

It took me an hour figuring out how my forum preferred the searchstring, indeed there's a bug somewhere, maybe related to how the forum handles charsets maybe? I've been running this forum since 2003, and back in the days I used to run on ISO-8859-1, which has caused quite a lot of trouble since the world seemed to switch to UTF-8 :)

However, I wanted to list new topics since the last week, and this is the search string I came up with, that finally started to work.

search?searchJSON=%7B%22date%22:%7B%22from%22:%22l astWeek%22%7D,%22view%22:%22topic%22,%22sort%22:%7 B%22lastcontent%22:%22desc%22%7D,%22exclude_type%2 2%20:%5B%22vBForum_PrivateMessage%22%5D%7D

I actually created an issue on this in my tracker, just to keep this fix stored somewhere :)


09-20-2015, 04:11 PM
I can tell you that it took me a while to get familiar at all with vb5 as a lot of things has changed in the way it is set up. After some time though I am getting somewhat accustom to it. Searching for answers on the web though and I seem to find more discontent with vb5 than answers.

I did find one of the previous codes work with the new topics menu item, will also give the one you did a try.

I am finding some of the favorite plugins are not available [been written for] vb5 which is a disappointment, as some I liked that I previously used on version 4 I do not have available for ver 5.

Ones I would like to see is...

Members who have read this thread.

members that have logged in today in the stats area


Vb 4 also showed number of people viewing each forum on the main forum page which this one is not showing.

other issues are...

mark channels read - is not working at the top menu but is working on the bottom of the forum list yet they seem to have the same url [from hovering the mouse over the link)

Could not get the contact us form to send email even though the diagnostic test worked, so just created a new page with the contact email and changed the menu url to get around it.

No matter how I changed the xml sitemap url / file or folder permissions it would not work, so installed a stand alone xml sitemap generator.

It is lacking some seo, and has limited moderator capabities

09-20-2015, 08:04 PM
Your Contact Us isn't working? Do you have a bunch of Queued Emails perhaps?

As for the sitemap, did you enter a FULL path to the sitemap directory and chmod it to 777?

As for showing people visiting a page, Site Builder > Edit Page > add What's Going On module > edit and set Show Users for This Page Only > Yes

09-20-2015, 08:49 PM
I have tried chmod to 777 still could not get the vb5 xml sitemap generation to work.

On vb 4 it would show on each forum [when on the main forum page] how many was viewing each forum not with vb5, in the whats going on module I perfer to see all users anywhere in the forums.

There should be no queued emails as on vb4 before the upgrade I was using a link only to the email address not the form, on vb5 after upgrade it worked in the diagnostic test but not the form and I had entered the correct email in the settings options. Got around it by just creating a new page with the email contacts and then pointing the url on the footer for that link to go to that page

One additional issue was on the moderator page the link back to the forums the url indicated only .php with no filename link I got around that by just setting all 404 errors to go to forums home page.

09-20-2015, 09:18 PM
see the attached and what I have circled that is what does not show up on vb5 but did on vb4

09-21-2015, 01:13 AM
That (x viewing) does not show up on vB5.

09-21-2015, 10:03 AM
Not sure why they took that out, wish I knew of a template edit or mod to restore it