View Full Version : Suite Style - Avenger Blue Style by TheLastSuperman
08-27-2011, 10:00 PM
Introducing Avenger Blue
A vBulletin 4.2.1/4.2.2 (Confirmed working on 4.2.3! *Simply select ignore style version when installing style) Suite style from including some of these features:
The forumbits, search and other areas have a mouseover hover effect.
Custom statusicons for forum_new and forum_old.png along with custom pagination and other image replacements.
Custom toplinks i.e. "Welcome, Username Notifications etc etc" location.
Custom Login area w/ hover effects.
Custom Sidebar collapse image replacements etc.
CMS Widget and Forum & Blog Sidebar styles match 100%.
CMS, Forum, Blog compatible this is a Suite style and can also be used on Forum Classic naturally.
Fluid and Fixed Width available!
Perfect style for resolutions up to 1920 x 1080 or larger!
Sure! View Avenger Blue Fixed Width ( OR Fluid Width ( Demo.
*Please Note: The Demo site has a custom CMS Layout in place therefor normal CMS layout sites will see a CMS/Articles page resembling the screenshot (
Questions and Answers
Q. So what do we have here?
A. Well that's simple! It's a dark blue style for vBulletin 4.1.4 Suite (or Forum Classic).
Q. Anything in particular that I need to know about this style?
A. Simple - I don't advertise a lot, there are no advertisements shown when I make styles however I do know due to the centering of the logo, if you currently utilize the header ad locations you'll need to make changes if utilizing this style otherwise it will not display properly. *Fix planned for the 4.1.5 version and I'll patch this 4.1.4 version then as well, basically I'll be moving the header ad locations just above the normal below navbar locations to remedy this ;).
Q. This is 4.1.4 style why did you not release a 4.1.5 version and will you release and keep this updated unlike other styles on here?
A. Yes, unlike some other styles in the past I've released this is branded by our company and we do plan on supporting this style indefinitely.
Q. I see two different downloads available, which one do I use?
A. Simple:
- For vBulletin 4.1.4 through 4.1.7 use the file titled -
- For vBulletin 4.1.8 use the file titled -
- For vBulletin 4.2.1 and 4.2.2 use the file titled -
Q. I'm using a version for vBulletin 4.1.8 or up, why is the logo not clickable?
A. Well we have navtabs w/ a Home, Forum, and Blog button so why do we need more and more of the same links? Well I know some prefer it so here is a way to make it clickable:
You can utilize the transparent 1x1px transparent image to make the logo clickable again. *Please note this is not a default feature, to make the logo clickable you must edit template header and find:
<div class="ablogo" align="center">
<div class="abimage"><a name="top" href="{vb:link forumhome}"><vb:comment><img src="images/avenger_blue/misc/home.png" width="960px" height="150px" alt="{vb:raw vboptions.bbtitle}" /></vb:comment></a></div>
Remove the <comment> codes as shown in red:
<div class="ablogo" align="center">
<div class="abimage"><a name="top" href="{vb:link forumhome}"><vb:comment><img src="images/avenger_blue/misc/home.png" width="960px" height="150px" alt="{vb:raw vboptions.bbtitle}" /></vb:comment></a></div>
This is how the code should now look:
<div class="ablogo" align="center">
<div class="abimage"><a name="top" href="{vb:link forumhome}"><img src="images/avenger_blue/misc/home.png" width="960px" height="150px" alt="{vb:raw vboptions.bbtitle}" /></a></div>
*If you use a different logo than the stock "Avenger Blue" and your making it clickable via the method above, please change the width="#" and height="#" to the correct values i.e. the same width and height as your new logo :cool:.
Q. Why is there a .zip inside the .zip?
A. Well the forums here have a max of 3.0MB file size limit on .zip files so I made it a .zip then added that one into another .zip, this reduced the file size from the 3.17MB down to 2.69MB! Now simply extract the main -Compressed .zip then extract the inside and your ready to rock and roll!
Q. You have a link to your site in the footer, can I remove that?
A. You are not allowed to remove the link to our site i.e. "branding" unless you pay for a Branding Free Version ( If I find someone running this without the copyright in place I will contact your host and file a DMCA complaint period the end. *Furthermore, we will not host discussions nor reply to any sort of inquiries on here in regards to paid or branding free versions so please do not bring up the subject of either in this thread.
*Click on the images below to view in a new tab/window, once in said window you can click the image again to zoom once more and see it clearer, providing a more accurate representation of the style :cool:.
Updated Forumhome screenshot for 4.1.8:
ForumHome Mouseover effect:
ForumHome w/ Sidebar Active: g
ForumHome w/ Sidebar Closed: png
Search Input default colors:
Search Input active/hover colors:
Postbit colors:
New Post icons on forumhome, please note that forums with new posts show a white icon, the old post remains as a grey color:
Login Area when logged out:
Login Area when logged out Hover effect:
Login Area when logged out Help/Register Hover effect: g
ForumHome New Appearance:
ForumHome New Category Description Hover: g
ForumHome New Hover Effect:
Donations from:
Eurobeat2 (
Kat-2 (
Thanks for your support, it's certainly not required however I appreciate the sentiment :cool:.
Notes & Update Information can be found here:
This style is not meant for use on otherwise have at it!
To install the style:
1) Upload the contents of the UPLOAD Folder.
2) If for example you want the Fixed style installed then import the file:
*Please note, if you do not use the vBulletin Suite and have the Forum Classic version you only need to install the file vbulletin-style_Avenger_Blue_Fixed-Forum.xml.
a) Import the vbulletin-style_Avenger_Blue_Fixed-Forum.xml file first.
b) Merge in the vbulletin-style_Avenger_Blue_Fixed-CMS.xml (Options when uploading a style allow you to merge into a existing style, choose to merge this into the new style you just created using the Forum.xml.
c) Merge in the vbulletin-style_Avenger_Blue_Fixed-Blog.xml into the style, this has now updated the style for all three major products and the installation is complete!
3) Enjoy!
08-28-2011, 02:28 AM
Updated on 8/28/2011
- New online/offline/invisible statusicons.
*If you prefer the original simply rename the copy files i.e. user-online - Copy.png to user-online.png and they will return to normal.
- Corrected Sticky thread stylevar, it was still the default white-ish color.
Updated on 8/29/2011
- Fluid width style released, included in the .zip are both Fixed & Fluid versions.
- Logo is now automatically centered in each version.
Updated on 8/30/2011
- Asset Manager (attachment upload window etc) css updated to match style.
Updated on 8/31/2011
- Deleted thread background color updated to a dark blue.
- Facebook Connect now has the same hover effect as the help/register links.
- Announcements now share the same background and border as notices.
Updated on 9/02/2011
- Deleted post background color updated to a dark blue.
- Blockrow background color updated - Thanks for the catch CharlieDelta (!
- Sidebar and Widgets now match 100%, forum sidebar has separation between each sidebar block!
Updated on 9/03/2011
- Adjusted breadcrumb margin to remove the overlapping of toplinks.
- Updated CKE Editor CSS to match style and resolve some misc issues.
- Updated all textarea/drop-down borders to match.
- Forum Descriptions on Forumhome CSS adjusted and now includes hover effect.
- Forumhome and Threadbit hover effects now have a light blue 1px border at the top, seems to pop ;) Removed, please see update notes from 9/04/2011.
- CMS and Forum Sidebar (Not available on Blog) content borders now change to a lighter blue on hover.
- Cleaned up and organized CSS in additional.css.
Updated on 9/04/2011
- New ForumHome Category Description css, rounded corners w/ inset shadow effect.
- New ForumHome Category Description hover effect.
- Adjusted forumhome and threadbit hover effects, removing the 1px top border added on the last update.
- ForumHome New Appearance:
- ForumHome New Category Description Hover: g
- ForumHome New Hover Effect:
Updated on 9/06/2011
- Updated stylevars for document background as body css in additional.css was not being parsed correctly by all modifications.
- New CMS, Forum, and Blog Widget/Sidebar shadow effects on the inner content themselves.
- Other misc. updates to styling.
Updated on 11/05/2011
- Updated stylevars for profile sidebar blocks, default sidebar uses some css a little differently in the profile which caused the issue, furthermore the profile now has a simple bit of css hard coded into it only.
- Updated other stylevars to include the proper "dark blue" background.
Updated on 11/21/2011
- Updated for compatibility with vBulletin 4.1.8, if you use 4.1.8 please download and install the .zip labeled vB4.1.8 otherwise for vBulletin 4.1.4 through 4.1.7 please use the .zip w/ the vB4.1.8 in the filename ;).
- Corrected "Array" template issue, required revision of template FORUMHOME.
- Corrected white background in member profiles, required revision of MEMBERINFO.
Updated on 11/28/2011
- Updated for 4.1.8, fixing double comma issues.
- Corrected CMS and Blog styling issues, style now requires a three part install of .xml files, one for the Forum, one for CMS, and Blog.
Updated on 12/5/2011
- Changed Forum Description to rgb(205, 205, 205) instead of the same "Orange" as the forum titles on forumhome.
- Moved Thread and post counts under forum description on forumhome, colored as rgb(205, 205, 205) and included a shrunken version of the stats image in front, followed by the wording "# threads containing # posts"
- Corrected Blog comment background issues.
- Added in transparent 1x1px transparent image and new <div> to make the logo clickable again. *Please note this is not a default feature, to make the logo clickable you must edit template header and find:
<div class="ablogo" align="center">
<div class="abimage"><a name="top" href="{vb:link forumhome}"><vb:comment><img src="images/avenger_blue/misc/home.png" width="960px" height="150px" alt="{vb:raw vboptions.bbtitle}" /></vb:comment></a></div>
Remove the <comment> codes as shown in red:
<div class="ablogo" align="center">
<div class="abimage"><a name="top" href="{vb:link forumhome}"><vb:comment><img src="images/avenger_blue/misc/home.png" width="960px" height="150px" alt="{vb:raw vboptions.bbtitle}" /></vb:comment></a></div>
This is how the code should now look:
<div class="ablogo" align="center">
<div class="abimage"><a name="top" href="{vb:link forumhome}"><img src="images/avenger_blue/misc/home.png" width="960px" height="150px" alt="{vb:raw vboptions.bbtitle}" /></a></div>
*If you use a different logo than the stock "Avenger Blue" and your making it clickable via the method above, please change the width="#" and height="#" to the correct values i.e. the same width and height as your new logo :cool:.
Updated on 01/19/2013
- Updated for 4.2.1 and 4.2.2.
- Various misc. adjustments.
Updated on 01/27/2013
- Fixed scrollbar issue in both fixed and fluid width, scrollbar now displays properly and does not appear until window is resized (smaller).
To install the 4.1.8 Version:
1) Upload the contents of the UPLOAD Folder.
2) If for example you want the Fixed style installed then import the file:
*Please note, if you do not use the vBulletin Suite and have the Forum Classic version you only need to install the file vbulletin-style_Avenger_Blue_Fixed-Forum.xml.
a) Import the vbulletin-style_Avenger_Blue_Fixed-Forum.xml file first.
b) Merge in the vbulletin-style_Avenger_Blue_Fixed-CMS.xml (Options when uploading a style allow you to merge into a existing style, choose to merge this into the new style you just created using the Forum.xml.
c) Merge in the vbulletin-style_Avenger_Blue_Fixed-Blog.xml into the style, this has now updated the style for all three major products and the installation is complete!
3) Enjoy!
Please Note:
Some mods for example iBProArcade has css made for light/white styles, it will require updating said css as it does not use the vBulletin stylevars within the css so sometimes, for some mods you use, a css fix will be required when using dark styles such as this one. *If you post a link to the page in question or the CSS of said modifications I will do my best to help resolve those styling issues in my spare time or in the least, lead you in the right direction so you can sort it yourself ;).
Using [DBTech] vBNavTabs v1 (vB4) ( for a secondary navbar? Is it not showing correctly? If not do the following:
1) Edit template additional.css and find:
.navbar_wrapper {
border-left: 1px solid #707070;
border-bottom: 1px solid #707070;
border-right: 1px solid #707070;
-moz-border-radius-bottom{vb:stylevar left}:{vb:stylevar border_radius};
-moz-border-radius-bottom{vb:stylevar right}:{vb:stylevar border_radius};
-webkit-border-bottom-{vb:stylevar left}-radius:{vb:stylevar border_radius};
-webkit-border-bottom-{vb:stylevar right}-radius:{vb:stylevar border_radius};
border-bottom-{vb:stylevar left}-radius:{vb:stylevar border_radius};
border-bottom-{vb:stylevar right}-radius:{vb:stylevar border_radius};
-moz-box-shadow: -3px 3px 3px {vb:stylevar shadow_color} !important;
-webkit-box-shadow: -3px 3px 3px {vb:stylevar shadow_color} !important;
box-shadow: -3px 3px 3px {vb:stylevar shadow_color} !important;
Replace with:
.navbar_wrapper {
min-height:{vb:math {vb:stylevar navbar_tab_size.height} + {vb:stylevar navbar_tab_size.height}}px;
border-left: 1px solid #707070;
border-bottom: 1px solid #707070;
border-right: 1px solid #707070;
-moz-border-radius-bottom{vb:stylevar left}:{vb:stylevar border_radius};
-moz-border-radius-bottom{vb:stylevar right}:{vb:stylevar border_radius};
-webkit-border-bottom-{vb:stylevar left}-radius:{vb:stylevar border_radius};
-webkit-border-bottom-{vb:stylevar right}-radius:{vb:stylevar border_radius};
border-bottom-{vb:stylevar left}-radius:{vb:stylevar border_radius};
border-bottom-{vb:stylevar right}-radius:{vb:stylevar border_radius};
-moz-box-shadow: -3px 3px 3px {vb:stylevar shadow_color} !important;
-webkit-box-shadow: -3px 3px 3px {vb:stylevar shadow_color} !important;
box-shadow: -3px 3px 3px {vb:stylevar shadow_color} !important;
2) In the same template i.e. additional.css also find:
.body_wrapper {
margin-top: -104px;
padding: {vb:stylevar body_padding};
background: {vb:stylevar body_background};
border: 1px solid #707070;
-moz-border-radius: {vb:stylevar border_radius};
-webkit-border-radius: {vb:stylevar border_radius};
border-radius: {vb:stylevar border_radius};
-moz-box-shadow: -3px 3px 3px {vb:stylevar shadow_color} !important;
-webkit-box-shadow: -3px 3px 3px {vb:stylevar shadow_color} !important;
box-shadow: -3px 3px 3px {vb:stylevar shadow_color} !important;
Replace with:
.body_wrapper {
margin-top:{vb:math {vb:stylevar navbar_tab_size.height} + {vb:stylevar navbar_tab_size.height} - 104}px;
padding: {vb:stylevar body_padding};
background: {vb:stylevar body_background};
border: 1px solid #707070;
-moz-border-radius: {vb:stylevar border_radius};
-webkit-border-radius: {vb:stylevar border_radius};
border-radius: {vb:stylevar border_radius};
-moz-box-shadow: -3px 3px 3px {vb:stylevar shadow_color} !important;
-webkit-box-shadow: -3px 3px 3px {vb:stylevar shadow_color} !important;
box-shadow: -3px 3px 3px {vb:stylevar shadow_color} !important;
3) Edit template vbulletin-chrome.css and find:
.toplinks {
{vb:stylevar right}:{vb:math {vb:stylevar padding}*2};
top: 61px;
color:{vb:stylevar toplinks_link_color};
font: {vb:stylevar header_font};
text-align:{vb:stylevar right};
Replace with:
.toplinks {
{vb:stylevar right}:{vb:math {vb:stylevar padding}*2};
top:{vb:math {vb:stylevar navbar_tab_size.height} + {vb:stylevar navbar_tab_size.height} + 61}px;
color:{vb:stylevar toplinks_link_color};
font: {vb:stylevar header_font};
text-align:{vb:stylevar right};
4) Now edit template navbar and find:
</div><!-- Closing div for navbar_wrapper -->
</div><!-- Closing div for above_body -->
Add as shown in blue:
<!-- start navbar2 -->
<vb:if condition="$vboptions['dbtech_vbnavtabs_navbar2']">
<div id="navbar2" class="navbar" style="margin-top:0px;z-index:99999 !important;">
<ul id="navtabs" class="navtabs floatcontainer" style="border-bottom:{vb:stylevar navbar_tab_border};">
{vb:raw template_hook.navtab_two}
<!-- end navbar2 -->
</div><!-- Closing div for navbar_wrapper -->
</div><!-- Closing div for above_body -->
*Please note I have added the following to the style= code:
z-index:99999 !important;
^ Due to the fact the drop-down/popupmenu items of the top navbar we showing below the secondary.
And now your secondary navbar by DBTech shows :cool:.
Issue with [OzzModz] Style & Language Selector In NavBar?
conflict with this hack (, if activated menu disappears
Ok so in the mod options ensure you have this set to no:
Auto Deploy
Setting this to "Yes" will make the style & language selectors show in the navbar.
Set this to "No" to be able to use the variable, {vb:raw show.ozzmodz_style_lang_chooser} in your templates, to make it show where you want.
Then edit template ozzmodz_style_lang_chooser and find:
<div style="margin-bottom:35px;">
Replace with:
<div class="avbozzystyle">
Now in additional.css add this just below the .abimage css definition:
.avbozzystyle {
height:25px !important;
margin-top:-25px !important;
margin-right:45% !important;
Now in template header find:
<div class="ablogo">
<div class="abimage"><a name="top" href="{vb:link forumhome}"><vb:comment><img src="images/avenger_blue/misc/home.png" width="960px" height="150px" alt="{vb:raw vboptions.bbtitle}" /></vb:comment></a></div>
Replace with:
<div class="ablogo">
<div class="abimage"><a name="top" href="{vb:link forumhome}"><vb:comment><img src="images/avenger_blue/misc/home.png" width="960px" height="150px" alt="{vb:raw vboptions.bbtitle}" /></vb:comment></a></div>
{vb:raw show.ozzmodz_style_lang_chooser}
That should sort it ;).
08-28-2011, 02:59 AM
That's a beautiful style, but too dark for my forum.
08-28-2011, 03:03 AM
That's a beautiful style, but too dark for my forum.
TY TY - I was hoping it would help some who just don't settle well w/ black themes... meaning that it's still dark just a blue instead of grey/black-ish per say. The beautiful thing about vBulletin? You can install many styles so always bear in mind that some of your users may in fact love a style you dislike and well vice-versa as well :cool:.
08-28-2011, 03:12 AM
So true, will download and install later. :D
08-28-2011, 05:50 AM
Really nice... thanks
08-28-2011, 05:53 AM
downloaded and installed! I wait for the comments of my members
08-28-2011, 07:19 AM
what is the style variable to change the color of the border with the same color on the other arrow?, it's hard to see through
and I find that the buttons on / offline are too small
08-28-2011, 08:20 AM
Now that I've installed and played around with this style. I like it even more. The only thing I altered was increasing the width of the style to better accommodate my custom header image.
Great style!
Thanks again.
08-28-2011, 01:55 PM
what is the style variable to change the color of the border with the same color on the other arrow?, it's hard to see through
and I find that the buttons on / offline are too small
Add this to additional.css:
.primary, textbox, full {
border: 1px solid {vb:stylevar link_color};
You specifically asked for the orange color, anyone else may want a silver/grey so in the next revision it will be this:
.primary, textbox, full {
border: 1px solid rgb(153, 153, 153);
I felt the light blue I used around forum descriptions was too light but still debating that however feel free to use either or include your own color using RGB or hex etc example:
.primary, textbox, full {
border: 1px solid #ffffff;
^ Would make it a white border :cool:.
Now for the online/offline... what did you mean by that, the users online/offline little images?
Now that I've installed and played around with this style. I like it even more. The only thing I altered was increasing the width of the style to better accommodate my custom header image.
Great style!
Thanks again.
Glad to hear you like it Gary, enjoy!
08-28-2011, 02:00 PM
I like the way you've moved notifications to breadcrumb.
08-28-2011, 02:07 PM
very very nice :) .. tagged
08-28-2011, 02:55 PM
Added some new screenshots, check out the bottom three showcasing the hover effects for the toplinks i.e. login area :cool:.
08-28-2011, 02:55 PM
thank you! border is ok now! and yes They are the small images in postbit & legacy, thx
08-28-2011, 02:57 PM
thank you! border is ok now! and yes They are the small images in postbit & legacy, thx
Awesome :cool: and hmm those are the default online/offline icons... let me dig through the free to use icon sets because I have something in mind, bear with me and I will attach as another .zip for download so some can replace if they wish :D.
08-28-2011, 03:11 PM
I know that they are the images by defaut but sorry, I don't speak english, it's difficult for me for explain my problem
08-28-2011, 04:05 PM
I know that they are the images by defaut but sorry, I don't speak english, it's difficult for me for explain my problem
No, no it's ok I understood :cool:.
Download from the mod description above ^ and now unzip then upload those images to:
08-28-2011, 04:57 PM
No, no it's ok I understood :cool:.
Download from the mod description above ^ and now unzip then upload those images to:
:cool:ok thank you:up:
look when a thread is sticked, background is white, I can't read topic except my mouse moves over
08-28-2011, 05:30 PM
ok thank you:up:
look when a thread is sticked, background is white, I can't read topic except my mouse moves over
Oops :p
AdminCP > Styles & Templates > Style Manager > Avenger Blue > Stylevars
Find the stylevar under Threadbit w/ the name threadbit_hilite_background
Change the background color to: #1c4494
08-28-2011, 05:39 PM
Updated on 8/28/2011
- New online/offline/invisible statusicons.
*If you prefer the original simply rename the copy files i.e. user-online - Copy.png to user-online.png and they will return to normal.
- Corrected Sticky thread stylevar, it was still the default white-ish color.
08-28-2011, 07:26 PM
Not something that I can use but very nice style. One of the best I've seen in a long time. :)
08-29-2011, 05:05 PM
Yes, a really good style. But a fluid Version would be really great :)
08-29-2011, 06:18 PM
Yes, a really good style. But a fluid Version would be really great :)
Let me get caught up at work, then I'll release it tonight and a updated Fixed width where the logo will automatically be centered in each version w/o the need to make it a set size :cool:.
08-29-2011, 08:55 PM
Yes, a really good style. But a fluid Version would be really great :)
Done :D
Updated on 8/29/2011
- Fluid width style released, included in the .zip are both Fixed & Fluid versions.
- Logo is now automatically centered in each version.
08-29-2011, 10:09 PM
WOW, GREAT !!! Thank you. But i have a little Error at the Login. The Checkbox for "Stay logged in" is in the Password Field.
I got this with:
IE9, CHrom 15.x and Firefox 7
08-30-2011, 12:08 AM
WOW, GREAT !!! Thank you. But i have a little Error at the Login. The Checkbox for "Stay logged in" is in the Password Field.
I got this with:
IE9, CHrom 15.x and Firefox 7
One question on that... CMS or Forum? I had issues w/ the login on the CMS... I tracked and tracked then tracked no more and simply did a work around so I'm curious which location that's displaying it in such a manner. Alternatively it could be your language causing the issue as I have that entire area set to a certain size - do me a favor and post a link to your site (or PM if you prefer) and I'll have a quick look and customize that just for your site and then include a alternate copy to use for your specific language :cool:.
^ More than likely the fix will be tomorrow if not Wednesday at the latest, I'm out of spare time atm and I'm now on wifey time :eek: :rolleyes: :up:.
08-30-2011, 05:22 AM
I only use the Forum. CMS is deactivated :)
08-30-2011, 06:54 AM
Ok, i found the Error. It's Language based error. I shorten it now to only one Word and the Checkbox is at the correct place :)
Maybe you find a fix. :)
08-30-2011, 08:22 AM
Dear TheLastSuperman
It is excellent work, really this is one of the best.
Thank you.
08-30-2011, 09:17 AM
Hi, when I want add a file attachment (in advanced) I can't see names my "folders" background is white
08-30-2011, 09:37 AM
Hi, when I want add a file attachment (in advanced) I can't see names my "folders" background is white
So it lokks for me see attachment
Maybe you can darker this Upload site :)
08-30-2011, 12:46 PM
Looks good! Though I'm not much of a fan of the new login / menu location. I prefer that being on top. (top right).
08-30-2011, 01:14 PM
Oops :p
AdminCP > Styles & Templates > Style Manager > Avenger Blue > Stylevars
Find the stylevar under Threadbit w/ the name threadbit_hilite_background
Change the background color to: #1c4494
same with a topic is deleted but visible only by admins, I can read but it's difficult
08-30-2011, 03:39 PM
Ok, i found the Error. It's Language based error. I shorten it now to only one Word and the Checkbox is at the correct place :)
Maybe you find a fix. :)
You can try:
AdminCP > Styles & Templates > Style Manager > Edit Templates > CSS Templates > vbulletin-chrome.css
.toplinks form {
min-width: 300px;
margin-{vb:stylevar right}: 10px;
text-align: {vb:stylevar left};
float: {vb:stylevar right};
clear: {vb:stylevar left};
border-left: 1px solid transparent;
border-bottom: 1px solid transparent;
border-right: 1px solid transparent;
.toplinks form:hover {
min-width: 300px;
margin-{vb:stylevar right}: 10px;
text-align: {vb:stylevar left};
float: {vb:stylevar right};
clear: {vb:stylevar left};
border-left: 1px solid #707070;
border-bottom: 1px solid #707070;
border-right: 1px solid #707070;
-moz-border-radius-bottom{vb:stylevar left}:{vb:stylevar border_radius};
-moz-border-radius-bottom{vb:stylevar right}:{vb:stylevar border_radius};
-webkit-border-bottom-{vb:stylevar left}-radius:{vb:stylevar border_radius};
-webkit-border-bottom-{vb:stylevar right}-radius:{vb:stylevar border_radius};
border-bottom-{vb:stylevar left}-radius:{vb:stylevar border_radius};
border-bottom-{vb:stylevar right}-radius:{vb:stylevar border_radius};
Adjust the min-width in each to a larger value i.e. 325px and then refresh to see if that helps with the longer name ;).
Hi, when I want add a file attachment (in advanced) I can't see names my "folders" background is white
So it lokks for me see attachment
Maybe you can darker this Upload site :)
^ Same problem for both of you... what I do is create all styles from scratch meaning that I use a default style of the most current version installed - I do not use the style generator at all due to noticing some misc issues w/ it in the past so one or two areas such as attachment uploads to be perfectly honest, I simply looked over because I never thought to upload a attachment :eek: but will have a fix by later today since this is supported :cool:.
Looks good! Though I'm not much of a fan of the new login / menu location. I prefer that being on top. (top right).
That you can adjust via CSS alone :cool: so go to the css templates:
AdminCP > Styles & Templates > Style Manager > Edit Templates > CSS Templates > vbulletin-chrome.css
.toplinks {
{vb:stylevar right}:{vb:math {vb:stylevar padding}*2};
color:{vb:stylevar toplinks_link_color};
font: {vb:stylevar header_font};
text-align:{vb:stylevar right};
Adjust the top:220px to 0px or a value that will suite your tastes, the hover effect should still work fine if not let me know ;).
qame with a topic is deleted but visible only by admins, I can read but it's difficult
I'll make a adjustment to that as well for the release later today however for now you can fix that by:
AdminCP > Styles & Templates > Style Manager > Stylevars
Find the stylevar under Threadbit w/ the name threadbit_deleted_background
Change the background color to: #384b72 or another color of your choice :cool:.
Again, I'll have a update later today for the most recent notes from all of you and also going to update the facebook login in the toplinks as the hover effect is not how I want it to be, it will resemble the other hover effects making it seem as if the facebook connect image is floating in the background when hovered over before clicking ;).
08-30-2011, 08:07 PM
Looks good! Though I'm not much of a fan of the new login / menu location. I prefer that being on top. (top right).
Different folks like different things I reckon.
I personally like where the login is located. It has the appearance of integration rather that just being in it's own spot.
I just can't brag about this style enough!
IMHO it's the best free style I've EVER seen.
08-31-2011, 12:10 AM
Different folks like different things I reckon.
I personally like where the login is located. It has the appearance of integration rather that just being in it's own spot.
I just can't brag about this style enough!
IMHO it's the best free style I've EVER seen.
So it lokks for me see attachment
Maybe you can darker this Upload site :)
Updated on 8/30/2011
- Asset Manager (attachment upload window etc) css updated to match style.
08-31-2011, 03:48 AM
I am a complete sucker for styles. I have more than 30 paid styles installed on my forum. But I have to say, even if this was a paid style, I would buy it instantly. It is truly beautiful, and most definitely the best free style I have ever seen. And believe me, I have seen them all. Congrats, and thank you!!
08-31-2011, 06:09 AM
Updated on 8/30/2011
- Asset Manager (attachment upload window etc) css updated to match style.
Thank you. :D
08-31-2011, 07:47 AM
Thanks Superman. I also wonder if it's normal that the quick edit box is completely blue with no border around the type box or its buttons.
Also, do you happen to know if there's an addon for vB that only specific groups can use specific themes?
08-31-2011, 08:44 AM
this is simply sweet...that's it...
nice brotha!
08-31-2011, 08:48 AM
Thanks Superman. I also wonder if it's normal that the quick edit box is completely blue with no border around the type box or its buttons.
Also, do you happen to know if there's an addon for vB that only specific groups can use specific themes?
I take what you said as - when you click to edit a post it would be nice to have a difference background around the editor? Can you post a screenshot of the area in question just so we're clear - thanks!
Edit: Try
this is simply sweet...that's it...
nice brotha!
Thanks ;)
08-31-2011, 09:24 AM
I know I nerve, but how can I move the logo to the left? :D
Edit: Found a little Desing Error at "Avatar add" on Profile Edit
08-31-2011, 09:34 AM
I know I nerve, but how can I move the logo to the left? :D
Edit your header template and find:
<vb:comment><vb:if condition="$stylevar['titleimage']"><a name="top" href="{vb:link forumhome}" class="logo-image"><img src="{vb:stylevar titleimage}" alt="{vb:raw vboptions.bbtitle}" /></a><vb:else /><div> </div></vb:if></vb:comment>
<div align="center"><a name="top" href="{vb:link forumhome}"><img src="{vb:stylevar titleimage}" alt="{vb:raw vboptions.bbtitle}" /></a></div>
Remove the <vb:comment> </vb:comment> tags from the upper part of the code then delete the bottom part i.e.
<div align="center"><a name="top" href="{vb:link forumhome}"><img src="{vb:stylevar titleimage}" alt="{vb:raw vboptions.bbtitle}" /></a></div>
So your left with this part of the code only near the top of the template:
<vb:if condition="$stylevar['titleimage']"><a name="top" href="{vb:link forumhome}" class="logo-image"><img src="{vb:stylevar titleimage}" alt="{vb:raw vboptions.bbtitle}" /></a><vb:else /><div> </div></vb:if>
Save and you should be good to go :cool:.
08-31-2011, 09:37 AM
Found a little Desing Error at "Avatar add" on Profile Edit
Is that on the page profile.php?do=editavatar ?
08-31-2011, 10:42 AM
Will this work in 4.1.2?
For us non photoshop and gimp types how can I make a custom logo header?
Looks good by the way.
08-31-2011, 11:00 AM
Will this work in 4.1.2?
For us non photoshop and gimp types how can I make a custom logo header?
Looks good by the way.
It's not intended to be used w/ 4.1.2 however you can try it, first thing that comes to mind is the editor templates but you'll need to test first ;).
You can still utilize the titleimage in stylevars via admincp and use the one you had or use Gimp as you said and find a online tutorial to guide you through things ;).
Updated on 8/31/2011
- Deleted thread background color updated to a dark blue.
- Facebook Connect now has the same hover effect as the help/register links.
08-31-2011, 01:27 PM
Nevermind Superman, thanks! The advanced editor was the issue. I've updated it and it looks good now! Though from my point of few, the editor is very bright gray (not the text box), but the background. I am unsure if this is the cause of the advanced editor addon.
Also possible the announcement color can be changed? It's very bright yellow.
You also seem to be very dedicated to this theme and supporting people who reply here. I do appreciate that :).
08-31-2011, 03:12 PM
Is that on the page profile.php?do=editavatar ?
Yes, that's correct :)
08-31-2011, 06:40 PM
Nevermind Superman, thanks! The advanced editor was the issue. I've updated it and it looks good now! Though from my point of few, the editor is very bright gray (not the text box), but the background. I am unsure if this is the cause of the advanced editor addon.
Also possible the announcement color can be changed? It's very bright yellow.
You also seem to be very dedicated to this theme and supporting people who reply here. I do appreciate that :).
Done! Announcements now have the same background and border as the notices :cool:, in the updated .zip
Yes, that's correct :)
In my version that's not taking place... not sure if this is another language issue so let me review it again when I have more time and we'll try to knock it out ;).
08-31-2011, 07:25 PM
That looks nice. Looks more like Avenger Black than Avenger Blue though lol
08-31-2011, 07:52 PM
That looks nice. Looks more like Avenger Black than Avenger Blue though lol
Take your sunglasses off :cool: :p
09-01-2011, 04:30 AM
Will this work in 4.1.2?
For us non photoshop and gimp types how can I make a custom logo header?
Looks good by the way.
This runs fine on 4.1.5
There are quite a few of us that do graphics.
There is also a section in the forums here for requesting help with graphics.
09-02-2011, 02:49 AM
I have the problem with delete post: don't see the text in this post (see the attach).
09-02-2011, 03:05 AM
I have the problem with delete post: don't see the text in this post (see the attach).
Updated on 9/02/2011
- Deleted post background color updated to a dark blue.
If some have customized to a certain extent already and wish to fix manually do the following:
AdminCP > Styles & Templates > Style Manager > Avenger Blue > StyleVars > Postbit > postbit_deleted_background > Change color to #182032
09-02-2011, 03:19 AM
Forgive me for altering your style :) Not really altering, just tweaking.....
On the enclosed image I have a red arrow marking a spot between the navbar and the forum body.
I want to open that area up for an ad banner. I think it would look real sweet between the navbar and forum body.
Where do I look in the code for where this split is? So I'll know where to put the ad banner html?
As always I'm still getting a kick out of this style.
09-02-2011, 03:22 AM
Updated on 9/02/2011
- Deleted post background color updated to a dark blue.
If some have customized to a certain extent already and wish to fix manually do the following:
AdminCP > Styles & Templates > Style Manager > Avenger Blue > StyleVars > Postbit > postbit_deleted_background > Change color to #182032
Whenever you have a post about an upgrade does that mean you replaced the xml with a newer one?
09-02-2011, 03:34 AM
I notice some folks are worried whether or not this style will work with 4.1.5 ? Although I am not the designer I am a user and can report that I am running this style (both fixed and fluid) on my site and have had zero problems. I won't post my link on here as I always think folks are just trying to get traffic by doing such. But, I've been a vBulletin user for 4 years now. In those 4 years I have purchased approx. 8 styles. NONE of them were as clean and visually appealing as this one. FREE!!
I run 4.1.5
I love it so much that I am putting it on top of my list for support funding :) Now as soon as I make any funds from my site, I'll get those checks in the mail :)
09-02-2011, 03:37 AM
Forgive me for altering your style :) Not really altering, just tweaking.....
On the enclosed image I have a red arrow marking a spot between the navbar and the forum body.
I want to open that area up for an ad banner. I think it would look real sweet between the navbar and forum body.
Where do I look in the code for where this split is? So I'll know where to put the ad banner html?
As always I'm still getting a kick out of this style.
Look in the navbar template, scroll down and find:
</div><!-- Closing div for navbar_wrapper -->
</div><!-- closing div for above_body -->
<div class="body_wrapper">
<div id="breadcrumb" class="breadcrumb">
Add your codes where the spacing is i.e.
</div><!-- Closing div for navbar_wrapper -->
</div><!-- closing div for above_body -->
<div class="body_wrapper">
<div id="breadcrumb" class="breadcrumb">
Edit: Actually now that I think about it... that's more than likely where I'll be putting the normal header ads, navbar ads will remain below but should work out quite nicely imo ;).
Whenever you have a post about an upgrade does that mean you replaced the xml with a newer one?
Bingo, ensures it's fully up to date however most of the misc issues reported were easily fixable via the stylevars, all except the asset manager css fix a while back ;) and I'll start noting all manual updates if not too lengthy as I just did for the postbit deleted background :cool:.
Edit: Although if you wish, you can install this modification: and simply make note of what templates your changing, afterwards export that single template and then if nothing changes with a update well nothing in that template you can merge it back in and overwrite the new xml templates bringing your customized template back :cool:.
09-02-2011, 06:02 AM
In my version that's not taking place... not sure if this is another language issue so let me review it again when I have more time and we'll try to knock it out ;).
I saw thats the error was only in Chrome. I Firefox it's correct.
Pic 1: Google Chrome
Pic 2: Firefox 7
09-02-2011, 03:08 PM
I saw thats the error was only in Chrome. I Firefox it's correct.
Pic 1: Google Chrome
Pic 2: Firefox 7
:erm: that seems to be a either a issue w/ Chrome itself or a flat out bug in regards to the style see attached, I get the same thing on using Chrome so we'll wait for the official fix and in the meantime leave as it still works fine :cool:.
09-02-2011, 03:30 PM
Superman you really knocked it out of the park with this one! Wow!!
Couple of issues I am having.;
One is I use DB shoutbox and the editor tools are lining up vertically instead of horizontally.
All other styles line up fine.
Secondly, a lot of the block backgrounds on some of my mods are white. An example is the media section. See attached.
How can I rectify these two issues. Thanks.
09-02-2011, 03:47 PM
Superman you really knocked it out of the park with this one! Wow!!
Couple of issues I am having.;
One is I use DB shoutbox and the editor tools are lining up vertically instead of horizontally.
All other styles line up fine.
Secondly, a lot of the block backgrounds on some of my mods are white. An example is the media section. See attached.
How can I rectify these two issues. Thanks.
Well I'll be Bravo Tango'd CharlieDelta those are whiter than my printer paper :eek:
Do me a favor and either post a link to those areas on your site so I can view the css via firebug OR PM me the links either or ;). Edit: And Charlie which shout/chatbox mod is that... Valter's or DB Tech's ?
Also everyone please remember that some mods (this may or may not be the case w/ your issue CharlieDelta simply stating to everyone atm) for example iBProArcade has css made for white styles, it would require updating as it does not use the stylevars in it's css so yes sometimes, for some mods you use, a css fix will be required when using dark styles.
09-02-2011, 05:13 PM
Well I'll be Bravo Tango'd CharlieDelta those are whiter than my printer paper :eek:
Do me a favor and either post a link to those areas on your site so I can view the css via firebug OR PM me the links either or ;). LOL. On the way
Edit: And Charlie which shout/chatbox mod is that... Valter's or DB Tech's ?
It is DBT, sorry I did state DB in the previous post but left out the "T". ;)
09-02-2011, 05:47 PM
LOL. On the way
It is DBT, sorry I did state DB in the previous post but left out the "T". ;)
Check your PM's, I listed a few things to check for and the rest simply need to be reviewed on the fly and sorted, if it were not so many and so much to review I would simply post but easier imo to have someone come in and simply fix it promptly :cool:.
09-02-2011, 05:57 PM
Check your PM's, I listed a few things to check for and the rest simply need to be reviewed on the fly and sorted, if it were not so many and so much to review I would simply post but easier imo to have someone come in and simply fix it promptly :cool:.
Thanks Superman,
You lead me in the right direction.
I made one change to your blockrow_background stylevar from white to #222937 and it fixed all the mods. I noticed the media css was using background: {vb:stylevar blockrow_background};
Any thoughts on the editor tools alignment?
09-02-2011, 06:03 PM
Thanks Superman,
You lead me in the right direction.
I made one change to your blockrow_background stylevar from white to #222937 and it fixed all the mods. I noticed the media css was using background: {vb:stylevar blockrow_background};
Any thoughts on the editor tools alignment?
I'll update that accordingly for the next release and thanks for the helpful tip! Per my PM that stylevar was previously set to "none" in your version correct? And where are you referring to when you say "tools alignment" ?
09-02-2011, 06:54 PM
I'll update that accordingly for the next release and thanks for the helpful tip! No problem, my pleasure. :D
Per my PM that stylevar was previously set to "none" in your version correct? And where are you referring to when you say "tools alignment" ?
That is a negative it was set at RGB(255,255,255) or white.
See my origional post there are two attachements for the editor tools in DBT shout box. I noticed it with all editors for pm's, posts, etc. I think it may have to do with the fact that I am running 4.1.3????:(
09-02-2011, 06:58 PM
No problem, my pleasure. :D
That is a negative it was set at RGB(255,255,255) or white.
See my origional post there are two attachements for the editor tools in DBT shout box. I noticed it with all editors for pm's, posts, etc. I think it may have to do with the fact that I am running 4.1.3????:(
Hmm in my version it was set to none do me a favor and check the new .zip, upload the new style under a different name and ensure your mods look ok and let me know?
Updated on 9/02/2011
- Deleted post background color updated to a dark blue. (This update was from very early this morning, the below are from this afternoon)
- Blockrow background color updated - Thanks for the catch CharlieDelta (!
- Sidebar and Widgets now match 100%, forum sidebar has separation between each sidebar block!
09-02-2011, 07:24 PM
Hmm in my version it was set to none do me a favor and check the new .zip, upload the new style under a different name and ensure your mods look ok and let me know?
Everything is good! :up:
09-02-2011, 08:17 PM
Everything is good! :up:
Thanks Charlie :up:
09-03-2011, 05:57 AM
When I chose no WYSIWYG, it has no border in quick reply when I click in some where in background.
09-03-2011, 01:46 PM
Im getting breadcrumb text running into toplinks (long text links ~ its only a pixel or two but looks un-pro), can I safely add   into the css somewhere?
09-03-2011, 04:25 PM
When I chose no WYSIWYG, it has no border in quick reply when I click in some where in background.
Im getting breadcrumb text running into toplinks (long text links ~ its only a pixel or two but looks un-pro), can I safely add   into the css somewhere?
Bear w/ me you two and I'll have this sorted today :D.
Already have in mind the css for the editor and the breadcrumbs Robbie, I'll adjust that via css so keep your  's away lol!
09-03-2011, 09:35 PM
When I chose no WYSIWYG, it has no border in quick reply when I click in some where in background.
Im getting breadcrumb text running into toplinks (long text links ~ its only a pixel or two but looks un-pro), can I safely add   into the css somewhere?
Updated on 9/03/2011
- Adjusted breadcrumb margin to remove the overlapping of toplinks.
- Updated CKE Editor CSS to match style and resolve some misc issues.
- Updated all textarea/drop-down borders to match.
- Forum Descriptions on Forumhome CSS adjusted and now includes hover effect.
- Forumhome and Threadbit hover effects now have a light blue 1px border at the top, seems to pop ;).
- CMS and Forum Sidebar (Not available on Blog) content borders now change to a lighter blue on hover.
- Cleaned up and organized CSS in additional.css.
09-04-2011, 01:06 AM
Seems that with any add on that makes a new page (ie. vbookie, ipbArcade) it breaks the template.
You can view it here.
09-04-2011, 01:39 AM
Seems that with any add on that makes a new page (ie. vbookie, ipbArcade) it breaks the template.
You can view it here.
I believe that's actually a fault in the arcade template, if I remember correctly from dealing with that in the past you need to edit one of the arcade templates and include the call of either additional.css or headinclude_bottom... hold on one minute...
Edit the template vB4_ARCADE and add:
{vb:cssfile additional.css}
As shown:
{vb:raw header}
{vb:raw navbar}
{vb:cssfile additional.css}
<div class="blockbody">
<div class="blockrow">
Let me know if that resolves the issue :cool:.
Edit: Also download the most current version as I noticed your using a older version on your site, I've updated the style several times so far, changelog here:
09-04-2011, 03:22 AM
I have a problem with VSA Top X (see the attach between two picture, no line when click Top Thanked, Top Poster and some where line Quick Navigation is the same); and the color of bots.
09-04-2011, 06:07 AM
after each update it is necessary to reupload images or only xml file? thx
09-04-2011, 04:29 PM
I have a problem with VSA Top X (see the attach between two picture, no line when click Top Thanked, Top Poster and some where line Quick Navigation is the same); and the color of bots.
For the Top Stats Mod you can remove that image from a stylevar, not all will want to do this only those who do not like the appearance and please note that effect is used elsewhere in the forum although removing it should not be too noticeable ;).
AdminCP > Styles & Templates > Style Manager > Stylevar > Now find PopupMenus > Now find the stylevar popupmenu_background > Remove the image url i.e. url(images/misc/blog/top-highlight.png) and change the repeat-x drop-down to be blank and save.
Can you link me to the mod your using for the usergroup colors? This may or may not be adjustable in that by default however I'll need to know which mod before offering up suggestions on how to fix respectively ;).
after each update it is necessary to reupload images or only xml file? thx
So far there have been no additional images added nor have any been revised, to date it should have only been importing the style and either creating a new one or merging into your existing. When there is a update with new images I'll note so accordingly.
09-04-2011, 05:14 PM
ok, thank you
09-04-2011, 06:31 PM
It seems all deleted message are bright white. Not sure if this has been noticed by you already or posted by someone else.
09-04-2011, 07:01 PM
That didn't fix the template for arcade.php. Do you have any other suggestions?
09-04-2011, 07:09 PM
ok, thank you
Your Welcome ;).
It seems all deleted message are bright white. Not sure if this has been noticed by you already or posted by someone else.
It has a few pages back... it should be updated in the newest version, if your using a older version update the stylevars:
postbit_deleted_background & threadbit_deleted_background
To this color:
- Although a new version is about to be released with a nice revision to forumhome :cool: so bear with me and I'll have it released soon :cool:.
Preview :D:
ForumHome New Appearance:
ForumHome New Category Description Hover:
ForumHome New Hover Effect:
Asap :p
Updated on 9/04/2011
- New ForumHome Category Description css, rounded corners w/ inset shadow effect.
- New ForumHome Category Description hover effect.
- Adjusted forumhome and threadbit hover effects, removing the 1px top border added on the last update.
- ForumHome New Appearance:
- ForumHome New Category Description Hover: g
- ForumHome New Hover Effect:
09-04-2011, 07:15 PM
That didn't fix the template for arcade.php. so you have any other suggestions?
Also, i'm not sure if it has anything to do with the template or not, but every now and then, i can't log into the admincp... i am able to login, but it continues to go back to the login screen. it never actually goes to the admincp.
Hmm ensure your URL is set correctly in Settings > Options > Site Name / URL / Contact Details
Do you have: Always use Forum URL as Base Path set to yes or no AND have you made any changes to the three settings below that?
... If that didn't solve it then tell me this, if you copy all of the css from additional.css then paste it into the arcades css template does that sort it?
09-04-2011, 10:27 PM
I made sure the URL is correct. I also copied the additional.css and it did not fix the template. :(
I'll update the current build with the just released and report back.
09-04-2011, 10:47 PM
I made sure the URL is correct. I also copied the additional.css and it did not fix the template. :(
I'll update the current build with the just released and report back.
Yes please do so, I know I've sorted that in the past it's simply been ages but it was something rather simple in order for it to display correctly otherwise it could be something else in your case however I doubt that ;).
09-05-2011, 03:04 AM
Can you link me to the mod your using for the usergroup colors? This may or may not be adjustable in that by default however I'll need to know which mod before offering up suggestions on how to fix respectively.
This is mod Spiders in What's Going on ( and I have a problem with color of spiders in this style.
09-05-2011, 04:53 AM
This is mod Spiders in What's Going on ( and I have a problem with color of spiders in this style.
I think, the color of spiders looks good :)
I found a little design Error.
Try to add a URL in the Editor with the URL Button. The Screen is to white. :) You can't see really good, what you enter :)
09-05-2011, 06:06 AM
This is mod Spiders in What's Going on ( and I have a problem with color of spiders in this style.
I'll check that one out tomorrow when I check in on gOOvER :cool:.
I think, the color of spiders looks good :)
I found a little design Error.
Try to add a URL in the Editor with the URL Button. The Screen is to white. :) You can't see really good, what you enter :)
Take 4 of these CSS Definitions into additonal.css with one glass of water and schedule your next appointment with the nurse up front :p
.cke_dialog_body {
background-color: #2b3851 !important;
border: 1px solid #32415f !important;
color: rgb(205, 205, 205) !important;
.cke_dialog_contents {
background-color: #2b3851 !important;
border: 1px solid #2b3851 !important;
color: rgb(205, 205, 205) !important;
.cke_dialog_footer {
background-color: #2b3851 !important;
border: 1px solid #2b3851 !important;
color: rgb(205, 205, 205) !important;
.cke_dialog_ui_button {
background-color: #2b3851 !important;
border: 1px solid #32415f !important;
color: rgb(205, 205, 205) !important;
09-05-2011, 11:01 AM
I have problem with:
- Remember me check box.
- Replies, Views column color when mouse over.
09-05-2011, 04:53 PM
I have problem with:
- Remember me check box.
- Replies, Views column color when mouse over.
Remember me - is that on CMS or Forum?
That is actually the hilite color used... your thinking it should not be so neon-ish aren't you? I might change however you can adjust manually by searching in the stylevars for imod then it should come up two imodhilite stylevars, edit imodhilite_backgroundColor to the color you desire ;).
09-05-2011, 10:26 PM
First of all, great Style. Very Sleek.
Secondly, I'm having the same issue as this:
This happened for me on the Classifieds Mod. When I clicked on MicroClassifieds link, I got the same issue.
I have a custom page: HERE (
That won't show up at all.
Any thoughts?
09-06-2011, 12:44 AM
There must be a setting somewhere else, or I'm to tired to be looking, but where in the heck is the color called for in the picture below. It isn't in the Stylevars. I've got to change it, that red is extremely hard on the eyes.
(See pic below)
09-06-2011, 01:10 AM
Remember me - is that on CMS or Forum?
Remember me in forum.
09-06-2011, 02:35 AM
Unfortunately the update of the theme didn't fix he issue with Arcade.
I await your reply! I Love the theme. The colors are perfect.
09-06-2011, 03:23 AM
There must be a setting somewhere else, or I'm to tired to be looking, but where in the heck is the color called for in the picture below. It isn't in the Stylevars. I've got to change it, that red is extremely hard on the eyes.
(See pic below)
Remember me in forum.
Unfortunately the update of the theme didn't fix he issue with Arcade.
I await your reply! I Love the theme. The colors are perfect.
Reycer those links should not be the color shown in your screenshot... not sure why it's like that unless it's a mod or something else you've recently changed or installed perhaps?
haidm I'm not sure why it would show that way, I'll review the css and template area again otherwise I may need access to see why your site is behaving differently.
clutchthese I'm not sure what else to try unless you can give me access to check into it further.
09-06-2011, 03:51 AM
Unfortunately the update of the theme didn't fix he issue with Arcade.
I await your reply! I Love the theme. The colors are perfect.
You might find the problem is with arcade files them self.. there are some colours hard coded into arcade files.
09-06-2011, 06:23 AM
Sorry for delay. I was busy. See the result in the Pic. I think, it looks good. Only the Textcolour is a bit to light :)
I'll check that one out tomorrow when I check in on gOOvER :cool:.
Take 4 of these CSS Definitions into additonal.css with one glass of water and schedule your next appointment with the nurse up front :p
.cke_dialog_body {
background-color: #2b3851 !important;
border: 1px solid #32415f !important;
color: rgb(205, 205, 205) !important;
.cke_dialog_contents {
background-color: #2b3851 !important;
border: 1px solid #2b3851 !important;
color: rgb(205, 205, 205) !important;
.cke_dialog_footer {
background-color: #2b3851 !important;
border: 1px solid #2b3851 !important;
color: rgb(205, 205, 205) !important;
.cke_dialog_ui_button {
background-color: #2b3851 !important;
border: 1px solid #32415f !important;
color: rgb(205, 205, 205) !important;
09-06-2011, 07:33 AM
Love this style, but I use vBGallery and VBAdvanced Links Directory and the background and some collapse buttons are not showing.
09-06-2011, 09:20 AM
Love this style, but I use vBGallery and VBAdvanced Links Directory and the background and some collapse buttons are not showing.
I think he has a fix for this now. He was able to fix it on my site. Stay tuned for an update. :)
09-06-2011, 03:23 PM
I still have this effect when you told that you removed this: Threadbit hover effects now have a light blue 1px border at the top.
09-06-2011, 04:54 PM
So no fix yet for the white pages, and the page that won't work at all?
09-06-2011, 07:01 PM
Updated on 9/06/2011
- Updated stylevars for document background as body css in additional.css was not being parsed correctly by all modifications.
- New CMS, Forum, and Blog Widget/Sidebar shadow effects on the inner content themselves.
- Other misc. updates to styling.
Sorry for delay. I was busy. See the result in the Pic. I think, it looks good. Only the Textcolour is a bit to light :)
Will sort that on the next update :cool:.
Love this style, but I use vBGallery and VBAdvanced Links Directory and the background and some collapse buttons are not showing.
Should show now, please download and install the new .xml file uploaded today and let me know ;).
I think he has a fix for this now. He was able to fix it on my site. Stay tuned for an update. :)
I still have this effect when you told that you removed this: Threadbit hover effects now have a light blue 1px border at the top.
I may have added it back in since the last revision, will officially decide whether it's 100% in or out on next update :cool:.
So no fix yet for the white pages, and the page that won't work at all?
Not sure if you referring to the Arcade or others? White Pages?
When you say white pages, "Blank White Pages" comes to mind for me, meaning nothing is showing at all otherwise if it was just missing the background try the new xml and let me know.
Everyone else please remember that most if not all issues on custom mod pages will be related to the modification css itself or in this case it simply not parsing the body definition included in addtional.css so I had to update the stylevar accordingly.
09-06-2011, 10:33 PM
Not sure if you referring to the Arcade or others? White Pages?
When you say white pages, "Blank White Pages" comes to mind for me, meaning nothing is showing at all otherwise if it was just missing the background try the new xml and let me know.
Refer to this post HERE ( I don't have the arcade mod. It was doing the exact same thing only with the classifieds mod. Take a look HERE (
EDIT: The update fixed all of my problems except for the red font color. Gonna have to work on that one for a bit, thanks for the update!
09-06-2011, 10:58 PM
I still have problem with remember me check box in new version.
09-07-2011, 12:25 AM
Glad it's sorted but still not sure about the thread colors, when you do find a solution to that let us all know what the culprit was? I suspect it's some sort of mod or css added recently so check there.
I still have problem with remember me check box in new version.
Shoot me over some access info via pm so I can have a quick look? Will be quicker to trace down and sort :cool:.
Brandon Sheley
09-07-2011, 03:50 AM
very nice style, did I miss a live demo?
I looked on your site but didn't see one
09-07-2011, 03:51 AM
Great skin ! Can you change color this skin? More lighter color?
Digital Jedi
09-07-2011, 04:33 AM just wanted to say, aside from the skin itself, this is my favorite part. :D
Sean James
09-07-2011, 04:48 AM
Very very nice skin mate, very nice indeed. I can see you put a lot of work into this style.
09-07-2011, 08:28 AM
Last Update -> GREAT Work TheLastSuperman !!!! All works and look fine :)
09-07-2011, 01:17 PM
Can you make logo is align left and Wolcome, ... is move above like default style?
09-07-2011, 05:00 PM
Great skin ! Can you change color this skin? More lighter color?
I have a few more styles up my sleeve so perhaps one of them will be to your liking :cool:.
I just wanted to say, aside from the skin itself, this is my favorite part. :D
Simple enough, large enough too imo :cool:.
Very very nice skin mate, very nice indeed. I can see you put a lot of work into this style.
Coming from you = all smiles here :D.
Last Update -> GREAT Work TheLastSuperman !!!! All works and look fine :)
Awesome ;).
Can you make logo is align left and Wolcome, ... is move above like default style?
For your sticky color and the Header aligned to the left (like default) please search this thread, information about how to change both are available you'll simply need to pick out a new sticky color instead of the bright blue - I did use the info you sent via PM and correct your login though, whatever your using to make all the fonts larger was the culprit however it's customized just for your site ;).
Edit: Also haidm, info on how to adjust the Welcome (toplinks) is also within a post ;).
09-07-2011, 05:21 PM
Thank you very much, TheLastSuperman. So, what about move the login panel to header like default style?
09-07-2011, 06:24 PM
Thank you very much, TheLastSuperman. So, what about move the login panel to header like default style?
The bottom part of my post here has details on that :cool: -
09-07-2011, 09:30 PM
Can you make logo is align left and Wolcome, ... is move above like default style?
IMHO what makes this style so unique is that it looks NOTHING like the default style. So, why would you want it to be like the default? Just curious.
09-07-2011, 11:31 PM
Looks very nice. I haven't been skin shopping in a while and some of my members are asking for new and different stuff, so this should fit the bill nicely.
I'll be installing soon, and I'll report back and mark installed as appropriate.
Thanks for all the hard work. It's clear you put a lot of thought and effort into this one. :up:
09-18-2011, 12:01 PM
I appear to have lost my editor buttons with the style. The text box to post a reply to a post is just blank, I can only type in it.
EDIT: Seems ok in the fixed width version, the fluid one seems to have the issue.
09-19-2011, 09:13 PM
I appear to have lost my editor buttons with the style. The text box to post a reply to a post is just blank, I can only type in it.
EDIT: Seems ok in the fixed width version, the fluid one seems to have the issue.
Really? Hmm that just sounds odd, only because this is how I do the style for each release:
Make changes/fixes in the Fixed version, this is what I deem the "Master Style" for this dark blue style.
Export the Fixed.xml version.
Import the Fixed.xml version under a different name i.e. adding - Fluid behind the name, now edit the stylevars for width and margins then export as the Fluid.xml.
That's why your reply is so baffling... I'll have a updated version later this week, when yuou receive the update notice do me a favor and check right away? Thanks!
09-19-2011, 09:27 PM
Really? Hmm that just sounds odd, only because this is how I do the style for each release:
Make changes/fixes in the Fixed version, this is what I deem the "Master Style" for this dark blue style.
Export the Fixed.xml version.
Import the Fixed.xml version under a different name i.e. adding - Fluid behind the name, now edit the stylevars for width and margins then export as the Fluid.xml.
That's why your reply is so baffling... I'll have a updated version later this week, when yuou receive the update notice do me a favor and check right away? Thanks!
Well the weird thing is the buttons in the editor show again. They disappeared from the fixed width also in the end. I thought it was my computer, but it did it on other computers I use at work also.
09-19-2011, 09:28 PM
Right, it turns off all the editor functions if I set Default Style for Modern Mobile Browsers to this style and Default Style for Old Mobile Browsers (Style and language settings).
If I leave them to "None", it's all fine.
09-20-2011, 04:59 PM
Well the weird thing is the buttons in the editor show again. They disappeared from the fixed width also in the end. I thought it was my computer, but it did it on other computers I use at work also.
This is sounding more and more like a vBulletin bug more so than a simple style issue... I'm not having one issue with any of the editor choices - baffling atm!
Right, it turns off all the editor functions if I set Default Style for Modern Mobile Browsers to this style and Default Style for Old Mobile Browsers (Style and language settings).
If I leave them to "None", it's all fine.
Are you on 4.1.4/4.1.5/4.1.6? Do you have any sort of force mobile users to a certain style mods left in from a while back that are disabled i.e. you didn't uninstall?
09-21-2011, 01:56 PM
Hi TheLastSuperman,
Just a heads up. I had to change one of the stylevars for album picture comments as the background was white which made the comment unviewable.
The stylevar I changed was postbit_lite_background.
09-21-2011, 04:12 PM
will install later....
09-26-2011, 12:16 AM
This is a brilliant theme. With a few tweaks, it will work perfectly for what we need.
Can you tell me, how do I change the hover colour of the forum info?
09-30-2011, 08:48 AM
I have looked at every stylevar and can't workout how to make this hover go away.
10-06-2011, 06:09 PM
I have looked at every stylevar and can't workout how to make this hover go away.
I've changed mine but I had to search for it. If you are using FF just highlight and view source.
10-07-2011, 04:18 AM
Are you planning to update to ver 4.1.7? It looks like it required roughly 10 reverts to make it compatible with 4.1.7..
Thank you i advance.
10-07-2011, 04:51 AM
I have looked at every stylevar and can't workout how to make this hover go away.
Edit additional.css and look for:
.forumrow:hover, .threadbit > div:hover {
Remove the entire definition or change the background color i.e. background: #2b3547 to suite ;).
Are you planning to update to ver 4.1.7? It looks like it required roughly 10 reverts to make it compatible with 4.1.7..
Thank you i advance.
I have not tested this particular style on 4.1.7 however many times it will state the templates are out of date and they will work fine, if coming from 4.1.2 to 4.1.7 then you would more than likely see some issues arise otherwise 4.1.4 or 4.1.5 to 4.1.7 should work fine. Since it's nothing more than a style, install, test and let us know ;).
10-07-2011, 04:51 AM
Are you planning to update to ver 4.1.7? It looks like it required roughly 10 reverts to make it compatible with 4.1.7..
Thank you i advance.
I installed 4.1.7 and the theme looks as it did. The only problem I had was that iQuote stopped working.
10-10-2011, 05:08 PM
This is sounding more and more like a vBulletin bug more so than a simple style issue... I'm not having one issue with any of the editor choices - baffling atm!
Are you on 4.1.4/4.1.5/4.1.6? Do you have any sort of force mobile users to a certain style mods left in from a while back that are disabled i.e. you didn't uninstall?
It was 4.1.6 and a fresh vB install.
Head Roller
10-11-2011, 09:49 AM
Hello. I absolutely love this style! Thank you!!
I have found one issue that I cannot seem to figure out how to fix. The comments display in the vbcms articles show up as white font on a white background. I cannot seem to locate the template for this particular piece. Any ideas?
10-11-2011, 03:22 PM
Hello. I absolutely love this style! Thank you!!
I have found one issue that I cannot seem to figure out how to fix. The comments display in the vbcms articles show up as white font on a white background. I cannot seem to locate the template for this particular piece. Any ideas?
It is most likely not a template but rather a stylevar. Your link does not show the comments so I was unable to tell what stylevar it may be.
You can try my fix above as the article comments may use the same stylevar.
Head Roller
10-11-2011, 04:03 PM
That did it... Thanks!!!!
10-11-2011, 04:16 PM
It is most likely not a template but rather a stylevar. Your link does not show the comments so I was unable to tell what stylevar it may be.
You can try my fix above as the article comments may use the same stylevar.
That is correct, thanks Charlie and Head Roller a update is almost finished I just have not had time to release yet, lemme shut up (lol) and get back to work so I can here soon :p.
It was 4.1.6 and a fresh vB install.
Default Style for Modern Mobile Browsers
Select the default mobile style for modern mobile browsers. This style will be used if user is browsing your forum with a modern mobile browser. Set to 'None' to use desktop browser style.
Default Style for Old Mobile Browsers
Select the default mobile style for old mobile browsers. This style will be used if user is browsing your forum with an older mobile browser. Set to 'None' to use desktop browser style.
Leave those two settings above set to none, they are meant to utilize the Mobile Styles otherwise should render the Default style in a mobile broswer, you can set the main sites style to the Avenger style by default and badda-bing. Honestly I must have not read into your question properly to begin with... it might have been one of those looooong days so forgive me for that ;).
10-12-2011, 06:32 PM
It is most likely not a template but rather a stylevar. Your link does not show the comments so I was unable to tell what stylevar it may be.
You can try my fix above as the article comments may use the same stylevar.
Maybe you can help me Sir,
I have white backgrounds as shown in my attachment that do not allow me to see whats there. Where do I find the code to change the background color?
10-12-2011, 06:59 PM
Hi, first let me say thanks for the promising Style, i like it much 8)
I'm running 4.1.5 + CMS right now.
I run no additional mods just News on the Home Page. This News do not use the Avenger_Blue Style can anyone here tell me if i missed doing something or should i wait for the soon come update of Avenger_Blue?
10-12-2011, 10:05 PM
Maybe you can help me Sir,
I have white backgrounds as shown in my attachment that do not allow me to see whats there. Where do I find the code to change the background color?
Part of that is the profile customization issue, the other is as I stated in the other thread i.e. requires updating and almost everyone, huge project I must have finished by this Sunday then I'll finalize the new version and release but I can't justify working on a free style while paid work is on schedule plain and simple.
Hi, first let me say thanks for the promising Style, i like it much 8)
I'm running 4.1.5 + CMS right now.
I run no additional mods just News on the Home Page. This News do not use the Avenger_Blue Style can anyone here tell me if i missed doing something or should i wait for the soon come update of Avenger_Blue?
So your referring to the CMS as "News".... the style should work fine w/ the CMS... if you had the mobile style installed did you specify a style for New/Older Mobile browsers in the admincp? If so that might be the issue.
10-12-2011, 10:32 PM
Part of that is the profile customization issue, the other is as I stated in the other thread i.e. requires updating and almost everyone, huge project I must have finished by this Sunday then I'll finalize the new version and release but I can't justify working on a free style while paid work is on schedule plain and simple.
So your referring to the CMS as "News".... the style should work fine w/ the CMS... if you had the mobile style installed did you specify a style for New/Older Mobile browsers in the admincp? If so that might be the issue.
I'm simply trying to figure out what CSS controls this area I have been inquiring about. I can make my own changes if I just know where to look.
10-12-2011, 10:34 PM
The Styles for New/Older Mobile browsers in the admincp is on default
10-12-2011, 11:10 PM
I'm simply trying to figure out what CSS controls this area I have been inquiring about. I can make my own changes if I just know where to look.
So far off the top of my head it was quite a few, I would rather release the new update then you can compare using Firebug to sort if some still exist or set the master profile css for some parts and adjust each individual style to sort the remaining misc issues.
The Styles for New/Older Mobile browsers in the admincp is on default
Set those to "None" and that should sort the issue ;).
10-13-2011, 12:10 AM
Setting to NO did not help, maybe its the way i install it wrong.
Since i have not found a installation description here i used following way to install your skin.
Double extracted your Skin.
Uploaded the avenger_blue folder with contents into my forum/images folder.
I know have the avenger_blue folder with its files under my forum/images folder
I then went to ACP > Download / Upload Styles
Uploaded the Fluid XML file via "EITHER upload the XML file from your computer"
Ignore Style Version YES / No Parent Style / Display Order 10 / Allow User Selection OFF (for now)
ACP Response:
Updating style information for each style...
Default Style ... (Templates) (StyleVars) (Replacement Variables) (CSS) (Controls) Done.
Avenger Blue - Fluid ... (Templates) (StyleVars) (Replacement Variables) (CSS) (Controls) Done.
Again only the Forums uses the Style.
**Im not an English native speaker so forgive my English and thanks for your work.
I updated to 4.1.7 after i discovered these problem and read that you will be delivering an update. As i said earlier i can wait.
10-13-2011, 12:27 AM
Disregard my posts, uninstalled.
10-13-2011, 01:42 AM
I got it enabled for CMS but i had to edit the Settings (click the Pencil on Main Section its usualy TLD/content.php/YouRSectionName/edit Page).
In the Style Drop Down i selected Board Defaults and saved. When i rechecked he Settings it was now on Inherit.
Anyway its working for now. Hope this helps others when they want to install it.
I am wondering now since I'm new to all this if it would have been wiser to install this Style as child of the Default one. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
Clicking on a News " More" switches to default Style on the selected Newspage
10-13-2011, 02:10 AM
Maybe you can help me Sir,
I have white backgrounds as shown in my attachment that do not allow me to see whats there. Where do I find the code to change the background color?
Superman is correct, part of that is due to the profile customization but you can try the following stylevars;
blockbody_background and blocksubhead_background
10-14-2011, 02:22 AM
Very Nice professional looking skin. One of the better looking VB skins I have seen in some time. Installed and thanks for taking the time to release it. I have it installed on my 4.17 release and seems to be fine.
10-15-2011, 04:29 AM
I'm simply trying to figure out what CSS controls this area I have been inquiring about. I can make my own changes if I just know where to look.
In additional.css find:
/* ---------------------------New CSS Definitions------------------------------- */
Add under:
.blockrow.member_blockrow {
color: {vb:stylevar sidebar_content_color} !important;
-moz-border-radius:{vb:stylevar border_radius} !important;
-webkit-border-radius: {vb:stylevar border_radius} !important;
border-radius: {vb:stylevar border_radius} !important;
background:{vb:stylevar sidebar_content_background} !important;
border: 0px solid #2b3851 !important;
_background-image: none !important;
padding:{vb:stylevar vbcms_widget_content_padding} !important;
-moz-box-shadow: inset -2px 2px 2px {vb:stylevar shadow_color} !important;
-webkit-box-shadow: inset -2px 2px 2px {vb:stylevar shadow_color} !important;
box-shadow: inset -2px 2px 2px {vb:stylevar shadow_color} !important;
dl.stats dt, #sidebar_container dl.stats, #sidebar_container .blockbody.userprof_content, #sidebar_container .userprof_content .time, .userprof_content .time {
color: {vb:stylevar sidebar_content_color} !important;
background-color: transparent;
background-image: none;
.mini_stats.blockbody.userprof_content.userprof_co ntent_border {
color: {vb:stylevar sidebar_content_color} !important;
.stats {
color: {vb:stylevar sidebar_content_color} !important;
.block.userprof_editor.userprof_moduleinactive.use rprof_headers {
background: transparent !important;
border: none !important;
.formcontrols.profile_editor_border {
background: transparent !important;
border: none !important;
.actionbuttons.transparent {
background: transparent !important;
border: none !important;
.member_blockrow.userprof_headers.userprof_headers _border {
background: #222937 !important;
border: 1px solid {vb:stylevar mid_border.borderColor} !important;
color: rgb(205, 205, 205) !important;
.vm_blockrow.userprof_content.userprof_content_bor der {
background: #222937 !important;
border: 1px solid {vb:stylevar mid_border.borderColor} !important;
color: rgb(255, 255, 255) !important;
That will solve most of the profile styling issues but the other areas may still revolve around profile customization. I also noticed in another thread you stated that you have all Dark styles currently disabled until you figure this out? Try that same code in those dark styles of course replacing the #222937 background colors respectively and it may solve most if not all of your CSS issues :cool:.
10-15-2011, 08:17 PM
The white area I'm trying to get rid of affects all my dark styles not just yours. Your style is the best one I have but if I can't resolve this issue, I'm just going to have to run one of the crappy whitish styles.
I've tried everyone's suggestions.
Honestly it surprises me that I never got an answer to asking what css drives those white blocks?
I need to drop the issue before it racks my brain. I Don't need the stress.
10-16-2011, 12:12 AM
The white area I'm trying to get rid of affects all my dark styles not just yours. Your style is the best one I have but if I can't resolve this issue, I'm just going to have to run one of the crappy whitish styles.
I've tried everyone's suggestions.
Honestly it surprises me that I never got an answer to asking what css drives those white blocks?
I need to drop the issue before it racks my brain. I Don't need the stress.
Gary... those css definitions I listed in the post above yours *hopefully* should fix your issue have you checked yet? Those are the ones you must edit although I've found another way by calling a css file in the MEMBERINFO template itself. If the CSS fix I listed does not solve your issue completely let me know via PM and I'll shoot over some instructions for a quick test in your memberinfo template using <style="text/css" etc :cool:.
10-16-2011, 11:47 AM
Although this theme is a 8 on the Seti wowmeter, I just can't use another dark theme. Would you consider making a light theme for use on say an anime forum? I was porting over a vb3 theme called Anime Planet but dropped it due to not asking if it was ok. It appeared the coder had abandoned it but my conscience said to stop.
So in light of that my half-a**ed attempts to make a theme have been terrible at best. Would you consider making one?
10-16-2011, 01:04 PM
I wonder whether they can help resolve these three situations
I'm here with user and password covered by the existing one, how can I bring up a little so that it is visible?
how can I align the users mentioned in the table?
how to change background colors of the frames so that the letters are visible?
we thank you for your cooperation
Popa Andrei
10-16-2011, 05:07 PM
can i sugest to add in the header a nice banner space and an add space to?
10-16-2011, 07:34 PM
I wonder whether they can help resolve these three situations
I'm here with user and password covered by the existing one, how can I bring up a little so that it is visible?
how can I align the users mentioned in the table?
how to change background colors of the frames so that the letters are visible?
we thank you for your cooperation
Login area is caused by your logo being too large for this style, resize your logo a little smaller and watch it come back ;).
As for the backgrounds you need to read back in the thread, fixes are listed for now until the update is released :cool:.
Popa Andrei
10-17-2011, 07:11 PM
is this theme going to be updated for vb 4.1.7?
10-17-2011, 09:24 PM
is this theme going to be updated for vb 4.1.7?
Have you not tried it yet? Only reason I ask is, it's not a modification that can break your forum and if it works then fantastic, if not simply delete the style.
*It should work fine on 4.1.7 if not let me know and I'll update asap :cool:.
10-18-2011, 01:38 AM
how can I do to fix this, align the nicks in the space?
thank you
10-18-2011, 03:50 AM
everythings working good except threads are highlighted a bright blue and when you hover over them they return to normal color??
Popa Andrei
10-18-2011, 06:53 PM
at the first look it works ok on 4.1.7
I will test in now more deeply and let you guys know
PS i asked because i saw the version supported for the theme is 4.1.4
10-23-2011, 07:37 AM
Hey TheLastSuperman!
First of all thank you for this incredible skin, it's totally awesome.
One question, tho: the logo and the height of the upper (header?) part are a bit small for our page, so I've tried to expand it. Our logo is 51px taller than yours, so I also expanded the upper part of the background for 51px. Everything would align nicely, except for this, which stays where it is, instead of going lower as everything else: (
Is there any way to push this a bit downwards as well or are we just gonna have to do with the default logo height?
10-23-2011, 03:51 PM
Hey TheLastSuperman!
First of all thank you for this incredible skin, it's totally awesome.
One question, tho: the logo and the height of the upper (header?) part are a bit small for our page, so I've tried to expand it. Our logo is 51px taller than yours, so I also expanded the upper part of the background for 51px. Everything would align nicely, except for this, which stays where it is, instead of going lower as everything else: (
Is there any way to push this a bit downwards as well or are we just gonna have to do with the default logo height?
That screenshot says 1920 x 1118px yet I only see a 190 x 163 and it's hard to see exactly what your talking about - do me a favor and attach one I can see a bit better?
10-23-2011, 04:59 PM
Sorry, this forum doesnt seem to allow linkable pictures, it just opens the same picture instead of the link. :(
Here's the actual full-size picture:
10-24-2011, 11:34 PM
In additional.css find:
/* ---------------------------New CSS Definitions------------------------------- */
Add under:
.blockrow.member_blockrow {
color: {vb:stylevar sidebar_content_color} !important;
-moz-border-radius:{vb:stylevar border_radius} !important;
-webkit-border-radius: {vb:stylevar border_radius} !important;
border-radius: {vb:stylevar border_radius} !important;
background:{vb:stylevar sidebar_content_background} !important;
border: 0px solid #2b3851 !important;
_background-image: none !important;
padding:{vb:stylevar vbcms_widget_content_padding} !important;
-moz-box-shadow: inset -2px 2px 2px {vb:stylevar shadow_color} !important;
-webkit-box-shadow: inset -2px 2px 2px {vb:stylevar shadow_color} !important;
box-shadow: inset -2px 2px 2px {vb:stylevar shadow_color} !important;
dl.stats dt, #sidebar_container dl.stats, #sidebar_container .blockbody.userprof_content, #sidebar_container .userprof_content .time, .userprof_content .time {
color: {vb:stylevar sidebar_content_color} !important;
background-color: transparent;
background-image: none;
.mini_stats.blockbody.userprof_content.userprof_co ntent_border {
color: {vb:stylevar sidebar_content_color} !important;
.stats {
color: {vb:stylevar sidebar_content_color} !important;
.block.userprof_editor.userprof_moduleinactive.use rprof_headers {
background: transparent !important;
border: none !important;
.formcontrols.profile_editor_border {
background: transparent !important;
border: none !important;
.actionbuttons.transparent {
background: transparent !important;
border: none !important;
.member_blockrow.userprof_headers.userprof_headers _border {
background: #222937 !important;
border: 1px solid {vb:stylevar mid_border.borderColor} !important;
color: rgb(205, 205, 205) !important;
.vm_blockrow.userprof_content.userprof_content_bor der {
background: #222937 !important;
border: 1px solid {vb:stylevar mid_border.borderColor} !important;
color: rgb(255, 255, 255) !important;
That will solve most of the profile styling issues but the other areas may still revolve around profile customization. I also noticed in another thread you stated that you have all Dark styles currently disabled until you figure this out? Try that same code in those dark styles of course replacing the #222937 background colors respectively and it may solve most if not all of your CSS issues :cool:.
Love this style, thanks for taking all this time with it. With regards to the above code, can you be more specific about where it goes? Are you saying to paste the line of code "---new CSS definitions---" under the block big block of code in the xml file? Or to add the big block of code under the line of code ("---new CSS definitions---") in additional.css file?
EDIT:: I pasted this in to additional.css both above and under the original code after the "---New CSS Definitions---" line. Above the original code did make one of the sidebars (the one that contains the avatar and some user info) begin to work. Still nothing in the user fields, though. Any other advice?
10-26-2011, 06:11 PM
Does anyone else have a problem with the white blocks in the User Profile sections? If so, any solution?
10-26-2011, 06:46 PM
Does anyone else have a problem with the white blocks in the User Profile sections? If so, any solution?
Anyone running a dark style such as this has the same problem. I've tried and tried to find a solution but no one has a remedy. It would be easy to fix if I knew the .css to change for those blocks but, I haven't received an answer to that question from anyone.
Good luck
10-26-2011, 08:08 PM
Anyone running a dark style such as this has the same problem. I've tried and tried to find a solution but no one has a remedy. It would be easy to fix if I knew the .css to change for those blocks but, I haven't received an answer to that question from anyone.
Good luck
I've tried tweaking (I think) every single css that I could find that dealt with those blocks as I interpret the code. I'm no programmer (really), but I'm at a loss. This style is so good otherwise, I really hope that this isn't a tragic flaw.
10-29-2011, 09:01 AM
Nevermind my problem anymore, I fixed it. I never noticed there were two separate backgrounds for the body and for the header. Adjusted the header one to the same height as the body one and, voila, everything is as it should be. Hooraay!
10-31-2011, 02:59 PM
Hello ,
1st of all really thanks you for making this.... Really Great
every thing seems fine but i have one problem ,
when any user brows forum in different resolution why forum stay in middle and small . why its not auto adjust its size " WIDE " ?
here i am uploading two snap shot for your
1920x1080 23Inch monitor
1280x720 22 Inch monitor
i will really thank you provide me solution for that , it must be AUTO adjust its size depending on resolution of user's monitor
11-01-2011, 06:23 PM
i also have some problems
please check my forum , my profile page ,
on every profile page have white boxes with write writting its can't visible but when you select all you can read , please check this and give me solution
i also have on more problem ,
when ever i try to make new thread or edit any post and click on advance why i can't see editor tools/editor buttons like bold,underline,align,font,color,code buttons etc , i search every where but i did not found any solution for it . can you please help me solve it ?
if you say i will give you account so you can check......
Thanks in advance
11-02-2011, 02:02 AM
Nice, thanks
11-02-2011, 10:04 PM
Am I the only one whose Community/Groups page looks like this:
Normal size picture (
.. or was this page kinda forgotten when making the style? :o
11-05-2011, 04:01 AM
Great skin, we all have to admit it. However, it really needs to be updated with all these problems people had when displaying certain sections (I am one of them). I hope the author will do it. Otherwise such a great work might get wasted. :)
11-06-2011, 01:48 AM
Updated on 11/05/2011
- Updated stylevars for profile sidebar blocks, default sidebar uses some css a little differently in the profile which caused the issue, furthermore the profile now has a simple bit of css hard coded into it only.
- Updated other stylevars to include the proper "dark blue" background.
Hello ,
1st of all really thanks you for making this.... Really Great
every thing seems fine but i have one problem ,
when any user brows forum in different resolution why forum stay in middle and small . why its not auto adjust its size " WIDE " ?
here i am uploading two snap shot for your
i will really thank you provide me solution for that , it must be AUTO adjust its size depending on resolution of user's monitor
There's two xml files included in the .zip, install the Fluid for a style that will stretch, install the fixed width for the one that stays the same size.
If you have a issue w/ the header i.e. you placed a much larger one in the style it was noted in the description that using a larger logo would throw the style off which respectively means a smaller one will too, to fix this edit vbulletin-chrome.css and find:
.doc_header {
border:{vb:stylevar header_border};
color:{vb:stylevar header_color};
font:{vb:stylevar header_font};
/*padding-bottom:{vb:math {vb:stylevar padding}/2};*/
/*margin-bottom:{vb:math 2 * {vb:stylevar navbar_tab_size.height}}px;*/
Adjust to suit:
i also have some problems
please check my forum , my profile page ,
on every profile page have white boxes with write writting its can't visible but when you select all you can read , please check this and give me solution
i also have on more problem ,
when ever i try to make new thread or edit any post and click on advance why i can't see editor tools/editor buttons like bold,underline,align,font,color,code buttons etc , i search every where but i did not found any solution for it . can you please help me solve it ?
if you say i will give you account so you can check......
Thanks in advance
- The profile white block issue should be fixed in the current release.
- The editor buttons, ensure you uploaded all the files within the UPLOAD folder this includes images.
Nice, thanks
Your welcome ;).
Am I the only one whose Community/Groups page looks like this:
Normal size picture (
.. or was this page kinda forgotten when making the style? :o
Nope, check the update and report back it should be sorted :cool:.
Great skin, we all have to admit it. However, it really needs to be updated with all these problems people had when displaying certain sections (I am one of them). I hope the author will do it. Otherwise such a great work might get wasted. :)
It was a finicky issue, in light styles the white does not matter however I had to hard code some css into the profile due to how the sidebar css is used in each.
Edit: I edited the first post i.e. mod description and under the top Q&A part included information on how to adjust the css if you have a issue w/ the header/logo area and also instructions on how to change the Sticky Thread background color if your not too fond of the bright blue :cool:.
11-06-2011, 01:52 AM
everythings working good except threads are highlighted a bright blue and when you hover over them they return to normal color??
Check back in the thread, it's one stylevar to change ;).
11-06-2011, 02:24 AM
There was one more little white issue in the groups, fixed it just now and re-packaged the .zip so it's all updated.
11-06-2011, 07:15 AM
thanks your reply ...
but i was solved these all problems with one of my moderator from
Thanks again and really nice skin
11-06-2011, 10:19 AM
TheLastSuperman: you da man! Thanks a lot for the update, it fixes everything beautifully. A few hours of my manual socialgroups fixing down the drain, but oh well, yours look so much better. :D
Don't know if one of my style changes, a plugin or something else broke it (cause I can't remember if it was ok when I initially updated the style), but I had to manually set margin-top: 10px to body_wrapper for the empty space between header and body to appear. Otherwise they were just cramped together. And, of course, had to fix some things in the microclassifieds external css for everything to look normally there .. that plugin is just a design mess of all kind of sorts. :eek:
Again, thanks a lot. An incredible style that will be the basis for our new homepage upgrade.
11-06-2011, 12:54 PM
Sorry to be bothering you again so soon TheLastSuperman, but could you point me in the right direction for correcting this ..
This is a random user profile in Firefox/IE:
And this is the same page in Chrome:
At first I thought my changes or some plugin was messing it up, but it seems it works correctly in other browsers .. even tried it on different computers if there was something in my cache making problems, but it looks the same there.
Chrome's inspect element tells me the weird color of the text is #333, but I can't find that value anywhere ..
11-06-2011, 01:15 PM
Hi my editor input box is still white in firefox and IE not tried chrome was this fixed ??
and another thing the editor buttons i had to add new ones from a different style so i could see them proper
Thanks Mark
11-06-2011, 05:19 PM
thank you for this update but on the cms I can't read text in comments because colour font is white and background too
and in my profil I can't read too, tabs are dark
11-06-2011, 05:30 PM
For some reason this new version won't install. Just to make sure it wasn't me I installed a couple other styles and they worked. I get the following:
Internal Server Error
The server encountered an internal error or misconfiguration and was unable to complete your request.
Please contact the server administrator, and inform them of the time the error occurred, and anything you might have done that may have caused the error.
More information about this error may be available in the server error log.
Additionally, a 404 Not Found error was encountered while trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle the request.
11-06-2011, 07:17 PM
TheLastSuperman: you da man! Thanks a lot for the update, it fixes everything beautifully. A few hours of my manual socialgroups fixing down the drain, but oh well, yours look so much better. :D
Don't know if one of my style changes, a plugin or something else broke it (cause I can't remember if it was ok when I initially updated the style), but I had to manually set margin-top: 10px to body_wrapper for the empty space between header and body to appear. Otherwise they were just cramped together. And, of course, had to fix some things in the microclassifieds external css for everything to look normally there .. that plugin is just a design mess of all kind of sorts. :eek:
Again, thanks a lot. An incredible style that will be the basis for our new homepage upgrade.
Thanks for the info, not sure why the margin-top was required though :confused:.
Sorry to be bothering you again so soon TheLastSuperman, but could you point me in the right direction for correcting this ..
This is a random user profile in Firefox/IE:
And this is the same page in Chrome:
At first I thought my changes or some plugin was messing it up, but it seems it works correctly in other browsers .. even tried it on different computers if there was something in my cache making problems, but it looks the same there.
Chrome's inspect element tells me the weird color of the text is #333, but I can't find that value anywhere ..
Now this ^ is quite baffling as I don't see this myself using Firefox and Chrome on Windows 7 (all my styles are on staging sites in Localhost via Apache/PHP etc) however sometimes different people have different results but do me a favor and shoot me a site link via PM or post it so I can view the issues on your site directly.
Hi my editor input box is still white in firefox and IE not tried chrome was this fixed ??
and another thing the editor buttons i had to add new ones from a different style so i could see them proper
Thanks Mark
It is supposed to be white... I believe at one point I tried to make it dark but never followed through with it 100% although it's also dependent upon your editor choice from "Settings". As for the editor icons... I have a newly recolored set of all the stand alone editor images and the sprite, I will include that in the next release :cool:.
thank you for this update but on the cms I can't read text in comments because colour font is white and background too
and in my profil I can't read too, tabs are dark
I'm in the CMS now and just left a comment... it's not showing a white background for me, same as asked someone else for above - do me a favor and post a link to your site or pm me that info ;).
For some reason this new version won't install. Just to make sure it wasn't me I installed a couple other styles and they worked. I get the following:
Internal Server Error
The server encountered an internal error or misconfiguration and was unable to complete your request.
Please contact the server administrator, and inform them of the time the error occurred, and anything you might have done that may have caused the error.
More information about this error may be available in the server error log.
Additionally, a 404 Not Found error was encountered while trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle the request.
Do whatta hunna whosa saidda whatts? I'm not sure what happened here, I can only ask you try it again to see if it was something momentary that caused this to come up as I have never received that error when installing a style and I've installed my fair share over the years.
Edit: Also once of the recent css changes made a border appear around the first article on the CMS (some may notice this, some not) however point being it will be sorted in the next release.
11-06-2011, 09:17 PM
Great to see this extraordinary theme updated. There are still several problems (at least in USER PROFILE). I am attaching image taken from User Profile.
1. Please notice that the names of Recent visitors to this user profile page is not contained in the box (tested in Safari, Firefox, Internet Explorer).
2. When looking in ABOUT section of user profile some info are not displayed in BASIC INFORMATION area. (I am providing two snapshots one from your skin vs the default info. User info was grayed out).
Other sections of ABOUT such as: Contacts or Statistics are not affected.
Can you fix them?
Thank you :)
11-07-2011, 01:26 AM
Great to see this extraordinary theme updated. There are still several problems (at least in USER PROFILE). I am attaching image taken from User Profile.
1. Please notice that the names of Recent visitors to this user profile page is not contained in the box (tested in Safari, Firefox, Internet Explorer).
2. When looking in ABOUT section of user profile some info are not displayed in BASIC INFORMATION area. (I am providing two snapshots one from your skin vs the default info. User info was grayed out).
Other sections of ABOUT such as: Contacts or Statistics are not affected.
Can you fix them?
Thank you :)
I need a link to your site otherwise I can't reproduce that issue i.e. here's a current 4.1.4 Test Site Screenshot:
I can take a screenshot in 4.1.5, 4.1.6, and 4.1.7 and they will all look the same... I'm simply not seeing that issue currently.
11-07-2011, 03:38 AM
I need a link to your site otherwise I can't reproduce that issue i.e. here's a current 4.1.4 Test Site Screenshot:
I can take a screenshot in 4.1.5, 4.1.6, and 4.1.7 and they will all look the same... I'm simply not seeing that issue currently.
I see. i wrote you PM. My site is (
11-07-2011, 04:45 AM
I'm trying to take a look although currently it's not up?
Unable to connect
Firefox can't establish a connection to the server at
The site could be temporarily unavailable or too busy. Try again in a few
If you are unable to load any pages, check your computer's network
If your computer or network is protected by a firewall or proxy, make sure
that Firefox is permitted to access the Web.
And on top of that your site is not too likeable by Malware Bytes Anti-Malware it threw up a warning and blocked access to your site - this may be something you want to have looked into.
11-07-2011, 05:41 AM
I'm trying to take a look although currently it's not up?
And on top of that your site is not too likeable by Malware Bytes Anti-Malware it threw up a warning and blocked access to your site - this may be something you want to have looked into.
I am not sure what you are talking about. My site is music oriented and doesn't offer any downloading. There is nothing to be warned about. Can you tell me what have you use to check it out? I have no problem accessing my site from any computer. Something must be wrong.
UPDATE: I downloaded the aforementioned program and indeed it blocks access to my forum. I also owe other domains (currently without contents) with other IPs and they are blocked too. I am not sure what to say. My site has been on line for last 10+ years and is legitimate. There must be problem with malware program, or otherwise i have no clue. You can goodle "eurodance" and my site comes second.
And here ( is the NORTON report on the site.
11-07-2011, 06:25 AM
I am not sure what you are talking about. My site is music oriented and doesn't offer any downloading. There is nothing to be warned about. Can you tell me what have you use to check it out? I have no problem accessing my site from any computer. Something must be wrong.
UPDATE: I downloaded the aforementioned program and indeed it blocks access to my forum. I also owe other domains (currently without contents) with other IPs and they are blocked too. I am not sure what to say. My site has been on line for last 10+ years and is legitimate. There must be problem with malware program, or otherwise i have no clue. You can goodle "eurodance" and my site comes second.
And here ( is the NORTON report on the site.
I'm not sure but wanted to let you know as Malware Bytes is used by quite a few, I unblocked the site but still received the Unable to Connect Message and I just tried again with the same results.
11-07-2011, 06:49 AM
I'm not sure but wanted to let you know as Malware Bytes is used by quite a few, I unblocked the site but still received the Unable to Connect Message and I just tried again with the same results.
I disabled the program and I could access the site. I also posted message to malwerebytes who make the program to check all my domains in question. There are other people whos sites been listed and they shouldn't. This is pretty upsetting to me. Thank you very myuch for helping.
11-07-2011, 06:56 AM
Hi, I just stumbled upon your problem while updating our forum skin DarkVision. The problem I encountered was similar and requires an update with the css templates usercp.css and userprof.css.
I recommend you alter the css settings to match this skin's color scheme.
11-07-2011, 08:02 AM
Hi, I just stumbled upon your problem while updating our forum skin DarkVision. The problem I encountered was similar and requires an update with the css templates usercp.css and userprof.css.
I recommend you alter the css settings to match this skin's color scheme.
Shoot me a PM w/ what you changed if you don't mind otherwise I'll have a look tomorrow - I hard coded some css into the profile as it was not being parsed correctly via additional.css although why is it showing fine on my test site? That's what is so baffling to me, see my screenshot above...
11-07-2011, 07:12 PM
Thanks for the info, not sure why the margin-top was required though :confused:.
Cause after the last update the page looks like this without it, dont know why:
Now this ^ is quite baffling as I don't see this myself using Firefox and Chrome on Windows 7 (all my styles are on staging sites in Localhost via Apache/PHP etc) however sometimes different people have different results but do me a favor and shoot me a site link via PM or post it so I can view the issues on your site directly.
Yea, I think you can forget about this one, I have no idea what was happening yesterday, but today it looks normally in Chrome too. Weird. :) If you wanna check anything anyhow, the page is Your style isnt the default one yet, as we're still polishing stuff before going public, but you should be able to choose it in the quick style changer.
Once again, thanks for all the help!
11-07-2011, 09:44 PM
Also, I just noticed that CMS content comments have an almost white background, making them unreadable.
A quick change of stylevar postbit_lite_background from #fafafa to something darker and we have liftoff!
11-07-2011, 10:44 PM
Cause after the last update the page looks like this without it, dont know why:
Yea, I think you can forget about this one, I have no idea what was happening yesterday, but today it looks normally in Chrome too. Weird. :) If you wanna check anything anyhow, the page is Your style isnt the default one yet, as we're still polishing stuff before going public, but you should be able to choose it in the quick style changer.
Once again, thanks for all the help!
It seems to me as if it's simply not importing 100% on your end... that margin shown is set to 10px but to fix in your case edit the stylevar bodyheader_margin and set the bottom value to 10 (units should already be set as PX).
Also, I just noticed that CMS content comments have an almost white background, making them unreadable.
A quick change of stylevar postbit_lite_background from #fafafa to something darker and we have liftoff!
Again... it's blue in the version I have and the one uploaded... not sure why your having these misc issues but what you listed will work and the margin between the header/navbar is listed above :cool:.
11-07-2011, 10:46 PM
That looks trikingly similiar to one of my old color schemes superman :p
11-08-2011, 07:12 AM
That looks trikingly similiar to one of my old color schemes superman :p
Really? I just sat there one night and thought it up, I guess we could go with either it's a small world after all or great minds think alike :cool:.
11-08-2011, 01:06 PM
Hi I don't want to sound stupid but I have no idea which folder I upload this to through my FTP.
This will be the first time I install a theme skin for vbulletin & I just dont have any idea what the folder paths are. One more thing I am assuming Avengers will be the default title, does anyone know where I can change it to my own title? Hope someone can help.
11-08-2011, 05:28 PM
greets from vienna, austria.
i have it install under 4.1.5 pl3 and have no problems with it. thanks.
11-08-2011, 06:05 PM
It seems to me as if it's simply not importing 100% on your end... that margin shown is set to 10px but to fix in your case edit the stylevar bodyheader_margin and set the bottom value to 10 (units should already be set as PX).
It's already set to 10px and being utterly ignored for no apparent reason. :) Don't fret about it though, as I've said I corrected it with the margin-top. I probably somehow messed it up with our changes in the first place, so no biggie.
11-08-2011, 06:40 PM
Hi I don't want to sound stupid but I have no idea which folder I upload this to through my FTP.
This will be the first time I install a theme skin for vbulletin & I just dont have any idea what the folder paths are. One more thing I am assuming Avengers will be the default title, does anyone know where I can change it to my own title? Hope someone can help.
- You need FTP access, once you have that extract the .zip (remember per my notes in the description you must extract it twice due to file size restrictions here etc).
- Now go into the UPLOAD folder on your pc, drag and drop the images folder into your forum root i.e. where you also see a /images folder and tell it to overwrite.
- The Title you can change via the Style Manager in AdminCP and simply click the drop-down to the right of the style name and choose "Edit Settings".
greets from vienna, austria.
i have it install under 4.1.5 pl3 and have no problems with it. thanks.
It's already set to 10px and being utterly ignored for no apparent reason. :) Don't fret about it though, as I've said I corrected it with the margin-top. I probably somehow messed it up with our changes in the first place, so no biggie.
Well I wondered because you had a white background issue and so did one or two others even though in the version I have it's told to be blue just like your margin-top is already set to 10px yet it's being finicky... I just want to figure out why it's doing it for some and not others so everyone has the same style initially upon installation, what you do with it afterwords is nice to see as I personally like how you've swapped out part of the background :cool:.
11-09-2011, 07:51 PM
Well I wondered because you had a white background issue and so did one or two others even though in the version I have it's told to be blue just like your margin-top is already set to 10px yet it's being finicky... I just want to figure out why it's doing it for some and not others so everyone has the same style initially upon installation, what you do with it afterwords is nice to see as I personally like how you've swapped out part of the background :cool:.
If I can somehow help you figuring out what causes these quirks for some of us, I'd love to help out. The least I can do with you offering this awesome skin for free. As I've said, we're still running it privately and testing everything, but if you'd like I can PM you my login details. I have faith you won't use them to post naked tranny pictures in my name. :P
Yeah, we're gonna have changing gaming backgrounds, so we had to fiddle around with them a bit. It's awesomely set up now, cause we can change either the header part, the background part or both. We're very happy with how everything's turning out. :)
11-09-2011, 08:16 PM
Hm, the user profile page decided to be weirdly colored with brown text and white backgrounds again. I'm pretty sure it has something to do with Microclassifieds, cause that's the only thing we've been updating outside of the style and considering its crappy code and its inclusion in the profiles .. yeah. Now I've just gotta figure out what it does .. or maybe it'll just return to normal by tomorrow again. :D
11-10-2011, 08:33 PM
Stunning style, it's beautiful.... totally think you did an awesome job mate.
This is the perfect mix of dark and light text, I went from an all black style to this and the members could not be more happy.
11-19-2011, 02:27 AM
After upgrading VB from 4.1.7 to 4.1.8 member name in "Today's Birthday" is replaced by word "Array". I also have couple of mods installed like "who has visited today" "who has posted today" and now names are separated by two commas, while in all other installed themes by one comma. Any clue?
11-19-2011, 09:05 PM
Upgraded to 4.1.8 and looks good!
One question,
I am running both fluid and fixed for my members selection of this style. I have a header I've built for the fixed style that doesn't necessarily fit the fluid style (to narrow). How can I distinguish one header image for the fixed and another image for the fluid? This IS NOT priority but if you have an answer readily available I'd appreciate knowing how to do this.
11-20-2011, 10:31 AM
Nice style, Updated for 4.1.8??
11-20-2011, 03:53 PM
Anyone who upgraded VB to 4.1.8 and have this theme installed care to share URL? I would like to know if it is just me having problems? I really love the style so I would like to have it working for my site.
Thank you.
11-20-2011, 06:51 PM
After upgrading VB from 4.1.7 to 4.1.8 member name in "Today's Birthday" is replaced by word "Array". I also have couple of mods installed like "who has visited today" "who has posted today" and now names are separated by two commas, while in all other installed themes by one comma. Any clue?
You must have some modification installed that interacts with Who's Online, a plugin or something to cause that.
Upgraded to 4.1.8 and looks good!
One question,
I am running both fluid and fixed for my members selection of this style. I have a header I've built for the fixed style that doesn't necessarily fit the fluid style (to narrow). How can I distinguish one header image for the fixed and another image for the fluid? This IS NOT priority but if you have an answer readily available I'd appreciate knowing how to do this.
Profiles look decent now Gary? If you look at how I did it you'll see it's a work around so I hope your good there :D and as for your different header try this:
Edit template header and find:
<div align="center"><a name="top" href="{vb:link forumhome}"><img src="{vb:stylevar titleimage}" alt="{vb:raw vboptions.bbtitle}" /></a></div>
All you need to replace is the {vb:stylevar titleimage} variable you see inside the img src code with your new image url so it displays ;).
<div align="center"><a name="top" href="{vb:link forumhome}"><img src="images/avenger_blue/misc/a_different_blue_avenger_logo.png" alt="{vb:raw vboptions.bbtitle}" /></a></div>
Nice style, Updated for 4.1.8??
Should work fine on 4.1.8 although I have not tested, Gary as you can see above says it works fine however Eurobeat states he has a issue although in Eurobeats case I believe it's simply modification related. Remember it's a quick and simple install/check it out/uninstall with styles so give it a shot and report any issues that come up otherwise enjoy!
Anyone who upgraded VB to 4.1.8 and have this theme installed care to share URL? I would like to know if it is just me having problems? I really love the style so I would like to have it working for my site.
Thank you.
Again... I believe it's modification related, you can try these two methods to check:
1) Create a totally new default style, if it's fixed then we know for sure it was something in the style i.e. a change implemented in 4.1.8.
2) If the problem still persists after creating a new default style ^ then simply disable your plugins by following these instructions;
You can disable hooks (modifications and plugins) by doing the following:
Edit config.php and add this directly below <?php:
define('DISABLE_HOOKS', true);
define('DISABLE_HOOKS', true);
/*================================================= =====================*\
|| ################################################## ################## ||
Now save and upload that to includes/ and overwrite the original config.php. Now check to see if the array error still persist, if so you can now disable the modification you believe is the culprit until a update is released. Once disabled remove the added line you included in config.php and re-enable your other modifications :cool:.
11-20-2011, 11:11 PM
Again... I believe it's modification related, you can try these two methods to check:
1) Create a totally new default style, if it's fixed then we know for sure it was something in the style i.e. a change implemented in 4.1.8.
It didn't help. Same problem.
2) If the problem still persists after creating a new default style ^ then simply disable your plugins by following these instructions;
After disabling it still didn't do nothing. Double commas appear in your style. Paul M who designed some of the plugins I used suggested Thats because it still have the old css in your custom theme that adds the comma, this was removed from default vb 418.
"Array" issue only occurred when using your style. All other styles I have installed including default had the birthday name and age correctly displayed. So I do not know what to do.
11-21-2011, 02:33 AM
It didn't help. Same problem.
After disabling it still didn't do nothing. Double commas appear in your style. Paul M who designed some of the plugins I used suggested Thats because it still have the old css in your custom theme that adds the comma, this was removed from default vb 418.
"Array" issue only occurred when using your style. All other styles I have installed including default had the birthday name and age correctly displayed. So I do not know what to do.
Wait for a update, I'll install 4.1.8 in the staging site on my pc (localhost etc) and see about the issues and release a update asap. Edit: Please see below.
11-21-2011, 05:30 PM
It didn't help. Same problem.
After disabling it still didn't do nothing. Double commas appear in your style. Paul M who designed some of the plugins I used suggested Thats because it still have the old css in your custom theme that adds the comma, this was removed from default vb 418.
"Array" issue only occurred when using your style. All other styles I have installed including default had the birthday name and age correctly displayed. So I do not know what to do.
Hmm... try re-importing the style and the reason I say that is I installed a 4.1.8 test site last night, today I imported the same style in the .zip here and look below, it works fine.
^ That's a completely new 4.1.8 forum, nothing changes basically I installed the Avenger Blue style right after installing the forum, old css aside there's no issues for me? What OTHER modifications do you have installed, or it might be better if I ask, what modifications on your site are not by Paul? I would start looking there and check your plugins as well. If it were truly just a css issue I would see double commas right after installing the style, as you can see in the screenshot provided that is not the case.
Tested using:
- Apache 2.2 & PHP Version 5.3.8 on Windows 7 Ultimate
- vBulletin 4.1.8
11-21-2011, 07:12 PM
Hmm... try re-importing the style and the reason I say that is I installed a 4.1.8 test site last night, today I imported the same style in the .zip here and look below, it works fine.
Trust me I tried but it didn't work.
What OTHER modifications do you have installed, or it might be better if I ask, what modifications on your site are not by Paul?
So far the problem appeared only in Paul modifications: Members Who Posted Today, Members Who Visited Today and Who Has Read Thread - ver (Please see attached pic for first two modes). These modifications does not affect other styles on my site.
Also have issues and previously stated related to User page where the basic info are white square. I disabled all plugins but it still exists. (pics attached as well).
"Array" issue still needs to be resolved. See if you have somebody's birthday today if it is displayed correctly.
Thank you for looking into it.
11-21-2011, 07:40 PM
Trust me I tried but it didn't work.
So far the problem appeared only in Paul modifications: Members Who Posted Today, Members Who Visited Today and Who Has Read Thread - ver (Please see attached pic for first two modes). These modifications does not affect other styles on my site.
Also have issues and previously stated related to User page where the basic info are white square. I disabled all plugins but it still exists. (pics attached as well).
"Array" issue still needs to be resolved. See if you have somebody's birthday today if it is displayed correctly.
Thank you for looking into it.
Well DUH on me, I didn't change my birthday to today and check :p.
Edit template FORUMHOME and find:
<div id="wgo_birthdays" class="wgo_subblock section">
<h3 class="blocksubhead"><img src="{vb:stylevar imgdir_misc}/birthday.png" alt="{vb:rawphrase todays_birthdays}" />{vb:rawphrase todays_birthdays}</h3>
<ol class="commalist">
{vb:raw birthdays}
Replace with:
<div id="wgo_birthdays" class="wgo_subblock section">
<h3 class="blocksubhead"><img src="{vb:stylevar imgdir_misc}/birthday.png" alt="{vb:rawphrase todays_birthdays}" />{vb:rawphrase todays_birthdays}</h3>
<ol class="commalist">
<vb:each from="birthdays" value="row">
<li><a href="{vb:link member, {vb:raw row}}">{vb:raw row.username}</a><vb:if condition="$row['age']"> ({vb:raw row.age})</vb:if>{vb:raw row.comma}</li>
Save and call it a day :cool:.
Now for the profile style issue, edit template MEMBERINFO, look near the top and you'll notice I call some CSS directly, scroll to the bottom of that css and find:
.userprof_moduleinactive {
background: transparent !important;
background-color: transparent !important;
border: 1px solid #32415f !important;
color: rgb(195, 195, 195) !important;
Add this as shown:
.userprof_moduleinactive {
background: transparent !important;
background-color: transparent !important;
border: 1px solid #32415f !important;
color: rgb(195, 195, 195) !important;
.stats.userprof_content.userprof_content_border, .blockbody.userprof_content.userprof_content_borde r {
background-color: transparent !important;
border: none !important;
Done and done!
11-21-2011, 08:00 PM
Updated on 11/21/2011
- Updated for compatibility with vBulletin 4.1.8, if you use 4.1.8 please download and install the .zip labeled vB4.1.8 otherwise for vBulletin 4.1.4 through 4.1.7 please use the .zip w/ the vB4.1.8 in the filename ;).
- Corrected "Array" template issue, required revision of template FORUMHOME.
- Corrected white background in member profiles, required revision of MEMBERINFO.
11-21-2011, 08:40 PM
hi mate the last post isn't inline on the update showing in attached image
and is there a way i can decrees the gap between the logo and the navbar showing in pic ??
and my post input box is still white showing in attached pic
11-21-2011, 08:55 PM
hi mate the last post isn't inline on the update showing in attached image
and is there a way i can decrees the gap between the logo and the navbar showing in pic ??
and my post input box is still white showing in attached pic
- On the first image, what's the URL for that? When I view where I think that screenshot is from I see the info fine... looks odd though so lemme know the url so I can have a quick look ;).
- Second image, adjusting that is in the modification description above look for:
Q. The style has shifted after I changed the logo... how do I fix this?
A. If you have a issue w/ the header i.e. you placed a much larger or smaller logo than the one included it will "shift" the style in a sense, to fix this edit vbulletin-chrome.css and find:
The info is right after that, code to edit and all.
- Third image, inputs for those areas are meant to be white, intentionally although in between one release I did tinker and will update accordingly on the next release making them match the style.
11-21-2011, 08:58 PM
thanks for the fast reply
11-21-2011, 09:19 PM
Updated on 11/21/2011
- Updated for compatibility with vBulletin 4.1.8, if you use 4.1.8 please download and install the .zip labeled vB4.1.8 otherwise for vBulletin 4.1.4 through 4.1.7 please use the .zip w/ the vB4.1.8 in the filename ;).
- Corrected "Array" template issue, required revision of template FORUMHOME.
- Corrected white background in member profiles, required revision of MEMBERINFO.
Thank you. We are getting there. Those two issues in fact are fixed. Still outstanding is the issue of double commas, and one more tab for USER PAGE. The tab in question is "Friends". Please look at the picture. First is your style, second is default style.
11-21-2011, 09:30 PM
just noticed something else in the profile the Welcome, Mark, notifications, My Profile, Settings, Log Out is over the top of my buttons showing in pic
11-21-2011, 11:34 PM
thanks for the fast reply
Thank you. We are getting there. Those two issues in fact are fixed. Still outstanding is the issue of double commas, and one more tab for USER PAGE. The tab in question is "Friends". Please look at the picture. First is your style, second is default style.
just noticed something else in the profile the Welcome, Mark, notifications, My Profile, Settings, Log Out is over the top of my buttons showing in pic
I'll have another update out by tomorrow best I can do, as for the double commas Eurobeat2 I'm completely at a loss so no fix is planned atm.
11-22-2011, 12:14 AM
I'm completely at a loss so no fix is planned atm.
Paul M suggestion was: Off the top of my head, I dont recall, look for content: in your rules. Note that removing it could affect other areas of your custom style. Maybe it would help.
EDIT: I also noticed double comma problem in USER MENU under "Recent Visitors". Picture included.
Thank you for all your hard work.
11-22-2011, 03:00 AM
- On the first image, what's the URL for that? When I view where I think that screenshot is from I see the info fine... looks odd though so lemme know the url so I can have a quick look ;).
I confirm it. Same issue on my website. As a matter of fact you can see it in your own screen shot of 4.1.8 test site. You will see "Last Post" and "Threads/Posts" are not aligned with "Last Post" being on the second line.
11-22-2011, 05:10 AM
^ I didn't realize you had them collapsed, confused me upon first view but it was forumhome.
Already fixed, all of it Eurobeat2 however I want to permanently fix the background/logo size issue so it adjusts automatically and that will be tomorrow as I have other work to finish tonight so be patient and come tomorrow it should be fully updated to 4.1.8 ;).
11-22-2011, 07:22 AM
^ I didn't realize you had them collapsed, confused me upon first view but it was forumhome.
i should have said its the forum home page lol but its also doing it in the subforums but take it thats all related
11-23-2011, 06:22 PM
This is the only bug I seem to notice.
Facebook, user name, user setting, inbox, and such seem to be hidden under the thread page numbers.
Not sure if I explained that correctly, so please see the screen shot.
11-23-2011, 06:28 PM
This is the only bug I seem to notice.
Facebook, user name, user setting, inbox, and such seem to be hidden under the thread page numbers.
Not sure if I explained that correctly, so please see the screen shot.
Note = Error only applied to the fluid version and not the fixed version.
As such I've installed the fixed, but it maybe something that could be affecting others
edit: I was wrong. It does affect the fixed theme. But I have also discovered the problem.
Editing this as suggested has an impact on where the above moves along.
edit again: I suspect the conflicting modification maybe this:
A value of 115px is the minimum safe value with this modification with this skin. Unless anyone else can find a better resolve.
11-23-2011, 09:04 PM
Note = Error only applied to the fluid version and not the fixed version.
As such I've installed the fixed, but it maybe something that could be affecting others
edit: I was wrong. It does affect the fixed theme. But I have also discovered the problem.
Editing this as suggested has an impact on where the above moves along.
edit again: I suspect the conflicting modification maybe this:
A value of 115px is the minimum safe value with this modification with this skin. Unless anyone else can find a better resolve.
i dont have this installed and mine has moved as well
11-23-2011, 11:46 PM
i dont have this installed and mine has moved as well
Interesting... Do you have any other modifications which would affect your header template?
11-24-2011, 01:28 AM
This is the only bug I seem to notice.
Facebook, user name, user setting, inbox, and such seem to be hidden under the thread page numbers.
Not sure if I explained that correctly, so please see the screen shot.
Note = Error only applied to the fluid version and not the fixed version.
As such I've installed the fixed, but it maybe something that could be affecting others
edit: I was wrong. It does affect the fixed theme. But I have also discovered the problem.
Editing this as suggested has an impact on where the above moves along.
edit again: I suspect the conflicting modification maybe this:
A value of 115px is the minimum safe value with this modification with this skin. Unless anyone else can find a better resolve.
i dont have this installed and mine has moved as well
Interesting... Do you have any other modifications which would affect your header template?
Hellllllllooooo :p
Everyone else, new version for 4.1.8 asap it's almost done I promise :cool:.
11-25-2011, 02:29 AM
Paul M wrote a blog regarding "comma" issue in 4.1.8 vB. Here is the link:
BTW. In your style I also noticed that "double" comma are occurring when dividing subforums. You might consider more global change for your style than just fixing single templates.
Thank you.
11-25-2011, 05:23 PM
Paul M wrote a blog regarding "comma" issue in 4.1.8 vB. Here is the link:
BTW. In your style I also noticed that "double" comma are occurring when dividing subforums. You might consider more global change for your style than just fixing single templates.
Thank you.
What are you doing still talking about comma's? It's fixed and no, we don't redo a entire style over one little mixup in css or rush a release because one member keeps posting about one issue repeatedly, that's simply not the correct thing to do. If it were a major overhaul i.e. more than the short list of deprecated and new stylevars and/or miscellaneous changes then sure that would make sense however this time, updating a few templates was the way to go.
Please report any NEW issues other than those already posted here so they can make it into the new version, I'll be releasing it later today (tonight).
11-25-2011, 10:24 PM
Awesome theme! TY!
I also like the simplicity of your logo. What did you use to create it so I can have the exact same style/size/font for my forum? (if you don't mind that is).
Thanks in advance.
11-28-2011, 03:36 AM
Where do I change the css for the white blocks shown on the attached image?
11-28-2011, 06:39 PM
Where do I change the css for the white blocks shown on the attached image?
Use the new file, see the modification post above for a download link. Basically I was unaware of how exporting a style changed a few versions ago and that was the reason why for example you see odd colors on your blog but I never, ever did :p.
Updated on 11/28/2011
- Updated for 4.1.8, fixing double comma issues.
- Corrected CMS and Blog styling issues, style now requires a three part install of .xml files, one for the Forum, one for CMS, and Blog.
To install the 4.1.8 Version:
1) Upload the contents of the UPLOAD Folder.
2) If for example you want the Fixed style installed then import the file:
*Please note, if you do not use the vBulletin Suite and have the Forum Classic version you only need to install the file vbulletin-style_Avenger_Blue_Fixed-Forum.xml.
a) Import the vbulletin-style_Avenger_Blue_Fixed-Forum.xml file first.
b) Merge in the vbulletin-style_Avenger_Blue_Fixed-CMS.xml (Options when uploading a style allow you to merge into a existing style, choose to merge this into the new style you just created using the Forum.xml.
c) Merge in the vbulletin-style_Avenger_Blue_Fixed-Blog.xml into the style, this has now updated the style for all three major products and the installation is complete!
3) Enjoy!
Updated Forumhome screenshot for 4.1.8:
Edit: Also GaryT, quite a bit changed in the 4.1.8 version...
- The backgrounds are now split, meaning you can do a custom background of your own yet the top blue bar w/ the logo in it will remain on top.
- Logo no matter what size (as long as it's not above 155px in height) will always center, if you upload a 250px by 55px logo for example it will be centered in the top portion of the header vertically and horizontally.
- Added more shadow effects.
- Fluid version now uses %'s instead of left and right margin set to auto, so the main site is 90% and the side margins are 5% each.
- Fixed Double Comma issues.
- Updated CSS.
So what I'm telling you in advance basically is, it's too much to list considering my workload for the rest of the day and I'm not interested in providing a changelog so you may want to install then customize this version to suit if your already on 4.1.8 :cool:.
11-28-2011, 06:58 PM
hi mate just away to test no wonder u couldn't up load it u rared up your full image folder and not just avenger_blue
11-28-2011, 07:07 PM
hi mate just away to test no wonder u couldn't up load it u rared up your full image folder and not just avenger_blue
Considering how my wife is low-balling me on the Christmas lights on a Monday at 3:07pm when I clearly supposed to be working, it's a wonder I still have my sanity! Let me work woman!!! (Don't tell her I said that btw :p)
11-28-2011, 07:11 PM
Fixed Markos and thanks :cool:.
11-28-2011, 07:12 PM
hehehehehehehe just tested so far all good nice work mate im using the fluid :)
11-28-2011, 07:18 PM
hehehehehehehe just tested so far all good nice work mate im using the fluid :)
Awesome Markos and thanks for the feedback and confirmation it's all good, now I'm off to finish up some work since Christmas lights just landed me in the infamous Dog House lofl :p.
11-28-2011, 09:16 PM
found a little not so much as a bug but i would like it back lol
u cant click on the logo to take u back to the main page
when u edit min-height:155px; it doesn't change the size of it :(
11-28-2011, 09:51 PM
found a little not so much as a bug but i would like it back lol
u cant click on the logo to take u back to the main page
when u edit min-height:155px; it doesn't change the size of it :(
I changed that, seeing as how you have the navbar tabs to navigate I didn't see the logic of having the logo clickable anymore, besides I had to use the titleimage as the background so it was always centered no matter what image you used - It will not be clickable, if you still wish to adjust the height I'll need to post detailed instructions at a later point. Alternatively you can now paste any type of extra code and it will display in the same area w/ the logo as the background so some of you can be a little savvy w/ that :cool:.
11-29-2011, 12:19 AM
okay, a bit confused right now. The update email notice has a link to your site to download the file:
vBulletin 4.1.8 Version has a download size that will not upload here, even being compressed twice therefor you must download from my site: and it's only one .zip file to extract
Right now getting a page not found when clicking on the link.
11-29-2011, 12:27 AM
okay, a bit confused right now. The update email notice has a link to your site to download the file:
vBulletin 4.1.8 Version has a download size that will not upload here, even being compressed twice therefor you must download from my site: and it's only one .zip file to extract
Right now getting a page not found when clicking on the link.
That was only temporary, Markos noted why it was so large and I corrected. You can find the 4.1.8 .zip file above for download.
11-29-2011, 02:47 AM
Both fixed and fluid have to be side scrolled now? I'm running 1920x1080 so this really shouldn't happen?
11-29-2011, 03:48 AM
Yup, I can confirm the same also. Also do not see Last Post at all now.
11-29-2011, 07:29 AM
Both fixed and fluid have to be side scrolled now? I'm running 1920x1080 so this really shouldn't happen?
i think thats something to do we the logo or the backgrount problem
11-29-2011, 11:58 AM
In additional.css find:
.ablogo {
Change background-repeat: no-repeat !important; to:
background-repeat: repeat-x !important;
I'll fix in the next version but that should sort the 1920 x 1080 where it's chopped off. Thread/Post counts will return but underneath the forum description and Last Post "title" on right column per say will not be returning, again as with the logo being clickable yet having more ways to reach the forums again and/or refresh I also feel anyone w/ common sense can tell what the last post is after using any form of forum software just once or twice.
11-29-2011, 05:09 PM
Do you have a copy of the last version so I can revert to the old code for the header?
11-29-2011, 05:37 PM
Do you have a copy of the last version so I can revert to the old code for the header?
that doesn't work ive tried to copy the code over and the background vanishes lol
@TheLastSuperman it still pushes to the right
11-29-2011, 06:15 PM
Do you have a copy of the last version so I can revert to the old code for the header?
Use the 4.1.4-4.1.7 version download if you wish to do that ;).
that doesn't work ive tried to copy the code over and the background vanishes lol
@TheLastSuperman it still pushes to the right
Hmm how odd since I run my pc on a 40" Samsung using 1920 x 1080 resolution and don't see that happening in Firefox, IE9, Chrome, or Opera AFTER I make the change:
background-repeat: repeat-x !important;
Be sure to refresh the page (F5) a few times and/or clear your cache via the Maintenance tab in AdminCP (bottom left - Flush System Cache under Maintenance) and if your using a Mac instead of PC you must, I repeat must clear the browsers actual cache. Otherwise the background will not repeat and be chopped-off per your screenshot and per what I just saw when pressing F11 in firefox (full-screen) but updating the code should remedy this :cool:.
11-29-2011, 06:46 PM
<a href="" target="_blank">http://www.scottishexoticreptilesfor...hp?styleid=156</a>
have a look mate i done the changes
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