View Full Version : Sub-forum creation

11-18-2011, 11:14 AM

We have run into a problem. We need sub forums created off the parent and a pull down menu created off the "Forums" button in vbulletin to link to those sub forums off the parent.

In other words, when a user hovers over "Forums" in vbulletin, a pull down appears listing all of the sub forums extending off the parent. Once the user clicks on the sub forum, the page re propagates with the corresponding forum.

Anyone know how to get this done? We can't seem to find any mods for this.

11-18-2011, 12:50 PM
You say you "need" this. Is that so you can navigate directly from forumhome to the subforums? There are settings in Settings > Options > Forum Listings display Options for showing subforms under the parent forum.

11-19-2011, 05:48 AM
well, essentially what we are trying to do, is attribute a full forum page to a sub domain, then link it to that. A pull down menu would appear under the "Forums" button within vbulletin to help the user navigate the child forums off the parent. The parent would of course be the general landing forums when the user first accesses our vBulletin on the site.

So in other words:

User enters vBulletin on our site > User lands on the parent forum where a length of forum categories/sub forums propagate on the screen > user hovers over the "Forums" menu button next to "home" and is presented with a pull down, the pull downs are linked to the next full page of forums we have dedicated per category > user clicks on a pull down menu button entitled "Reviews" > Users current forum cats/sub forum re propagates and user is now presented with a new entire forum page dedicated to just "Reviews".