View Full Version : Registration Day Anniversary Condition

08-01-2012, 08:57 PM
I need some help. Currently I have a little Birthday Condition and it works very well giving my members a nice cake on their birthday.

<!--Sidecolumn Birthday-->
<vb:if condition="$bbuserinfo[birthday]">
<img src="{vb:stylevar imgdir_misc}/birthday-cake.jpg" alt="Today is {vb:raw bbuserinfo.username}'s birthday!" border="0" />
<!-- /Sidecolumn Birthday-->

In similar fashion I want to give people on their registration anniversary date some image to commemorate the day. Reddit has its cakeday and thats where the Idea originates.

08-02-2012, 12:58 PM
You would need a plugin to check for the anniversary date and set a variable, which you could then check in your template.