View Full Version : What is the best folder structure to use for mods?

12-19-2014, 10:39 PM
What is the best folder structure to use for mods?

I like to be able to delete files from mods easily, but there are some trade offs that lead me to place them in the standard folders. If I do that I guess I could name the individual files uniquely so as to make them easy to find.

Here's the structure I presently use:

/admincp/[mod name].php
/packages/[mod name]/[css].css
/packages/[mod name]/[javascript].js
/packages/[mod name]/hooks/[hooks].php
/packages/[mod name]/includes/xml/[xml].xml
/images/[mod name]/buttons/[images].jpg

Or should it be something like:

/admincp/[mod name].php
[mod name hook1].php
[mod name hook2].php
/includes/xml/[mod xml].xml
/images/buttons/[mod images].jpg

Or something else?

12-20-2014, 08:23 AM
Well if this is mods you are creating yourself, I use something similar to the first way.

Now if this is mods that are already coded, you will just have to load them however the developer has told you to load them. By changing the file structure, you would have to go through every file for each mod, and re write any references to file locations, it would be a PITA.