View Full Version : Contact Us Form - Admin Email Settings

tony walsh
04-10-2015, 07:36 AM

Where can I edit the subject and content of the template for the email that is sent to admin's email when someone submits the contact us form?

As it is right now, when someone sends a message through the contact us form, I (admin) get an email to the email address specified in the email settings - notifying me that someone has submitted a message...this is what i want but I want to change the template of this email.

At the moment, the subject neither the body body of the email tells me what website the email has come from...I run several sites and so need to be able to know which site the email is coming from...it's just telling me that someone has submitted a message through the contact us form on your site (and then the message and user info).

I need to change the subject and/or the content of this email so that it tells me the website it's talking about.

Where can I change the subject and/or body of this notification email??


04-10-2015, 12:19 PM
AdminCp >> Languages and Phrases >> Phrase Manager

You can search for a section of text from the email to find the phrase you are looking to edit. When you are finished editing, clear the system cache.