View Full Version : How can we make bridge between vbulletin and Wordpress??

11-11-2014, 11:53 AM
I have tried from following link but not working.


so Please any one have idea about this ?

11-11-2014, 11:56 AM
Hey there avinash121,

That is the only one I know of for vB4. I see most users report it working, but some don't.

Since you are asking about Questions/Problems regarding a Modification/Style, you need to post in the Modifications/Styles thread where you downloaded it from.

That is the proper place to get support for a Modification/Style, not out here in the main forums. Even if you already posted in the Modifications/Styles thread, and have not got a answer, that is not a excuse to post in the open forums.

Please note that if a Modification/Style is unsupported (or even if it says it is supported), you may be on your own if you chose to install it. :)

11-12-2014, 03:14 AM
Hi ozzy47 ,

Thanks for reply.

But i don't want to change in style.Just want to integrate wordpress blog in Vbulletin.:)

11-12-2014, 09:11 AM
I said nothing about changing the style, you need to report your issues in the mods thread, and maybe someone can help you out with them. :)