View Full Version : Creating, editing and deleting vBulletin-users from ASP.NET-Website

01-07-2012, 05:11 PM

i am developing an ASP.NET website with its own membership system. Now i am looking for a way to integrate a vBulletin forum inside this website.
The goal is that the user has to registrate, login and edit his account only on my ASP.NET website.

What is the easiest way to accomplish this task? Is it possible to use the vBulletin API for that?

I am using the latest vBulletin 4 forum software.

Thanks in advance

01-25-2012, 03:59 PM
I've done exactly that. The way I accomplished this is:

Download .NET Connector (I believe 6.4.4 is the latest version) from MySql.com
In your .NET project add LINQ to Enteties edmx file
In your edmx model designer right click and select update model from database
On the next screen, select MySql as type and enter server/DB parameters
Add needed tables (in my case I added user, usergroup, thread, post tables)
Use LINQ to read/write to those tables

Hope this helps