View Full Version : cms: Adding slideshow to article

09-16-2011, 12:33 PM
vBulletin 4.1.5
I am using the standalone Joomla slideshow version to make slideshows.

I would like to add the slideshow to an article but don't know if it is possible.

The code for the slideshow when used in a widget:
<iframe frameborder="0" width="600" height="400" src="http://mysite.com/forums/images/POTM/phpshow.php"></iframe>

I could put the code in a widget which works fine but the widget shows up on every page of the cms pages and also it shows the usual widget frame which is something I want to avoid.

Any hints how I can make this work?

09-16-2011, 12:39 PM
In a vbcms article? Create a bbcode.

09-16-2011, 12:56 PM
In a vbcms article? Create a bbcode.

Yep. In vbcms.

Thanks for the quick reply.
This works great!!