View Full Version : Datamanager to update post

Christos Teriakis
02-09-2012, 07:50 PM

I know how to use datamanager to create or delete a thread using datamanager, but now I need to find the syntax to update the firstpost of a specific threar. Threadid and Firstpostid are data that I've. Just need the right syntax to update the field "pagetext".

Thank you

02-10-2012, 01:05 PM
If you just want to update the text in a post, I think you just need to create a "Post" data manager and set the 'pagetext' value. You can look at editpost.php in the 'updatepost' section to see what happens when you submit from the editor, but I think a lot of that handles input from the editor and the other options on the edit page, which you wouldn't need to deal with.