View Full Version : News widget

03-08-2012, 12:02 PM
Hello everyone,

I am a new user of VB system
Recently I purchased the CMS and it was very difficult at first but eventually
I could deal with it.

After searching here and Google seems strange that no one is trying to create
a news widget.
It is very strange that one of the important things in my opinion and no one try to create it.

I do not know how to write code :( .
But I'm really trying to find a way to deliver the news forum into a widget
Does anyone have something that can help me?

When i mean the news widget its like in the VBA full thread with images and html code not only text.

I appreciate if someone can help

Sage Knight
03-08-2012, 12:18 PM
What do you mean exactly by "News" widget? Do you mean posting external News via RSS feeds? That's possible.

03-08-2012, 04:14 PM
As stated, please explain what a News Widget would show.

Also, have you checked the modification forums for Widgets?

03-08-2012, 08:17 PM
Thx for the replay

About the "News" widget what i mean on the vbadvanced cmps
you can in the news modules view any threads you create on the forum Includes all information images and links.

On the CMS you have Recent threads widget when you set it up
You only see the text in the threads and not all the content of the threads..

By the way I did find if You use the HTML code standards you can see the content inside the widget but I'm not sure.
i think the images need to be on local server i think but didn't do any full test