View Full Version : help with spoiler bbcode i'm trying to make

02-07-2011, 11:43 AM
ok i had on my forum a spoiler bbcode, but i thought it would look better if it had an image instead of a text button to reveal the hidden text/image.

the bbcode for the original spoiler was:

<div class="spoiler"><script>
function showHide(what){
<input type="button" onclick="showHide(this.parentNode)" value="Warning; Click to view spoiler"><b>( Click to show/hide )</b><div style="display:none">{param}</div></div>

so i changed the input type to image and added the path correctly and everything shows, that is until you click the image to reveal the hidden text/image.

it will reveal what i want but its also linking it to inline moderation so when you click it the text/image reveals the a second later your forwarded to the inline.php page.

Can someone help me with this, this is the code i am using for the image spoiler bbcode

<div class="spoiler">
function showHide(what){
<input type="image" onclick="showHide(this.parentNode)" src="images/misc/splr1.gif" width="50" height="50" border="0"><b>( Click to show/hide )</b><div style="display:none">{param}</div></div>

any help is greatfully appreciated :D

02-07-2011, 12:10 PM
<input> with type="image" is a submit button, so it's sumitting the form that encloses it (which does moderation). I think if you add "return false;" to the code in the onclick (add a semicolon after the existing code, of course) you can stop it from submitting. I think you could also just change it to an <img> tag since that allows an onclick parameter.

02-07-2011, 12:23 PM
<input> with type="image" is a submit button, so it's sumitting the form that encloses it (which does moderation). I think if you add "return false;" to the code in the onclick (add a semicolon after the existing code, of course) you can stop it from submitting. I think you could also just change it to an <img> tag since that allows an onclick parameter.

doh, something so basic, changed the input to <img src=""> and it works finally

thanks for the quick reply :D