View Full Version : HTML formatted email notifications

01-24-2012, 07:28 PM
Can anybody advise how I can make the email notifications to PM's and post replies HTML formatted ?

I have tried to just enter HTML into the Phrase Manager but it is sent out as plain text.

01-25-2012, 03:56 PM
Try searching the mods for "HTML email". There are at least a couple but I haven't used any of them myself.

01-25-2012, 04:07 PM
Thanks for your reply, the mods I have found are all for sending HTML formatted emails through the send email to members options in the admin panel.

I have now managed to change the settings to make all of the notifications sent out in HTML format but it does take alot of work to do as you have to edit the phrases of every notification email and make it HTML formatted and there are 78 notification phrases on my forum.

If anybody is going to try this out then do remember that some templates will not look right!

For instance a post reply notification which embeds the actual reply, the reply will hold no formatting as on the forum the reply is BB encoded not HTML so turning off embed reply in notification in the settings would be best.

But all of my notifications now look sweet and I can add great looking adverts into my notifications which was the reason for me doing this, I also have my website title and colours as part of the notifications.