View Full Version : Rebuilding Post Cache

03-12-2013, 01:39 AM
I recently ran Cleaner.php on a old impex import. All was successful with the clean up. I would like to proceed to do another impex import but here is my dilemma:

it says-

Once cleaner has been run successfully you must rebuild the Rebuild Post Cache in the AdminCP > Maintenance > Update Counters

Rebuilding the post cache takes such a long time (hours) my question is this-

Because I plan on doing another import with impex can I go ahead with that import and then run the cleaner again and then rebuild the post cache?

basically can I do the rebuild post cache only once?!

Or do I need to run it twice once before the second import with impex (since cleaner was just run now from an old import) and then again after the new import?

Thank you in advance for any help regarding this!

Thank you!

03-12-2013, 03:17 AM
It shouldn't take too long to rebuild the post cache unless you have the number of days set really high.

You don't have to rebuild the post cache now, but remember that any cached post may be incorrect after you have used the cleaner.

03-12-2013, 03:28 AM

Thank you so much for the reply. I have been searching this forum and vbulletin.com, plus google all day trying to find an answer.

Do you know why it makes the date incorrect after the cleaner has been used?

Is it even really necessary to use the cleaner after the impex import then? I know that I didn't run the cleaner before after the old import years ago and everything was fine. But because I want to do another import I had to run the cleaner in order to do another impex import.

I know it says in the instructions to run the cleaner after the import and then to rebuild the post cache...will it mess things up if I just did this second impex import and then didn't run the cleaner or rebuild the post cache? Could I maybe just worry about running the cleaner if and when I ever needed to do another import in the future?

03-12-2013, 04:34 PM
You don't need to use the post cache - it's just something that helps speed up your forums.

The cleaner is just used to clean up some html/bbcode that is incorrect. You can run it with nothing in the $replacer array and then nothing will be done.