View Full Version : How do I make users in arcade/chat appear as currently active?

05-16-2011, 04:48 PM
I have a games arcade on my site and Prochatrooms

I created a module that shows the members currently active in the chat room - but how do I go about making them appear under the lsit of 'currently active users' as they appear to time out from that list after a while

My first thought is to put the currently active users into an array, find all the ones in Chat and then search the currently active array and add them if they are not already listed

Not looked into how to find the ones in the arcade yet

However that all seems very convoluted and complex - surely there is there a better way to make sure all the members who are currently using my site features actually show up as currently active? The prob at the moment is it makes the site seem quieter than it really is
