11-15-2013, 11:26 AM
I'm trying to resolve an issue where Google have banned Advertisements because of some dodgey images somewhere (the site is 500,000 pages and despite my best efforts at deleting I still haven't found one of the pages Google doesn't like).
I've come across this plugin which should do the job Google wants (I only show ads to guests) although it isn't working for me.
The code:
$this->post['pagetext_html'] = preg_replace('/\[IMG\](.*)\[\/IMG\]/im', construct_phrase($vbphrase['hideimg_message'], $session['sessionurl_q']), $this->post['pagetext_html']);
Is hooked into postbit_display_start, but is doing nothing (as the pagetext_html variable is either over written at a later stage, or not used).
So basically, however rough I do it (hard coding or whatever) I want to replace text in the string in the postbit to remove images for Guests. Anyone any ideas?
I'm trying to resolve an issue where Google have banned Advertisements because of some dodgey images somewhere (the site is 500,000 pages and despite my best efforts at deleting I still haven't found one of the pages Google doesn't like).
I've come across this plugin which should do the job Google wants (I only show ads to guests) although it isn't working for me.
The code:
$this->post['pagetext_html'] = preg_replace('/\[IMG\](.*)\[\/IMG\]/im', construct_phrase($vbphrase['hideimg_message'], $session['sessionurl_q']), $this->post['pagetext_html']);
Is hooked into postbit_display_start, but is doing nothing (as the pagetext_html variable is either over written at a later stage, or not used).
So basically, however rough I do it (hard coding or whatever) I want to replace text in the string in the postbit to remove images for Guests. Anyone any ideas?