View Full Version : Modifying the memberlist.php?

03-12-2013, 02:11 AM
Hi all,

I've been trying to modify the memberlist.php and the templates for it to show some custom userfields I've added. I'd like these to show up and be sortable (and taggable but I've not yet begun to tackle that mountain). However, even when I have everything in place in the templates and the .php file, the fields don't show up at all.

You can see what I'm trying to do here: http://www.libertyrestorationgroup.com/forums/memberlist.php

I'm trying to add field7, field3, and field4. That should read "Skills," "Location," and "Interests" but they don't show up in the table header at all and they don't populate into the table even though the information is all there.


03-12-2013, 03:19 AM
Tell us exactly what changes you made so that we can figure out what went wrong.

Did you check Custom Fields in AdminCP > Settings > Options > User Listing Options > Member List Field Options ?

03-12-2013, 04:23 AM
OMG. I'm such a noob. No, I hadn't checked that. I've been pouring over everything and made this much more difficult than it needed to be. Thanks, Lynne.

I have been using vB since vB 1. I promise, I'm not normally this stupid.

Edit: Is there any way to create a tag system for a custom user profile field? For example, I have a field called "Skills" where users are supposed to list things they know how to do (PHP, MySQL, English grammar, TV production, acting, etc). Ideally, I'd like to have that field generate tags so that if someone is searching for a user on my forum who knows how to crochet, they could type "crochet" in the search box and have that come up. They could then click on "crochet" in the custom field and have it sort out everyone who had that listed in their custom field so they could browse through and find any kind of specific crocheting they wanted (afghans, sweaters, whatever else you can crochet because I know NOTHING about this, etc).

I realize that's probably a bit of a tall order but if anyone knows how to do that or knows of a vB mod/hack that does it, point me that way, please. You will get infinite kudos from me. :)

03-12-2013, 04:38 PM
As for the tag system.... if you are on the member list page and you go to the Search Members box in the upper right and click Advanced Search, your members may enter "crochet" in the Skills box and search and all users who put "crochet" as a Skill will be returned.

03-13-2013, 05:32 AM
Thanks, Lynne. I was hoping to make each skill listing clickable and sortable by that in the memberlist. However, the search field will work for the launch and give me time to brush up on my vB hacking skills. I used to be okay at it but I'm very rusty now (as is evidenced by my idiot questions). :)
