View Full Version : sql error

02-13-2011, 05:55 PM

Im trying to input a valua into a table field.

I added 3 colums to the user table called type,points and dateline.
I want to make it edit the values of a user.

So lets say we have a user called testuser with userid1.

I want to make it write values into the fields of userid1.

I tried this code:

".TABLE_PREFIX."user WHERE userid = ".$userid.",,
type = 1,
points = '".$points."',
dateline = ".TIMENOW."

So what this code needs to do is first search the table user for userid1.
Then it will edit the fields of userid1 and add the values of the script.
When i run the script i get this error:
Error Number : 1064

Could you guys tell me whats wrong with this code and show the fix.
I tried to google it but could not find a solution.

I dont know much about sql im only editing a existing mod.

Thx for the help

02-13-2011, 06:21 PM
I think 1064 just means there's an error in the SQL. I think you'd want to use UPDATE instead of INSERT if you want to change an existing row (but maybe INSERT works too, I'm not sure). In the mysql manual the syntax for UPDATE (http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.0/en/update.html) shows the WHERE coming after the SET, but I don't know if that's a requirement.

Also, you have two commas at the end of the WHERE line that probably shouldn't be there.