View Full Version : Moving read more and comments in article preview

Bram H
08-28-2011, 12:52 PM
Could somebody help me out with the following (see screenshot). The top image is my current layout of the article preview (thanks to Lynne :)).


The image below is how I wish the preview area to look like. I need to adjust the following:
- remove the white space between content and title
- move comments to the subtitle area (not longer in bold)
- move the read more button to the actual content area (not longer in bold)

I know this is probably a lot of work but I would really appreciate it if somebody could help me out finalizing the layout of my frontpage :up:

08-28-2011, 02:00 PM
I don't know a lot about the CMS, but you may only need to do a little editing of the templates. To figure out which ones, you can go to Settings -> Options -> General Settings -> "Add Template Name in HTML Comments" in the adminCP and set it to Yes, then view the html source of your page. (Remember to set the option back to "No" when you're done).

Bram H
08-28-2011, 02:25 PM
I think we got it covered now. My mate came back from his holidays and is helping me. Shaping up now :) Thanks kh99