View Full Version : Hide Ads from multiple usergroups

03-12-2011, 06:42 PM

When adding advertisements, I have the option to only 'show the adverts to users who belong to this group...'

How do I add multiple usergroups to that? For example, I can only show the advertisements to registered users, how do I show them to registered users, users awaiting moderation AND unregistered users? And hide the advertisements for the rest of the groups, such as moderators, administrators and VIP?


03-13-2011, 01:48 PM
you could make a duplicate ad for each usergroup, but depending on how many usergroups you want to do, that could become tedious.

03-14-2011, 01:25 AM
Conditionals, my friend, conditionals.

<vb:if condition="is_member_of($bbuserinfo, 1,2,30)">This ad will be shown to usergroups 1(guests), 2(registered users), 30(additional UG)</vb:if>

03-14-2011, 08:01 PM
I believe he is talking about using the built in ad management in the admincp. But yes, that would be another way of doing it! Place it directly into the template location you want using a conditional.