View Full Version : Why nobody code a "real" Live activity feed ?

08-24-2012, 08:04 PM

I`m new to this VB-Stuff, but i`m wondering that nobody coding a real ajax-powered "Activity" Stream-Mod for VBulletin...!???

For example: this page (IPB) have a nice and clear one:

Including SMF (a FREE Board-Software !) have one.

(see pictures below)

Booth are written in Ajax, so no page reload is necessary. This is for big communitys a "must have"...

08-24-2012, 09:07 PM
I think Shawn may have (digitalpoint). Have you tried a search to see what is available?

08-29-2012, 01:01 AM
I'm just wondering why that something like the activity feed and visitor messaging on profiles haven't been merged to form something like Facebook's.

You'd think that we'd be able to comment to another comment on the profile and not need to go back and forth from one profile to another to comment and read.

New Joe
08-29-2012, 02:13 AM
I agree with GameOverViper, this should be done like some kind of Face Book thing, you have the Activity Stream now, so make it a live update thing.

For what Lynne said, yes there are 2 'Live' feed mods out there, I use both but I like Eric's one better, here they both are and they both work great;

I stil think if vB 5 is going to try to be the 'best of the best' they need something like this built into the core of the software.