View Full Version : Size avatar in profile

04-06-2012, 06:57 AM
Where can I change the size of the avatar in your profile?


04-06-2012, 07:27 AM
I believe the template you are looking for is memberinfo_block_ministats.

04-06-2012, 07:40 AM
<img src="{vb:raw prepared.avatarurl}" />
I tried to change the size of this file, but does not help
it can be encoded?
where to find this variable? or change?

04-06-2012, 08:09 AM
<img src="{vb:raw prepared.avatarurl}" alt="{vb:rawphrase xs_avatar, {vb:raw prepared.username}}" {vb:raw prepared.avatarsize} id="user_avatar" />

I'm not exactly sure where you change prepared.avatarsize, however if you change the above to the following you can edit the image size in that theme (doing it this way you would have to make the avatar size change for each theme individually). Maybe someone else knows where you can edit prepared.avatarsize.

<img src="{vb:raw prepared.avatarurl}" alt="{vb:rawphrase xs_avatar, {vb:raw prepared.username}}" width="xx" height="yy" id="user_avatar" />

Be sure to replace xx and yy with the dimensions you want the image to be.

04-06-2012, 08:12 AM
I was just wondering the same thing but found it. If you have a look in usergroup manager and edit the group you will find the sizes can be changed there in each group.

I hope that helps

04-06-2012, 09:24 AM
<img src="{vb:raw prepared.avatarurl}" alt="{vb:rawphrase xs_avatar, {vb:raw prepared.username}}" {vb:raw prepared.avatarsize} id="user_avatar" />

I'm not exactly sure where you change prepared.avatarsize, however if you change the above to the following you can edit the image size in that theme (doing it this way you would have to make the avatar size change for each theme individually). Maybe someone else knows where you can edit prepared.avatarsize.

<img src="{vb:raw prepared.avatarurl}" alt="{vb:rawphrase xs_avatar, {vb:raw prepared.username}}" width="xx" height="yy" id="user_avatar" />

Be sure to replace xx and yy with the dimensions you want the image to be.
not works
it stretches the avatar
size encoded {vb:raw prepared.avatarurl}

07-18-2012, 06:05 AM
dimensions can be here? class_userprofile.php

* Prepares the User's Avatar
function prepare_avatar()
fetch_avatar_from_userinfo($this->userinfo, true, false);

if ($this->userinfo['avatarurl'] == '' OR !$this->registry->options['avatarenabled'] OR ($this->userinfo['hascustomavatar'] AND !($this->userinfo['permissions']['genericpermissions'] & $this->registry->bf_ugp_genericpermissions['canuseavatar']) AND !$this->userinfo['adminavatar']))
$this->prepared['avatarurl'] = '';
$this->prepared['avatarsize'] = '';
$this->prepared['avatarsize'] = ($this->userinfo['avatarwidth'] ? ' width="' . $this->userinfo['avatarwidth'] . '"' : '')
. ($this->userinfo['avatarheight'] ? ' height="' . $this->userinfo['avatarheight']. '"' : '');
$this->prepared['avatarurl'] = $this->userinfo['avatarurl'];

08-14-2012, 06:56 AM
no fix?