View Full Version : jquery in 4.1.11

03-29-2012, 10:58 AM
In 4.1.11 there are some "new" settings
in options->Server Settings you can now use
Use Remote jQuery
jQuery script files are hosted locally on your server, you may however have them served from Google, jQuery, or Microsoft servers, saving you some bandwidth and potentially decreasing load times.
and set there Google, Microsoft or some Custom Remote jQuery Path in there.

Result is everytime the same.. nothing happens. There is not path to jquery anywhere in the Code. Or you are able to use it.

I use a brand new board with only 1 User in it. Tested with some effects
Please tell me if i missed something or have to use a "different" setting.

As custom Remote jquery path is used:
it work fine on some basic html website

i only thing wanted to have

<script type="text/javascript">
window.onload = function(){ alert("welcome"); }

Everytime with different results:

1. Setting
use remote JQuery Google/Microsoft/jquery
no changes, no alert

2. Setting
custom Remote jquery path is used:
no changes no alert

added in headinclude template
<script type="text/javascript" src="http://ajax.aspnetcdn.com/ajax/jquery/jquery-1.7.min.js"></script>
Success Function!

4. Created a Plugin
$sitecode = '<script type="text/javascript" src="http://ajax.aspnetcdn.com/ajax/jquery/jquery-1.7.min.js"></script>';
vB_Template::preRegister('headinclude',array('incl uded_header' => $sitecode));

Success Function!

5. Another Plugin
include ('./jquery.php');
vB_Template::preRegister('headinclude',array('incl uded_header' => $sitecode));

Success Function!

what whats up with this Setting in Options ->Serversettings when i have to do it myself anyway?

I have to put the path to jquery in the Headinclude myself.

Iain M
03-29-2012, 11:11 AM
I'm not using 4.1.11 yet, but was your style updated to 4.1.11 to include the code for the jQuery setting?

03-29-2012, 12:25 PM
Please ready carefully
I use a brand new board with only 1 User in it
Why/Where to Update the Style?
It is still the basic one. No changes have bin done to anything at this board.

Fresh installation, no update.

03-29-2012, 12:38 PM
For that option to take effect the styles have to be rebuilt. You can do it by going (in the adminCP) to Maintenance > General Update Tools > Rebuild Styles. Also, if you have only one style doing something like bringing up a template in the editor then just saving it will probably accomplish the same thing.

03-29-2012, 05:15 PM
Also, if you have only one style doing something like bringing up a template in the editor then just saving it will probably accomplish the same thing.
Nope it does not.

But thanks for the tipp with the styles. :)

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For that option to take effect the styles have to be rebuilt. You can do it by going (in the adminCP) to Maintenance > General Update Tools > Rebuild Styles.

Done today.. nothing changed.
Still the same Pagecode like before, nothing changed. :/
Am i doing it wrong? Can Provide video footage..

03-30-2012, 04:46 PM
VB root directory > clientscripts > jquery
The names of the files give away what they do and from there you should be able to find the calls for them.
All your doing by calling for the jquery script from an external source is saving bandwidth. You'll notice the jquery functions work quicker and smoother. When you open and close the sidebar in the forum that's jquery. Litebox is another one.
But from what I saw in the file folder most of the scripts are for the mobile functions.
They just loaded the mini version of jquery. if you want to do some other things with jquery you'll have to pull it from an external server or load the full blown version of the jquery files.

03-30-2012, 06:08 PM
When you open and close the sidebar in the forum that's jquery. Litebox is another one.

No it isn't. The sidebar's animation uses YUI. Looking at the JavaScript, the Litebox also uses YUI.

jQuery is only used by the Mobile Style at this time (by default).

04-02-2012, 12:53 PM
In the folder
clientscript\jquery can jquery be found. But as stated above it seems to be only used for the mobile style. Also the jquery Version 1.6.4.min is installed with the vbulletin.

So. if i want jquery to work. for new (for me) it seems the only way is to embedd it myself in the headinclude because the function using the Options Menu seems not to work.

YUI work well. But for the jquery iam either just plain blind.. or it isnt working the way it should..

final kaoss
04-02-2012, 10:07 PM
Post your issue here if you haven't already. http://tracker.vbulletin.com/secure/Dashboard.jspa

04-02-2012, 10:36 PM
We use jquery in a few places.

04-03-2012, 04:51 AM
already posted.

jquery is for now only used in the mobile style. in any other cases it seems it have to be included manual.

firebrand media
01-25-2013, 06:03 PM
I see this thread is a little old, but I just solved this problem on my own installation.
The clue was to look at the mobile skin.

in the "headinclude" template, add the following after the YUI stuff:

<vb:if condition="$show['remotejquery']">
<script type="text/javascript" src="{vb:stylevar jquerymain}"></script>

02-29-2016, 02:04 PM
An old thread but if you wish to go little better then do it like :

<vb:if condition="$show['remotejquery']">
<script type="text/javascript" src="{vb:stylevar jquerymain}"></script>

<script type="text/javascript">
if (typeof jQuery === 'undefined') // Load jQuery Local
document.write('<script type="text/javascript" src="clientscript/jquery/jquery-{vb:stylevar jqueryversion}.min.js"><\/script>');
var remotejquery = false;
else // Load Rest of jquery remotely (where possible)
var remotejquery = true;

What it will do that if remote jquery is enabled then will load it, if somehow remote link is not working, it will load local as well when remote is off, it will again load local.

02-29-2016, 03:35 PM
I think Jquery should add one time at header template.

It will work as well on all templates