View Full Version : Friends List

04-06-2011, 12:08 AM
So yeah, this thing is bugging me for few hours.. Is there any global variable that's outputting friends of a certain user. Thing is that I don't like the current friends list, I just want to output usernames, nothing else..

I tried to include the code from the memberinfo_block_friends and memberinfo_block_friends_mini template into memberinfo template, but it just outputs totally f*cked up list.

Any suggestions?

p.s. I need this because I'm making a totally custom profile page, everything's working so far except the friends list.

- Drazic

04-06-2011, 08:10 PM
Isn't there some option in the ACP whether to show avatars/profile pics in the friends list or not? I seem to recall seeing something like that

VBulletin OPtions -> Friends and/or Buddies in Profile

What is it you don't want to be shown? I can probably help you with this ;)


04-06-2011, 11:05 PM
Thanks for the reply. And I can't seem to find that option, and even if I did, it probably wouldn't matter because I want to show friends of a certain user like this:


As you can see on the edited profile page screenshot, I want to make it like that.. But no matter how I include the code from those 2 templates, I can't retrieve friends of the user, problem is because it either doesn't work, or it retrieves parts that I don't need.

04-07-2011, 05:26 PM

Ahh OK so I am not the only one running an adult oriented vb based site then :D

Looking at that taboo girls site screenshot (I'm not sure which version of VB that is to be honest) I'd say if it is running on a vb 3.x then they either did a lot of template editing on the templates called from member.php or they are using javascript to rearrange the whole profile page client side after it is output from vbulletin.

My site currently used the latter option to achieve something similar to what they are doing, though i must admit I do rather like their profile layout.

If you are looking to do something like that then you are gonna have to be pretty experienced with php/html and possible javascript/dom as well... or at least able to learn fast lol - you won't do it from options in the ACP

What's the URL of you site?


04-08-2011, 01:40 PM
I own TabooGirls, and everything I did works fine, but as you already know.. Can't get the friend list retrieved, I've edited that screenshot in Photoshop and added how I want the friend list to look.

And yes, I'm using vB3 (3.8.4)..

04-11-2011, 09:19 AM
When you say you 'can't get the friend list retrieved' I'm not quite sure what you mean.

In the screen shot are there supposed to be avatars above the friends names or not, maybe you just greyed them out for display here?
