View Full Version : Mod_rewrite furl question

10-26-2011, 01:43 PM

I'm using the mod_rewrite FURLs on my forum with the .htaccess file that comes with the forum package.

I'm also using a language that has some special characters like "őűóá". The url displays these characters, but i'd like them displayed without the stresses on the top (so to say). So I'd like these characters in my url as "ouoa"

Is it possible to change these characters?


Christos Teriakis
10-29-2011, 07:36 AM

I'm using the mod_rewrite FURLs on my forum with the .htaccess file that comes with the forum package.

I'm also using a language that has some special characters like "őű??". The url displays these characters, but i'd like them displayed without the stresses on the top (so to say). So I'd like these characters in my url as "ouoa"

Is it possible to change these characters?


Maybe to open htaccess file and "Save As", overwrite the file by giving the same filename but choosing charset your own language set (assuming that your editor has your own charset)?. Don't forget that the original htaccess file has written and saved as (most probably) UTF-8 or iso-8859-1
