View Full Version : API documentation to retrieve uploaded gallery/images

02-27-2013, 02:20 PM
I am currently creating a gallery using Pinterest lazy loading of columns and I have this interface already developed using other image stores. I now need to interface with vBulletin to fetch paged images in various ways, its associated sources such as album, threads, members, tags etcetera.

I've got this PHP genereated class documentation from https://members.vbulletin.com/api/

Is there any other documentation or examples I should read to get a head start on this. I'm trying to decide if I should learn the db schema and relation by looking at the source and access the tables directly, or if I should use the API classes to do this if possible. I just briefly browsed through the classes and there seem to be these vB_Attachment_Store classes I can use for this, is this right?

I appreciate any thoughts on this.