View Full Version : Problem with VBSEO after upgrading VBulletin to 4.2.2

10-26-2013, 02:49 PM
I upgraded our VBulletin software to V4.2.2 and all of a sudden cannot render the admin area pages anymore. I get the following error:

Warning: Non-static method vBSEO_Storage::path() should not be called statically in ..../vbseo/includes/functions_vbseo_pre.php

VBSEO seems to be out of business too. Any suggestions on how to fix this?


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I know VBSEO is not a product from this website but can anyone offer any advice?


10-27-2013, 11:11 PM
The support of vbseo has vanish.

I would like to upload to 4.2.2 but i think, it is not compatible.

10-28-2013, 07:31 PM
Is there a way to downgrade back to 4.2.1?

10-28-2013, 08:11 PM
Officially no, but.

As for reverting, there are no database changes from 4.2.1 to 4.2.2, so you could quite easily re-upload 4.2.1 and it would work.

Ok here is what I would do.

1) Turn your site off.

2) Make a full backup, just incase something goes wrong.

3) Then get a copy of v4.2.1 Pl1 upload those files to your server.

4) Turn on debug mode by adding the following to your includes/config.php
$config['Misc']['debug'] = true;

5) Go to ACP --> Settings --> Options --> Version Info and Other Untouchables, and change ONLY the setting, vBulletin Version Number to 4.2.1

6) Turn off debug mode by removing the following to your includes/config.php
$config['Misc']['debug'] = true;

7) Remove the install directory.

8) Turn your site back on.

Now you will be upgraded to v4.2.1 and not have to worry about the 4.2.2 and PHP errors.

10-29-2013, 08:06 PM
try these steps to help resolve vbseo issue


i am using vbseo with 4.2.2 it works fine

11-03-2013, 06:42 PM
try these steps to help resolve vbseo issue


i am using vbseo with 4.2.2 it works fine


05-21-2015, 03:51 AM
is anyone using VBSEO with vb 4.2.3?

final kaoss
05-21-2015, 01:41 PM
With all of it's security exploits and it no longer being developed, no. Plus, there is no way to legally get vbseo now if you haven't bought it in the past. If you have a spare copy with your purchased license key lying around, go for it, be a target for hackers.

05-21-2015, 05:11 PM
I wonder how many other old vBSEO threads mykkal is going to unearth. Be warned everyone: mykkal does not want to hear that vBSEO is a security risk. He's quite touchy on the subject. I start to wonder what his real interest might be...

05-21-2015, 05:29 PM
vbseo has many security issues DO NOT USE IT

05-21-2015, 07:18 PM
I am still trying to figure out what his issue is. In one thread, he claims to have fixed everything, and in another thread he is looking for the patch.

Bottom line, this is not the vBSEO site. Any issue concerning it need to be taken up elswhere.

05-21-2015, 08:42 PM
When there is members like cellarius, final kaoss, force and my self who have spent thousands and thousands of hours helping people and releasing mods for free, I think we hold a little more credibility that someone who replies to a Two year old thread trying to pedal some sort of snake medicine.

Hmmmm....I was willing to offer the edits for free to anyone that wanted them but that has definitely changed now. Clearly you and your "clique" are the only ones allowed the prestigious rights of contribution around here:

I tried to offer the corrected code FREE OF CHARGE and you say its illegal (tho you do the same in numerous threads)
Then you promote another paid modification which you make your own mods compatible with as the ONLY solution.
Lastly you call the fixes I paid for snake medicine without ever seeing the code or testing it.

Your credibility ends at your wallet and you've been out of line since the beginning. Now leave me alone about it.

05-22-2015, 10:36 PM
Hmmmm....I was willing to offer the edits for free to anyone that wanted them but that has definitely changed now. Clearly you and your "clique" are the only ones allowed the prestigious rights of contribution around here:

I tried to offer the corrected code FREE OF CHARGE and you say its illegal (tho you do the same in numerous threads)
Then you promote another paid modification which you make your own mods compatible with as the ONLY solution.
Lastly you call the fixes I paid for snake medicine without ever seeing the code or testing it.

Your credibility ends at your wallet and you've been out of line since the beginning. Now leave me alone about it.

I cleaned up this thread, you guys smh.

I left this post up mykkal because I'm afraid you're offering your clients false hope/false promise in my personal opinion - before you think I'm slandering you though I'm not - I posted this https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showpost.php?p=2546231&postcount=17 before seeing this thread or doing any deletion of posts because you all were at each others throats.

Please read my post and take it to heart, please stop using vBSEO I say that for your future benefit as someone who cares for not only your sites safety but more so for your members since you're seemingly (imo) placing them at risk by continuing to run outdated software. I'm very well versed in vBulletin however you will never find me offering "patches" for vBSEO - I don't feel thats smart to do honestly.

To each their own (so long as you don't get at each others throats lol, thread is still open have at it just try to not blow half the thread up with MEAN COMMENTS its Friday TGIF the **** out of it instead ;) ).

05-23-2015, 12:55 AM
The problem is legacy and that the new architecture of vBulletin doesn't allow some for the functionality of plugins we've come to rely on. Our only option for the future so far is Xenforo. We're going to build it along side of this one, sync data, and test migrating until that's ready to happen.

I don' like it...but its the best option and until then we have to secure what we have as best we can. If you know of security issues please forward them too me so I can have it worked on. Hoping to be on the new platform by years end.

Thanks for the advice. Issue I have is DBSEO is incompatible with another plugin we use. If that worked I'd add rich snippets, minifications, and other things myself. Also we use memcached which DBSEO doesn't support :(