06-16-2011, 10:28 PM
Right, so you know where we've got our Custom Profile Fields that users can alter? Someone has asked me to make a simple change to it. Or, I thought it was going to be simple, anyways...
Note the top Profile field there, "Username Color?" He wants me to put that "Gold Membership Extras" bit up above it, as shown in that image.
So I looked in the editprofile branch of the profile.php code, and I find out that the HTML is coming from a $customfields variable.
I see that $customfields gets its value from a function called fetch_profilefields(), and that function gets the individual HTML for each Profile Field from another function called fetch_profilefield().
Finally, I see that inside of fetch_profilefield() is a handy hook that I can use, profile_fetch_profilefields.
This is great, everything's falling into place.
Or so I thought it was.
fetch_profilefield() returns some HTML that gets assigned to the $tempcustom variable inside of fetch_profilefields(), as far as I can tell. However, when I try to return a value from fetch_profilefield(), it just doesn't "take" for some reason.
Here's what I got on that profile_fetch_profilefields hook:
if ($profilefield['profilefieldid'] == '16')
$startbox = '<div style="border:1px solid #000000; margin:1px;padding:1px;"><h2>Gold Membership Extras</h2><br />';
$endbox = '</div>';
$data = unserialize($profilefield['data']);
$selectbits = '';
$foundselect = 0;
foreach ($data AS $key => $val)
$selected = '';
if ($vbulletin->userinfo["$profilefieldname"])
if (trim($val) == $vbulletin->userinfo["$profilefieldname"])
$selected = 'selected="selected"';
$foundselect = 1;
else if ($profilefield['def'] AND $key == 1)
$selected = 'selected="selected"';
$foundselect = 1;
$templater = vB_Template::create('userfield_select_option');
$templater->register('key', $key);
$templater->register('selected', $selected);
$templater->register('val', $val);
$selectbits .= $templater->render();
if ($profilefield['optional'])
if (!$foundselect AND (!empty($vbulletin->userinfo["$profilefieldname"]) OR $vbulletin->userinfo["$profilefieldname"] === '0'))
$optional = $vbulletin->userinfo["$profilefieldname"];
$templater = vB_Template::create('userfield_optional_input');
$templater->register('optional', $optional);
$templater->register('optionalname', $optionalname);
$templater->register('profilefield', $profilefield);
$templater->register('tabindex', $tabindex);
$optionalfield = $templater->render();
if (!$foundselect)
$selected = 'selected="selected"';
$selected = '';
$show['noemptyoption'] = iif($profilefield['def'] != 2, true, false);
$templater = vB_Template::create('userfield_select');
$templater->register('optionalfield', $optionalfield);
$templater->register('profilefield', $profilefield);
$templater->register('profilefieldname', $profilefieldname);
$templater->register('selectbits', $selectbits);
$templater->register('selected', $selected);
$custom_field_holder = $templater->render();
$templater = vB_Template::create($wrapper_template);
$templater->register('custom_field_holder', $custom_field_holder);
$templater->register('profilefield', $profilefield);
$returnval = $startbox.$templater->render().$endbox;
//if ($vbulletin->userinfo['userid'] == 533) {die($returnval.'<!-- test -->');}
return $returnval;
Now, when I uncomment //if ($vbulletin->userinfo['userid'] == 533) {die($returnval.'<!-- test -->');}, I get the expected output--the field is wrapped in between my "$startbox" and "$endbox" values. However, left commented, there is nothing that gets changed.
However, I -do- know that it's going through this function; 1), the uncommented "die()" executes, and 2) if I manually add some kind of test to $custom_field_holder, THAT value actually takes!
Could someone maybe point out a mistake I might be making? It's not terribly important to me--it's not even my own forum I'm doing this for--but it's bugging the hell out of me! XD
Also, I think similar plugins would help me organize my own forum's Profile Fields page.
Thanks in advance.
Note the top Profile field there, "Username Color?" He wants me to put that "Gold Membership Extras" bit up above it, as shown in that image.
So I looked in the editprofile branch of the profile.php code, and I find out that the HTML is coming from a $customfields variable.
I see that $customfields gets its value from a function called fetch_profilefields(), and that function gets the individual HTML for each Profile Field from another function called fetch_profilefield().
Finally, I see that inside of fetch_profilefield() is a handy hook that I can use, profile_fetch_profilefields.
This is great, everything's falling into place.
Or so I thought it was.
fetch_profilefield() returns some HTML that gets assigned to the $tempcustom variable inside of fetch_profilefields(), as far as I can tell. However, when I try to return a value from fetch_profilefield(), it just doesn't "take" for some reason.
Here's what I got on that profile_fetch_profilefields hook:
if ($profilefield['profilefieldid'] == '16')
$startbox = '<div style="border:1px solid #000000; margin:1px;padding:1px;"><h2>Gold Membership Extras</h2><br />';
$endbox = '</div>';
$data = unserialize($profilefield['data']);
$selectbits = '';
$foundselect = 0;
foreach ($data AS $key => $val)
$selected = '';
if ($vbulletin->userinfo["$profilefieldname"])
if (trim($val) == $vbulletin->userinfo["$profilefieldname"])
$selected = 'selected="selected"';
$foundselect = 1;
else if ($profilefield['def'] AND $key == 1)
$selected = 'selected="selected"';
$foundselect = 1;
$templater = vB_Template::create('userfield_select_option');
$templater->register('key', $key);
$templater->register('selected', $selected);
$templater->register('val', $val);
$selectbits .= $templater->render();
if ($profilefield['optional'])
if (!$foundselect AND (!empty($vbulletin->userinfo["$profilefieldname"]) OR $vbulletin->userinfo["$profilefieldname"] === '0'))
$optional = $vbulletin->userinfo["$profilefieldname"];
$templater = vB_Template::create('userfield_optional_input');
$templater->register('optional', $optional);
$templater->register('optionalname', $optionalname);
$templater->register('profilefield', $profilefield);
$templater->register('tabindex', $tabindex);
$optionalfield = $templater->render();
if (!$foundselect)
$selected = 'selected="selected"';
$selected = '';
$show['noemptyoption'] = iif($profilefield['def'] != 2, true, false);
$templater = vB_Template::create('userfield_select');
$templater->register('optionalfield', $optionalfield);
$templater->register('profilefield', $profilefield);
$templater->register('profilefieldname', $profilefieldname);
$templater->register('selectbits', $selectbits);
$templater->register('selected', $selected);
$custom_field_holder = $templater->render();
$templater = vB_Template::create($wrapper_template);
$templater->register('custom_field_holder', $custom_field_holder);
$templater->register('profilefield', $profilefield);
$returnval = $startbox.$templater->render().$endbox;
//if ($vbulletin->userinfo['userid'] == 533) {die($returnval.'<!-- test -->');}
return $returnval;
Now, when I uncomment //if ($vbulletin->userinfo['userid'] == 533) {die($returnval.'<!-- test -->');}, I get the expected output--the field is wrapped in between my "$startbox" and "$endbox" values. However, left commented, there is nothing that gets changed.
However, I -do- know that it's going through this function; 1), the uncommented "die()" executes, and 2) if I manually add some kind of test to $custom_field_holder, THAT value actually takes!
Could someone maybe point out a mistake I might be making? It's not terribly important to me--it's not even my own forum I'm doing this for--but it's bugging the hell out of me! XD
Also, I think similar plugins would help me organize my own forum's Profile Fields page.
Thanks in advance.