View Full Version : 5 star rating system for member profiles?

01-16-2012, 01:18 AM
I want to integrate a 5 star rating system for member profiles in the vb4 publishing suite. I have found one outdated rating system for profiles and other rating systems for threads only, but nothing current that I can safely install.

I would also like to have a widget that will load feature the most popular high rated members.

I might try to see if I can modify the current post rating system if there is nothing that does these things already. Before I do, does anyone have any input or suggestions? I will be fumbling my way through it basically.

Christos Teriakis
01-16-2012, 05:34 PM
Not actually what you want, as it's a memberlist replacement, but among others has user rating.


01-17-2012, 02:10 PM
Hmmm... I would need just the rating function. I already have a custom memberlist that I have created.

01-23-2012, 02:40 AM
Not actually what you want, as it's a memberlist replacement, but among others has user rating.


Hey Chris,

Would you by any chance mind helping me add just the rating system to my member profiles? I tried to view the source of your page and figure it out myself, but that is not helpful since I really need to see the original before any browser conversions/output.