View Full Version : Error while importing database

09-18-2011, 06:36 AM
Hello All,

I recently upgraded my forum to vB 4.x and for some reason have to roll back to vB 3.x.

I have all the backup files and also the database of vB 3.x forum.

When i tried to create a new database so that i could restore my forum i get the following error-


SQL query:

-- -- Dumping data for table `vb_adminhelp` -- INSERT INTO `vb_adminhelp` (`adminhelpid`, `script`, `action`, `optionname`, `displayorder`, `volatile`, `product`) VALUES (1, 'accessmask', '', '', 1, 1, 'vbulletin'), (2, 'accessmask', 'edit', '', 1, 1, 'vbulletin'), (3, 'accessmask', 'modify', '', 1, 1, 'vbulletin'), (4, 'accessmask', 'quickedit', '', 1, 1, 'vbulletin'), (5, 'accessmask', 'resetall', '', 1, 1, 'vbulletin'), (6, 'admincalendar', '', '', 1, 1, 'vbulletin'), (7, 'admincalendar', 'add', '', 1, 1, 'vbulletin'), (8, 'admincalendar', 'add,edit', 'title', 20, 1, 'vbulletin'), (9, 'admincalendar', 'add,edit', 'displayorder', 40, 1, 'vbulletin'), (10, 'admincalendar', 'add,edit', 'customfields', 50, 1, 'vbulletin'), (11, 'admincalendar', 'add,edit', 'neweventemail', 60, 1, 'vbulletin'), (12, 'admincalendar', 'add,edit', 'moderatenew', 70, 1, 'vbulletin'), (13, 'admincalendar', 'add,edit', 'daterange', 75, 1, 'vbulletin'), (14, 'admincalendar', 'add,edit', 'default', 76, 1, 'vb[...]

MySQL said:
#1062 - Duplicate entry '1' for key 'PRIMARY'

The Problem is Duplicate entry. How can i fix it? I Googled about it and found that there is something to be changed in the SQL file which i can't figure out :(


09-20-2011, 01:47 AM
Sounds screwy. Probably be easier to get vb4 working.