View Full Version : showgroups.php - show single group

10-14-2011, 04:59 PM
Anyone have any ideas how one could achieve this? I want to be able to keep showgroups.php and have just copied it to members.php

What I'm after is showgroups.php lists all groups and users as normal, members.php lists one group and its members only.

I've tried searching but all I could find was disable "Viewable on Show Groups" on the groups you don't want, and that's not really what I'm after..

10-15-2011, 12:49 PM
Sorry, I don't quite follow - do you want to create a new script called members.php that displays all the members in one user group?

10-15-2011, 07:47 PM
Yeah I just thought it would be easier to copy showgroups.php and strip it of the other groups.

Dunno how easy it would be to write a new script which uses the showgroups templates and list all users from a spesific usergroup.