View Full Version : vB API question

07-24-2011, 07:59 AM
First of all I'd like to know if I am using the API for something that it is intended for (or possible nonetheless).
I am trying to utilize the API to log users into my vB installation when they log into another part of the site. That is, I want them to seamlessly be able to navigate an existing wordpress installation (with 15k existing accounts) and the newly installed vB forums.
I have ported the accounts over already. That is not much of a problem (except for the passwords....)

Now I am trying to set it so that when they log into the WP, the API logs them into the vB.

Will this work?

Is there a better way to get the desired result?

07-24-2011, 04:27 PM
If you include the global.php file, then a session gets started for the user in vbulletin. Are you using the same username/password for both wordpress and vB?

07-24-2011, 06:34 PM
That seems to be something that will need to be done. I can't decrypt the existing passwords, I was thinking about overwriting the password when they log into wordpress. This way the password will be the same even if they change it in wordpress.

So if I include the global.php, I still need to pass their credentials to vB to get the session to be of a logged in status. Also, I have vB running inside of WP. So if I call vB in WP, it will essentially call WP twice and cause issues.

I guess I just need to know what the best way to log into vB from outside of vB is. Is the API the way to do that?

07-24-2011, 11:07 PM
I have seen wordpress to vB bridges before. Have you done any sort of search to find one?

07-24-2011, 11:29 PM
extensive research. Everything that is out there is not compatible with vB 4x

I've got 90% of it done. I just need to know why the API isn't working or another way to set the session.

07-25-2011, 01:53 AM
Most of the php code for a bridge should be compatible with vb4. Any template code would definitely not be, but the basic php should be fine whether it is vb4 or vb3.

07-25-2011, 02:15 AM
I will look into it. Thanks.