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08-06-2011, 07:11 PM
Version 0.7.2 (06.08.2011)
now supporting folders for forum prefixes
sprite generation splittet to avoid timeouts on sites which a huge number of styles
checks if the gd version is 2.0.36 or higher (experimental)

08-06-2011, 07:25 PM
Version 0.7.2 (06.08.2011)
now supporting folders for forum prefixes
sprite generation splittet to avoid timeouts on sites which a huge number of styles
checks if the gd version is 2.0.36 or higher (experimental)

hmmm, refreshing with this new version causes a database error:
Warning: mysqli_query() [function.mysqli-query]: (42S22/1054): Unknown column 'language.phrasegroup_sprite' in 'field list' in [path]/includes/class_core.php on line 1352

08-06-2011, 07:35 PM
Hello Crotan,

thanks for the info, i tested something during the deployment of 0.7.2 and dropped this later. But it seems i forgot to remove
$phrasegroups = array('sprite');
from the sprite.php

I have updated the zip file.

Best regards

08-06-2011, 07:58 PM
Working very well. Thank you.

08-06-2011, 09:07 PM
The new version fixed the "move redirect icon" issue it was not appearing, thanks, nominated :)

08-07-2011, 05:08 AM
Awesome! The latest upgrade worked great. Thank you very very much! :up:

Just one very small issue on some of my skins. If you look at the attached screenshots you will see that my little search icon is missing. How can I get that back please?



Thank you!

EDIT: I also use this mod: http://www.vbcover.com/icart.php?do=product&productid=56

and on it's main page the icons are also gone:


08-07-2011, 05:18 AM
Awesome! The latest upgrade worked great. Thank you very very much! :up:

Just one very small issue on some of my skins. If you look at the attached screenshots you will see that my little search icon is missing. How can I get that back please?



Thank you!

check out https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showpost.php?p=2227800&postcount=138

08-07-2011, 05:31 AM
check out https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showpost.php?p=2227800&postcount=138

Thanks Crotan, but I don't quite understand how to change this? Sorry for my noobness! :o

EDIT: lol, OK, I get it. I am a slow learner. If I remove that part in the additional.css the search icon shows but the little block is gone. Yet I can change the image in forums>images>buttons>search.png, but will that not then change it on all other skins also?

08-07-2011, 05:54 AM
Hello Taurus1,

each HTML-Element can only have one background.

The css-rule for the sprite is:
.sprite_button_search {
background: url("images/sprites/sprite-61-main.png") no-repeat scroll -34px -18px transparent;
display: inline-block;
height: 22px;
width: 22px;

Your style adds an additional background for the magnification glass:
.globalsearch .searchbutton {
background: url("images/Seamus/gradients/back3.png") repeat-x scroll left top transparent;
border: 1px solid #1B518F !important;
border-radius: 7px 7px 7px 7px;
box-shadow: 0 0 2px #1A1A1A;
margin-left: -5px;
margin-top: -2px;

So the Browser will use as background-image either "images/sprites/sprite-61-main.png" or "images/Seamus/gradients/back3.png".

You need to remove
background: url("images/Seamus/gradients/back3.png") repeat-x scroll left top transparent;
so it can display the magnification glass using sprites.

Since you will loss your background for the magnification glass if you do this, you can merge your background with the magnification glass, to get it back. And dont forget to refresh the sprite after this.


For the Ticket-like addon.

You need to make an additional template edit for this, based on the one for the threadbit:
Template: threadbit
< <li class="threadbit {vb:raw thread.statusstring}<vb:if condition="$show['paperclip']"> attachments</vb:if><vb:if condition="!$thread['postuserid'] AND !$thread['del_userid']"> guest</vb:if><vb:if condition="$thread['moderatedprefix']"> unapproved</vb:if>" id="thread_{vb:raw thread.realthreadid}">
> <li class="sprite_statusicon_thread_30 threadbit {vb:raw thread.statusstring}<vb:if condition="$show['paperclip']"> attachments</vb:if><vb:if condition="!$thread['postuserid'] AND !$thread['del_userid']"> guest</vb:if><vb:if condition="$thread['moderatedprefix']"> unapproved</vb:if>" id="thread_{vb:raw thread.realthreadid}">

Please note, that the difference is only the addition of sprite_statusicon_thread_30.

With 0.8.0 this wont be necessary anymore, since the sprite will than use for these icons threadbit and dont need sprite_statusicon_thread_30 anymore. But until than, this needs to be done to get it working :)

Best regards

08-07-2011, 06:06 AM
OK, I understand. Is it possible to just refresh this one sprite? Or I must just click the refresh button again, refreshing all? Thanks.

PS: What about my second issue with the icons missing on my iSupport page?

08-07-2011, 06:11 AM
EDIT: Disregard. Sorry, I get it now. I just need to add the one part of that code in my threadbit templates.

08-07-2011, 06:13 AM
Hello Taurus1

EDIT: lol, OK, I get it. I am a slow learner. If I remove that part in the additional.css the search icon shows but the little block is gone. Yet I can change the image in forums>images>buttons>search.png, but will that not then change it on all other skins also?

If the other Styles use this path also for the stylevar imgdir_button, than this will also change the other styles.

So i think it would be better to use antoher folder for the style with the special background for the magnification glass.

Best regards

08-07-2011, 06:16 AM
So do I just add this to my threadbit template, and where?

1c1 < <li class="threadbit {vb:raw thread.statusstring}<vb:if condition="$show['paperclip']"> attachments</vb:if><vb:if condition="!$thread['postuserid'] AND !$thread['del_userid']"> guest</vb:if><vb:if condition="$thread['moderatedprefix']"> unapproved</vb:if>" id="thread_{vb:raw thread.realthreadid}"> --- > <li class="sprite_statusicon_thread_30 threadbit {vb:raw thread.statusstring}<vb:if condition="$show['paperclip']"> attachments</vb:if><vb:if condition="!$thread['postuserid'] AND !$thread['del_userid']"> guest</vb:if><vb:if condition="$thread['moderatedprefix']"> unapproved</vb:if>" id="thread_{vb:raw thread.realthreadid}">

You need to search in the templates for the iSupport for "threadbit".

There should be something like

<li class="threadbit ...">

there, add the sprite_statusicon_thread_30, so it looks like

<li class="sprite_statusicon_thread_30 threadbit ...">

Since i didnt know this addon, i cant tell you which is the themplate they use.

You need to refresh all styles, there is currently no option to refresh a single style.

Best regards

08-07-2011, 07:08 AM
pls add

08-07-2011, 07:20 AM
Hello NgocTam,

support for icons within SHOWTHREAD will be added in 0.8.0.

Best regards

08-07-2011, 07:32 AM
Thank you very much for all your help. I think I got everything sorted now. If you have a moment sometime, I would really appreciate it if you could just check on my forum, and see if everything is correct. Thank you!

08-07-2011, 07:45 AM
Can you tell me why the icons on forum home are broken in IE. They seem to be OK in firefox now but not IE. http://www.airgunforum.co.uk/forums/forum.php

08-07-2011, 08:12 AM
Hello Andyrew,
i cant reproduce this, everthing seems fine for me (see attached screenshot).

What exactly did you mean by "broken" and what is the version of your IE?
Maybe this is a problem with your browser cache?

Best regards

08-07-2011, 09:24 AM
That's odd. I have deleted cache and it still looks the same. I am using IE 9, here is what I see.

Update: I have told IE to reset to default settings and everything is now working fine. :up::D

Must have been something I changed a while ago.

08-08-2011, 01:25 AM
Sprite was not created ????
0 imageprefixes for forums found.
Processing post icons.
14 post icons found.
116 icon candidates added.
Starting with styles/summer/sprites/sprite-2-main.png.
93 icons added.
Creating sprite (width:1000px height:117px).
Sprite saved, updating css-rules.
Starting with styles/summer/sprites/sprite-2-main_rtl.png.
93 icons added.
Creating sprite (width:1000px height:117px).
Sprite saved, updating css-rules.
CSS template successfully updated.
Starting with styles/summer/sprites/sprite-2-forumdisplay.png.
0 icons added.
Sprite was not created.
Starting with styles/summer/sprites/sprite-2-forumdisplay_rtl.png.
0 icons added.
Sprite was not created.
CSS template successfully updated.
Starting with styles/summer/sprites/sprite-2-forumhome.png.
0 icons added.
Sprite was not created.
Starting with styles/summer/sprites/sprite-2-forumhome_rtl.png.
0 icons added.
Sprite was not created.
CSS template successfully updated.
Starting with styles/summer/sprites/sprite-2-showthread.png.
0 icons added.
Sprite was not created.
Starting with styles/summer/sprites/sprite-2-showthread_rtl.png.
0 icons added.
Sprite was not created.
CSS template successfully updated.

08-08-2011, 10:01 AM
okay installed on 4.1.5 PL1

there is only one slight error the Paperclip icon on threads now appears a little odd ( i think it now stands out more! )

see pic

I have this exact same problem .... :confused:

Running version 0.7.2 on vBulletin 4.1.3pl1 ....

Anything I can do to address it?

Thanks for the mod ... :up:


08-08-2011, 12:12 PM
Hi NgocTam,

this isnt a problem, as long as the main-sprite is created.

Since 0.6.3 it is possible to add icons to specific sprites (main, forumdisplay, forumhome, showthread). I have introduced it, to gain a better ratio between the icons that are added in a sprite and the icons that are used on a page.
Currently, this isnt used and wont be used in 0.8.0. Maybe in 0.9.0.

Best regards

08-08-2011, 12:14 PM
Hello BadgerDog,

i dont want to be rude by answering with a quote, but i have answered this problem a lot and this quote has all the information and solution :)

If you have some image like


which looks like


in the Sprite (it is stretched and vertical lines are added), than you possible use a GD Libary older than 2.0.36.

GD had a problem handling grayscale images with alpha channel correctly, wich was fixed with GD 2.0.36 in the Year 2007.

https://bitbucket.org/pierrejoye/gd-...361a31aab/NEWS (https://bitbucket.org/pierrejoye/gd-libgd/src/733361a31aab/NEWS)

The solution is to update the GD-Libary to 2.0.36 (or later) or replace every file which uses "gray+alpha" with an version using "color RGBA".

I would advise to update the GD-Libary, cause there is also a serious security problem, that was fixed in the Year 2009 by Debian.

I am totally shocked by this, since there seem to be a whole bunch of people with this kind of problem and this fix is 4 years old and since 2 years known als high security fix by debian.
So there seems to be a lot problem within the maintenance of servers, if some serious security issue isnt solved since 2-4 years. If you pay money for server maintenance i would be deeply shocked, if i were you.

I will add it to the FAQ now.

Best regards

08-08-2011, 01:01 PM
TMS is available in 3.8.x
how to for 4.1.5 ?

08-08-2011, 01:27 PM
Hello sivaganeshk,

Andreas has uploaded TMS 1.2.0 Beta 2 (http://www.vbulletin-germany.org/showthread.php?24-Template-Modification-System) on vBulletin-Germany.org, but it seems that TMS 1.1.5 is also working with vBulletin 4.

Please ask questions regarding the TMS in the corresponding thread (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=152931) :)

Best regards

08-08-2011, 03:00 PM

Sorry for my English

0.7.2 installed and running but have this problem


anyway, great job, thanks

08-09-2011, 11:50 AM
Found a bug in Visitor Message pagination arrow:


08-09-2011, 11:58 AM
sorry for the late reply - we will update the faq regarding this question once we find the time.
And sorry if i keep myself short, but since that has been asked numerous times already in this thread i think a short answer will suffice:
Despite covering hundreds of icons our addon can't cover everything. Especially gradients can't be automatically replaced since they differ a lot in custom styles. But, we do offer a hook so you can add your own icons into the sprite, based on the needs your board has. A how to can be found somewhere in this thread.

please read the FAQ in post two. This 'bug' isn't caused by the addon but by a very old GD version which besides this 'signature' also contains a security risk, which was fixed 4 years ago.

08-09-2011, 12:36 PM
Hello DNCL,

thanks for the information. Beside the GD-Problem, there is a small bug with the position of this field, it shouldn't be so low.

It caused by an overlap with an original vb css-rule. I will fix this in 0.8.0.

Best regards

08-09-2011, 12:51 PM
Hello BadgerDog,

i dont want to be rude by answering with a quote, but i have answered this problem a lot and this quote has all the information and solution :)

I will add it to the FAQ now.

Best regards

Not rude... I should have seen it myself ... :up:

I contacted our Unix tech support group ...

Here's their response ...

Unix Tech Support feedback ..

I just looked at your config and you're not actually running GD 2.0.34. You're running the embedded GD that is built into PHP. It's the same version that would be installed running an "up2date php-gd". In CentOS (and modern RedHat implementations) it would actually be "yum install php53-gd" rather than up2date.

In any case; rather than breaking PHP and linking it to a standalone GD implementation I ran a major update to PHP. This new version SHOULD have the support you're looking for. Although the phpinfo command still says (2.0.34 compatible) that does not mean you're actually running 2.0.34.

Hopefully the plugin will run with the updated PHP (and php53-gd package) without having to go to a source-compiled implementation.

Let me know if this works for you.

Strange graphics are now fixed, but I thought I'd post the above feedback for everyone's benefit here, just in case they're in a similar position to us running embedded GD with Redhat Linux .... :)

By the way, sent you a PayPal donation to say thank you for your efforts on this excellent mod ... :up:


08-09-2011, 12:52 PM
Thanks :)

there is a similar issue in WOL



08-09-2011, 01:21 PM
Hello DCNL,

thanks, this is a similar problem.

vBulletin defines a css-rule like
.columnsort a, .columnsort span
there, but since we replace an img with a span, this rule also changes the behavior with our sprite.

A quick fix would be to rewrite it to
.columnsort a, .columnsort > th > span
but i will think about a better solution for this and implement it in 0.8.0 :)

If there will be more such problems i will release an additional version 0.7.3 to cover this, so it isnt delayed to long cause of the support for SHOWTHREAD in 0.8.0.

Best regards

08-09-2011, 02:08 PM
Hello BadgerDog,

BIG THANKS for your donation, i am really happy about your support :up:

Best wishes,

08-09-2011, 02:58 PM
I am sorry for this question in here, so please forgive me. I asked my hosting company what version of GD-Library I have, and they answered me this:

You have gd-2.0.33-9.4.el5_4.2, the latest from CentOS 5

Is this correct? That it is the latest version? Because on some of my styles I also see those weird looking images.


08-09-2011, 03:35 PM
Hello Taurus1,

the latest version of the gd library is 2.0.36 (from 2007) in which this bug was fixed.

I think gd 2.0.33 was released 2004. It may be the latest version with CentOS 5.

Debian uses gd 2.0.36 since Debain Lenny.

Best regards

08-09-2011, 03:48 PM
Hello Taurus1,

the latest version of the gd library is 2.0.36 (from 2007) in which this bug was fixed.

I think gd 2.0.33 was released 2004. It may be the latest version with CentOS 5.

Debian uses gd 2.0.36 since Debain Lenny.

Best regards

Thank you very much. (Sent you some bucks to say thanks for everything!)

08-09-2011, 03:55 PM
Sorry, I have one question. If I disable TMS now, after this is already installed, will I loose all template edits?
And then can I just enable it again if there is an update?


08-11-2011, 02:43 PM

My "goto last post" button isn't showing up which is likely caused by me forgetting to edit code... any idea what bit of code there was to edit in order to get this to appear?

08-12-2011, 12:12 PM
Hello Taurus1,

THANKS for your donation, its really really nice, big thanks!

I which i could have answered sooner, but i had a lot work to do this week.

I dont know if TMS will remove the template-changes if you disable it, but i think it will remove them, if you deinstall it.
I think Andreas will answer this, if you ask him in the corresponding thread: https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=152931&page=44

Again, Thank you very much!

Best wishes

08-12-2011, 12:16 PM
Hello steeler7,

sorry for my late answer.

It seems you have already find the solution? Just to make sure, this are the needed template changes:

< <a href="{vb:link thread, {vb:raw threadinfo}, {vb:raw pageinfo_lastpost}}#post{vb:raw lastpostinfo.lastpostid}"><img src="{vb:stylevar imgdir_button}/lastpost-{vb:stylevar right}.png" alt="{vb:rawphrase go_to_last_post}" /></a>
> <a href="{vb:link thread, {vb:raw threadinfo}, {vb:raw pageinfo_lastpost}}#post{vb:raw lastpostinfo.lastpostid}"><span class="sprite_button_lastpost" title="{vb:rawphrase go_to_last_post}"></span></a>
< <a href="{vb:link thread, {vb:raw threadinfo}, {vb:raw pageinfo_lastpost}}#post{vb:raw lastpostinfo.lastpostid}"><img src="{vb:stylevar imgdir_button}/lastpost-{vb:stylevar right}.png" alt="{vb:rawphrase go_to_last_post}" /></a>
> <a href="{vb:link thread, {vb:raw threadinfo}, {vb:raw pageinfo_lastpost}}#post{vb:raw lastpostinfo.lastpostid}"><span class="sprite_button_lastpost" title="{vb:rawphrase go_to_last_post}"></span></a>

Best regards

08-12-2011, 03:16 PM
Hello steeler7,

sorry for my late answer.

It seems you have already find the solution? Just to make sure, this are the needed template changes:

< <a href="{vb:link thread, {vb:raw threadinfo}, {vb:raw pageinfo_lastpost}}#post{vb:raw lastpostinfo.lastpostid}"><img src="{vb:stylevar imgdir_button}/lastpost-{vb:stylevar right}.png" alt="{vb:rawphrase go_to_last_post}" /></a>
> <a href="{vb:link thread, {vb:raw threadinfo}, {vb:raw pageinfo_lastpost}}#post{vb:raw lastpostinfo.lastpostid}"><span class="sprite_button_lastpost" title="{vb:rawphrase go_to_last_post}"></span></a>
< <a href="{vb:link thread, {vb:raw threadinfo}, {vb:raw pageinfo_lastpost}}#post{vb:raw lastpostinfo.lastpostid}"><img src="{vb:stylevar imgdir_button}/lastpost-{vb:stylevar right}.png" alt="{vb:rawphrase go_to_last_post}" /></a>
> <a href="{vb:link thread, {vb:raw threadinfo}, {vb:raw pageinfo_lastpost}}#post{vb:raw lastpostinfo.lastpostid}"><span class="sprite_button_lastpost" title="{vb:rawphrase go_to_last_post}"></span></a>

Best regards


i'll go check those out.

One other question. I've been having the issue with the Attachment clip graphic that was mentioned earlier in this thread. I asked my host to upgrade my GD to 2.0.36 like you had recommended and this was the response I received :

The version of the 'gd' package installed on your VPS is 2.0.33. As we have found out from the official repository https://bitbucket.org/pierrejoye/gd-libgd, this is the latest stable version. So the version 2.0.36 of this library couldn't be installed.

08-12-2011, 04:15 PM
Hello steeler7,

the versioning in the repo is a little bit messed up, since the tags shown by bitbucket (latest 2.0.33 / 2.0.34RC1) dont correspond to the .hgtags (https://bitbucket.org/pierrejoye/gd-libgd/src/733361a31aab/.hgtags) (latest 2.0.35) and it also didnt correspond to the NEWS (https://bitbucket.org/pierrejoye/gd-libgd/src/733361a31aab/NEWS) (latest 2.0.36).

To bring some order in this mess, its best to look at the official site for this. Since this site is currently down, please us the waybackmachine for this:

As you can see, the latest official release is 2.0.36 RC1 and the latest stable release is 2.0.35.

Since 2.0.36 RC1 is now nearly 4 years old and fixes some security issues, it is mostly addressed as 2.0.36 and - as example - used by the stable release of debian (http://packages.debian.org/squeeze/libgd2-noxpm) and was even used two years before by the oldstable release (http://packages.debian.org/lenny/libgd2-noxpm).

If you use gd2 embeded in php and want to know which is the minimum required php-version which had this patch embeded, we need to look a little bit closer.

This was the patch for the support of png "gray+alpha": https://bitbucket.org/pierrejoye/gd-libgd/changeset/248593aef2a8#chg-src/gd_png.c
Now we need to look into the php repo (https://svn.php.net/repository/php/php-src/tags/) to make sure since which php version this patch was included.

You will find, that this patch is included in the embeded version since PHP 5.3.0 (https://svn.php.net/repository/php/php-src/tags/php_5_3_0/ext/gd/libgd/gd_png.c).

For comparison PHP 5.2.17 (latest version before 5.3.0) in which this patch wasn't included: https://svn.php.net/repository/php/php-src/tags/php_5_2_17/ext/gd/libgd/gd_png.c

If it isn't possible to update the gdlib, you can always switch your images from "gray+alpha" with an version using "color RGBA". But i mostly recommend the update of the gdlib, since 3.0.36(RC1) also fixes some serious security issues.

I hope this helps you :)

Best regards

08-12-2011, 08:46 PM
Hello steeler7,

the versioning in the repo is a little bit messed up, since the tags shown by bitbucket (latest 2.0.33 / 2.0.34RC1) dont correspond to the .hgtags (https://bitbucket.org/pierrejoye/gd-libgd/src/733361a31aab/.hgtags) (latest 2.0.35) and it also didnt correspond to the NEWS (https://bitbucket.org/pierrejoye/gd-libgd/src/733361a31aab/NEWS) (latest 2.0.36).

To bring some order in this mess, its best to look at the official site for this. Since this site is currently down, please us the waybackmachine for this:

As you can see, the latest official release is 2.0.36 RC1 and the latest stable release is 2.0.35.

Since 2.0.36 RC1 is now nearly 4 years old and fixes some security issues, it is mostly addressed as 2.0.36 and - as example - used by the stable release of debian (http://packages.debian.org/squeeze/libgd2-noxpm) and was even used two years before by the oldstable release (http://packages.debian.org/lenny/libgd2-noxpm).

If you use gd2 embeded in php and want to know which is the minimum required php-version which had this patch embeded, we need to look a little bit closer.

This was the patch for the support of png "gray+alpha": https://bitbucket.org/pierrejoye/gd-libgd/changeset/248593aef2a8#chg-src/gd_png.c
Now we need to look into the php repo (https://svn.php.net/repository/php/php-src/tags/) to make sure since which php version this patch was included.

You will find, that this patch is included in the embeded version since PHP 5.3.0 (https://svn.php.net/repository/php/php-src/tags/php_5_3_0/ext/gd/libgd/gd_png.c).

For comparison PHP 5.2.17 (latest version before 5.3.0) in which this patch wasn't included: https://svn.php.net/repository/php/php-src/tags/php_5_2_17/ext/gd/libgd/gd_png.c

If it isn't possible to update the gdlib, you can always switch your images from "gray+alpha" with an version using "color RGBA". But i mostly recommend the update of the gdlib, since 3.0.36(RC1) also fixes some serious security issues.

I hope this helps you :)

Best regards

Here's my hosts response after providing to them your explanation :

As you know you have cPanel on the server and we use all libraries from the official repositories. And the latest version of GD library in the official repositories is 2.0.33-9.4, which is currently installed on your VPS. Any custom install may cause problems to Apache + PHP, so this can be done at your own risk and we can't guarantee that everything will be working properly after the upgrade.

I';m to novice to install stuff like this myself :D, but I figured posting this for you and others just in case anyone else happens to run into this issue

08-13-2011, 01:10 AM
I might be dumm but do I have to do all those template edits on the dfff file?

I dont get the way is been done, which templates I edit, or remove?

08-13-2011, 04:38 AM
damn the more I try with this mod the more problems I get. errr

08-13-2011, 07:38 AM
Hello FReeSTER,

the easiest way is to install the Template Modification System (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=152931) and than install this addon. Than all template-changes will be done automatically.

If you do it manually you need to do all the template-changes within the TEMPLATE_CHANGES.diff.

In the diff-format, "<" means remove and ">" means add. in a combination like

Template: block_blogentries
< <img src="{vb:stylevar imgdir_cms}/widget-blog.png" alt="" />
> <span class="cms_widget_blog"></span>

It would mean

<img src="{vb:stylevar imgdir_cms}/widget-blog.png" alt="" />
<span class="cms_widget_blog"></span>

Best regards

08-13-2011, 03:22 PM
Up there is saying "vB Version: 4.x.x", but when trying to install in a 4.0.8 version the plugin says it is incompatible.

08-13-2011, 03:28 PM

08-13-2011, 03:39 PM
Hello kingMOB,

the addon has internally vBulletin 4.1.3 and above as depency.

<dependency dependencytype="vbulletin" minversion="4.1.3" maxversion="" />

You can change this to
<dependency dependencytype="vbulletin" minversion="4.0.8" maxversion="" />
or lower to run it with vBulletin 4.0.8.

I have set this thread to vB Version: 4.x.x, since it should work with 4.x.x theoretically (as far as i can see), but until now it wasnt independent and practically confirmed, thats why the minversion is currently set to 4.1.3, the lowest vBulletin version for which it was confirmed in a live system.

Best regards

08-14-2011, 02:23 AM
Hello FReeSTER,

the easiest way is to install the Template Modification System (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=152931) and than install this addon. Than all template-changes will be done automatically.

If you do it manually you need to do all the template-changes within the TEMPLATE_CHANGES.diff.

In the diff-format, "<" means remove and ">" means add. in a combination like

Template: block_blogentries
< <img src="{vb:stylevar imgdir_cms}/widget-blog.png" alt="" />
> <span class="cms_widget_blog"></span>It would mean

<img src="{vb:stylevar imgdir_cms}/widget-blog.png" alt="" />with
<span class="cms_widget_blog"></span>Best regards

Got it mate, thanks

I went to page speed from google and Im getting this

Suggestions for this page
The following images served from myfreeneeds.com should be combined into as few images as possible using CSS sprites.

Suggestions for this page

The following images served from myfreeneeds.com should be combined into as few images as possible using CSS sprites.

I also have this problem on the subforums showing no images


08-14-2011, 07:11 AM
Hello FReeSTER,

most of the icons you listed are introduced by your style, if you want to add them you need to do this via the sprite_add_icon Hook. Please read "Google pagespeed still tells me that i should combine icons into sprites." in the FAQ for further information :)

I am currently working on 0.8.0 an have changed the Array for adding Icons a little bit, so i would advise to wait until the release of 0.8.0 before you add icons to the sprite, so you didnt need to change them a second time.

Regarding the not displayed threadicons, i think you forget this template-change:
Template: threadbit
< <li class="threadbit {vb:raw thread.statusstring}<vb:if condition="$show['paperclip']"> attachments</vb:if><vb:if condition="!$thread['postuserid'] AND !$thread['del_userid']"> guest</vb:if><vb:if condition="$thread['moderatedprefix']"> unapproved</vb:if>" id="thread_{vb:raw thread.realthreadid}">
> <li class="sprite_statusicon_thread_30 threadbit {vb:raw thread.statusstring}<vb:if condition="$show['paperclip']"> attachments</vb:if><vb:if condition="!$thread['postuserid'] AND !$thread['del_userid']"> guest</vb:if><vb:if condition="$thread['moderatedprefix']"> unapproved</vb:if>" id="thread_{vb:raw thread.realthreadid}">

Best regards

08-14-2011, 01:50 PM
Hello FReeSTER,

most of the icons you listed are introduced by your style, if you want to add them you need to do this via the sprite_add_icon Hook. Please read "Google pagespeed still tells me that i should combine icons into sprites." in the FAQ for further information :)

I am currently working on 0.8.0 an have changed the Array for adding Icons a little bit, so i would advise to wait until the release of 0.8.0 before you add icons to the sprite, so you didnt need to change them a second time.

Regarding the not displayed threadicons, i think you forget this template-change:
Template: threadbit
< <li class="threadbit {vb:raw thread.statusstring}<vb:if condition="$show['paperclip']"> attachments</vb:if><vb:if condition="!$thread['postuserid'] AND !$thread['del_userid']"> guest</vb:if><vb:if condition="$thread['moderatedprefix']"> unapproved</vb:if>" id="thread_{vb:raw thread.realthreadid}">
> <li class="sprite_statusicon_thread_30 threadbit {vb:raw thread.statusstring}<vb:if condition="$show['paperclip']"> attachments</vb:if><vb:if condition="!$thread['postuserid'] AND !$thread['del_userid']"> guest</vb:if><vb:if condition="$thread['moderatedprefix']"> unapproved</vb:if>" id="thread_{vb:raw thread.realthreadid}">

Best regards

Thank you mate, that did the job. :):up:
and yes i will wait for 0.8.0

08-14-2011, 08:30 PM
I also had the problem post#300 had where icons don't show up in forumdisplay.

I relied on the TMS to automate my Template modifications for this product but it didn't modify the first line of threadbit because of another plugin/product I was running. Separate Sticky from NonSticky threads is the plugin that previously changed line1 in threadbit preventing the TMS from doing its job.

So if you have that plugin installed then the automated install of this product does not work and you need to modify threadbit by hand or uninstall the other plugin. I simply reverted threadbit to default (loosing the sticky plugin), but it did the trick.

08-15-2011, 12:48 PM
I am sorry, but I had to disable this mod. TMS caused me to almost not being able to edit any template. And disabling TMS renders this mod useless. I really hope you can come up with a fix here. Thanks.

08-15-2011, 01:32 PM
Hello Taurus1,

if you have problems with TMS, please write them down in https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=152931&page=44. I cant help you with the TMS.

Without TMS, maintaining the templateedits is very time-consuming. I knew it, since i do this manually on our forum.

Best regards

08-17-2011, 12:13 PM
When thread display version will be added? Then I will add it on my live board..

08-17-2011, 12:25 PM
Osbes is working on SHOWTHREAD right now, an alpha is running on our live board.

SHOWTHREAD is really tricky and needs a lot of creative thinking, therefore it unfortunately takes a bit longer than expected to weed out the unavoidable bugs. But it's going to be awesome. =)

Eagle Eyes
08-19-2011, 06:07 PM
Do you have a live board running this?

Thank you.

08-19-2011, 06:44 PM
Alpha version working on here www.united-forum.de/?

08-19-2011, 11:30 PM
upon installation a new stylevar imgdir_sprite will be created. Update this stylevar based on your file structure - default value is the vbulletin sprite directory. Make sure the folder is writable, else the sprites can't be saved!

I don't understand this?? What do you mean with ths update stylevar what do need to do, i'm newbie for this stuff. How to make folder to be writeable

08-20-2011, 06:41 AM
Hello datoneer,

addon will create a new stylevar named imgdir_sprite. If you didnt changed your stylevars until now, the default value (images/sprites) should be ok for you.

Also in most cases this folder is already writeable if this isn't the case or another error occurs, the addon will tell it you during the creation/refresh of the sprites.

Best regards

08-20-2011, 06:52 AM
Status update:

We have added a lot icons for 0.8.0 but there are still 15 images left which we want to add.

Since we are currently in cologne at the gamescom, there won't be much support until monday and 0.8.0 won't be released before the next weekend.

08-26-2011, 05:49 PM
How to remove copyright from footer?

08-28-2011, 12:07 PM
Hello Osbes, i am very interested on this mod and personally i think you did a great job (congratulations for such great solution), but before installing it i have some questions:

I run on my forum the following mods and i would like to ask if there's any known issue between them and yours:

DownloadsII (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/misc.php?do=producthelp&pid=downloads2)

DownloadsII Create Thread (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/misc.php?do=producthelp&pid=dl2thread)

iTrader (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/misc.php?do=producthelp&pid=itradervb4)

Members who have Visited (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/misc.php?do=producthelp&pid=paulm_wvt_40)

More Share Options for VB4 by BOP5 (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/misc.php?do=producthelp&pid=bop5moresharesvb4)

Most popular downloads (http://www.evisystems.org/)

SevenSkins Image Resizer (http://www.sevenskins.com/)

Tabs en vBulletin 4.x (http://www.vbsoporte.com/foros/f36/tabs-add-system-vbulletin-4-sstab-advanced-726/)


I have disabled the CMS also due as homepage we are running Wordpress with our own Style (you can check it at http://www.onlinewebmarket.net/forum.php)... so from the moment i would avoid installing TMS i have also another question: are you eventually available for installing your mod on my board and editing all templates manually (for a paid fee of course)?.

Thanks in advance for your reply and sorry for boring so much with all these questions Lol.-

09-03-2011, 10:34 PM
Hi guys, I haven't understood it at all. Do I need to change EVERYTHING that it is shown in TEMPLATE_CHANGES.diff or only the code under the ## Version 0.7.1 ## tag?

Thanks in advance.

09-04-2011, 09:58 AM
but tms is for 3.8.x? is there any version for vb4?

09-04-2011, 03:14 PM
We are running DownloadsII, Sevenskin Image Resizer, vBseo, v3arcade, vbExperience and there are no conflicts. Most likely there won't be any conflicts with the rest of them either.

Everything in Template_changes.diff needs to be changed. If you are using the TMS those changes will be done automatically during installation.

The latest TMS Version does work with vB4. For TMS Support please ask in the TMS mod topic.

Regards Mooff

09-04-2011, 03:35 PM
Is it working on 4.1.5 ??????

09-04-2011, 04:46 PM
It works, King.

By the way, Moof, I sugges to add this:

Template: forumhome_forumbit_level1_nopost

< <img src="{vb:stylevar imgdir_button}/collapse_40b.png" alt="" title="{vb:rawphrase collapse_this_category}" />

> (I don't know what It should be here).

09-04-2011, 06:31 PM

That icon has a javascript attached to it (to collapse the categories). Replacing the icon would mean modifing the javascript aswell, which in this case is pretty ugly, so we won't add that icon.

09-04-2011, 07:47 PM
Another last thing, Moof,


My icons seem a bit odd, as If they were uncentered. What do you think about it?


09-05-2011, 06:56 AM
Thank you

I ve v 4.15



and United-Forum CSS Sprites

It s ok

09-05-2011, 11:12 AM
Thank you

I ve v 4.15



and United-Forum CSS Sprites

It s ok

did you install 1.1.5 version?

edit: I got it. I've installed 1.1.5 version. There is no problem.

By the way I have a question

upon installation a new stylevar imgdir_sprite will be created. Update this stylevar based on your file structure - default value is the vbulletin sprite directory. Make sure the folder is writable, else the sprites can't be saved!
create the sprites via the ACP at CSS-Sprite using the Refresh option.

which folder is that?

09-06-2011, 08:24 AM
Increased my Google Page Speed rank by 10 points, thanks for your contribution!

Would be nice if there was also a vb3.8 version available too.

09-06-2011, 09:15 AM
It not work in vbb4.08:
The following dependencies were not met:
This product is not compatible with version 4.0.8 of vBulletin. (Compatible starting with 4.1.3)

09-06-2011, 09:52 AM
Where is update v.80

09-06-2011, 11:11 AM
i install tms
in installation i can not understand this section
can anyone describe this:
"upon installation a new stylevar imgdir_sprite will be created. Update this stylevar based on your file structure - default value is the vbulletin sprite directory. Make sure the folder is writable, else the sprites can't be saved!
create the sprites via the ACP at CSS-Sprite using the Refresh option."

09-06-2011, 12:11 PM
i install tms
in installation i can not understand this section
can anyone describe this:
"upon installation a new stylevar imgdir_sprite will be created. Update this stylevar based on your file structure - default value is the vbulletin sprite directory. Make sure the folder is writable, else the sprites can't be saved!
create the sprites via the ACP at CSS-Sprite using the Refresh option."

I think it is /images/sprites folder.

09-06-2011, 01:27 PM
Please check this post.

A lot of other big projects came up for our board. Since we lack coders we have a huge todo list and need to prioritize our coding time. Which unfortunately means that 0.8.0 doesn't get that much attention right now - we are still running an alpha version on our board, which still has designbugs.
But there's no need to wait for 0.8.0. 0.7.2 already gives you a huge performance gain.

default vb4 sprite directory is /images/sprites. This folder needs to be read and writeable. That's all the text is saying. In addition, if you want your sprite somewhere else, you can specify another folder via the imgdir_sprite stylevar.

09-06-2011, 02:12 PM
Another last thing, Moof,


My icons seem a bit odd, as If they were uncentered. What do you think about it?


Requoting. Thanks in advance.

09-06-2011, 02:19 PM
Please check this post.

Thanks, I installed. My new trouble is the last instruction:
in order to use the sprites, you then will have to edit some templates. The diffs (xou will find it in the do_not_upload folder show which parts you have to delete '<' and which parts to add '>' In addition, on top find the lines in which you will find the respective code.

As this instruction I opened file TEMPLATE_CHANGES.diff and saw the code:

## Version 0.7.1 ##

Template: search_threadbit
< <li class="imodselector threadbit {vb:if !$thread['del_username'], $thread['statusstring']}" id="thread_{vb:raw thread.realthreadid}" title="{vb:raw thread.preview}">
> <li class="sprite_statusicon_thread_30 imodselector threadbit {vb:if !$thread['del_username'], $thread['statusstring']}" id="thread_{vb:raw thread.realthreadid}" title="{vb:raw thread.preview}">

Template: threadbit_deleted
< <li class="threadbit deleted<vb:if condition="$show['paperclip']"> attachments</vb:if><vb:if condition="!$thread['postuserid']"> guest</vb:if><vb:if condition="$thread['moderatedprefix']"> unapproved</vb:if>" id="thread_{vb:raw thread.realthreadid}">
> <li class="sprite_statusicon_thread_30 threadbit deleted<vb:if condition="$show['paperclip']"> attachments</vb:if><vb:if condition="!$thread['postuserid']"> guest</vb:if><vb:if condition="$thread['moderatedprefix']"> unapproved</vb:if>" id="thread_{vb:raw thread.realthreadid}">

What I have to do next? The code only for ver.0.7.1???? and how about the code from ver.0.5 to ver.0.7??? ignore them??
Srr for my noob:(

09-08-2011, 03:49 AM
Would you recommend using this mod for a forum line mine? www.47r-squad.com
It's custom built and very graphic intensive..
Not sure if this is going to work for me.

09-08-2011, 01:48 PM
I don't know exactly what is causing this behaviour. Someone in this thread had it before, i thought this bug was fixed then.

You need to perform all code changes mentioned in the diff file. How to read that file is explained here.
But, i would advise everyone to use the TMS, which does those changes for you.

The addon will merge a lot of your icons into sprites. So yes, i would recommend using it.

09-08-2011, 02:10 PM
@Moof just to say thats the issue I had as well although I have removed the mod for now.

@Seductor what OS and php version do you have? trying to think of causes

09-08-2011, 02:54 PM
can't wait to see this for showthread - that's where the majority of my traffic comes in from.

09-09-2011, 05:48 AM
You need to perform all code changes mentioned in the diff file. How to read that file is explained here.
But, i would advise everyone to use the TMS, which does those changes for you.

Thank friend,
I already changed all the default icon and status icon by custom icon and avatars in my forum. I want to know the mod still make my forum faster or not?
My forum: http://srsc.com.vn

Thank again,

09-09-2011, 09:43 AM
Wow, your site takes 30 seconds to load for me on the first go and 18 seconds on the second one. :eek And that is with javascript blocked.

As for images. I don't know what you are using for your forumicons. Unfortunately i doesn't seem to be the build in vb4 version, which also would allow to choose different icons for different forums (see our site) so we can't catch them. Avatars we can't catch at all. Avatars can't be added in a sprite since a board at most will show 20 at a time? And boards like ours have thousands of avatars on them. So it doesn't make sense to transfer the data of thousand avatars to show 20.

Forumdisplay you show avatars instead of threadicons, so the addon won't be able to catch those.

There are still some http requests you can save using the addon. But do not expect a massive performance increase (i would expect it to shave like 2 seconds off), since most of your loading time is due to your other addons, like huge animated graphics, real time graph creation etc. and that we cannot speed up.

09-11-2011, 03:28 AM
This gave me a boost by about 7 points.

I'm still horribly low on 38 points.

Page Speed Online by google is still giving me quite a large list of images which can be converted into CSS sprites. They are mostly gradients and/or icons.

I was wondering if I've done anything wrong?

I have TMS installed.

Any help will be greatly appreciated.

09-12-2011, 10:09 AM
Please provide a link to your site.

I assume you have some other addons running which add a lot of images to your page. Images the default vb4 installation does know nothing about, and therefore we can't catch them (unless someone uses our plugin hook to include those icons into the sprite).

09-12-2011, 02:16 PM
Wow, your site takes 30 seconds to load for me on the first go and 18 seconds on the second one. :eek And that is with javascript blocked.

It took me more than 30 seconds :O That is insane!

09-12-2011, 03:13 PM
By the way, I have seen the problems are related to libgd<2.0.36 . I have checked my PHPInfo and it shows:

GD Support enabled
GD Version bundled (2.0.34 compatible)

Does 2.0.34 compatible mean that is lower than 2.0.36?

I'm using FreeBSD and PHP 5.2.14 . Did I see something about this is fixed in 5.2.3?

Would you suggest me to update my PHP and GD? I'm in a paid hosting.

EDIT: Thanks for all, Moos. I nominated this, it is probably the best plugin for vBulletin. vBulletin should use sprites by default :\

09-14-2011, 12:51 PM
Hi Moof. There is not GD 2.0.36 in FreeBSD (the last port is 2.0.35).
to fix
Is there any way to fix this without updating the GD?

I have tried to edit the CSS, but it doesn't seem to work. They are even restored every time that the sprites are updated.


09-14-2011, 01:05 PM
BTW to add I have 2.0.34 as well (Centos)
Tbh if we had an option to use imagik that would help.

09-18-2011, 09:20 AM
Hi Moof. There is not GD 2.0.36 in FreeBSD (the last port is 2.0.35).
to fix
Is there any way to fix this without updating the GD?

I have tried to edit the CSS, but it doesn't seem to work. They are even restored every time that the sprites are updated.



i have the same problems, how can i fix this?

my phpinfo
GD Support enabled
GD Version bundled (2.0.34 compatible)
FreeType Support enabled
FreeType Linkage with freetype
FreeType Version 2.4.2
T1Lib Support enabled
GIF Read Support enabled
GIF Create Support enabled
JPEG Support enabled
libJPEG Version 6b
PNG Support enabled
libPNG Version 1.2.44
WBMP Support enabled
XPM Support enabled
XBM Support enabled

09-18-2011, 10:19 AM

i have the same problems, how can i fix this?

my phpinfo
GD Support enabled
GD Version bundled (2.0.34 compatible)
FreeType Support enabled
FreeType Linkage with freetype
FreeType Version 2.4.2
T1Lib Support enabled
GIF Read Support enabled
GIF Create Support enabled
JPEG Support enabled
libJPEG Version 6b
PNG Support enabled
libPNG Version 1.2.44
WBMP Support enabled
XPM Support enabled
XBM Support enabled

We can't, we need GD 2.0.36.

09-18-2011, 10:29 AM
You could try to change this stylevar:

That should make the forumicon smaller. Though i still do not know why it is strechted in such a weird way.

GD and Imagemagix are two independed graphic packages. Supporting the other one would mean recoding a huge part of the addon.
Since way more sites use GD (afaik) the choice was made to code it for that package.

09-18-2011, 12:43 PM
You could try to change this stylevar:

That should make the forumicon smaller. Though i still do not know why it is strechted in such a weird way.

It doesn't solve the problem: I have tried to make it bigger:

Making it tight doesn't fix it.

Mickie D
09-18-2011, 05:43 PM
Will this hack support ImageMagick ?

I have GD installed aswell but I was getting errors when I tried to run the generator.

How does it look for GD?, does it look at your vbulletin settings?

Looks like a wonderful MOD.


09-18-2011, 07:05 PM
Support for ImageMagick isn't planned.
It does not use vbulletin settings for the GD check. It does use the php function extension_loaded.
Please post your error messages.

Mickie D
09-18-2011, 09:08 PM
I get this error and it's not spriting anything.

I have removed the hack for now until I can get further with it.

I have both GD support and imagemagick...

0 custom icons added.
0 imageprefixes for forums found.
Processing post icons.
14 post icons found.
Adding sidebar icons.
120 icon candidates added.
Error occurred: Your System does not support .
Error occurred: Your System does not support .
Error occurred: Your System does not support .
Error occurred: Your System does not support .
Error occurred: Your System does not support .
Error occurred: Your System does not support .
Error occurred: Your System does not support .
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Error occurred: Your System does not support .
Error occurred: Your System does not support .
Starting with images/sprites/sprite-49-main.png.
18 icons added.
Creating sprite (width:313px height:18px).
Sprite saved, updating css-rules.
Starting with images/sprites/sprite-49-main_rtl.png.
18 icons added.
Creating sprite (width:313px height:18px).
Sprite saved, updating css-rules.
CSS template successfully updated.
Starting with images/sprites/sprite-49-forumdisplay.png.
0 icons added.
Sprite was not created.
Starting with images/sprites/sprite-49-forumdisplay_rtl.png.
0 icons added.
Sprite was not created.
CSS template successfully updated.
Starting with images/sprites/sprite-49-forumhome.png.
0 icons added.
Sprite was not created.
Starting with images/sprites/sprite-49-forumhome_rtl.png.
0 icons added.
Sprite was not created.
CSS template successfully updated.
Starting with images/sprites/sprite-49-showthread.png.
0 icons added.
Sprite was not created.
Starting with images/sprites/sprite-49-showthread_rtl.png.
0 icons added.
Sprite was not created.
CSS template successfully updated.
Processing Complete - Proceed

Powered by vBulletin? Version 4.1.5

09-18-2011, 10:34 PM
I see.

The addon does know you have GD installed and it is working (partly) as shown here:

Starting with images/sprites/sprite-49-main_rtl.png.
18 icons added.
Creating sprite (width:313px height:18px).
Sprite saved, updating css-rules.
CSS template successfully updated.

So it does sprite something.

As for the errors. That particular error does hit here:

else if(~imagetypes() & $imageinfo[2])
-> throw error, skip icon

If your gd version does not support the imagetype that image has, the addon cannot add that icon and therefore doesn't.
In your case i assume (unfortunately the error message doesn't show us which image type due to an oversight) that your gd version doesn't support *.gif files. So the fix would be to update your GD version.

Regards Mooff

Mickie D
09-19-2011, 06:47 PM
I will have a go at updating GD but I do not want to have to recompile PHP.

That is why ImageMagick in my opinion is a much better solution than GD.


GD Support enabled
GD Version bundled (2.0.34 compatible)
GIF Read Support enabled
GIF Create Support enabled
PNG Support enabled
libPNG Version 1.2.44
WBMP Support enabled
XBM Support enabled

It seems I have GIF enabled ?


09-20-2011, 04:21 AM
Will there be an updated version soon that incorporates more images in the sprite?

09-20-2011, 09:50 AM
Will this be updated to vbcms too?

09-20-2011, 11:18 AM
@Mickie D
in the admincp/sprite.php file find that code:

else if(~imagetypes() & $imageinfo[2])
echo '<span style="color:red">Error occurred:</span> Your System does not support ' . image_type_to_mime_type() . '.<br />';

replace with

else if(~imagetypes() & $imageinfo[2])
echo '<span style="color:red">Error occurred:</span> Your System does not support --- Imageinfo:' . $imageinfo[2]. '<br />';

that should return a clearer error message.

FORUMDISPLAY and FORUMHOME are pretty much final. I think 0.8.0 does add 3 icons there.
Next big release will be SHOWTHREAD with 0.8.0.
On our board we have a 0.8.0alpha already running for some weeks now. Unfortunately it's a bit harder to use sprites on SHOWTHREAD. We had to use :after and :before css classes and the css in the default vbulletin version has a lot {vb:math 2/3*{vb:stylevar padding}/{vb:world}*sqrt(275)} expressions in there - which are kinda hard to reproduce for backgroundimages. So in order to release a version here, we have to debug that a lot, so we can be sure it doesn't look off in custom styles where the icons are bigger, or the font is different and so on.
One of those graphic bugs can be found on our live board using chrome - the top button is broken in german language there (look for "nach oben"). And some other bugs like the notices box, or problems in the profile.

In addition i can't really say when we will have the time to polish 0.8.0 since we are really packed codingwise right now. My spare time gets eaten up by a secret project which should be done in about a month or so - and after that 2 other projects are waiting. As for Osbes, he is currently working on our new server, which does include optimizing that new box a lot, since that is the only time we can actually squeeze more performance out without an additional downtime. After that we will prolly finally go for 4.1.(7)(8) which is scary cause we need to convert our 10 years old vbulletin database to utf8 and there is of course the new editor, which scares me a lot.

That aside the addon as of right now does provide a hook you can use to include your own icons into the sprite. And we will continue to provide support on here, we just can't release a new version in the near future.

vbcms support isn't planned as of right now since there aren't that many icons which can be caught - for example previewimages and avatars can't be supported, since that doesn't make sense. Icons like quote, reply and so on will be automatically included once 0.8.0 is out i think, not 100% sure, depends on if they use the same css classes as showthread.
In addition the cms is prolly different for every site, depending on what widgets you use and do not use - and it doesn't make sense to include icons for widgets which won't ever be used on your site.
But as posted above, the addon does have a hook, where you can add your own icons into the sprites.

09-22-2011, 02:20 PM
how is the Update looking? lol

09-26-2011, 08:38 AM
After adding the https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=152931 My forum icons stop showing....default and custom style too.

09-26-2011, 03:14 PM
The scripts look very very good.
If you can do it with an installer for add in the Products/addons in ADMINCP, and with information for the people that can´t be so technical or the people that doesn´t know very much about sprites will be EXCELENT!!!

I will wait for non beta version!!

09-26-2011, 03:46 PM
What is your question? If you have issues with the TMS you should ask in the TMS thread.

This is already a producs/addon ACP modification. You have two ways of installing it:
a) Install it and then do the template edits manually
b) Install the TMS first, then install the sprites addon and everything should work out of the box.

This behaviour cannot change.

As for beta or no beta. Codingwise not that much will change in a non beta version (when ever that will be ready). Basecially you should do the same as you do with all addons, install it on your testboard first and then if you experience no bugs (or fixed them) port it to your liveboard. What i'm trying to say - we have some high standards before we would ever call something gold or final. In addition with every new vb4 version new bugs might show up in every addon, so basecially it might never pass beta state. :P But it's fully functional on both forumhome and forumdisplay.

10-04-2011, 10:57 PM
Google Site Speed increased from 56 to 60 ;-). So nice but not fascinating ;-)

10-05-2011, 11:40 AM
That basecially means you have other issues on your board which you should adress. ;)

the google page speed tool lists them on the left site in separated in red-yellow-green

The red ones make the biggest impact. Go through them. One says for your site that you should enable browser caching so your users do not load images again on their second visit.

Next one are a lot of javascript files you have which you can compress (f.e. by using packed or minified javascript files instead of "readable code")

... and so on

Huge thanks to everyone who voted for this addon and let us win the MoTM. We love you. =)

10-05-2011, 04:04 PM
The following dependencies were not met:
This product is not compatible with version 4.0.6 of vBulletin. (Compatible starting with 4.1.3)

Do you have a version compatible with 4.0.6?

*Tagged* - Can't mark it as installed- because it WONT, despite the fact that it's listed for vB Version: 4.x.x

10-08-2011, 06:27 PM

Hello kingMOB,

the addon has internally vBulletin 4.1.3 and above as depency.

<dependency dependencytype="vbulletin" minversion="4.1.3" maxversion="" />

You can change this to
<dependency dependencytype="vbulletin" minversion="4.0.8" maxversion="" />
or lower to run it with vBulletin 4.0.8.

I have set this thread to vB Version: 4.x.x, since it should work with 4.x.x theoretically (as far as i can see), but until now it wasnt independent and practically confirmed, thats why the minversion is currently set to 4.1.3, the lowest vBulletin version for which it was confirmed in a live system.

Best regards

Hope that helps. =)

10-09-2011, 12:52 PM
Yes! That helps Tremendously, Thank you very much Sir!

10-10-2011, 01:20 PM
This mod says to support CDN.
Any idea on how to integrate it to MaxCDN?

10-12-2011, 06:03 PM
how to remove it? as it doesnt show the thread icons :-S

10-12-2011, 09:28 PM
Ugh VB sure doesn't make it easy on you. In 4.1.7 all custom avatars are duplicated and re-sized in a thumbs directory, and if you are running GD, you will lose all transparency with the re-sized thumbnails. Now I either have to re-size every members avatar to the same size that thumbnails are to retain transparency, and this mod's functionality


switch to Imagemagick, retain transparency and toss this mod aside. :(

10-12-2011, 10:04 PM
undo the template edits you made and everything is back to normal

I do not understand your point. This mod requires GD to be installed on your server, it does not require the vbulletin settings to be set on GD.
So keep GD installed, set vB to imagemagick and everything should be fine.

Btw. if 4.1.7 breaks the vb GD support, please post a bug report on jira about that issue.

10-12-2011, 10:35 PM
I do not understand your point. This mod requires GD to be installed on your server, it does not require the vbulletin settings to be set on GD.
So keep GD installed, set vB to imagemagick and everything should be fine.

Btw. if 4.1.7 breaks the vb GD support, please post a bug report on jira about that issue.

Awesome news. I will do this soon.

Also, I'm not sure if it breaks GD support or if it's just that 4.1.7 has introduced something unnecessary that shows a limitation in GD?

Should GD be able to copy and re-size a GIF without losing transparency, because that is what happens in 4.1.7

See for clarification: https://www.vbulletin.com/forum/showthread.php/389240-Avatars-with-Transparent-background-no-longer-show-transparent-after-4.1.7-upgrade?p=2219470&viewfull=1#post2219470

10-13-2011, 01:50 PM

install the product and no improvement of performance in terms my website.

suggestion because it does not work on my site

image attached

I hope news thanks

10-13-2011, 02:08 PM
can not make a version of its automatic change the templates?

becomes very difficult to make any changes in templates, Template Modification System is not good for my

10-14-2011, 01:07 PM
Read! ;-) It's TMS compatible...

10-14-2011, 01:09 PM
This mod says to support CDN.
Any idea on how to integrate it to MaxCDN?

Are your normal images integrated into MaxCDN? Then it should without doing anything.
Haven't tested but I guess it should.

10-15-2011, 05:42 AM
When is the update will be available? :D

10-15-2011, 11:35 AM
When is the update will be available? :DI hope the author of this program that make it easier for novices

10-15-2011, 11:53 PM
When will next update be out?

10-19-2011, 05:13 AM
How come this happens?

Incase you don't get it, there's 3 icons in parts in one of the status icons

10-19-2011, 10:13 AM
you gave pictures but you didn't give the traffic info, you picture the forum on a diffrenet times, if you don't add traffic info etc, we couldn't be sure it's actually work.

10-21-2011, 02:55 AM
Great mod! Is there any chance for this to work with vBadvanced too?
Thanks in advance and keep up the good work!

10-21-2011, 03:23 AM
Hmm, on refresh sprites i am getting arround 2-300 of errors like this:
/home/console/public_html/forum/les/darkvision/statusicon/category_forum_link.png (with bburl_path /forum ) does not exist or is not readable.
There is an error in the link, as i've noticed there is a strange "/les/" folder added inside, instead of "/cpstyles/". The correct URL should be like this:
/home/console/public_html/forum/cpstyles/darkvision/statusicon/category_forum_link.png (with bburl_path /forum ) does not exist or is not readable.
How can i fix this?

10-21-2011, 12:56 PM
Sprite doesn't match the css rules. Try the sprite refresh option.

please check your stylevar imgdir settings in the ACP. Make sure the folder there says cpstyles and not les

10-22-2011, 02:25 PM
This product is not compatible with version 4.1.2 of vBulletin. (Compatible starting with 4.1.3)

huhu i want to install in 4.1.2 but is not compatible

10-22-2011, 02:58 PM

Hello kingMOB,

the addon has internally vBulletin 4.1.3 and above as depency.

<dependency dependencytype="vbulletin" minversion="4.1.3" maxversion="" />

You can change this to
<dependency dependencytype="vbulletin" minversion="4.0.8" maxversion="" />
or lower to run it with vBulletin 4.0.8.

I have set this thread to vB Version: 4.x.x, since it should work with 4.x.x theoretically (as far as i can see), but until now it wasnt independent and practically confirmed, thats why the minversion is currently set to 4.1.3, the lowest vBulletin version for which it was confirmed in a live system.

Best regards

Hope that helps. =)

10-24-2011, 09:39 AM
An issue I see with this mod is that is uses an un-official, and un-supported version of GD that you can only get with a lot of finecking about. Since GD is more or less dead, there will not be a new update of it, and would not be integrated with new PHP releases. So this would only work on very few websites.

I suggest to the creator if they want more usage of this hack, that they make it work with the supported version of GD, or convert it to work with Image Magic.

If this could be done, and it actually works, I would not mind supporting it for a very long time, since its one of the things that should speed up a website by a lot, and its the only thing Google is complaining about.

10-24-2011, 10:38 AM
What are you talking about?
This addon uses the GD version which is installed on your server. If you choose to install an un-official and un-supported version of GD on your server that is your choice.

This addon does not include, require or install an un-supported, un-official version of GD.

10-24-2011, 06:37 PM
This mod is not working properly and does more pages fast, I think interest is

10-24-2011, 07:56 PM
Not what I am saying at all.
The issue is that this does not work with GD version 2.0.34
If you have this version of GD it will not work properly, the forum icons get cut off at the bottom, but if you run a newer un-supported and more or less impossible to get version 2.0.36 it will work.

If you look back at other posts people are having the same issue, the image is getting cropped at the bottom, and they all seem to be running 2.0.34

So as far as I can tell, this mod only works with an un-supported version of GD, and the only way to get it working is to recompile PHP, something a lot of people do not want to do.

10-24-2011, 08:31 PM
For clarification - quote from the first page out of the FAQ:
Frequently Asked Questions

My Icon (mostly the paperclip) looks like http://dl.dropbox.com/u/246391/Robin_result.png (it is stretched and vertical lines are added), what can i do?
I assume you use a GD Libary older than 2.0.36.

GD had a problem handling grayscale images with alpha channel correctly, which was fixed with GD 2.0.36 in the year 2007 (https://bitbucket.org/pierrejoye/gd-libgd/src/733361a31aab/NEWS).

The solution is to update the GD-Libary to 2.0.36 (or later) or replace every file which uses "gray+alpha" with an version using "color RGBA".
I would advise to update the GD-Libary, cause there is also a serious security problem, that was fixed by Debian in the year 2009 (http://security-tracker.debian.org/tracker/CVE-2009-3546).

For the embed Version of GD within PHP, this issue is fixed since PHP 5.3.0.

I do not understand why you keep refering to the GD Version which was released 2007 as unsupported. I don't understand either why you refer to it as "impossible to get".

As for the "cut off at bottom" bug. I do not know what is the cause of that, but we have seen forums which run GD 2.0.34 which do not have this bug (those can be identified via the "grey-bug" this GD version has, see the quote if this is unclear).

And there are a lot of "as far as i know" "they all seem to" statements in your post which make me wonder why your are posting a bold statement like "this mod will only work on very few websites".

Mickie D
10-25-2011, 10:38 AM
To be honest Moof

I keep checking back on this thread with the HOPE that you will support Image Magic

with image magick you do not need to re-compile anything if the version you are using (GD) is not supported.

It is by far superior in every way to GD.

Any website that is serious about images USES Image Magick.

We can only hope that this fantastic Mod - "that I voted for Mod of the month - even though I cannot use it :(" will one day support image magick


10-25-2011, 01:23 PM
What do you mean by not supported?

It does work with GD 2.0.34 and below. It's just that GD 2.0.34 has a grey-scale bug, which does affect like 1 out of 100 icons and can be solved by manually converting the icon to rgba.

In addition GD 2.0.34 has a security issue, therefore we advise to upgrade, but upgrading is not necessary for the addon to work.

Point is php has a GD libary included, so by far more servers will have gd than imagemagick. That's why the choice was made to go with GD.

Aside that there is a bug somewhere which causes a cutoff on some icons. But we do not know what the issue is there exactly and can't reproduce it on our server.

10-25-2011, 01:50 PM
What do you mean by not supported?

It does work with GD 2.0.34 and below. It's just that GD 2.0.34 has a grey-scale bug, which does affect like 1 out of 100 icons and can be solved by manually converting the icon to rgba.

In addition GD 2.0.34 has a security issue, therefore we advise to upgrade, but upgrading is not necessary for the addon to work.

Point is php has a GD libary included, so by far more servers will have gd than imagemagick. That's why the choice was made to go with GD.

Aside that there is a bug somewhere which causes a cutoff on some icons. But we do not know what the issue is there exactly and can't reproduce it on our server.


I will report

10-29-2011, 10:46 AM
Hi do you think this would benefit my site . i get 69 for the front page and 50 for the forum from page speed at the moment...

10-29-2011, 07:54 PM
This addon has no cms support per default. The cms/frontpage will look different for every site so a default version makes no sense. But the addon does offer a hook to manually add icons into the sprite so site owners can use it to manually include their customized homepage.

That aside on forumhome and forumdisplay you can get catch many icons and speed up the site. Though on forumhome you use a modifikation for additional forumicons which we do not support (again you could add those icons manually) but i do not understand why this modifikation is used and not the build in vb4 function to customize the standard icons (which we do support).

10-30-2011, 12:23 PM
just had a go the forum went up 8..looking good.. thanks.. just got to get my head round it... more questions to come...:D

10-31-2011, 07:53 PM
a great mod, if its working

11-01-2011, 01:05 AM
I am getting this error:

47 The Ronin
0 custom icons added.
0 imageprefixes for forums found.
Processing post icons.
15 post icons found.
Adding sidebar icons.
121 icon candidates added.
Starting with images/sprites/sprite-10-main.png.
98 icons added.
Creating sprite (width:1000px height:124px).

Warning: imagepng() [function.imagepng]: Unable to open '[path]/images/sprites/sprite-10-main.png' for writing: Permission denied in [path]/admincp/sprite.php on line 1620
Error occurred: Unable to save sprite in images/sprites/sprite-10-main.png.
Starting with images/sprites/sprite-10-main_rtl.png.
98 icons added.
Creating sprite (width:1000px height:124px).

Warning: imagepng() [function.imagepng]: Unable to open '[path]/images/sprites/sprite-10-main_rtl.png' for writing: Permission denied in [path]/admincp/sprite.php on line 1620
Error occurred: Unable to save sprite in images/sprites/sprite-10-main_rtl.png.
CSS template successfully updated.
Starting with images/sprites/sprite-10-forumdisplay.png.
0 icons added.
Sprite was not created.
Starting with images/sprites/sprite-10-forumdisplay_rtl.png.
0 icons added.
Sprite was not created.
CSS template successfully updated.
Starting with images/sprites/sprite-10-forumhome.png.
0 icons added.
Sprite was not created.
Starting with images/sprites/sprite-10-forumhome_rtl.png.
0 icons added.
Sprite was not created.
CSS template successfully updated.
Starting with images/sprites/sprite-10-showthread.png.
0 icons added.
Sprite was not created.
Starting with images/sprites/sprite-10-showthread_rtl.png.
0 icons added.
Sprite was not created.
CSS template successfully updated.

11-01-2011, 05:15 AM
I am getting this error:

Warning: imagepng() [function.imagepng]: Unable to open '[path]/images/sprites/sprite-10-main.png' for writing: Permission denied in [path]/admincp/sprite.php on line 1620
Error occurred: Unable to save sprite in images/sprites/sprite-10-main.png.

Warning: imagepng() [function.imagepng]: Unable to open '[path]/images/sprites/sprite-10-main_rtl.png' for writing: Permission denied in [path]/admincp/sprite.php on line 1620
Error occurred: Unable to save sprite in images/sprites/sprite-10-main_rtl.png.

Problem appears to be right here. Need to change permissions on the sprite folder to allow writing.

11-01-2011, 07:24 AM
It's working fine now, but still giving me the error.
Folder is 777.

11-01-2011, 01:33 PM

i cannot for the life of me get this mod working... It's creating the images and all that,
but it make no difference to my site, what could be wrong?


11-01-2011, 02:45 PM
How would i sprite the title image and logo as it wants a url..anyone ..thanks

11-02-2011, 06:28 PM
is there a limit to how many custom sprites i can make ..as i get 1 working ok then make another and its not spriting the image...thanks

11-02-2011, 10:06 PM
have you made the template changes?

No limit, can you show me the exact code you are using for the custom icon right now + the names of two icons you want to add?
(i think the code changed in 0.8.0 that's why i'm asking, so i can't compare it to our version)

11-02-2011, 10:24 PM
have you made the template changes?

I installed the template mod. system, so yes? :)

11-03-2011, 10:16 AM
@ Moof
the code is this

$files[] = array(
'path' => $stylevars['imgdir_siteicons']['imagedir'] . '/logo.png',
'css' => 'siteicons_logo',


<span class="sprite_custom_siteicons_logo" title=""></span>

works ok
and this..
$files[] = array(
'path' => $stylevars['imgdir_siteicons']['imagedir'] . '/whobar.png',
'css' => 'siteicons_whobar',


<span class="sprite_custom_siteicons_whobar" title=""></span>
dosnt work ..but dose when i disable the first one
All the files are in the same folder ...siteicons....

its more than likely my interpretation of your code.. sorry but we all have to learn..
thanks for your help..:D

11-03-2011, 01:01 PM
Can you try to reinstall the addon and check for error messages during the installation? And can you check if the sprite changes are in your templates? (check the template code, look for css classed named sprite_ )

The last item in an php array is not supposed to have a comma, change your code to:

$files[] = array(
'path' => $stylevars['imgdir_siteicons']['imagedir'] . '/whobar.png',
'css' => 'siteicons_whobar',

And it should work. =)

11-03-2011, 01:56 PM
@ Moof

Tried it but didn't work... when i look where the sprite is supposed to be in the sprite file its not there..is there a size limit on how may sprites it can put in the file...thanks

11-03-2011, 07:24 PM
Can you try to reinstall the addon and check for error messages during the installation? And can you check if the sprite changes are in your templates? (check the template code, look for css classed named sprite_ )

I get a this error message: "vB4 Default Style
Error occurred: Your sprite folder uses an URL. Sprites cannot be saved via URLs. Please use an local filepath on your system for the stylevar imgdir_sprite."

I am serving all my images from images.mydomain.net, obviously that is not working :P

11-08-2011, 02:28 PM
I get a this error message: "vB4 Default Style
Error occurred: Your sprite folder uses an URL. Sprites cannot be saved via URLs. Please use an local filepath on your system for the stylevar imgdir_sprite."

I am serving all my images from images.mydomain.net, obviously that is not working :P

has to be from a local filepath, NOT a URL. As it states... images.mydomain.net should be pointing to a filepath on your system done via DNS. find the actual filepath to your images and put that (linux would be something like /var/www/html/mysite/images or windows c:\xampp\docs\html\mysite\images)

11-08-2011, 03:01 PM
has to be from a local filepath, NOT a URL. As it states... images.mydomain.net should be pointing to a filepath on your system done via DNS. find the actual filepath to your images and put that (linux would be something like /var/www/html/mysite/images or windows c:\xampp\docs\html\mysite\images)

Where do i change that? :-)


11-14-2011, 06:55 AM
I lost all my images????


Database error in vBulletin 4.1.7:

Invalid SQL:
SELECT styleid FROM `style` WHERE styleid > LIMIT 1;

MySQL Error : You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'LIMIT 1' at line 1
Error Number : 1064
Request Date : Monday, November 14th 2011 @ 03:16:21 AM
Error Date : Monday, November 14th 2011 @ 03:16:21 AM
Script : http://forums.acsyndicate.net/admincp/sprite.php?do=dorefresh&startat=0
Referrer : http://forums.acsyndicate.net/admincp/sprite.php?do=refresh
IP Address :
Username : rjmjr69
Classname : vB_Database
MySQL Version : 5.1.56

Johan Hiemstra
11-14-2011, 12:25 PM
First let me thank you for the awesome mod! Great work so far, I'm almost back at pre-vB4 performance. I'm looking forward to the showthread update.

I'm trying to add custom images to the sprite sheet and I'm not able to add more than 1 for some reason. I used the instructions and created 2 plugins for 2 icons. When running Refresh (should be named "Regenerate" or "Rebuild") it does show Custom icons: 2, but it only adds one to the sheet and throws a path error for the second. For some reason it adds the local server path "twice" to the second icon. I'm using the full and same url in both cases, just the image file names are different. Any ideas?

Also let me know how I can make a donation (edit: duh..., must have logged out or something and missed the option.)

On a similar note, and I'm sure there are plenty of other good ones, I'm using http://www.websiteoptimization.com/services/analyze/ to analyze the results online.

11-14-2011, 03:39 PM
I'm trying to add custom images to the sprite sheet and I'm not able to add more than 1 for some reason
I have the same problem...

Johan Hiemstra
11-14-2011, 04:35 PM
I have the same problem...Shared misery then :)

However, I read your post and you seem to get an error message complaining about an URL, while mine just claims the image is not at the path it constructed, for example, the path for the second custom icon as it appears in the error when running Refresh is:


Notice how it repeats a portion of the server path.

11-14-2011, 06:04 PM
work whit vb 4.0.4?

11-14-2011, 06:13 PM
It will only make one custom sprite image in the folder..the second one it says its there when its not....funny:)

Johan Hiemstra
11-15-2011, 03:19 PM
It will only make one custom sprite image in the folder..the second one it says its there when its not....funny:)I must be getting blind... didn't notice you already posted your plugin code per Moof's request.

doesnt work ..but does when i disable the first oneRight, that's exactly the same behavior I get. Hopefully it will be resolved in a future beta. This is probably said about tons of mods, but I really think this shouldn't be a mod but a feature of vB itself.

11-19-2011, 10:09 AM
Also after the 4.1.8 update it dosent sprite the sub forums speech bubble image either

Johan Hiemstra
11-19-2011, 12:10 PM
Thanks for the info, not going to Refresh it on 4.1.8 unless Mooff posts an update. I decided to extend the sprite sheet manually by using the blank space on the sheet for now.

11-21-2011, 10:04 PM
Is this thing stable or not?

I wanted to add this to my 4.0.7 forum, but it has since become in 'beta stage' which is a bit disappointing.

If I install this mod on my forum will it work or not?

Also, if I do install this mod as instructed, and it breaks my forum, can I just uninstall it and delete the files and all will be back to normal?

I just don't want to put my forum at risk by using an add-on that's not working properly, but would love to use it if someone can assure me it's going to work and what to do if it doesn't work properly.

Johan Hiemstra
11-21-2011, 11:26 PM
It's working fine for me, I can't confirm 4.0.7 specifically but the beta seems to refer more to it being unfinished rather than unstable.

I suggest creating a child style of your own and make the template modifications there (if you're going to make those manually), but if if you revert those you can easily change back. It's more a cosmetic thing.

The main thing it does is give you an additional option in the admin panel, which you can use to generate the sprite image.

There seems to be a problem with adding more than one custom icon but with just the standard icons it includes by default it's still a very useful mod.

That said, you should always create a backup before making changes like this.

11-22-2011, 01:31 AM
Thanks Johan.

I'm not sure I understand the custom icon feature...

I don't really want this mod to 'change' any of my existing icons, do I have to do that with this?

I was under the impression that I install this thing, and it will take care of the rest, and my site will load faster... Is that correct or is there more to this than I realize?

Johan Hiemstra
11-22-2011, 02:02 AM
It won't change anything you will tell it to change. The custom icon feature is optional, you can ignore it.

I was under the impression that I install this thing, and it will take care of the restThat's correct. Just follow the installation instructions above. If you don't use the Template Modification System (TMS) you need to make quite a few template modifications manually.

Your site will load faster, and it can reduce server loads noticeably. The actually difference depends on how much visitors your site receives however. In particular the forum home and forum display pages will load faster and that's important for search engine rankings as well. Since vBulletin is pretty slow by default this is one of several things you can do to speed up the forums and I'll take anything that makes it a more smooth experience for my visitors.

11-22-2011, 02:36 AM
I absolutely agree on the load times.

You mentioned it depends on how many visitors I get, I'm getting around 1500 visitors a day.

Johan Hiemstra
11-22-2011, 01:37 PM
You mentioned it depends on how many visitors I getYeah, but I only meant that in regards to reducing server loads. Whether you have 1500 per day like you, or 15,000 per day like me, as I mentioned earlier in this thread, I truly believe sprites should be used by default in vBulletin. It's one of the great things about the new CKeditor, which also uses a spritesheet for it's buttons/controls.

11-22-2011, 03:23 PM
What's the 'do not upload' folder for??

There's a template_changes.diff file in there, am i not supposed to do anything with it?

Why is it even in there in the first place if I'm not supposed to upload it??

Johan Hiemstra
11-22-2011, 05:41 PM
That's file contains the template changes you need to make manually IF you do NOT use TMS.

As mentioned in the installation instructions above:
in order to use the sprites, you then will have to edit some templates. The diffs (xou will find it in the do_not_upload folder show which parts you have to delete '<' and which parts to add '>' In addition, on top find the lines in which you will find the respective code.[/b]

11-22-2011, 10:10 PM
Will this still work if I install the template modification system addon, then install this one, then uninstall the template modification system addon when it's done?

The TMS addon puts a sitewide branding link back to their site in the footer of the forum, which is quite disappointing, and I want to avoid this but there's ALOT of template changes and I don't want to mess anything up.

So can i do that? Install TMS just to make this add-on install easier then uninstall TMS?

11-22-2011, 11:24 PM
i don't think this helped me.. i got a 59 for my site.. i must've installed something wrong.

11-27-2011, 04:41 AM
Pls make an update for vbb 4.1.8

Johan Hiemstra
11-27-2011, 11:38 AM
i don't think this helped me.. i got a 59 for my site.. i must've installed something wrong.Combining images into sprites is good for only a small portion of your total page speed score. With a 59 you should be looking at many other improvements. I added Xcache and mod_deflate (instead of vB gzip option) and I do have a score of 96 now.

Pls make an update for vbb 4.1.8 Yes pls do. :up:

I didn't run the Refresh option after upgrading to 4.1.8 and it still works fine. Just make sure the upgrade doesn't wipe your template modifications if you made them manually.

So can i do that? Install TMS just to make this add-on install easier then uninstall TMS? Sounds like a bad idea. I'm not really familiar with TMS but I think if you remove TMS you remove the template modifications as well. It's not as hard as it seems to make those modifications manually, plus you can test them out every time you changed a template before moving on to the next.

11-27-2011, 12:40 PM
I would love a vb3 version.

Popa Andrei
12-02-2011, 06:27 PM
Ok first of all thanks for this great mode and i hope it will be finished.
Second this is mi first refresh so i hope it is ok
custom icons added.
0 imageprefixes for forums found.
Processing post icons.
14 post icons found.
Adding sidebar icons.
120 icon candidates added.
Starting with images/sprites/sprite-10-main.png.
97 icons added.
Creating sprite (width:1000px height:117px).
Sprite saved, updating css-rules.
Starting with images/sprites/sprite-10-main_rtl.png.
97 icons added.
Creating sprite (width:1000px height:117px).
Sprite saved, updating css-rules.
CSS template successfully inserted.
Starting with images/sprites/sprite-10-forumdisplay.png.
0 icons added.
Sprite was not created.
Starting with images/sprites/sprite-10-forumdisplay_rtl.png.
0 icons added.
Sprite was not created.
CSS template successfully inserted.
Starting with images/sprites/sprite-10-forumhome.png.
0 icons added.
Sprite was not created.
Starting with images/sprites/sprite-10-forumhome_rtl.png.
0 icons added.
Sprite was not created.
CSS template successfully inserted.
Starting with images/sprites/sprite-10-showthread.png.
0 icons added.
Sprite was not created.
Starting with images/sprites/sprite-10-showthread_rtl.png.
0 icons added.
Sprite was not created.
CSS template successfully inserted.

And in the end one question:
The refresh is done automatic or i have to do it manual.If its only manual chan we create a schedule with vb task?

EDIT: it removed all my custom forum icons :(
How can i make it to make sprites from the forum icons?
When i enable the sprites plugins it deactivates the forum advaced icons.

12-05-2011, 03:04 PM
I have tested this out on a small forum of mine (vb4.1.8 + TMS), and the forum icons are gone too. How can I fix this?

The TMS footer is an issue, as it has an adverse effect on SEO.

Please offer this to vBS for inclusion in the stock vbulletin release.

Popa Andrei
12-05-2011, 05:01 PM
uninstalled until incompatibiliti with custom forum icons is fixed

12-05-2011, 08:26 PM
I have tested this out on a small forum of mine (vb4.1.8 + TMS), and the forum icons are gone too. How can I fix this?

Are the icons in the sprite? Meaning, manually open the png and check whether they are there.
If they are it is possible that in vb4.1.8 the forumbit templates changed in a way that the automatic templatemodifications programmed for the TMS do not work anymore. Then you would have to manually correct those templates.

We are currently in the process of updating our forums (not the addon!) and will do modifications there if necessary, but probably won't have time to program new TMS rules anytime soon cause we anticipate the new command and conquer beeing announced on december 10th. Since we are a c&c board this will then be our primary focus and is going to eat up all our time. ;)

Meaning once the templates are fixed i can post how they have to look in the default style so you can do the changes manually.

12-05-2011, 09:18 PM
Yes, the sprites images are there, but the images of sprites01-left.png do not show. The images in sprites02-left.png do show up.

12-05-2011, 10:03 PM
I'm not sure about the nameing conventions anymore in 0.7.2, but sprite01 should be a different style than sprite02. Can you check if the templates are modified accordingly in style id 1?

12-05-2011, 11:38 PM
There are 1 Template-Modifications that were not desinged for the currently installed vBulletin version. To make sure that vBulletin and your installed Products are working correctly, you must check and maybe modify those Template-Modifications.
Thats probably the issue.

Popa Andrei
12-06-2011, 03:30 PM
This looks like a lot of extra work?Cant this plugin be made to work without the TMS plugin since the TMS plugin its not even supported anymore?

12-15-2011, 02:45 PM
Osbes came up with a great idea to automatize the template changes, but we need a php-hook for it. He just started a jira-report on it. Please vote for that hook, so we can improve the addon:


Johan Hiemstra
12-15-2011, 03:03 PM
This looks like a lot of extra work?Cant this plugin be made to work without the TMS plugin since the TMS plugin its not even supported anymore?I'm using it without TMS, made the changes from the diff manually, works great, and gives enough insight in the sprite and css to extend the sprite with custom (like CMS) icons manually. Making the changes manually takes maybe half an hour, it's just annoying to do it every update obviously (so vote for the hook Mooff mentioned in the post above). In any case, it's worth the effort.

12-15-2011, 03:20 PM
Osbes came up with a great idea to automatize the template changes, but we need a php-hook for it. He just started a jira-report on it. Please vote for that hook, so we can improve the addon:

Voted. :up:

12-17-2011, 03:59 PM
This looks like a lot of extra work?Cant this plugin be made to work without the TMS plugin since the TMS plugin its not even supported anymore?

Supported? It never was. However, its still available and is actively being developed.

edit: BTW, it looks like there was a change to the template for serach.png in the navbar in vB 4.1.9. Mod will probably need to be updated. If you're using TMS, just change the Search For text from:

<input type="image" class="searchbutton" src="{vb:stylevar imgdir_button}/search<vb:if condition="$stylevar['textdirection'] == 'rtl'">_rtl</vb:if>.<vb:if condition="(is_browser('ie') AND !is_browser('ie', 7) AND !is_browser('ie', 8))">gif<vb:else />png</vb:if>" name="submit" onclick="document.getElementById('navbar_search').submit;" tabindex="100"/>

<input type="image" class="searchbutton" src="{vb:stylevar imgdir_button}/search<vb:if condition="$stylevar['textdirection'] == 'rtl'">_rtl</vb:if>.<vb:if condition="is_browser('ie') AND !is_browser('ie', 7)">gif<vb:else />png</vb:if>" name="submit" onclick="document.getElementById('navbar_search').submit;" tabindex="100"/>

12-23-2011, 12:32 AM
I really need to install this on my site but i need to make sure is it going to work on 4.1.9 ??? Or is there any other mod which can perform same things as this one ???

Thanks in advance :)

12-24-2011, 07:51 AM
I really need to install this on my site but i need to make sure is it going to work on 4.1.9 ??? Or is there any other mod which can perform same things as this one ???

Thanks in advance :)

Works fine and see above your post Even works with newest beta

12-26-2011, 08:47 PM
I thank you for your kind and being working hard. I appreciate it for all your works.
this is a great mod but I decide to uninstall the product and will check back later after my forum get reorganize...

I have a question, I did uninstall product + delete all uploaded files, but in my Style Variable Editor it still show the ImagePaths\imgdir_sprite\ images/sprites

Is there anything you can advise how to completely remove this imgdir_sprite in Sty Variable Editor


01-12-2012, 06:17 PM
This is a great addon, if it were developed further and updated you could easily sell it (please don't bash me people!).

Where custom icons are concerned; I don't understand why you would need to manually add them? I just added a custom icon without any addons, refreshed sprites, and everything worked fine. Although, I suppose this wouldn't help you add border images etc...

Anyone care to make a guide on how to get this working on CMS etc?

01-12-2012, 07:03 PM
Has anyone added more than 1 custom icon

01-12-2012, 11:28 PM
Osbes' hook was implemented in 4.1.10!

01-16-2012, 08:48 AM

big thanks for your support regarding the new hook!

I am currently working on this and will start within the next days the first live tests on our forum. When everything is working fine, Mooff or me will upload the updated version.

Since we are using a german vBulletin Suite, it will took some time, cause we need to wait for our final test until vbulletin-germany.com releases 4.1.10. And then it will took us a few days more, before we are installing the new version of vBulletin.

Currently, since our live forum runs on 4.1.8, i have to test the behavior by directly changing the /includes/class_core.php at the point, where will can use the hook with 4.1.10.

Best regards

01-18-2012, 09:53 AM
A quick question.
While I was manually making the changes, I found that some of the lines which I should removed has been updated.

For example, at pagenav template:

Change this:

<span class="first_last"><a href="{vb:raw lastaddress}{vb:raw address2}<vb:if condition="$show['pagelinks']"><vb:if condition="$use_qmark">?<vb:else />&amp;</vb:if>page={vb:raw totalpages}</vb:if><vb:if condition="$anchor">#{vb:raw anchor}</vb:if>" title="{vb:rawphrase last_page} - {vb:rawphrase results_x_to_y_of_z, {vb:raw lastnumbers.first}, {vb:raw lastnumbers.last}, {vb:raw total}}">{vb:rawphrase last}<img src="{vb:stylevar imgdir_pagination}/last-{vb:stylevar right}.png" alt="{vb:rawphrase last}" /></a></span>

To this:

<span class="first_last"><a href="{vb:raw lastaddress}{vb:raw address2}<vb:if condition="$show['pagelinks']"><vb:if condition="$use_qmark">?<vb:else />&amp;</vb:if>page={vb:raw totalpages}</vb:if><vb:if condition="$anchor">#{vb:raw anchor}</vb:if>" title="{vb:rawphrase last_page} - {vb:rawphrase results_x_to_y_of_z, {vb:raw lastnumbers.first}, {vb:raw lastnumbers.last}, {vb:raw total}}">{vb:rawphrase last}<span class="pagination_last" title="{vb:rawphrase last}"></span></a></span>

However, the original code has been updated to the following:

<span class="first_last"><a href="{vb:raw lastaddress}<vb:if condition="$show['pagelinks']"><vb:if condition="$use_qmark">?</vb:if><vb:if condition="$use_amp">&amp;</vb:if>page={vb:raw totalpages}</vb:if>{vb:raw address2}<vb:if condition="$anchor">#{vb:raw anchor}</vb:if>" title="{vb:rawphrase last_page} - {vb:rawphrase results_x_to_y_of_z, {vb:raw lastnumbers.first}, {vb:raw lastnumbers.last}, {vb:raw total}}">{vb:rawphrase last}<img src="{vb:stylevar imgdir_pagination}/last-{vb:stylevar right}.png" alt="{vb:rawphrase last}" /></a></span>

Question is, should I replace the code or not?

01-18-2012, 11:48 AM
Hello raymondblog,

you are correct, the current replace-rules are not defined for vBulletin 4.1.10.

To gain the speedup using sprites you need to change the following part of the current original code:

<img src="{vb:stylevar imgdir_pagination}/last-{vb:stylevar right}.png" alt="{vb:rawphrase last}" />


<span class="pagination_last" title="{vb:rawphrase last}">

We are currently testing the upcomming version of our addon on our live forum for admins only (since we are doing virtual template edits, we can easily adjust our changes based on whatever we consider correct without actually changing the template) and in the next days, we will activate the virtual template changes for everyone.

Since vBulletin 4.1.10 is currently not available on vbulletin-germany.com, it will took at least 1-2 weeks until Mooff or me will upload the current version here, based on the assumption, that vBulletin 4.1.10 will be available within this week on the offi. german vBulletin site.

Best regards

01-18-2012, 12:14 PM
Thanks for the prompt response.

I actually found out that there were a few more that has been updated and require to manually update the code.

At least I understand the logic of this mod.

Love this mod, but hate TMS :P
I've actually installed this mod before but then removed because TMS was a little too confusing.
So I thought I should do it manually this time.

01-18-2012, 02:25 PM
I am interested in this Mod, but wanted to clear this question fist:
Can I Install it without installing TMS. If yes What changes in which template must I do? (I am Using VB 4.1.9 )

In downloaded folder "do_not_upload" I read Template changes file. The changes in that file were till Mod Version 0.7.1 . The latest MOD is 0.7.2.

Thanks in advance


01-18-2012, 02:41 PM
Hello heartsglad,
first of all, if you currently doesnt use this addon, i would advise you to wait for our next version, assuming that you will updat yout forum to vB 4.1.10, since we requested a hook, which is implemented in vB 4.1.10 and gives us the possibility to automatically change the template without any manual changes or TMS needed.

If you dont want to wait and dont want to use the TMS, you need to make all the template changes that are listet in the "TEMPLATE_CHANGES" file in the "do_not_upload" folder. There are no changes for 0.7.2 since this version doenst introduces new changes but fixed some bugs.

So since you need to revert every of this changes for using the next version with its automatically changes, i advise you to wait until than. we are currently testing it in our live forum (see my last post), but we need to wait until vbulletin-germany.com releases vB 4.1.10 to make the last tests and upload it here.

Best regards

01-19-2012, 09:16 AM
I've tried my best to replace the ones that are not exactly the same as in the diff file but near identical. However the ones below are not found at all. Any help would be much appreciated.

< <dt><img src="{vb:stylevar imgdir_statusicon}/thread_new-16.png" alt="{vb:rawphrase new_posts}" /></dt><dd>{vb:rawphrase new_posts}</dd>
< <dt><img src="{vb:stylevar imgdir_statusicon}/thread-16-{vb:stylevar right}.png" alt="{vb:rawphrase no_new_posts}" /></dt><dd>{vb:rawphrase no_new_posts}</dd>
> <dt><span class="sprite_statusicon_thread_new_16" title="{vb:rawphrase new_posts}"></span></dt><dd>{vb:rawphrase new_posts}</dd>
> <dt><span class="sprite_statusicon_thread_16" title="{vb:rawphrase no_new_posts}"></span></dt><dd>{vb:rawphrase no_new_posts}</dd>
< <dt><img src="{vb:stylevar imgdir_statusicon}/thread_hot_new-16.png" alt="{vb:rawphrase more_than_x_replies_or_y_views, {vb:raw vboptions.hotnumberposts}, {vb:raw vboptions.hotnumberviews}}" /></dt><dd>{vb:rawphrase hot_thread_with_new_posts}</dd>
< <dt><img src="{vb:stylevar imgdir_statusicon}/thread_hot-16.png" alt="{vb:rawphrase more_than_x_replies_or_y_views, {vb:raw vboptions.hotnumberposts}, {vb:raw vboptions.hotnumberviews}}" /></dt><dd>{vb:rawphrase hot_thread_with_no_new_posts}</dd>
> <dt><span class="sprite_statusicon_thread_hot_new_16" title="{vb:rawphrase more_than_x_replies_or_y_views, {vb:raw vboptions.hotnumberposts}, {vb:raw vboptions.hotnumberviews}}"></span></dt><dd>{vb:rawphrase hot_thread_with_new_posts}</dd>
> <dt><span class="sprite_statusicon_thread_hot_16" title="{vb:rawphrase more_than_x_replies_or_y_views, {vb:raw vboptions.hotnumberposts}, {vb:raw vboptions.hotnumberviews}}"></span></dt><dd>{vb:rawphrase hot_thread_with_no_new_posts}</dd>
< <dt><img src="{vb:stylevar imgdir_statusicon}/thread_lock-16.png" alt="{vb:rawphrase closed_thread}" /></dt><dd>{vb:rawphrase thread_is_closed}</dd>
< <dt><img src="{vb:stylevar imgdir_statusicon}/thread_dot-16-{vb:stylevar right}.png" alt="{vb:rawphrase thread_contains_a_message_written_by_you}" /></dt><dd>{vb:rawphrase you_have_posted_in_this_thread}</dd>
> <dt><span class="sprite_statusicon_thread_lock_16" title="{vb:rawphrase closed_thread}"></span></dt><dd>{vb:rawphrase thread_is_closed}</dd>
> <dt><span class="sprite_statusicon_thread_dot_16" title="{vb:rawphrase thread_contains_a_message_written_by_you}"></span></dt><dd>{vb:rawphrase you_have_posted_in_this_thread}</dd>

Template: navbar
< <span class="buttoncontainer"><span><input type="image" class="searchbutton" src="{vb:stylevar imgdir_button}/search<vb:if condition="$stylevar['textdirection'] == 'rtl'">_rtl</vb:if>.<vb:if condition="(is_browser('ie') AND !is_browser('ie', 7) AND !is_browser('ie', 8))">gif<vb:else />png</vb:if>" name="submit" onclick="document.getElementById('navbar_search').submit;" tabindex="100"/></span></span>
> <span class="buttoncontainer"><span><input type="submit" class="sprite_button_search searchbutton" name="submit" value="" tabindex="100"/></span></span>

## Version 0.6.0 ##

< <h3 class="blocksubhead"><img src="{vb:stylevar imgdir_misc}/legend.png" alt="{vb:rawphrase icon_legend}" />{vb:rawphrase icon_legend}</h3>
> <h3 class="blocksubhead"><span class="sprite_misc_legend" title="{vb:rawphrase icon_legend}" ></span>{vb:rawphrase icon_legend}</h3>

Template: memberaction_dropdown
< <img src="{vb:stylevar imgdir_siteicons}/profile.png" alt="" />
> <span class="sprite_siteicons_profile"></span>
< <img src="{vb:stylevar imgdir_siteicons}/forum.png" alt="" />
> <span class="sprite_siteicons_forum"></span>
< <img src="{vb:stylevar imgdir_siteicons}/message.png" alt="" />
> <span class="sprite_siteicons_message"></span>
< <img src="{vb:stylevar imgdir_siteicons}/blog.png" alt="" />
> <span class="sprite_siteicons_blog"></span>
< <img src="{vb:stylevar imgdir_siteicons}/homepage.png" alt="" />
> <span class="sprite_siteicons_homepage"></span>
< <img src="{vb:stylevar imgdir_siteicons}/article.png" alt="" />
> <span class="sprite_siteicons_article"></span>
< <img src="{vb:stylevar imgdir_siteicons}/add.png" alt="" />
> <span class="sprite_siteicons_add"></span>
< <img src="{vb:stylevar imgdir_siteicons}/email.png" alt="" />
> <span class="sprite_siteicons_email"></span>

## Version 0.5.0 ##

< <dt><img src="{vb:stylevar imgdir_statusicon}/forum_new-16.png" alt="{vb:rawphrase new_posts_forum}" /></dt><dd>{vb:rawphrase new_posts_forum}</dd>
< <dt><img src="{vb:stylevar imgdir_statusicon}/forum_old-16.png" alt="{vb:rawphrase no_new_posts_forum}" /></dt><dd>{vb:rawphrase no_new_posts_forum}</dd>
< <dt><img src="{vb:stylevar imgdir_statusicon}/category-16.png" alt="{vb:rawphrase category_forum}" /></dt><dd>{vb:rawphrase category_forum}</dd>
< <dt><img src="{vb:stylevar imgdir_statusicon}/forum_link-16.png" alt="{vb:rawphrase link_forum}" /></dt><dd>{vb:rawphrase link_forum}</dd>
> <dt><span class="sprite_statusicon_forum_new_16"></span></dt><dd>{vb:rawphrase new_posts_forum}</dd>
> <dt><span class="sprite_statusicon_forum_old_16"></span></dt><dd>{vb:rawphrase no_new_posts_forum}</dd>
> <dt><span class="sprite_statusicon_category_16"></span></dt><dd>{vb:rawphrase category_forum}</dd>
> <dt><span class="sprite_statusicon_forum_link_16"></span></dt><dd>{vb:rawphrase link_forum}</dd>

Template: forumhome_subforumbit_nopost
< <img class="inlineimg" src="{vb:stylevar imgdir_statusicon}/subforum_{vb:raw forum.statusicon}.png" alt="" border="0" id="forum_statusicon_{vb:raw forum.forumid}" />
> <span id="forum_statusicon_{vb:raw forum.forumid}" class="inlineimg sprite_statusicon_subforum_{vb:raw forum.statusicon}"></span>

Template: forumhome_subforumbit_post
< <img class="inlineimg" src="{vb:stylevar imgdir_statusicon}/{vb:raw forum.imageprefix}subforum_{vb:raw forum.statusicon}-48.png" alt="" border="0" id="forum_statusicon_{vb:raw forum.forumid}" />
> <span id="forum_statusicon_{vb:raw forum.forumid}" class="inlineimg sprite_statusicon_{vb:raw forum.imageprefix}subforum_{vb:raw forum.statusicon}_48"></span>

01-19-2012, 09:23 AM
I am currently quite busy, therefor i can only give you a rather short answer for a problem that i sees immediately.

Template: forumhome_subforumbit_nopost
Template: forumhome_subforumbit_post

got merged by vBulletin to

Template: forumhome_subforums


Template: memberaction_dropdown
Seems to be in vBulletin 4.1.9 an i also found the icons (since i replaced them yesterday by our sprite). Dunno if they are missing in vBulletin 4.1.10 o are moved like the template forumhome_subforums, since - as you know - vB 4.1.10 is still not availible in vb-germany.com

Best regards

01-19-2012, 11:13 AM
I just checked memberaction_dropdown and I believe the code to call the images are still there. However it is heavily modified and uses "class" to call the images.

Thanks, you guys deserves a donation from me. Let me try to get this sorted out first. Great job!

01-19-2012, 12:02 PM
My forum @ http://www.raymond.cc/forum/

An update on the manual changes.
Some of them are not found because I manually removed the code because I found them unnecessary to load.

Now the only thing left is these codes which I couldn't figure it out how to make it work on my forum that is using a custom skin.

Template: navbar
< <span class="buttoncontainer"><span><input type="image" class="searchbutton" src="{vb:stylevar imgdir_button}/search<vb:if condition="$stylevar['textdirection'] == 'rtl'">_rtl</vb:if>.<vb:if condition="(is_browser('ie') AND !is_browser('ie', 7) AND !is_browser('ie', 8))">gif<vb:else />png</vb:if>" name="submit" onclick="document.getElementById('navbar_search').submit;" tabindex="100"/></span></span>
> <span class="buttoncontainer"><span><input type="submit" class="sprite_button_search searchbutton" name="submit" value="" tabindex="100"/></span></span>

Template: memberaction_dropdown
< <img src="{vb:stylevar imgdir_siteicons}/profile.png" alt="" />
> <span class="sprite_siteicons_profile"></span>
< <img src="{vb:stylevar imgdir_siteicons}/forum.png" alt="" />
> <span class="sprite_siteicons_forum"></span>
< <img src="{vb:stylevar imgdir_siteicons}/message.png" alt="" />
> <span class="sprite_siteicons_message"></span>
< <img src="{vb:stylevar imgdir_siteicons}/blog.png" alt="" />
> <span class="sprite_siteicons_blog"></span>
< <img src="{vb:stylevar imgdir_siteicons}/homepage.png" alt="" />
> <span class="sprite_siteicons_homepage"></span>
< <img src="{vb:stylevar imgdir_siteicons}/article.png" alt="" />
> <span class="sprite_siteicons_article"></span>
< <img src="{vb:stylevar imgdir_siteicons}/add.png" alt="" />
> <span class="sprite_siteicons_add"></span>
< <img src="{vb:stylevar imgdir_siteicons}/email.png" alt="" />
> <span class="sprite_siteicons_email"></span>

01-19-2012, 01:56 PM
first of all, if you currently doesnt use this addon, i would advise you to wait for our next version, assuming that you will updat yout forum to vB 4.1.10, since we requested a hook, which is implemented in vB 4.1.10 and gives us the possibility to automatically change the template without any manual changes or TMS needed.

i am interested in this Mod, but i have installed vb4.1.10 and wait for the new version for this Mod.

You can find out when it happens?


01-19-2012, 11:09 PM
Hello raymondblog,

below an example for the template changes of memberaction_dropdown for your site based on the profile link:


<a class="siteicon_profile" href="http://www.raymond.cc/forum/members/hadylabna.html">
View Profile


<li class="left"><span class="sprite_siteicons_profile"></span><a href="http://www.raymond.cc/forum/members/safeguy.html">
View Profile
</a> </li>

for the navbar, replace

<input type="image" tabindex="100" onclick="document.getElementById('navbar_search').submit;" name="submit" src="images/styles/Aesthetica/buttons/search.png" />


<input type="submit" tabindex="100" name="submit" class="sprite_button_search searchbutton" style="border:0" />

Please note, that my replacements doenst include the vBulletin Template Tags. But i would advise you to use them.

Best regards

01-19-2012, 11:12 PM
Hello Gn_Snake,

vbulletin-germany.com released the german version of vB 4.1.10 about 5 hours ago. I think within one week we should be ready to upgrade our live forum and make the final tests with the new version. Shortly after this, we will upload the new version here.

Best regards

01-20-2012, 02:21 AM
Thanks Obses! Got 99% of it working, except the search button.
Weirdly it shows the "Submit" text on top of the button.


01-20-2012, 10:08 AM
Thanks Obses! Got 99% of it working, except the search button.
Weirdly it shows the "Submit" text on top of the button.


in this case, add


as an attribute to the search button. it should look like

<input type="submit" tabindex="100" name="submit" class="sprite_button_search searchbutton" style="border:0" value=""/>

after the replace.

01-20-2012, 03:18 PM
I can't find gd-libary 2.0.36 - where to find it ? what's the libary name?

01-20-2012, 05:37 PM
Hello Bulbucan,

if you are using Debian, you can get the gd lib via your package manager (see http://packages.debian.org/de/squeeze/php5-gd for the needed package).

If you want some help, you need to give more informations about your system (OS, Webserver, Build-In Lib or not?).

Best regards

01-22-2012, 04:19 PM
Tagged - wait for 100% 4.1.10 version

01-23-2012, 04:16 PM
i got this error for 320 icons: does not exist or is not readable.

how can i fix this. thanks a lot.

01-24-2012, 06:59 PM
Hello Gn_Snake,

vbulletin-germany.com released the german version of vB 4.1.10 about 5 hours ago. I think within one week we should be ready to upgrade our live forum and make the final tests with the new version. Shortly after this, we will upload the new version here.

Best regards

Thank you, Really great work! Will give me a great base line to work with! Even though there was much to do to make it work, it was sure worth it. Again thanks for all you put into it. PS: Anything I had to do was nothing if I had to do the same thing from scratch. Just wanted you to know my comment above was not a complaint. I have been a programmer for many many years, users do not complement they critique. Hang in there! :)

01-28-2012, 11:35 AM
This is a fantastic mod, thanks!! :)

01-29-2012, 08:34 PM
Any word on when this will be out of Beta for release?

01-29-2012, 10:43 PM
Think of it more as a perpetual beta (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Perpetual_beta). Not in terms of critical errors which might show up (those are very unlikely) but in terms of new parts of the software where the addon will support sprites in the feature.

f.e. the first versions included forumhome, then came forumdisplay and the (never released 0.8 alpha, which was running for quite a while on our live board) included showthread.

Now we are running a 4.1.10 version which does utilize the 4.1.10 hook and are currently adding new icons (forumhome is done afaik). We are not sure yet which name or version number the new release will have. If we switch to the way firefox or chrome do things we might as well name it 4.x :p

02-01-2012, 03:09 AM
@Osbes & Mooff: I've sent you both PM about CSS sprite related project. Please check.

02-04-2012, 09:07 PM
Excellent mod. Vbulletin, please integrate this by default....

Popa Andrei
02-05-2012, 12:08 AM
it is not recommended to be integrated since its making conflicts with other plugins

02-06-2012, 02:23 PM
Hello Popa Andrei,

i think i missed your post (i just read it after searching) regarding the "forum advaced icons".

I will glady look into this matter, but can you please tell me the exakt name of this addon, so i can check what the problem is?

Best regards

02-06-2012, 08:25 PM
This addon destroy the adminarea of TMS. Nothing else Installs : TMS and this addon on 4.1.10 Suite. Sprites generated but after that i cant use my TMS Admin Area- Why ever...i see a White page with Binary signs like a Picture ...

02-06-2012, 08:47 PM
Hello chatpalace24,

this is really weird. Since basically this addon just creates images (the sprites) and the corresponding css files, which are all additional files, i cant explain any interaction between our plugin and the TMS Admin Area.

I will try to reproduce this if possible to see what TMS does and to make sure, if this is a problem between our addon and TMS or just TMS themself.

Which version of TMS are you using? 1.1.5 or 1.2.0 beta 4?

Best Regards

02-07-2012, 06:45 AM
Using the 1.2.0 beta 4 of TMS.
Hmm, i will it on one of my other Servers. Give you feedback after testing around.

02-07-2012, 07:20 PM
Hello chatpalace24,

i couldn't reproduce your problem.

I see two options at this moment:

You can wait until the next version, which didnt need TMS anymore
or you provide an access to your TMS Admin Area, where i can look at the problem myself

I won't release the upcomming version within this week, but i hope we can release it within next week.

Best regards

02-07-2012, 07:58 PM
Well here my testscenarios :
1 Testserver Windows 7 pro 74bit WAMPP VB 4.1.10 Suit in a subfolder of htdcos called /forums
Everything works fine , Sprites generated and showing up. but TMS doesnt work.

2 Testserver : Debian Squeeze up to date System, Testforum installs on subforum , TMS doesnt Work.

3. my working Forum, without Subfolders . TMS works ?! strange...TMS work like it done before. Well. With the Sprite Addon my Forum Icons (special Addon for it) shows the original Icons and not my special Ones. :) So i cant install that addon. :(

02-07-2012, 08:46 PM
Such behavior shouldnt correlate with your operating system, since we didnt depend on anything the system generates.

The point, that your working forum now doesnt have any problems with TMS, seems strange, so maybe it is a problem with the TMS beta. I think it is the best to see what happens with the next version, maybe it will solve this, since it doenst use TMS anymore.
If not, i will gladly look at this again.

What i am more interested in at this point is the addon you use to change your forum icons. Can you tell me the name of this addon? I dindt get a repsonse from Popa Andrei until now.

Maybe it is even the same addon giorgino used before (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=244351).

Since customize each icon per forum is a built in feature of vBulletin, called forum prefix, (which we support since our first version of this addon, cause we use this ourself), using the built in feature solved this matter for giorgino (and reduces the time of maintenance work, since there is one external addon less)

A fully solution can be found here: https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showpost.php?p=2221840&postcount=36 (and the following up post by mooff)

Best regards

02-08-2012, 10:06 AM
well, the addon was the same like that from giogino. So i deinstalled and make it with forum prefixes. Works nice .
So the next thing is that i must recompile php to use GD Library 2.36 or higher. Cause php squeeze 7 is compiled with gd 2.3.4.
here the gd Part of my PHP Info :

GD Support enabled
GD Version 2.0
FreeType Support enabled
FreeType Linkage with freetype
FreeType Version 2.4.2
T1Lib Support enabled
GIF Read Support enabled
GIF Create Support enabled
JPEG Support enabled
libJPEG Version 6b
PNG Support enabled
libPNG Version 1.2.44
WBMP Support enabled

it would be nicer with ImageMagick 6.x because you dont have to recompile .

The Problem is, that the most icons or graphics not converted into Sprites . Error is : you are using gd version 2.3.4 .....

02-08-2012, 12:18 PM
Nice to hear, that this solved your problem with the forum icons. Maybe this will also be the solution for Popa Andrei (if he currently depends on the same addon instead the built-in solution).

If you are using, the embed version of GD within PHP, this issue is fixed since PHP 5.3.0, so there shouldn't be any need to recompile.

The error regarding the version of GD is experimental and is not included in the upcomming version. The problem with this is, that there is not consequent way the version of GD is adressed by PHP, so we can't make 100% sure that it is the correct version or not.

The main problem with an outdated GD version (and the current only neccesary part to update this) is when your sprite has icons that looks like this: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/246391/Robin_result.png (it is stretched and vertical lines are added), cause before GD 2.0.36 , GD D had a problem handling grayscale images with alpha channel correctly.

There wont be any support for ImageMagick in the next versions, since there is currently no know adapter class (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Adapter_pattern) which supports GD an ImageMagick. As long as there i no such class, i wont support ImageMagick, since i have to write a big amount of the main part a second time and cant guarantee that it works, since we dont use ImageMagick for our live forum.

Which icons are missing in your sprite?

Pls see the FAQ, for similar problems: https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showpost.php?p=2219793&postcount=2 maybe this will help you faster as i can response :)

Best regards

John Lester
02-13-2012, 04:42 PM
Is there an updated e.t.a. on the 4.1.10 release?

02-27-2012, 06:12 AM
Works fine with 4.1.10.
Excellent product moof!

02-27-2012, 11:04 AM
Hello Osbes,
when do you update for new version?

Hello Gn_Snake,

vbulletin-germany.com released the german version of vB 4.1.10 about 5 hours ago. I think within one week we should be ready to upgrade our live forum and make the final tests with the new version. Shortly after this, we will upload the new version here.

Best regards

03-01-2012, 01:54 AM
4.1.11 has been released. TMS reports template issues.

03-01-2012, 10:32 AM
4.1.11 has been released. TMS reports template issues.

I have the same problem and waiting for a fix. Thanks in advance :-)

03-01-2012, 11:07 AM
Installed, but confused in third step :(


03-03-2012, 07:11 PM
VBulletin 4.1.11

Database error in vBulletin 4.1.11:

Invalid SQL:

SELECT t1.templateeditid AS templateeditid_1, t1.varname ,
t1.templateeditid AS templateeditid_1, t1.styleid AS styleid_1 ,
t2.templateeditid AS templateeditid_2, t2.styleid AS styleid_2
FROM templateedit AS t1
LEFT JOIN templateedit AS t1 ON (t1.varname=t1.varname AND t1.styleid=-2)
LEFT JOIN templateedit AS t2 ON (t1.varname=t2.varname AND t2.styleid=245)
WHERE t1.styleid = -1;

MySQL Error : Not unique table/alias: 't1'
Error Number : 1066

03-04-2012, 06:15 AM
VBulletin 4.1.11

This is Template Modification System error. Block it from plugin and product after css-sprites refresh and reopen this plugin.

03-04-2012, 01:29 PM
Works good except, my icons no longer link to the threads, I am using "Chiplove.9xpro - Thread Thumbnails 2.1" The icons still show up, and they show a link, but they do not redirect to the thread. Also there is an issue where the go to last post icon doesn't show up next to the last poster.

03-06-2012, 02:03 AM
Can this mod be updated with automatic template updates "without" the need for TMS.

03-06-2012, 11:07 AM
This is Template Modification System error. Block it from plugin and product after css-sprites refresh and reopen this plugin.

it's heapend when i try to install product...

03-07-2012, 12:12 PM
VBulletin 4.1.11

I have the same...

03-09-2012, 12:11 AM
...solved ;) ...if you have installed Template Modification System then you need to upload this patch (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showpost.php?p=2307696&postcount=768) ...and...all work ;) ...

03-09-2012, 02:49 AM
TMS (patched) is unable to successfully edit the memberaction_dropdown template in vb 4.1.11

waiting for the next version!


memberaction_dropdown United-Forum.de CSS-Sprites replace {vb:stylevar imgdir_siteicons}/add.png [Edit]
memberaction_dropdown United-Forum.de CSS-Sprites replace {vb:stylevar imgdir_siteicons}/article.png [Edit]
memberaction_dropdown United-Forum.de CSS-Sprites replace {vb:stylevar imgdir_siteicons}/blog.png [Edit]
memberaction_dropdown United-Forum.de CSS-Sprites replace {vb:stylevar imgdir_siteicons}/email.png [Edit]
memberaction_dropdown United-Forum.de CSS-Sprites replace {vb:stylevar imgdir_siteicons}/forum.png [Edit]
memberaction_dropdown United-Forum.de CSS-Sprites replace {vb:stylevar imgdir_siteicons}/homepage.png [Edit]
memberaction_dropdown United-Forum.de CSS-Sprites replace {vb:stylevar imgdir_siteicons}/message.png [Edit]
memberaction_dropdown United-Forum.de CSS-Sprites replace {vb:stylevar imgdir_siteicons}/profile.png [Edit]

03-10-2012, 01:14 AM
...solved ;) ...if you have installed Template Modification System then you need to upload this patch (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showpost.php?p=2307696&postcount=768) ...and...all work ;) ...

Now thread icons are not showing.. Still need another fix.

03-11-2012, 12:37 AM
I think we need a updated DIFF file for the templates... :rolleyes:

I love the mod but which we could cover more images in the sprite file... ;)