View Full Version : Lets combine funds for a Reviews CMS with business/product directory
06-15-2011, 11:30 PM
Many people are in need of a Reviews CMS. Those using GARS are stuck on vb3.8 until a vb4 replacement is found.
Lets combine our cash together to have a Reviews CMS created. We will need a qualified developer with a proven track record. As its a big job.
Here is the description of what is needed:
A review is basically the same as an article, but has custom fields functions, possibility to add predefined questions to those fields and rating functions. The author gives ratings. Users can respond to the review with comments and with ratings. This yields an average user rating. Examples of review software: jreviews, ireviews,
Reviews should have different sections, so you could for example have sections for movie reviews, restaurant reviews and product reviews.
permissions per section
The overview of reviews of each section, should allow for different display options, to be set by the admin.
A store like display option.
Option to choose to only have editor rating functions or only user rating functions or both.
Optional 'Buy now' button on forumdisplay for affiliate products.
Navigation treeview menu widget to display categories.
A review can be in multiple categories/sections.
Reviews should have:
Author ratings, with pretty AJAX stars, bars and other pretty rating scales. Author ratings can be turned off.
Member ratings. Member ratings can be turned off.
Combined rating averages.
Rating value should have an alt text. For example: if you choose to have ratings with 1 - 5 stars, then hovering over a 5 star rating could state 'excellent', while hovering over a 1 star rating could stat
Admins should be able to define rating questions and custom fields.
Custom fields should allow:
1. fields that work like tags. i.e. clicking on the word 'spaghetti' in a custom field would lead to all restaurants that serve spaghetti.
2. fields with AJAX autofill functions.
3. single line text fields
4. multiple line text fields
5. mandatory fields
6. tickbox fields
7. payment methods icons
Images with text wrap and image caption
Image carousel or another solution to allow a large number of images to be displayed.
Google maps integration. (show/browse all vendors/hotels/restaurants on a map)
Product video playing inline (youtube, vimeo, etc) & other major affiliate network integration (automatically pull prices from Clickbank, Commission Junction and Amazon and add affiliateID to purchase link)
Automatic population of fields from amazon/other affiliate networks by ISBN or productID: image, product title, author, description, product details(up to weight)
Allow paid listing trough subscriptions and paid expanded listings. When a user pays for an expanded listing more custom fields become visible. For example: url, extended description, products & prices, offers, photos, Google maps, logo, etc.
A 'featured' widget that shows x companies. Companies can buy a listing in this widget.
Allow online and offline payments.
Allow users to claim listings. (for example: a restaurant owner can claim the listing for his restaurant and buy features for it)
When users claim listings or when listing owners buy expanded listings, first then let them agree to T&C.
After the user has agreed to it, also send a notification by email that they have agreed to the T&C.
Setting to moderate all edits & content posted by listing owners. (to avoid spam & unwanted content)
Allow users to post feedback to reviewed company. (visible in the listing, but separated from normal comments)
If the listing is claimed, then send this feedback to the owner. (email/pm) This feature can be bought by the listing owner.
Permission setting to hide comments to listing owner.
Permission setting to hide listings not owned by user.
Ability to compare prices of all vendors that sell product X
Summary charts for all restaurants that serve Y. i.e. a table that lists those restaurant, with the data from custom fields, as the admin defines.
Search for restaurants that have specific data in custom fields X, Y and Z.
Use rich snippets ( so that Google will show reviews & ratings
Reviews should be loaded with interactive AJAX/jquery functions.
CkEditor for users and admin side
Infractions & moderation tools
CMS widgets
New entries & comments in 'What's New'
Searchable with vb search engine / Sphinx
Subscribe to entry
Usergroup permissions
Use of vb attachment system
vb postbit is shown
vb avatar is shown
profiles link to vb profile
design can be integrated
GARS importer
Allow for thousands of categories
Excellent SEO / link structure in pages and navigationPlease mind that anyone who pledges to this project can add functionality requests.
GARS is used by a LOT of boards and it has been abandoned. For example: I have 11.000 reviews in GARS. I know many others that also have thousands of GARS reviews and are stuck on vb3.8 until they can migrate their reviews to a new system. So without a replacement, these boards are stuck on vb 3.8. A reviews CMS seems to be our only hope.
So who is willing to pledge money to this project?
I'm not sure how much we will need, but it will not be cheap. Its a big project. I'm willing to take up an even share. So if 5 people pledge, then I'll pay 20%.
06-16-2011, 09:56 AM
Basic idea would be to create a company and everyone buys a share. Then the product is sold to everyone out there. Whether everyone makes money or it costs him is up to our luck.
06-16-2011, 03:36 PM
I'm not interested in reselling the product. I just want a good reviews application for my sites and the sites of others that join in.
I do not mind investing in it, as the software will be only available to those who do so.
I can easily use affiliate network functions to earn commission on affiliate products or paid listings functionality to make the money back. Especially as Google rich snippets will make the reviews come up in google maps, google places, etc, so that will drive traffic and advertisers to the site.
06-18-2011, 08:21 AM
I'd be in.
Wild Bronco
06-20-2011, 03:16 PM
This is much needed. I would like to see where this goes and take part.
06-20-2011, 05:32 PM
I forgot to reply here, of course I am in. We seriously need this.
06-20-2011, 06:12 PM
Same here..
06-21-2011, 04:46 PM
Based on requests from PetertDavis I added/amended the following to to the functionality: & other major affiliate network integration (automatically pull prices from Clickbank, Commission Junction and Amazon and add affiliateID to purchase link)
Automatic population of fields from amazon/other affiliate networks by ISBN or productID: image, product title, author, description, product details(up to weight)
06-21-2011, 08:55 PM
I'm in with some three figures.
06-23-2011, 03:41 PM
I would throw in 200$, but as we can see from lack of participation I doubt this attempt will be a success story. Same as my try here (
06-23-2011, 08:19 PM
Not everyone has posted publicly yet, but 7 people so far want to invest. I certainly would not call it a lack of participation. So far people are willing to invest an even share of the costs with a maximum of €300 per person. Would you also want to take part as such?
It would indeed be nice to get more participants, so the cost per person is lower.
06-23-2011, 08:24 PM
Not everyone has posted publicly yet, but 7 people so far want to invest. I certainly would not call it a lack of participation. So far people are willing to invest ?300 per person or an even share of the costs. Would you also want to take part as such?
Alright, couldn't see that. Would be fine to keep things updated regularly to increase the interest in it. Thanks.
06-24-2011, 04:57 PM
I am intereted in this. We need a project manager to not just organize the wants/needs, but to get the developer lined up and collect from all parties involved. We need to talk about lifecycle for the mod as well. I have automotive industry needs that are slightly different than some of the other industries, but they can be covered with custom fields probably.
06-25-2011, 03:21 PM
Not sure if I will convert to VB 4 yet, but Ill contribute $50 to the project.
06-26-2011, 06:01 PM
I want to help but I've already spend more than I meant to on my board, and I don't really need reviews that badly. The most I could really contribute would be very small- probably about $20. I only mention it because maybe if you find enough people willing to give small contributions it might add up to something substantial.
06-26-2011, 07:29 PM
If anyone has specific wants or needs, then please send me a PM or just post in this thread. If its remotely compatible with this project, then I can add it to the functionality list.
06-26-2011, 07:33 PM
Didn't Adrian say this was going to be in 4.1.x?
06-26-2011, 07:38 PM
Yes, IB did. Then it was retracted. Then stated again. Then retracted. And that was a year ago. There is possibly going to be a custom content type builder in vb at some point. But I very much doubt it will be able to produce an advanced reviews content type. If IB ever gets to it.
06-26-2011, 08:34 PM
I'm in for $250 if it can do a list of reviews using the review fields similar to this...
Would be great to see this happen as a native VB type
06-27-2011, 10:06 AM
I'm working backwards here to start a new community so I'm not as cornered as some feature wise. If the features are there to do something like this ( ) then I'd be interested for sure.
06-27-2011, 11:20 AM
I'm in for $250 if it can do a list of reviews using the review fields similar to this...
Would be great to see this happen as a native VB type
I'm working backwards here to start a new community so I'm not as cornered as some feature wise. If the features are there to do something like this ( ) then I'd be interested for sure.
Thats the idea.
06-30-2011, 11:30 AM
So where are we at this point? Start looking for a dev?
06-30-2011, 04:57 PM
There are still people joining the initiative. Im currently getting an indication of the cost.
After I have that I will get back to everyone to give a clearer picture of what the cost per person will be. Once everyone agrees with the costs, I will know how many people are part of this project. Then I will open a new thread in the paid requests forum and write up the functionality more extensively.
The new thread will solicit quotes from developers who have created advanced addons before.
07-03-2011, 09:02 AM
i would love to be part of it too, but cant afford too much!!
ive been looking for something like this!!
07-03-2011, 11:07 AM
I would like to join but if IB releases their version in the future, our efforts will be wasted, right?
07-03-2011, 12:14 PM
To build a decent review system it would probally be a few thousands...... is not nice out of the box but better than anything a few hundred can create..... slow development, slow support . unfortunately... still better than reviewpost.
07-03-2011, 11:51 PM
Censura has no other integration than login. Their reviews system is completely separate from vbulletin. No integration of profile, avatar, usergroup permissions, moderation, infractions, content discovery or editor.
07-04-2011, 08:18 PM
I would be interested in something like this as well...
07-06-2011, 09:06 PM
This is why I purchased the CMS in the first place I am glad to see I am not alone in expecting it as a feature. My initial launch momentum was ruined by the pre gold release and now I need to do some catch up.
I have the tree structure set up in CMS but importing a database to articles is a problem it is far too much to enter manually. we need a submission form and a paid listing option.
If you look at some of the IB sites you will see they have a vendors submission that is somewhat like a directory for reviews .
The yellow pages mod comes close to what I was looking for but it is buggy and lacks support. I need something that is A+ and will work on a mobile app. I am willing to contribute too.
07-07-2011, 01:23 PM
Edit: never mind.
07-09-2011, 02:29 PM
Ok, I'm still in this game. If you are interested, please turn subscriptions for this.
I AM READY TO START THE PROCESS IN HIRING A CONTRACTOR TO DO THIS ON MY OWN. If you want in on this, then let me know. I have a $3,000 budget for this and I will have it completed inside of 60 days from today as my target delivery date. I am planning to have this slanted heavily towards automotive. 1) Dealer Reviews and 2) Vehicle Year/Make/Model/Trim/Options ... and maybe 3) Parts & Accessories reviews as well.
I will put up project tracking tools on and I might use to handle the contract becuase it just makes things easy and I don't have to worry about the money as they can handle it and we can all be involved on the site with me being in charge though.
I you are interested, let me know via PM and we can get started. Your level of interest in investing in this project will directly relate to the amount of input you will have. (i.e. a $300 participant will have his/her requests taken more seriously than a $20 participant.)
* The other option is that I find a good developer and I will make this a commercial plug-in with a basic free version plus a paid version that will probably run something like $50 per version release, and hopefully I can get 50 or 60 paid versions launched so I can make my money back.
Ok, that's my suggestion - I >REALLY< need this modification, like yesterday, and I can't wait any longer so I have to jump on it myself. If I am running off half-baked, please send me a PM and let me know.
07-09-2011, 04:05 PM
I'm already working in a CMS system, which has nothing to do with vB CMS and vbAdvanced (even if vbAdvanced is a totally different product, and I totally respect what the author did).
Most of you will say that I'm strange person, and really I'm. But I don't plan to explain here the deep reasons, something that maybe will be without sence for most of you. But I believe that I have a great imagination when it comes to coding, and finally my mods are not so buggy, ehh?
Well, here are some features. Keep in mind that I call them articles, but you can call reviews or whatever you want:
Homepage, Category listing, Article page:
You can choose from 5 predefinied Layouts or create your own.
Drag and Drop blocks to layout.
Configure each block per page. eg in homepage you may want to show 5 latest articles with thumbs, but for the same block to show 10. etc etc
Four (4) types of articles:
Normal Article
Normal Article with Likes/Dislikes
Article with Discussion (thread)
Article with Reviews
Different type of rating questions per category
..... many more that I want to keep secret for now as the mod will be ready by the end of July. But, sorry if I disappoint you, but features like external connections (except Google Maps), are not in my plans at least for the first release.
Give a look at the screenshoot. Have you seen dragable block which contains tabs? How many tabs is up to you (just check the checkboxes that you want).Maria
07-09-2011, 04:38 PM
Ok, that's my suggestion - I >REALLY< need this modification, like yesterday, and I can't wait any longer so I have to jump on it myself. If I am running off half-baked, please send me a PM and let me know.
It will be ready in a month from now (even if I plan it for July 31st), and it will costs you 1/20 of your budget
07-10-2011, 09:18 AM
It will be ready in a month from now (even if I plan it for July 31st), and it will costs you 1/20 of your budget
I love your work.
07-10-2011, 12:29 PM
Ok, I'm still in this game. If you are interested, please turn subscriptions for this.
If you want to start a separate project feel free to do so.
The project in this thread is still advancing. If you want to be part of this and there are particular features that you need in this, then feel free to share them, so I can include them in the list.
07-15-2011, 02:36 PM
Mary, I respect your work and you really did some great mods. However, coding an own CMS does not make sense in that case, at least in my opinion. In our case we just converted from Wordpress to vBulletin CMS and it was hell, the URLs of more than 50.000 articles changed. With vBulletin CMS we at least got the safety to build on a reliable and stable component, which is supported by a whole company. A CMS can be a crucial part of a website.
I would love to see you coding addons for the official CMS though. That would be really great and everyone could stick with the current solution. Just a thought.
ChrisTERiS old
07-15-2011, 03:01 PM
Mary, I respect your work and you really did some great mods. However, coding an own CMS does not make sense in that case, at least in my opinion. In our case we just converted from Wordpress to vBulletin CMS and it was hell, the URLs of more than 50.000 articles changed. With vBulletin CMS we at least got the safety to build on a reliable and stable component, which is supported by a whole company. A CMS can be a crucial part of a website.
I would love to see you coding addons for the official CMS though. That would be really great and everyone could stick with the current solution. Just a thought.
It's difficult to explain what exactly I'm doing. But maybe tomorrow I'll post a video in YouTUBE to be more understandable. I'm not actually coding a replacement of vB CMS. Ley's try with an example of my microCLASSIFIEDS. It has the homepage (I repeat, homepage of microCLASSIFIEDS, not vB), it has a page for listing Ads, and finally a page for showing the Ad itsself. You know very well, that even the best design can satisfy all users. Some user don't want xxx block, some others want xxx block but in different position and so on.
This is what I'm doing. All available blocks in a container, from where the user can drag and drop them anywhere he wants. Just I'm not stoping there. Except the microCLASSIFIEDS blocks, should be blocks coming from forums and CMS. An example. Lets say that someone wants to show Latest Threads, Popular Threads, Sticky threads. He can just drag and drop these block to the page (with visual effect... seeing it with data). But he can also drag and drop them in a Tabs container to save space, and make it more attractive.
Last but not least: Static blocs: Video, Audio, Images, Banners, Texts, Navigation menus and many more.
So at last the pages of microCLASSIFIEDS, should be exactly as the user wants to be.
I talked about CMS because the first Mod that I'll use budled with Drag and Drop features should be a multifaced Articles system. Depending on the settings can be Articles, Reviews or anything you like. Even recipes mod.
PS- Don't confused with the nickname. This is my company's name.
07-15-2011, 04:04 PM
So far I am also interested to help finance the project.
Plugin Pete
07-18-2011, 03:09 PM
Hi Everyone,
Alfa PMed me about this project, so I would like to offer some information about my background and what I'm working on. It might be a fit for some of you.
For nearly 10 years I ran a successful automotive forum called The new owner has taken it in a different direction, but the original community had a large product review database, product catalogs and how-to articles. I used a combination of GARS, Censura, Price Tapestry and phpMyDirectory to construct my monetized content. I created mashups on the vBAdvanced home page and forum pages to promote reviews, products and vendors. I learned a lot and had excellent income from both sponsors and affiliate sales. The issue was 1.) software support and 2.) maintenance.
Based on my experience, I'm building a CMS called Plugin Pages that works on the idea of catalogs. I'm not using vbCMS to build it because I want portability. My CMS is currently working on vBulletin 3.8 (beta), WordPress 3.x (beta) and vBulletin 4.1.x (alpha).
The primary goals for Plugin Pages are:
Generate Revenue for Website Owner
Rapid Catalog Development
Create Content with Microdata Markup for Google Rich Snippets
Import Data from Content Providers
Automatic Update of Data Where Possible
Smart Cross Promotion Between CatalogsThe base catalog type is a product catalog. I started there because that's where the money is (e.g., promoting products). I have plans to add screens and templates for:
Coupon Catalogs
Review Catalogs
How-to Article Catalogs
Video Catalogs
Recipe Catalogs
Business Listing CatalogsThe Review Catalog will be a special type in that it attaches to other catalog types to create its own catalog. That way any other catalog type you build will instantly have reviews built-in. This has the effect of doubling your catalog pages.
Once I get the core system out of beta I will release an API to allow other developers to build new catalog types, widgets, etc.
I will take the Review CMS features list Alfa created and use it for guidance. If you have any other input, I'm all ears.
Thank you!
07-18-2011, 11:16 PM
For a better understanding here's a link ( to the Plugin Pages.
Sounds interesting Pete, so far as I understand it will be not possible for a user to create a new product review when it's not already listed in the catalog?
Is it possible to add all kind of products into the catalog or is all just imported from content providers?
Sorry if asking this, but what's in for you? Because add-ons in this kind of complexity are most paid or kind of Multi-level marketing stuff.
07-19-2011, 03:15 AM
Please look at this, I have set up a section structure and a incomplete basic category's. (having a way to import or export this kind of structure would be really very cool indeed. as it was a Witch to enter .)
If the native CMS just had a way to import a form and perhaps an 'article' template(s) for business listings I think it would work fantastic with a few tweaks.
as per Fabians post ( I do want to make a special note on one of the features included in this list as it pertains to some question from the previous post: Custom Content Type Builder. Some of you asked about the “review” content type. The Custom Content Type Builder will have a few primitives from which we all can build new content types. In theory, and as it has been specified, you should be able to build a review content type with the tool.
We need more hounding to make that happen sooner than later. IB's web sites already have a review like section they show in their You tube channel it should not be a reach to make a local review site happen.
I invasion informational articles with sponsored listings and related content in widgets and a really good cross referenced search keywords and categories. were the listing can be ranked by there prominance.
and if you want to get fancy (and I do ) you have an internal skimlinks like linking system (maybe more like Wikkii) that directs mentions back to the listing and cross refrences and leave ads in threads that contain simular tags or keywords.
now wrap that all up in a good links directory too.
Plugin Pete
07-19-2011, 03:46 AM
For a better understanding here's a link ( to the Plugin Pages.
Sounds interesting Pete, so far as I understand it will be not possible for a user to create a new product review when it's not already listed in the catalog?
Is it possible to add all kind of products into the catalog or is all just imported from content providers?
Sorry if asking this, but what's in for you? Because add-ons in this kind of complexity are most paid or kind of Multi-level marketing stuff.
My experience with letting users create pages for reviews (i.e., adding product pages) is not good. People almost always take the lazy way out and you end up with junk. So, what I will add is a suggestion box that allows people to recommend products to be added. I did this with my last community and it worked well.
What's in this for me is a small % of the opportunity with the basic version or some form of payment on the Pro version. This is my full-time job. I have been working on the design and development since the middle of last year.
There is a lot in the works for this CMS. Far more than I can explain all at once and not have people roll their eyes.
The problem that I'm trying to solve is the one that I experienced and struggled with for a long time... How do you monetize the huge volume of traffic forums get from the search engines without alienating your members? The answer I came up with, the one that really worked, is:
Provide Social Proof
Offer Sources and DiscountsSo, that's what the base system will provide. It will allow people to build catalogs of products, articles and reviews.
One of my longer term goals is to provide the components that allow forum owners to share reward with members. So, for example, your members can submit how-to articles for publication that include product references. To encourage publication the system will support a revenue split on the affiliate commissions. This is the model that has made Squidoo and Hubpages so popular.
This is not multi-level marketing. It's shared opportunity. Forum owners have the audience, but they need organized content that helps people make buying decisions. By sharing the reward forum owners can get more and do less.
07-19-2011, 05:11 AM
that sounds very similar to what I am looking for Pete. but I am not concerned with the world traffic I want to concentrate tat on the local/regional area. \
Using local sponsors who I sell and list in person Like these annoying yellow book people do.
I have been educating my core group in how we can obtain sponsors and how that sponsorship will give them real rewards. I need the technology to go forward.
07-19-2011, 08:31 AM
My experience with letting users create pages for reviews (i.e., adding product pages) is not good. People almost always take the lazy way out and you end up with junk. So, what I will add is a suggestion box that allows people to recommend products to be added. I did this with my last community and it worked well.
Sure, all depends on your community or niche but this way doesn't work for all.
What's in this for me is a small % of the opportunity with the basic version or some form of payment on the Pro version. This is my full-time job. I have been working on the design and development since the middle of last year.
That's the way I prefer Pete, if you make a good job you should gain profit for the time you've spent for. Thanks for your answers Pete.
07-20-2011, 08:38 PM
I'm so in!!
I've already converted to VB4, but still saving a copy of the old site in hope of getting GARS back.
My only request is that I want the full functionality within the framework of the forum and not the CMS. I do not use Vb CMS as it's still in infancy. I use a different CMS (Joomla) for my articles.
Plugin Pete
07-22-2011, 07:05 PM
I took a first whack at porting GARS to vB4.1.x this week. I have all of the Admin CP functions working and a few template bits showing on a GARS post. There are 46 GARS templates to convert and 2 php class components that need to be re-written. The templates take an hour each to convert, so it seems likely there is another 80 - 100 hours of work to make the conversion.
07-23-2011, 12:39 AM
I'm not sure how much we will need, but it will not be cheap. Its a big project. I'm willing to take up an even share. So if 5 people pledge, then I'll pay 20%.
I'm in. Let me know what a share costs I could probably pay it.
07-23-2011, 07:23 PM
I took a first whack at porting GARS to vB4.1.x this week. I have all of the Admin CP functions working and a few template bits showing on a GARS post. There are 46 GARS templates to convert and 2 php class components that need to be re-written. The templates take an hour each to convert, so it seems likely there is another 80 - 100 hours of work to make the conversion.
Save this 100 hrs. and download the last beta script here ( Morgan has converted all templates.
07-23-2011, 09:35 PM
GARS with 4.0 I get the upgrade to vb4.1.3 following error message:
The Three Stooges ...
Fatal error: Call to a member function hide_errors () on a non-object in / var/www/my_domain/htdocs/vb4/geek/gars/includes/gars_admin_phrases.php on line 295th
I would also be willing to pay for what it is finally converted to clean VB4
07-23-2011, 10:08 PM
TBH honest, I really dont want GARS for vb4 anymore. I want a reviews CMS system.
I have hundreds of GARS forums and that affects my site negatively. vbulletin allows for a maximum number of forums. GARS is grossly outdated. I need something much much better than GARS.
Plugin Pete
07-23-2011, 10:31 PM
What you presented in your "wish list" is beyond a simple review content type for the vbCMS. What you're asking for with your requirements set is a very flexible CMS with extensible data types. The current database structures for vbCMS do not support a capability like that. GARS does.
On one hand, GARS is a hack. It works by wrapping itself around the forum and thread system of vB. In general, any system that relies on a mass of hooks to work is going to break with just about every upgrade of the core system.
On the other hand, GARS is a masterpiece of flexibility. With a little imagination and a little effort, You can make GARS be what you want.
I think an ideal solution takes an approach that does not hook into the vB forum system, and uses a GARS-like approach to data definition for reviews. By unleashing from vB's forum and thread system you have more opportunities.
07-24-2011, 12:18 AM
Yes, I agree that a GARS like approach could be useful, if some detached from the forum system and if it has a modern UI. It does not need to be in the vbCMS. But it does need infractions, moderation tools, reputation, CKeditor, widgets, new entries / comments in 'Whats New', searchable with the vb search engine/sphinx.
Plugin Pete
07-24-2011, 03:20 AM
Yes, I agree that a GARS like approach could be useful, if some detached from the forum system and if it has a modern UI. It does not need to be in the vbCMS. But it does need infractions, moderation tools, reputation, CKeditor, widgets, new entries / comments in 'Whats New', searchable with the vb search engine/sphinx.
Okay, you might want to add those requirements to your list.
When you say "modern UI" what exactly are you speaking of? It's difficult to make an add-on's UI more modern than the system that is hosting it.
Do you want the CKeditor on the admin side or on the member's side?
07-24-2011, 06:51 AM
Halo Plugin Pete,
what would it cost if you convert GARS to VB4?
Plugin Pete
07-24-2011, 02:29 PM
Hi Delazar,
I think that Alfa is correct. GARS is grossly outdated. My only goal in making it work on vB4 is to pick it apart so that a new product can be made compatible with the GARS database format (or, at the least, easily converted). When I searched Google for the GARS copyright it came back with a few hundred unique sites. A lot of people are stuck on GARS.
07-24-2011, 03:05 PM
Okay, you might want to add those requirements to your list.
I added:
The use of vbCMS is preferred because of the following existing functionality. If another CMS would be chosen then this functionality would need to be included:
CkEditor for users and admin side
Infractions & moderation tools
CMS widgets
New entries & comments in 'What's New'
Searchable with vb search engine / Sphinx
Subscribe to entry
Usergroup permissions
Use of vb attachment systemWhen you say "modern UI" what exactly are you speaking of? It's difficult to make an add-on's UI more modern than the system that is hosting it.
vbulletin still uses YUI2 for the most part, which was released in February 2006 and outdated since the release of YUI3. Utilizing jquery allows for many modern subtle effects:
- sliding rating stars
- instead of opening a new page to enter a new review, just load the entry fields within the page with a fade-in effect like jreviews does ( (login to jreviews: user&pass= demo)
- when submitting a review or comment let it fade or slide in.
- once a button is no longer needed, just let is fade out, instead of requiring a new page load or a popup.
Personally I think that ZK Direct Ria and Sencha are the best thing since sliced bread, but that may be pushing it. :D
Do you want the CKeditor on the admin side or on the member's side?
Plugin Pete
07-24-2011, 06:01 PM
Okay, updating to add YUI2 support is not a big deal. I agree, there are a lot of nice user interface tools available with jquery.
I agree, ZK is a nice framework, but hardly cost effective for this kind of project. Plus, it would double the framework size of the vB instance and make the whole thing a pig.
07-24-2011, 10:28 PM
Hi Delazar,
I think that Alfa is correct. GARS is grossly outdated. My only goal in making it work on vB4 is to pick it apart so that a new product can be made compatible with the GARS database format (or, at the least, easily converted). When I searched Google for the GARS copyright it came back with a few hundred unique sites. A lot of people are stuck on GARS.
I don't know much about it, but I went to the GARS website and the programmer seems resigned to let it die because he got too many nasty emails from people. He writes:
...some of you check back now and then but don't say much, other offer nice words that I appreciate, but there are ones that are just nails in the coffin. Sure there are many reasons for not working on these scripts, and frustration is understandable, but uncalled for comments are icing on the cake, so this is also likely the last time I will be upgrading this code.
I have reached out by PM to a few of you, I have money to contribute - unfortunately I gave up coding somewhere between Fortran and Basic - who knows if I stayed with it I might have been an internet millionaire. But I made money in other ways over the intervening years. So that is where I can help. We each contribute what we can to get the product we need, right? Some by coding, some by testing, some by ideas, some by cash. Well you know where I stand, reach out to me if/when necessary.
Plugin Pete
07-25-2011, 04:54 AM
The story of the Geek website and products is a bit convoluted. The original programmer had a family business tragedy and needed to make a decision to contribute the code to or find someone to take over the project. I'm not one to judge, but I think Morgan (the current owner) bit off a bit more than she could chew. Having spent many hours with the code, I can understand. GARS is a big system and it's not documented. I would never be critical of Morgan. I'm learning from what GARS accomplished and want to build on that effort.
I don't know much about it, but I went to the GARS website and the programmer seems resigned to let it die because he got too many nasty emails from people. He writes:
I have reached out by PM to a few of you, I have money to contribute - unfortunately I gave up coding somewhere between Fortran and Basic - who knows if I stayed with it I might have been an internet millionaire. But I made money in other ways over the intervening years. So that is where I can help. We each contribute what we can to get the product we need, right? Some by coding, some by testing, some by ideas, some by cash. Well you know where I stand, reach out to me if/when necessary.
08-02-2011, 11:01 PM
For unknown reasons the developer who would provide the initial quote for this project, is not responding. Which is not a good sign. The quote was requested before Pete offered his project as an option.
So, I am considering to wait and see what Pete comes up with. (Within reasonable time) Pete has already shown that he can deliver, as much is already coded.
At the same time I do not want to let anyone down and if anyone of the people who pledged to invest in this project wants to go in another direction or have specific requirements, then please PM me to discuss. I realize that many people are depending upon a reviews content type to be able to update to vbulletin 4 and can no longer afford to wait. I am in the same position.
08-08-2011, 11:42 AM
You can put me in the same category as monkeshine, I need something like what you're talking about (but for tech, not automotive, not that it matters imo), and I would be a cash contributor. My timeframe of need for a solid gold vB4.1.x product is by the end of 2011 and I'd be wanting to help test out various betas starting in Sept. I'm not a coder but have messed around with vB for over a year now and currently run a few community forums. I'm interested in using vB now for a new business venture. Let me know if you want/need investors and PM me whatever details are needed to get me in, if you want me. Cheers!
08-08-2011, 01:29 PM
i am in for the group by. i have been wanting something exactly like this. and yes if you dont contribute you should not get it for free cause its gonna cost quite a fee for something of this magnitude. will chip in up to $300
08-15-2011, 08:04 PM
I don't mean to derail the progress by pete but its been over a month since he said his deadline port to VB4 would be done and i've been left here helpless and waiting and im sure many of you are too because there has not been a single good article CMS for vb yet. I dont mind to sound unappreciative, i love what you have done so far pete, im just very uncertain if or when a vb4 port will be ready.
Now I have a really good coder whom i managed to find on elance (after many terrible experiences with bad coders) and already had him do over $400 worth of projects for me. I am keen to start on a similar this project as described in the OP and am very interested in getting it started as soon as possible. I was already prepared to spend over $1,500 for the project on my own but after seeing this thread I was so relieved because that is alot of money and if we did a "group buy" the costs could be split 4-5 ways. However i've been sitting here looking for progress over the last 2 weeks and there hasn't been any so forgive for sound impatient but i really don't want to wait anymore.
Anyone who is serious and interested in having the first solid article review CMS built for their site to their specifications please PM me, we will get a skype group going with the coder and begin work asap. Money will be escrowed by paypal. He says he can deliver the project by working on it full time for 3 weeks and his work so far on my site has been phenomenal, he has delivered extremely fast and beyond the scope of his work every time.
08-17-2011, 03:16 PM
No vote GARS from me.
Willing to pitchin for CMS review system.
08-18-2011, 01:17 AM
Im on holiday until the 2nd. If there is no definite result from Pete by then, I will request quotes from 2 experienced developers.
08-18-2011, 10:26 PM
Forgive my intruding in to this thread. I have no funds to contribute. But I do have some questions.
All the features the OP listed would be ok for a few but not for all end users of the finished product.
As such would there be a way to just turn on a few of the features as needed?
Will it be having a UI that a non coder type could understand? Or are you going to need a Ph.D in programming to make it work?
How much banging on the DB is it going to do?
How much bandwidth is it going to burn up making outside queries to places like amazon and google maps and hotel systems?
How much of a server footprint is this thing going to have?
And how can a pennyless little smuck like me get his hands on it?
08-19-2011, 03:36 PM
This is something that we're very heavily interested in, and I'd be willing to contribute a great deal for a powerful review system. What's the latest on this?
08-19-2011, 04:25 PM
And how can a pennyless little smuck like me get his hands on it?
To be honest, this whole thing makes no sense if some are paying the bill and others receive it for free.
08-23-2011, 10:12 PM
If you guys are sincerely interested, please PM me the amount you are willing to contribute so we can get things rolling. I can put together a skype group with us and confirm the specifications we want before sending it to the coder. Theres already 2 people in this so thats $600 towards this system. With $1000+ we can build a really powerful system and it would require no more than $300 per person.
Please PM me so i can arrange the preliminary talks and draft the project outline with the coder. All money will be escrowed so we will be protected and only released upon delivery of the final project to us.
08-31-2011, 02:52 AM
We now have 4 confirmed buyers. I have set up the skype group (no need mic, we just use this to real time chat and for updates) and i have created a google document with the proposal, exact member specifications and members of the group.
If anyone else wants to join now is the time as we are going to move ahead shortly. We are not going to resell this mod so it will be the last chance to get a Article CMS with great functionality on VB4 for awhile.
Send me a PM with your skype details.
08-31-2011, 03:00 AM
i will be releasing CMS Review System soon.. i am opening my custom paid site ( so will be releasing lite edition in and paid edition in my site.
08-31-2011, 03:13 AM
Alfa1 I am interested in this project and the product, how much does someone need to contribute at least to be in?
08-31-2011, 10:54 AM
i will be releasing CMS Review System soon.. i am opening my custom paid site ( so will be releasing lite edition in and paid edition in my site.
Need timing - in this single thread there are over 3 different solutions, and no one has shown a version that actually works in VB4 (the original request)...
If you have something real, suggest you get it out there ASAP - as it sounds like we're heading down a paid, custom path...
Thanks for sending a link.
08-31-2011, 01:41 PM
This could be an interesting project after the media library mod.
09-01-2011, 09:42 PM
Alfa1 I am interested in this project and the product, how much does someone need to contribute at least to be in?
Expect to invest around 200-300 each. It greatly depends upon how many people actually come through.
There is quite a list of people who want to be part of this project.
Im currently on holiday and will be back next week. The project will advance from then on. A quick note to other impatient webmasters: trust me, this show is going on the road. Im just as impatient as you are. I needed this a long time ago already.
09-03-2011, 09:34 PM
Best of luck making this happen. I don't want to burst anyone's bubble but who "owns" the code of this "donationware" product? Does VB have the right to take the code and then modify it and sell it? Does anyone who "donates" to the product get a share of ownership?
This is all very nice in theory but it is a total mess on the business end. And if you guys want to start building add-ons like this in a vacuum when IB hasn't given you a road map of what it's doing, get ready for potentially huge frustration. What if their "add-on" products compete with this? What about support?
I thought about all these things and realized I was better off not blowing more than the few thousand dollars I did on my own custom add-ons since anything I'm doing is competing with what IB does in the dark and will be unsupported.
I have zero doubt Alfa1 has great intentions. Truth is that the way things are, this will be stop-gap at best. Even the few major add-on developers here are now creating add-ons for XenForo and IPB. Without a road map, anything done here may be duplicative and short lived. And most important, somebody or someone has to own all of the code. If Alfa1 does, then I suggest he find a better way to fund the product than $300 from this guy and $50 from that guy, each of whom will potentially have equal rights to the add-on.
09-04-2011, 12:33 AM
Off course there is a risk that IB will release a reviews addon. But as they have been able to do about nothing right in the last years, I highly doubt its an issue. Im done waiting for IB. I need the functionality and thats all that really matters. Im not interested in a commercial business of selling software.
I just want the functionality and anyone who is willing to share the cost will get the right to use the software on his/her website. Investing in the software will not give the right to sell it on. The developers of the software will not have the right to sell the software to other parties.
There are more than a few people who intent to invest an equal amount in this project. If half of them come through then the financial side of it will be in order.
Once completed, I expect that the improvement of the software functionality will be ongoing in the future thereafter.
09-09-2011, 07:08 AM
Can we start with a post listing the people that actually want to contribute and then get in touch with a developer to get a quote?
09-13-2011, 07:39 PM
Don't waste to much money, there's a free review system published here recently
Which is here:
And i also found a premium review system for vb4 which seems very good, when i was looking for some skins.
Here is a premium one:
4th product in the list.
I'm not sure if it's allowed to post that link here, but i just want to prevent you guys from wasting money. It's not my website, just trying to help you guys out. Cheers!
Also if linking is not allowed, i will removed it instantly.
09-14-2011, 02:54 AM
Product review forums does something similar to GARS: turn forums into review sections. The issue with this approach is that it needs a mass of forums. vbulletin has a maximum number of forums that you can add without performance issues.
iReviews is a nice product, but it is encoded. This means that you can not modify it and you need to run ioncube.
09-21-2011, 04:19 PM
I have added these functions to the want list:
The use of vbCMS is preferred because of the following existing functionality. If another CMS would be chosen then this functionality would need to be included:
vb postbit is shown
vb avatar is shown
profiles link to vb profile
design can be integrated
I no longer consider vbCMS to be the optimal avenue. The solution should integrate with it, but should not be dependent upon it. This will make it easier to migrate away from vbulletin if needed. Recent developments have shown that it may be wise to migrate away from vbulletin when its possible. (the latter is dependent upon XF or IPB closing the functionality gap)
10-09-2011, 03:31 PM
I too am very interested in this Mod, although for just a few to pump money in the project doesn't seem to me the way to go. Let's say five people get onboard and complete task for just 5 "members"...where is the motivation for support and upgrades as needed?
I suggest a small group of "investors" get the project up and running then put it up on a pay for subscription site and let everyone else have a shot at it.
As money comes in investor group could get their money back and the rest could go for future upgrades to keep the project alive.
I've seen other projects like this fizzle really quickly. Somewhere in the $30-$50 range for one year subscription should generate plenty of funds to keep things going in the long term.
Just my thoughts.
10-10-2011, 06:00 AM
I agree with FannBlade. Some resolution on this point will enable my investment and participation. 300euros is no problem.
And I agree with Alfa1 that this should be an XF extension.
And is cow³ branching this concept?
10-11-2011, 02:41 PM
XF 4 sure although it still just pisses me off that IB is playing stupid on this ig the vender plug in on some of their sites which BTW are still running the pre buy out version yet they are continuing development on that stage of the software six months after the release of 4.0 and they haven't even bothered upgrading to 3.86
Setting up your Vendor Directory (
From: internetBrands ( | May 19, 2010 | 75 views
and their video instructions
looking at the the ventures that IB is undertaking it is becoming painfully obvious there is a conflict of interest as they are in Direct competition with those that they sell software to and furthermore have access to inside information of any competitor that uses vbulleton as the backbone and requires technical assistance.
10-12-2011, 08:03 AM
I would like to call on everyone who is interested in this project to take a last look at the feature list and post any suggestions you want to see added.
XF 4 sure although it still just pisses me off that IB is playing stupid on this ig the vender plug in on some of their sites ...
looking at the the ventures that IB is undertaking it is becoming painfully obvious there is a conflict of interest as they are in Direct competition with those that they sell software to and furthermore have access to inside information of any competitor that uses vbulleton as the backbone and requires technical assistance.
Yes, they are in direct competition. Just see how many people mention that IB is their competitor now. Happened to me too.
In any case: the vendor listing system that IB has, they can keep. It sucks IMHO.
10-15-2011, 04:38 AM
Advanced Content System
I am working on a script similar to GARS.
It is fully compatible with vBulletin 4 and uses jQuery in the front-end like star rating.
You can see some images here: Advanced Content System (
Tell me what you think and what functions you want.
10-17-2011, 08:20 PM
Advanced Content System
I am working on a script similar to GARS.
It is fully compatible with vBulletin 4 and uses jQuery in the front-end like star rating.
You can see some images here: Advanced Content System (
Tell me what you think and what functions you want.
Wow very nice.
Are the readers or guests able to rate all points too?
Or can they just vote the cumulative Rating?
Other Point: Would be nice to ad a shop button (Buy this Product), and a field to put in affiliate Code, maybe with rewrite of it to short link.
It is really looking very nice, what do you think, when you go to relese it?
This year?
10-17-2011, 11:26 PM
Wow very nice.
Are the readers or guests able to rate all points too?
Or can they just vote the cumulative Rating?
Other Point: Would be nice to ad a shop button (Buy this Product), and a field to put in affiliate Code, maybe with rewrite of it to short link.
It is really looking very nice, what do you think, when you go to relese it?
This year?
Readers and guests, if they have permission will be able to rate all points. If enabled, will be able to vote only when making a reply.
You can add a new text field where the thread starter can write the link and then include this field in a custom module or in the thread with a simple template edit.
Will be releasing a beta version later this month. And expect to release the final version this year.
Feel free to comment and tell me your requirements.
10-19-2011, 09:28 AM
looks very good. I'm waiting eagerly for the first beta version.
10-26-2011, 04:25 PM
Is this the same Mod?
10-26-2011, 10:04 PM
No, its not.
10-26-2011, 11:05 PM
ForumMods any update on this?
I might just end up getting jreviews instead if theres still no vbulletin mod, sigh.
10-26-2011, 11:16 PM
I'm also very interested
10-28-2011, 06:41 PM
The beta version will be released on October 31.
If you are interested, please, send me a PM.
Once the gold version is released, all beta testers will receive a free license.
For those who have an active GARS license, will receive a discount.
11-03-2011, 06:44 AM
beta out? How is it looking so far? :)
11-08-2011, 10:24 AM
Any news?
11-24-2011, 05:08 AM
Sure wish you would let us know how things are developing?
11-26-2011, 01:10 PM
Any update?
Never got your PM reference to the email...
11-26-2011, 07:34 PM
PM'd :)
12-04-2011, 03:22 PM
The beta version will be released on October 31.
If you are interested, please, send me a PM.
Once the gold version is released, all beta testers will receive a free license.
For those who have an active GARS license, will receive a discount.
How's this going, still looking for testers or are you already testing? If so how are the tests going?
12-04-2011, 07:59 PM
I think you can assume the 'development' was fluff.
12-04-2011, 08:06 PM
pretty disappointing from the zero response here. Hard to get inspired to even invest but I'm hopeful. I see on the GARR site they do have a download for testers there. Its of no interest to me to test something on a production site so I'm just hopeful this is actually in development and the coders are inspired enough to share whether its fluff or happening? Come-on guys?
There is another developer doing one, which I like called Product Review. Its simple but all I need. Once they get it using the vb4 editor, I'm in.
12-04-2011, 09:03 PM
The GARS test download is not working and no one has got it to work. Its a dead end.
The product review forums shows promise. Especially if you have a low number of review forums. If you have a large number of review forums, then this can cause your site to slow down, due to vbulletins limit in forums. Having more than 500-1000 forums will cause performance issues.
I have been pretty occupied with other software development projects for my site and with the migration of my site from server to cluster and many issues flowing from that.
I still need this to be developed.
12-04-2011, 09:45 PM
What do you mean 500 - 1000 forums? You mean threads? or actual forums?
12-04-2011, 11:33 PM
Actual subforums/forums. The reason that I mention this is that with GARS and now Product Review Forums, review categories are forums. So if you have hundreds of review categories or if you already have a lot of forums, then this approach can cause performance issues.
12-04-2011, 11:48 PM
off-topic: Where exactly will those vbulletin forum speedbumps show up? We have 1028 forums/subforums on our site and i wouldn't ever have thought we might run into a hidden performance issue there.
12-05-2011, 11:47 AM
The vbulletin support staff on have frequently stated that such large amounts of forum will cause performance issues, extreme server load and general forum slow down.
This is a database design limitation carried over from vb3. Once you get that many forums you start running into problems, particularly with forumjump, search and managing that many forums in the Admin CP/ forum manager.
The exact limit depends upon your server setup. A high end cluster will only hit performance issues at 1500 forums, while a low end server will hit problems somewhere below 1000 forums.
You can solve part of it by using Varnish & Sphynx.
12-05-2011, 07:52 PM
First I want to thank all those who participated in the first phase of testing.
We are making great progress in which incorporated new features requested by testers.
Surely by mid-month, a public beta version will be launched.
12-10-2011, 05:58 AM
I'm sorry I havn't been able to help test the beta or be involved I have been busy keeping life support on my site.
12-12-2011, 06:11 AM
Has anyone looked at's CMS system I am seriously considering the investment I am tired of waiting and I am ready to shell out what it takes for a real deal CMS.
12-12-2011, 06:23 AM
Thanks for the link, looking now.
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appears nothing to do with vbulletin though... so, not interested.
Christos Teriakis
12-12-2011, 05:01 PM
This weekend, I'll release my own Review system for vBulletin. I want to believe that it covers 75% of the needs for a Review system. Don't expect a killer application, but a stable addon to work with. Stay tuned on Sunday at Price should be $75 with 100% visible source code. Brand Free $35.
12-12-2011, 05:19 PM
right on!!!!! Marys Classifieds is great so this should be great. Count me in.
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Will vbulletin editor work for adding content?
Christos Teriakis
12-13-2011, 11:27 AM
And here are 2 screenshots from the most important sections:
Usergroup permissionsAs you can see has the most of the wanted features. eg Per Category you can setup different group permissions for posting, different rating questions, different extra fields etc. Also in usergroup permissions, nothing is missing. See the screenshoots carefully.
As most of you already wrote, vBulletin lacks in performance in big boards (lots of forums). Even if I've added the feature to have a discussion forum, I'm giving you 3 ways to eliminate the total number of forums:
You can set some (not so important) categories, to not have forum. They'll have reviews, but not native vB Forums.
You can set which usergroup can has Forums and which not.
Even usergroups which have permission for threads, the author can decide per post (article/review) if he was a thread or not.Thank you
Christos Teriakis
12-13-2011, 02:47 PM
Will vbulletin editor work for adding content?
Sure. Just like in Classifieds.
12-13-2011, 02:52 PM
Are there any pictures from forumhome?
Christos Teriakis
12-13-2011, 05:43 PM
Are there any pictures from forumhome?
I'm not using Forum style AddOns. Each addon has its own main page. If you mean this page, sorry but I don't like to publish it right now.
12-15-2011, 10:52 AM
Is(will be) there any demo for your system ChrisTERiS?
Christos Teriakis
12-15-2011, 11:15 AM
Is(will be) there any demo for your system ChrisTERiS?
Currently I'm working on finishing the usercp. Most probably tomorrow you'll see the fronpage at:
Now it has the classifieds frontpage if you click on Reviews.
12-16-2011, 02:28 AM
After suggestions from others, I have further updated the functionality needs.
Christos Teriakis
12-16-2011, 05:30 PM
GARS importer
GARS is used by a LOT of boards and it has been abandoned. For example: I have 11.000 reviews in GARS. I know many others that also have thousands of GARS reviews and are stuck on vb3.8 until they can migrate their reviews to a new system. So without a replacement, these boards are stuck on vb 3.8. A reviews CMS seems to be our only hope.
I don't believe that really there are so many who have stucked on vB3.8 for GARS. I know this mod, actually I've bought it, and I can say that at the time that it has released, it was the best.
In any case, if you're so sure that there are so many boards using it, then bring me 30 of them to pre-order my Reviews AddOn, and I'll do this importer. I think that is a fair proposal. If "you" (in general) don't like to risk buying a new addon, why you expect from me to risk my time to do this bridge and finally see that I'll have only a couple of sales more?
I believe that this is the main reason that none coder risks to do such a bridge.
12-17-2011, 02:29 AM
That was already in the functionality listing. I do not expect anything from you. Its positive that you are creating a reviews addon. I hope that it will eventually resolve the needs that many have. Including myself. Like with the other developers: we will see how it goes. I'm just keeping the functionality list up to date for anyone who is interested and for when a developer is hired. (If that proves necessary for the needs of myself and others)
But I do know that there are a lot of boards who use GARS. Just check out , the thread on or the GARS group on
Some of us have a very large number of GARS entries. I have 11.000 myself. Without an importer, a reviews addon is useless to those boards.
Christos Teriakis
12-17-2011, 10:22 AM
I want to keep you informed on some changes in the features and on the date of the release:
Release day rescheduled to Tuesday (2 days later) due to the changes that I did.
Even if I had integraded vB threads to work as discussions, finally I removed this feature for the following reasons:
I didn't liked the interface. As the view listing page contents tabs, I found it ugly to have 2 tabs for main listing text and for reviews, and for discussions to have a link to the thread.
By using a seperate (not vb forum table) for keeping discussions, is much easier to:
Build a GARS importer
It will be also easy to move these data to another system and not feel prisoner on vB structure (like GARS from vB3 to vB4).
I used for discussion the Facebook commenting interface, something which is very popular on now days. Maybe it has only 1 sublevel for comments, but I think that is enought.
I added more usergroup permissions to help you sell subscriptions. eg:
Can show Address details
Can show Contact details
Can use Google Maps
Maximum concurrent listings
Also a nice permission is "Can has business profile". With this option members on this usergroup (if they want to activate it), will have an extra Tab in their profile with their Business data (including Map), and also other usefull statistics.
Also, in categories, I added some more fields to make the system more flexible. As example: You can choose per category if the listings there counts towards to the limit of the concurrent listings or not. ...or... if the Author can vote or not on his listing. I believe that this is useful as it has no sense the author to rate his own products, but from the other side is a must if he is reviewing someone's else product.
.... rest are still secrets:)Chris
12-17-2011, 08:16 PM
A general annoyance my users have with GARS is that a vendor can not be in multiple categories. So I added this functionality to the requested features list.
Chris, that looks promising.
12-20-2011, 09:35 AM
I am looking forward to seeing this I had almost given up and started working on a Joomla version. What about an ability to import category on a fresh install ? I have been working on a dewy decimal style category system that nest categories and cross references related subs.
Christos Teriakis
12-20-2011, 07:25 PM
I don't like to play with your dreams and your expectations, but what you'll see tomorrow in my demo, is good (I want to believe) reviews module for vBulletin. It's not a custom work according to the listing that Alpha1 has post. Custom work, means smaller market (unless if you full the system with Yes/No switchers to enable/disable features. Also the custom work costs a lot. I did the custom version for Classifieds, but this costed to my client 25,000 Euros till now.
My Reviews comparing with iReviews (I think that this is the only one that exists for vB4), has more features, better interface (even if design taste is something that varies from user to user), makes extended use of Ajax, and the most important, is coming with 100% visible source code, for those who want to extend it.
12-21-2011, 08:18 PM
but what you'll see tomorrow in my demo, is good
So we can expect something in the next 2 hours? ;)
12-21-2011, 11:29 PM
I'm excited!
12-23-2011, 02:43 AM
no news?
12-23-2011, 04:33 PM
Take your time, I'd much rather stability than something plagued with bugs
12-24-2011, 02:28 AM
interesting. I wondering when the demo will be available as i am interested in this also.
Christos Teriakis
12-27-2011, 09:36 AM
I know that I'm out of time, but this is because I'll add special Ajax plugins, but also to add more features. Pitty that vB's templating system doesn't helps a lot. As long as I can't add PHP in templates, I can't do many things. I have a very nice slider rating, which changes color as long as user moves the slider. Unfortunatelly it can't works with vB. Works, but using only one color as background.
In any case, I started the final step to build the main page. Here is a screenshot showing the top article.
12-27-2011, 12:59 PM
An importer from GARS should be TOP priority, otherwise is as good as nothing for a very big amount of forums.
Christos Teriakis
12-27-2011, 04:19 PM
An importer from GARS should be TOP priority, otherwise is as good as nothing for a very big amount of forums.
Should be available at an extra cost of $25. Please note that this file will be encoded and locked by domain. The same applies to installation file for the main script. Other than this, all the core files are coming with 100% visible source code. I think that this is the best solution as you're having all the files with visible source code to modify them as you want, but from the other side it also protects my intellectual property by preventing multiple installation. Finally the installation files are one time use files.
--------------- Added 1325065354 at 1325065354 ---------------
Yesterday I spent my whole day installing vB3 and GARS. After lot of tests I realized why nobody wasted his time to build a bridge for it. The approach that Morgan has for rating (because this is the critical point), is, (always in my opinion) totally wrong. It's the first time that I've seen rating scale to be different per question in the same category. Even in different categories is not logic to have different rating scales.
Example: Let's say that you've a category for reviewing Software. In this category you've as rating questions:
- Features
- Design
- Usability
- Support
According to the way that GARS works, you can set Features to has rating 1-10, while in Design 1-5, Usability 1-7 etc etc.
Sure not all scripts are following the same scale. eg vB uses 1-5, iRater (as I seen) uses 1-10, I'm using 1-100 etc etc. But all scripts are using the same scale for all questions in all categories.
So the final point. The importer should works only if you used the default scale (1-5), or any scale (eg 1-10) but SAME for ALL questions, in ALL categories.
PS- There is a point that I haven't tested yet. To change the scale and then rebuild the ratings. If it changes accordinally the rating, should be ok, but you need to do an extra work before transfering data.
12-28-2011, 11:58 AM
I have a very nice slider rating, which changes color as long as user moves the slider. Unfortunatelly it can't works with vB. Works, but using only one color as background.
I've added a rating slider based on YUI to my site (for reputation ratings). Its simply a matter of showing a blank star or a colored star on hover. Images come from a sprite. And set the rating on onclick. Or is this not what you mean?
Christos Teriakis
12-28-2011, 03:13 PM
I've added a rating slider based on YUI to my site (for reputation ratings). Its simply a matter of showing a blank star or a colored star on hover. Images come from a sprite. And set the rating on onclick. Or is this not what you mean?
The original script that I'll include in the PHP version is:
And a funny version of it is:
The only version that can works with vB is:
12-28-2011, 04:19 PM
simple is better imho. Stability and fast loading is always best.
12-29-2011, 04:06 PM
The original script that I'll include in the PHP version is:
And a funny version of it is:
The only version that can works with vB is:
I think those are too complex. Why not just add rating stars?
12-29-2011, 04:17 PM
I'm more than happy with stars. If this is too pretty, I will most likely pass on this. I just want a simple, very stable working review section that uses the vb editor.
I don't want pretty. Hope this helps.
12-31-2011, 09:12 AM
Nice! Congrats one the fine work.
12-31-2011, 10:17 AM
Its really nice to see that this thread has so far resulted in one released addon and two forthcoming addons.
Adrian, that looks nice!
Chris, I took a peak at your demo site and this surely looks promising. I like your approach.
I have added another feature to the list:
Allow for thousands of categoriesThe reasoning behind this feature is that vbulletin can not have more than 500-1000 forums, as it will cause performance issues and over 1000 - 1500 forums will result in functionality loss due to forum manager limitations.
If a site already has a significant number of forums, then reviews and directories can easily accumulate to 500+
For example: one of my company directories has categories per country & state and therefore has hundreds of categories.
The affiliate network automatic population function, will will allow us to quickly add a mass of entries, for which we will naturally need a mass of categories.
12-31-2011, 04:07 PM
Its really nice to see that this thread has so far resulted in one released addon and two forthcoming addons.
Adrian, that looks nice!
Chris, I took a peak at your demo site and this surely looks promising. I like your approach.
I have added another feature to the list:
Allow for thousands of categoriesThe reasoning behind this feature is that vbulletin can not have more than 500-1000 forums, as it will cause performance issues and over 1000 - 1500 forums will result in functionality loss due to forum manager limitations.
If a site already has a significant number of forums, then reviews and directories can easily accumulate to 500+
For example: one of my company directories has categories per country & state and therefore has hundreds of categories.
The affiliate network automatic population function, will will allow us to quickly add a mass of entries, for which we will naturally need a mass of categories.
Is planned for a near future to use forums or separate tables.
12-31-2011, 05:23 PM
The overview you have posted is gone.
I hope that you will consider all the features in the functionality list, because the ones that you excluded so far, are the ones that bring in the cash.
12-31-2011, 06:26 PM
The overview you have posted is gone.
I hope that you will consider all the features in the functionality list, because the ones that you excluded so far, are the ones that bring in the cash.
The post was deleted.
I deleted your post about your content management system. We do not allow the advertisement of paid mods here, by your own description it would require buying a license to use.
Do not post about it again here.
All features from the list will be implemented.
Added new template for Products and Games.
New template for Real Estate soon.
12-31-2011, 07:20 PM
Is planned for a near future to use forums or separate tables.
Wow, sounds like you guys need a CMS built around Reviews with a Forum as a support service. I cannot imagine 1000 forums, even 200! That number seems insane. O few servers running that comes to mind. Am I missing something ? 99.9 % of the people are most likely well under this amount. More like between 50 and 100 seems to be the norm.
Never the less, looking forward to all these new releases!!!
Happy New Year everyone!
12-31-2011, 10:35 PM
The post was deleted.
All features from the list will be implemented.
Added new template for Products and Games.
New template for Real Estate soon.
I guess you need to state something about a lite version, to be able to discuss this further.
01-01-2012, 01:07 PM
I guess you need to state something about a lite version, to be able to discuss this further.
2) Paid hack or commercial addons can be discussed. However, authors of the commercial hack or addon cannot start threads discussing their own products. If they are found using another account to circumvent this rule, all accounts involved will be banned.
After gold release, a lite version will be released here but did not decide what features to include yet.
New template for Real Estate (you can see custom fields in threadbit)
01-01-2012, 02:17 PM
@ ForumsMods
Whan is the gold Version available?
01-01-2012, 02:25 PM
@ ForumsMods
Whan is the gold Version available?
When all 'in progress' features are finished.
Text = Implemented
Text = In Progress
Text = Not Implemented
Text= Not Implemented (Next tasks to be implemented)
Reviews should have different sections, so you could for example have sections for movie reviews, restaurant reviews and product reviews.
permissions per section
The overview of reviews of each section, should allow for different display options, to be set by the admin.
A review can be in multiple categories/sections.
Reviews should have:
Author ratings, with pretty AJAX stars, bars and other pretty rating scales.
Member ratings
Combined rating averages.
Rating value should have an alt text. For example: if you choose to have ratings with 1 - 5 stars, then hovering over a 5 star rating could state 'excellent', while hovering over a 1 star rating could stat
Admins should be able to define rating questions and custom fields.
Custom fields should allow:
1. fields that work like tags. i.e. clicking on the word 'spaghetti' in a custom field would lead to all restaurants that serve spaghetti.
2. fields with AJAX autofill functions.
3. single line text fields
4. multiple line text fields
5. mandatory fields
6. tickbox fields
7. payment methods icons
Google maps integration.
Product video playing inline (youtube, vimeo, etc) & other major affiliate network integration (automatically pull prices from Clickbank, Commission Junction and Amazon and add affiliateID to purchase link)
Automatic population of fields from amazon/other affiliate networks by ISBN or productID: image, product title, author, description, product details(up to weight)
Allow paid listing trough subscriptions and paid expanded listings. When a user pays for an expanded listing more custom fields become visible. For example: url, extended description, products & prices, offers, photos, Google maps, logo, etc.
A 'featured' widget that shows x companies. Companies can buy a listing in this widget.
Allow online and offline payments.
Allow users to claim listings. (for example: a restaurant owner can claim the listing for his restaurant and buy features for it)
When users claim listings or when listing owners buy expanded listings, first then let them agree to T&C.
After the user has agreed to it, also send a notification by email that they have agreed to the T&C.
Setting to moderate all edits & content posted by listing owners. (to avoid spam & unwanted content)
Allow users to post feedback to reviewed company. (visible in the listing, but separated from normal comments)
If the listing is claimed, then send this feedback to the owner. (email/pm) This feature can be bought by the listing owner.
Permission setting to hide comments to listing owner.
Permission setting to hide listings not owned by user.
Ability to compare prices of all vendors that sell product X
Summary charts for all restaurants that serve Y. i.e. a table that lists those restaurant, with the data from custom fields, as the admin defines.
Search for restaurants that have specific data in custom fields X, Y and Z.
Use rich snippets ( so that Google will show reviews & ratings
Reviews should be loaded with interactive AJAX/jquery functions.
CkEditor for users and admin side
Infractions & moderation tools
CMS widgets
New entries & comments in 'What's New'
Searchable with vb search engine / Sphinx
Subscribe to entry
Usergroup permissions
Use of vb attachment system
vb postbit is shown
vb avatar is shown
profiles link to vb profile
design can be integrated
GARS importer
Christos Teriakis
01-01-2012, 05:50 PM
And here are some screenshots from me. I'm coding a simple Review AddOn and nothing more. There are no exotic features and will never be. But it has 100% of the features that you'll find in stand alone scripts. My intention is to be simple in use, with a design that will not looks like one more forum, stable, secure, and most important easy in modification. There are comments on every action, and I'm not using any vB functions which (most probably) will be changed to the next vB upgrade.
1.- As its not clear in the screenshot for Amentities, please note that you can set an unlimited amount of group icons, and assign them to categories. eg Hotels will have different set of icons than Computers etc.
2.- About the Affiliates links that you maybe seen in the permissions. Keep cool. It's not something like in the feature list. Its very simple, but I believe that this is what most users wants. According to usergroup permissions a user can add Links like: Buy it from Amazon at $390 (hand written text) and place the link with his affiliate code. He can add as many links as he wants.
01-01-2012, 09:51 PM
I'm very impressed to see this going ahead, a good start into 2012.
Happy new year.
A listing of reviews in the user profiles would be a nice addition.
When can we expect to see a demo?
Thanks to both for the great work.
Christos Teriakis
01-02-2012, 05:08 PM
When can we expect to see a demo?
The big story is the view article page. When this will complete all others are just copy and paste functions from my Classifieds addon. Not more than 2 days. Admincp is ready, the same the add article page.
See an article at:
The "Comments" tab is also working.
Login and Add Article at (select as category: Hotels-> By the Sea):
demouser1 - demopass1
demouser2 - demopass2
demouser3 - demopass3
Please note that I've activated all entries in the add article form. Most of them will be hidden to end user according to his permissions.
01-02-2012, 05:39 PM
I just saw this today... It's still possible to participate ?
Christos Teriakis
01-02-2012, 06:01 PM
I just saw this today... It's still possible to participate ?
I don't think that still works as "Let's combine funds....". Should be 2 independed addons and you can choose any of them, which mostly meets your requirements.
PS- Registered at Oct 2010, and first post here after 1+ year??;)
01-02-2012, 06:25 PM
Ok well ... then idea is to wait for them to get ready ?
01-02-2012, 06:27 PM
Are both of these mods going to let users create brand new reviews?
01-02-2012, 08:11 PM
The big story is the view article page. When this will complete all others are just copy and paste functions from my Classifieds addon. Not more than 2 days. Admincp is ready, the same the add article page.
See an article at:
The "Comments" tab is also working.
Login and Add Article at (select as category: Hotels-> By the Sea):
demouser1 - demopass1
demouser2 - demopass2
demouser3 - demopass3
Please note that I've activated all entries in the add article form. Most of them will be hidden to end user according to his permissions.
Looks good! Looking forward to the pro version.
Thanks for all your effort bringing this to life.
01-03-2012, 10:13 AM
The big story is the view article page. When this will complete all others are just copy and paste functions from my Classifieds addon. Not more than 2 days. Admincp is ready, the same the add article page.
See an article at:
The "Comments" tab is also working.
Login and Add Article at (select as category: Hotels-> By the Sea):
demouser1 - demopass1
demouser2 - demopass2
demouser3 - demopass3
Please note that I've activated all entries in the add article form. Most of them will be hidden to end user according to his permissions.
Thank you Chris, very nice.
01-03-2012, 11:49 AM
how far are from having a version available?
Christos Teriakis
01-03-2012, 11:59 AM
how far are from having a version available?
If you see the following page finished after 6-7 hours, then I'll release it during this weekend.
01-03-2012, 12:10 PM
Tnks. I will cross my fingers ;-)
Christos Teriakis
01-03-2012, 07:20 PM
Well, I finished the "dirty" work. You can check it at:
Please note that most parts are appearing according to usergroup permissions or On/Off switchers in general settings (eg the Voting under the Review).
After this, I can be more closer to an ETA:
Wed Jan 04, will be finish anything about searches
Thu Jan 05, will be finish the routine listings in UserCP, and the "Business" tab in user profile.
Fri Jan 06, will be finish the Homepage
Sat Jan 07, the first beta should be available in my store.Chris
01-04-2012, 10:38 AM
Is it possible that you may display as well as the evaluation and pay with % ?
see picture.
01-04-2012, 07:32 PM
Is it possible that you may display as well as the evaluation and pay with % ?
see picture.
01-04-2012, 08:41 PM
Super, thanks!
Can you please even in the "Author Rating" do?
01-04-2012, 09:06 PM
Super, thanks!
Can you please even in the "Author Rating" do?
Another way to display.
01-06-2012, 10:14 PM
Rating value should have an alt text. For example: if you choose to have ratings with 1 - 5 stars, then hovering over a 5 star rating could state 'excellent', while hovering over a 1 star rating could stat
1. fields that work like tags. i.e. clicking on the word 'spaghetti' in a custom field would lead to all restaurants that serve spaghetti.
7. payment methods icons
Google maps integration.
Product video playing inline (youtube, vimeo, etc) & other major affiliate network integration (automatically pull prices from Clickbank, Commission Junction and Amazon and add affiliateID to purchase link)
Ability to compare prices of all vendors that sell product X
Summary charts for all restaurants that serve Y. i.e. a table that lists those restaurant, with the data from custom fields, as the admin defines.
Search for restaurants that have specific data in custom fields X, Y and Z.Now you can filter results (New setting for fields: Sortable field?).
Now you can make fields clickable (New setting: Clickable field?).
Now you can include images for fields (See Admin.png).
Now you can parse bbcode or html in fields.
The first beta version is ready and will be released on Monday.
The demo site will be updated tonight.
Christos Teriakis
01-07-2012, 10:46 AM
And here is the final Listing page. I believe that nothing is missing. Any information that you want you can find it in one of the 3 tabs.
01-07-2012, 04:21 PM
The reviews tab has too much whitespace IMHO. There are 2 avatars.
In my browser, the services, comforts, location etc texts display on the same line as the rating image. Not above it.
Christos Teriakis
01-07-2012, 05:01 PM
The reviews tab has too much whitespace IMHO. There are 2 avatars.
In my browser, the services, comforts, location etc texts display on the same line as the rating image. Not above it.
If you check it carefully, there is a Show/Hide link. Actually the listing has only the small avatar, the average rating, the username and the title with a short description. When the visitor clicks Show/Hide, then it opens the hidden block which displays the full review. It's the Ajax replacement instead to open a new page for the review.
Edited: See the attachment to understand how the real listing is.
Christos Teriakis
01-08-2012, 05:36 PM
And here is a screenshot from the homepage. As you can see is not a forumhome page, something that it will attracts your members. Still have to add the search block in the right, and the categories structure in the main block.
I used tabs to show:
Editors choice articles (listings)
Top rated articles (average rating author/members)
Most recommended
Latest articles
Popular articles (most reviewed)
I believe that by giving a different look to the 1st one, is something that you'll like.
01-09-2012, 02:47 AM
Rating value should have an alt text. For example: if you choose to have ratings with 1 - 5 stars, then hovering over a 5 star rating could state 'excellent', while hovering over a 1 star rating could stat
1. fields that work like tags. i.e. clicking on the word 'spaghetti' in a custom field would lead to all restaurants that serve spaghetti.
7. payment methods icons
Google maps integration.
Product video playing inline (youtube, vimeo, etc) & other major affiliate network integration (automatically pull prices from Clickbank, Commission Junction and Amazon and add affiliateID to purchase link)
Ability to compare prices of all vendors that sell product X
Summary charts for all restaurants that serve Y. i.e. a table that lists those restaurant, with the data from custom fields, as the admin defines.
Search for restaurants that have specific data in custom fields X, Y and Z.Now you can filter results (New setting for fields: Sortable field?).
Now you can make fields clickable (New setting: Clickable field?).
Now you can include images for fields (See Admin.png).
Now you can parse bbcode or html in fields.
The first beta version is ready and will be released on Monday.
The demo site will be updated tonight.
Definitely like where this is going.
01-09-2012, 03:08 AM
Definitely like where this is going.
Add new option to import and export components easily.
Add new option to hide "Forum Information and Option", "Display Options", "Icon Legend", and "Posting Permissions".
Set default settings for modules and set custom settings per module.
Christos Teriakis
01-09-2012, 07:07 AM
Is this a GARS clone for vB4? Because even a novice can compare the screens.
01-09-2012, 08:05 AM
Is this a GARS clone for vB4? Because even a novice can compare the screens.
It is not a clone of GARS.
It was written from scratch using custom functions.
Also the way it works is totally different from GARS (Use of datastore and serialized data).
But I decided to make it similar to be easier for users.
After gold release and users are accustomed to change, I will modify the design to be easier and nicer.
Christos Teriakis
01-09-2012, 08:28 AM
Thank you for sharing the link, but what I seen there (talking for admincp) is 90% of the screens that I'm seeing in my GARS installation. And the excuse that you did it such a way to help the users does not gives you the permission to copy a copyrighted interface.
01-09-2012, 08:42 AM
The interface is provided by vBulletin.
But It took the idea from Repair / Optimize Tables, deleted columns and I forgot to include "Check All" and "Yes" phrases :rolleyes:
Christos Teriakis
01-09-2012, 09:20 AM
You didn't understood me, or you don't want to understand me. By saying "interface", for sure I don't mean the colors, or the listings. I mean the way that menu options are placed, all the actions that each one has, is a mimisc (I'm avoiding to say copy), of GARS. Mimiscing something is cloning, that's why I used the word "clone" before. And cloning something to attract potential customers is illicit competition.
01-09-2012, 10:08 AM
That's the pot calling the kettle black.
Looks more like somebody's upset that ForumMods has done a better job to me.
01-09-2012, 10:25 AM
Being a former dev does have it's advantages on knowing the code inside and out. ;)
Christos Teriakis
01-09-2012, 10:27 AM
Looks more like somebody's upset that ForumMods has done a better job to me.
If you mean me my dear, you're totally out of topic. Actually I'm very calm person, and even if I was upset (for sure I'm not), should be because someone tries with "side ways" to confuse people, and not because someone did a better work. Maybe his addon is superior. Can't say anything as I haven't tested it. But try to keep a bit "closer" (without any bad meaning) you mouth, till to count the active queries per page. Then we'll see who is coding better and who not. Because (in case that you don't know it), its "Database Analysis & Programming", and not just "Database Programming".
I'm stoping here, till to check his database structure, which I believe that I'll found it to be similar to GARS. At that point stops the meaning of cloning, and starts something else....
01-09-2012, 11:43 AM
I don't think a coder should attack another on this project. (PLEASE!)
01-09-2012, 03:54 PM
I think its great to see 2 review software applications almost released and 1 already released. All are looking quite good!
I dont think its a good idea to critique someone else its software. That puts people off and is really unnecessary.
Please be so kind to stop commenting on another coders project.
01-10-2012, 03:50 AM
I think its great to see 2 review software applications almost released and 1 already released. All are looking quite good!
I dont think its a good idea to critique someone else its software. That puts people off and is really unnecessary.
Please be so kind to stop commenting on another coders project.
I agree. Everyone is passionate, its understandable to be tense during these closing hours. Its all very exciting!!!!!!!!!!! and I'm sure each one will have its targeted user.
Please stay focused and lets get these online. I'm so excited for everyone!
01-10-2012, 10:13 AM
Advanced Content 4.0 Beta 1 is out
Demo Site upgraded
Filter Module enabled
Clickable Fields enabled
New design for ratingsNew Compare (Drag & Drop) module with AJAX and jQuery is coming.
01-10-2012, 03:51 PM
Impressive! You're on a roll!!!
Christos Teriakis
01-13-2012, 07:57 AM
Here is a screenshot from the user profile for those users who have permission to have Business profile (a good option for paid subscriptions). It appears only if the user wants to have it public.
For those who are caring a lot for server's resources and amount of queries, I want to tell them, that the the ratings you're seeing there:
Are results from a very simple single query. So simple as is a query which has to locate a single value (articleid) in an indexed table. In other words: milliseconds. No complicating JOINS, no SUMS, no AVG. A one line query and not a 10+ lines query.
The bar is not drawing with loading any jQuery plugin. Is just CSS stylevars and nothing more.Finally, I'm kiddly asking those who are using my name in other forums, to avoid doing it. It's not polite to talk for someone behind his back, and of course I'm not willing to register to all forums just to post a reply. Also, how you know if something is good or not, when you never seen it? For all those, the only that I can say is an old Greek saying: "Laught better, who is laughing last".
Have a good day.
01-13-2012, 06:51 PM
That looks very nice Chris! Bravo!
Christos Teriakis
01-14-2012, 06:17 PM
That looks very nice Chris! Bravo!
Efharisto (Thank you) :)
Here is a screenshot from RSS Feeds. As you can see is totally customize for the feeds that the user can get.
01-15-2012, 03:46 AM
Advanced Content 4.0 Beta 1 is out
Demo Site upgraded
Filter Module enabled
Clickable Fields enabled
New design for ratingsNew Compare (Drag & Drop) module with AJAX and jQuery is coming.
Is this ready to download and work on a production site? Is it the advanced CMS that has the review mod?
I wish you all would get the basic mod available and worry about bells and whistles later/as you progress. I would love to have a review section on my site:
01-18-2012, 05:54 AM
Hey everyone, how is it going? When can we expect something?
01-20-2012, 03:00 PM
Advanced Content System 4.0 Beta 2 is now available for download.
Changes since ACS Beta 1:
Different preview images for different types
Table Of Contents: split first post
Custom ids for fields
Lightbox for Preview Images
Datepicker for Dates
Image URL for Preview
New option: Required Preview Image
New option: Allow images from website
New option: Import image url
Usergroups for Custom Fields
Regular Expression for Custom Fields
New Design for Top Module
New Design for Ratings
New Design for Custom FieldsDemo Site ( was updated with this new version and Hotels Type (
What is coming?
Social Networking Sharing
Top Contributor and Top Helpful Reviews
Custom Fields for replies
Compare Module
Google Maps module for Forumdisplay
01-20-2012, 10:21 PM
I have added 2 more features to the list:
Images with text wrap and image captionI think for reviews, this is essential, because it makes the difference between a forum post and a reviews layout. Case in point:
Image carousel or another solution to allow a large number of images to be displayed.
01-21-2012, 02:06 PM
Two of my sites have similar 'product' sections, but they could use improvement.
This one is vbAdvanced with a custom member 'product' addon, so users can add products to their profiles:
I also have a custom rss importer for vbAdvanced.
This one is entirely custom:
It has a really nice feature to add links to phone profiles from threads and vice versa via the "Discussions" tab:
If any of you guys still have an interest in GARS, I posted my updated working (mostly) vb4 version in GARS VB4 forum yesterday.
01-21-2012, 05:34 PM
Very well done. I have integrated my sites with vBulletin in a way to use the best of breed through other tricks (I like my reviews system a great deal) but it actually looks good enough to potentially try out on some of my new sites. Your'e doing an amazing job shoe horning that which should look as bad as the VB CMS to look and feel a whole lot better doing it your way. Superb.
01-22-2012, 10:51 PM
I have no interest at this stage of the game to replace the CMS. Which mod here is focusing on that? Which ones are just add-ons?
Brandon Sheley
01-22-2012, 10:57 PM
Nice ideas in this thread, I tried to "like" it but I got an alert saying "you can not like this post"...
01-23-2012, 01:59 AM
I'd be in my reviewpost thing sucks
01-23-2012, 02:40 AM
What do you think?
01-23-2012, 03:04 AM
Looking good, Adrian. Put me on the list. ;)
01-23-2012, 11:20 AM
I have added 2 more features to the list:
Images with text wrap and image captionI think for reviews, this is essential, because it makes the difference between a forum post and a reviews layout. Case in point:
Image carousel or another solution to allow a large number of images to be displayed.
vBulletin Display:
New Display with Carousel:
01-23-2012, 12:32 PM
Is the carousel implemented in your demo somewhere?
01-23-2012, 01:52 PM
Demo site is running Beta 2.
I added it in Beta 3.
01-24-2012, 10:06 AM
Adrian, purchased, downloaded and installed Beta 2 this morning as I like what I've seen so far so I thought I'd give it a go. However, the back end didn't seem very intuitive and could do with a bit more explantion as to what does what. Did what I could and guessed some entries, went to insert a post in a test forum and the whole thing imploded!
Database error in vBulletin 4.1.10:
Invalid SQL:
REPLACE INTO aiukacs_thread
(threadid, postid, userid, author, headerimage, byline, synopsis)
(115704, 528260, '1', 1, '', '', '', '');
MySQL Error : Column count doesn't match value count at row 1
Error Number : 1136
Request Date : Tuesday, January 24th 2012 @ 10:18:30 AM
Error Date : Tuesday, January 24th 2012 @ 10:18:31 AM
Script : http://www.xxxx/newthread.php?do=postthread&f=268
Referrer : http://www.xxxx/newthread.php?do=newthread&f=268
IP Address : xx.xx.xx.xx
Username : XXXX
Classname : vB_Database
MySQL Version : 5.0.92-1~ui40+1
Any chance of a bit more documentation to go with it? :)
01-24-2012, 04:00 PM
Why don't you post this in the proper support forum?
01-25-2012, 08:07 AM
Do you have something ready?
01-25-2012, 08:10 AM
If any of you guys still have an interest in GARS, I posted my updated working (mostly) vb4 version in GARS VB4 forum yesterday.
Can you please give the link ?
01-25-2012, 08:43 AM
Can you please give the link ?
I keep thinking there is some exclusive group that only has access to GARS. I've been going to that site for a year now and there is never anything happening?
01-25-2012, 11:50 AM
I keep thinking there is some exclusive group that only has access to GARS. I've been going to that site for a year now and there is never anything happening?
You are right, people who have bought a license.
01-25-2012, 05:11 PM
You are right, people who have bought a license.
Thats too funny!
Maybe there are two different GARS sites? I can't see a legit demo or any info on GARS confirming its ready for vb4. I'm guessing its the owner of GARS) asks if we are interested but provides no link (confirmed). So we need to google GARS only to find a site with dated info and a goofy download link requesting money for what?
For those familiar with your GARS, this may be a no brainer but for those not, is it ready for a production site? From my perspective, GARS appears to be dated and unclear if it is ready?
Anyone care to enlighten the unfamiliar, I'm interested in something that works for vb4. Out of all the hype here, It appears Adrian is the real deal.
01-25-2012, 05:27 PM
What do you think?
That looks pretty awesome!
I posted my wishlist here:
01-25-2012, 05:47 PM
Thats too funny!
Maybe there are two different GARS sites? I can't see a legit demo or any info on GARS confirming its ready for vb4. I'm guessing its the owner of GARS) asks if we are interested but provides no link (confirmed). So we need to google GARS only to find a site with dated info and a goofy download link requesting money for what?
For those familiar with your GARS, this may be a no brainer but for those not, is it ready for a production site? From my perspective, GARS appears to be dated and unclear if it is ready?
Anyone care to enlighten the unfamiliar, I'm interested in something that works for vb4. Out of all the hype here, It appears Adrian is the real deal.
To make things a bit clearer for you.
GARS was formerly developed by thevbgeek and because he couldn't spend the time to continue development and support he's given the site and products over to Morgan(Calorie).
Sadly at one point the support and development stopped and the latest working version is for 3.x.
Last thing she has done was a non working beta (alpha) version for 4.x.
But nonetheless GARS as a product is still her property and not a free add-on.
01-25-2012, 06:13 PM
To make things a bit clearer for you.
GARS was formerly developed by thevbgeek and because he couldn't spend the time to continue development and support he's given the site and products over to Morgan(Calorie).
Sadly at one point the support and development stopped and the latest working version is for 3.x.
Last thing she has done was a non working beta (alpha) version for 4.x.
But nonetheless GARS as a product is still her property and not a free add-on.
Thanks you for the explanation.
I'm not looking for a fee add-on here. I don't particularity care what something costs as long as it works and fits into vbullein 4 without major problem. Does GARS? no one seems to know.
A bit more transparent for GARS would be a cool. Asking people to buy into it without any info is pretty strange.
01-25-2012, 06:30 PM
Thanks you for the explanation.
I'm not looking for a fee add-on here. I don't particularity care what something costs as long as it works and fits into vbullein 4 without major problem. Does GARS? no one seems to know.
A bit more transparent for GARS would be a cool. Asking people to buy into it without any info is pretty strange.
Nobody is asking you to buy it, I even don't recommend it because right now it's not supported and development has stopped since a long time.
For me, the best way to go is the forum mods product, it comes very near to the gars functionality and if all bugs are ironed out it could be even better.
01-25-2012, 07:28 PM
I'm only commenting on GARS because someone else in front of me asked for a link. The Product Review mod is okay but is setup for xml importing. This is fine for some types of reviews but for the products I am dealing with, never have xml feeds available. I need the ability to be able to copy/pastes content when creating the product in the CP. The only way to do this with the Product review Mod is raw html. That would take for ever.
Copy/Paste , I can add very fast by highlighting, and dragging into the editor and save. Its fast enough and works this way. If it had that, I would be all over it.
01-26-2012, 12:18 AM
Unless someone has rewritten GARS, its dead. The official site does not host a working version. There are 3 possible solutions (in no particular order):
1. TedS his Product Review Forums (vb4)
2. Chris his forthcoming reviews software (vb4)
3. Forumsmods Advanced Content System (vb4)
All 3 addons are in development. Ted has released the most recent version two days ago. Adrian (forumsmods) has released a beta. And Chris is working towards a beta.
01-26-2012, 12:31 AM
Teds product is vB4 only.
01-26-2012, 02:36 AM
Yes, my bad.
01-26-2012, 03:33 PM
The can user add her own page {side} to the catalogue? Wants to buy the product, where can I test?
Sorry bad English.
01-27-2012, 08:06 PM
Hey everyone, Alfa1 had messaged me about the need for reviews. We will be integrating product reviews into this add-on, Make Money with a Prosperent Powered Product Search Engine (, in time, we have a few other small features we are working on for it at the moment. So keep an eye on that thread and watch for upcoming updates and place the current version of the product search engine on your forum.
01-27-2012, 08:21 PM
wow this is coming along good. Where do you buy it ? This has many applications for my forum. I have a review sites of shoes and a review site of parks and would love to have google map integrated to post near the pictures
02-03-2012, 04:22 AM
anymore news everyone?
02-07-2012, 01:47 AM
Is this only in vB4?
02-12-2012, 08:42 PM
Chris and Adrian: are your projects still ongoing or have you stopped developing your reviews software?
Please post a status update.
02-13-2012, 01:35 AM
I am developing the Beta 3 which will be released next week and includes new features.
In the week, I will be updating the demo site.
02-16-2012, 01:55 PM
I was going to purchase your product the other day, but your site has been down all week. Should I be concerned?
02-16-2012, 06:20 PM
I was going to purchase your product the other day, but your site has been down all week. Should I be concerned?
This week, PCRE was updated to 8.21 version and it does not work well with vBulletin.
For this reason I decided to close the forum until it is fixed.
02-16-2012, 08:01 PM
Hi! This is a fantastic idea. Pardon me if these questions have been answered - I read up all the posts but my confusion still stirs.
A few questions to Alfa1 :
1) I no longer consider vbCMS to be the optimal avenue. The solution should integrate with it, but should not be dependent upon it.
I'm just confused as to what I am to visualize. Is the review system going to be presented on the cms or forums? Or is it customizable to our liking?
2) Has a coder been selected for the review system (pertaining to the functionality list by Alfa1)?
3) I'm just curious why an author rating has to be separate from the overall input. Is there a reason why the author needs to have their own rating presented as opposed to being included in the public/overall rating?
I'm also waiting patiently for ForumsMods's demo to be back up so I could figure out what would work best for my site. Thanks!
02-17-2012, 03:25 PM
A few questions to Alfa1 :
1) I'm just confused as to what I am to visualize. Is the review system going to be presented on the cms or forums? Or is it customizable to our liking?
A review system can have a very large number of categories. vbulletin has a limit in the number of forums. If reviews are in forum threads, then categories are forums. This limits the number of review categories that you can have.
vbCMS is badly structured, poorly coded, SEO is extremely bad, infested with bugs and design flaws. While a CMS would be the optimal place for a reviews system, vbCMS is simply not suited for purpose.
2) Has a coder been selected for the review system (pertaining to the functionality list by Alfa1)?
4 developers are currently working on their version of reviews software. Each of these coders has taken their unique approach, catering to different needs:
Adrian (forummods) Adrian seems to be the only developer aiming for the full functionality list. And is adding more functions with each of his beta releases.
Chris (ChrisTERiS) Chris is preparing a release of his reviews software.
Ted S. TedS has released a basic & free product reviews addon, and is slowly expanding the functionality.
99SIVTEC (prosperent) 99SIVTEC is running the prosperent affiliate products network and is planning to add reviews functionality to enhance their product sales network.While experience has shown that some projects fall through, there is already a lot of promise in the above projects.
I have requested quotes from a few developers some time ago, but received no or no viable response. With the above projects going forward, I think its fair to hold off hiring developers for now. If one of the above projects will provide the needed functionality and will properly support customers, then our goal is reached.
3) I'm just curious why an author rating has to be separate from the overall input. Is there a reason why the author needs to have their own rating presented as opposed to being included in the public/overall rating?
This depends on how the reviews are setup. If you have official reviewers, then you will have an editor rating and site user ratings.
For example:
The editor has written a long review and his ratings reflect the review.
In this case a clear separation of editor/author rating and user ratings is wanted. The editors review holds more weight.
But you can also choose to just have a product listing with basic facts, and only add user reviews/ratings. Like IMDB for example:
In such case there is no need for an author rating.
If you want to automatically fill your listings with affiliate product data (amazon or abe books for example), then the first post, will be a listing, not a review.
If you want the first post to be a user review, then you would need to either only have user reviews, or have a combination of author and user reviews. I think the first option would make the most sense.
What do you think?
02-17-2012, 04:37 PM
Hey FM,
Trying to download the product and I got this:
Fatal error: Uncaught exception 'UnexpectedValueException' with message 'RecursiveDirectoryIterator::__construct(/home2/forummod/products/hacks/acs/400b2) [<a href='recursivedirectoryiterator.--construct'>recursivedirectoryiterator.--construct</a>]: failed to open dir: No such file or directory' in /home/forummod/public_html/includes/functions_cart.php:388 Stack trace: #0 /home/forummod/public_html/includes/functions_cart.php(388): RecursiveDirectoryIterator->__construct('/home2/forummod...') #1 /home/forummod/public_html/cart.php(870): zip_dir('/home2/forummod...') #2 {main} thrown in /home/forummod/public_html/includes/functions_cart.php on line 388
Would have posted it on your forums but they're shut down. Could you just email me the install package so we can get to work implementing it?
02-17-2012, 08:52 PM
A review system can have a very large number of categories. vbulletin has a limit in the number of forums. If reviews are in forum threads, then categories are forums. This limits the number of review categories that you can have.
So the reviews will be in forum threads and those threads are in categories?
This depends on how the reviews are setup. If you have official reviewers, then you will have an editor rating and site user ratings.
If you want the first post to be a user review, then you would need to either only have user reviews, or have a combination of author and user reviews. I think the first option would make the most sense.
What do you think?
Right, with your explanation about editors it's clearer now. Is it possible for more than 1 editor to rate in the editor ratings? As in, are the editors in a usergroup that have permissions set to rate?
And yes I think having both options (editor rating and public rating OR public votes only) is great, the choice would depend, like you said, on how detailed the reviews are and what we're reviewing (media, products, classifieds).
I have requested quotes from a few developers some time ago, but received no or no viable response. With the above projects going forward, I think its fair to hold off hiring developers for now. If one of the above projects will provide the needed functionality and will properly support customers, then our goal is reached.
Definitely. Thanks for the clarification.
02-17-2012, 09:35 PM
So the reviews will be in forum threads and those threads are in categories?
Optimally it will be in a separate CMS. Adrian is aiming for this.
Right, with your explanation about editors it's clearer now. Is it possible for more than 1 editor to rate in the editor ratings? As in, are the editors in a usergroup that have permissions set to rate?
If you consider that a written review has 1 author, then it would not make sense to have multiple editors rate for the author rating. Would be confusing.
02-18-2012, 12:29 AM
If you consider that a written review has 1 author, then it would not make sense to have multiple editors rate for the author rating. Would be confusing.
Hmm ok. Maybe "author" should be replaced to a different word because when I think of an author I think of a person who started the topic not necessarily a critic/reviewer. I'm not sure if that is customizable on the Advanced Content System made by Adrian (ForumsMods).
02-18-2012, 09:32 AM
I will add this function to the list:
Author ratings, with pretty AJAX stars, bars and other pretty rating scales. Author ratings can be turned off.
Member ratings. Member ratings can be turned off.I think this is a very useful feature request.
I also added a clarification to the list:
Google maps integration. (show/browse all vendors/hotels/restaurants on a map)This will add functionality similar to tripadvisor and the many restaurant/hotel/store review sites.
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A question to those of you who want to use reviews to generate affiliate sales: is it needed to have geotargetting for affiliate links. For example: a user in Australia will not buy from but will buy from abebooks. So it would generate more income to use geotargetting and serve up a 'Buy this product from Abebooks' button than to show an link to the user. What do you think?
02-20-2012, 04:14 PM
Thanks for the thread Alfa. It would be great If you could add the demo links for the current work in progress products in the first post. I can't seem to find any of them.
02-20-2012, 06:12 PM
That would make sense after the first Gold release. Only TedS his product review addon has been released: Product Review Forums – Research, Reviews & Comparisons (
02-21-2012, 09:28 PM
I can only speak for our team here, but we have 6 developers and the resources to definitely make product reviews a reality. We also have the infrastructure to serve the data across a large number of sites via our api. We already serve over 1 million requests per hour for our product data across our 26 server cluster.
02-22-2012, 01:02 AM
I can only speak for our team here, but we have 6 developers and the resources to definitely make product reviews a reality. We also have the infrastructure to serve the data across a large number of sites via our api. We already serve over 1 million requests per hour for our product data across our 26 server cluster.
Thats good news. I look forward to seeing your reviews addon.
02-24-2012, 07:06 PM
I'm not sure if this is written in your (Alfa1) functionality list, is possible to add :
1) Users/Members can only rate once
2) Set usergroup permissions so that a we can set a limit on how of times a usergroup can rate
I think regular users rating more than once could cause possible biased ratings on product and place reviews. What does everyone else think?
02-24-2012, 11:47 PM
Users should only be able to rate once, or if they are allowed to change their vote, then at least their vote should be counted once. But I think that is logical. It makes no sense to allow users to vote multiple times.
03-04-2012, 01:10 PM
I am developing the Beta 3 which will be released next week and includes new features.
In the week, I will be updating the demo site.
It has been 2 months since your ACS beta 2 was released. I'm not seeing any activity in your tracker since January. Is this project aborted or do you have plans for a Gold release in the near future?
I'm running out of time due to financially pressing issues and am considering to hire developers to commence on this project, if there is no sight on a solution to the feature list in post 1.
Please be so kind to keep us up to date.
03-05-2012, 04:28 PM
I've tried using beta 2 version of forumsmod product, there is some bugs, and i couldn't make it work :/ (bought lifetime license btw). Hopefuly there will be beta3 soon.
03-05-2012, 06:37 PM
Seems he is doing this part time. Sadly this all takes ages for a final mature product...
And the coder I hired to convert GARS has delivered only one screenshot in 4 months.
It looks like we need to stay forever on 3.8.7 :(
03-05-2012, 06:46 PM
I am currently working in Beta 3 version, which is planned to be the last version before gold release.
For this reason a lot of new features were added, specially paid features like pay to publish, pay to stick, pay to bump, pay for new fields and pay for a different style for listing.
GARS importer is done and will be released with ACS Beta 3.
03-10-2012, 05:25 PM
It would be nice to have working product. IMO you should first make everything works with existing features and then add more. Please let us know when can we expect beta 3.
03-11-2012, 10:48 AM
It would be nice to have working product. IMO you should first make everything works with existing features and then add more. Please let us know when can we expect beta 3.
Agree, priority should be a full working basic product and complete instruction instead of a 1000 feature pocketknife all in never finished program.
03-11-2012, 02:53 PM
There already are basic products available: either as TedS his Product Review Forums or as the working beta 2 of Advanced Content System. What sets ACS apart from the rest is its advanced feature set.
Commercial features are vital needs for more than a few admins, because these functions will pay their bills. In my communication with various people to chart their functionality needs, commercial functionality comes up again and again. ACS providing such functions in beta 3 makes a world of difference.
Please do not see it as superfluous bloat, because its not.
03-11-2012, 05:04 PM
Im aware that its better for author to write code 1 time and fix bugs than rewrite it every time when he try to add new feature, but i would give much for more informations about progress.
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