View Full Version : VB4 API to populate articles, photo albums from a non vbulletin database

08-31-2012, 06:31 PM
Hello there,

Before I spend time to figure it out myself. I would like to ask if any others who know how to use vbulletin API well:

I am doing upgrade for a vbulletin 3.6.8 which integrate with Subdreamer CMS version 2. In the Subdreamer, I have a collections of articles, categories, and a photo albums. I want to move all of these into VB4 Publishing suite by following way:

Categories: Go to VB4 CMS categories
Articles: go to corresponding categories which were created in previous step
Photos: Go to personal albums of corresponding members who uploaded the photos.
Photo comments: Go together with the photos, keeping the same comment authors.

I think there will be styling, bbcode issues, or even security issues so I don't want to write independent background codes that modify vb database directly. There is a section in vbulletin user manual talking about advanced use of data manager API. But that's still not enough for me at the moment.

Thanks in advance for any suggestions