View Full Version : Weird problem with Mod

08-17-2013, 11:19 AM

08-17-2013, 01:52 PM
Issues with mods need to be posted in their respective threads.

08-17-2013, 11:28 PM
The information you provided was helpful, but you really need to test that mod out on a fresh 4.2.1 version.

@ozzy47 suggested that you post in the modifications forum, maybe there someone has tested this on v4.2.1.

In order to be of any assistance, the problem has to be narrowed down.


Okay, I just read the thread and others say it works just fine on v4.2.1. So the problem is do to your style or another interfering modification altering your style.
I always test mods on fresh version of vbulletin, so I understand its behavior. Then I would test it using your style on the same test board. If all that worked, I would then look for any other mods that you may have that use the same hooks or template edits.

Good Luck!