View Full Version : Showing Sub forums

05-09-2011, 01:13 AM
Showing Sub forums

Good morning to you all. I am new to the world of vBulletin.

I am wondering how I go about getting the sub forums to show up similar to the following site;


The example is this forums General Off Topic section.


05-09-2011, 01:28 AM
In vBulletin Options > Forum Listing Display Options go to Depth of Forums - Forum Home and set it to 2.

IMO, if you dont have too many sub forums then dont use sub forums. Instead use main forums. Sub forums usually tend to perform worse than main forums.

05-09-2011, 01:54 AM
In vBulletin Options > Forum Listing Display Options go to Depth of Forums - Forum Home and set it to 2.

IMO, if you dont have too many sub forums then dont use sub forums. Instead use main forums. Sub forums usually tend to perform worse than main forums.

Thank you for the help and advise! I am quite new to all of this.

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Ok, I got the sub forums to show up. How do I get them to line up like the following site?
