View Full Version : query to return moderator statistics

Simon Lloyd
01-22-2011, 07:28 AM
Hi all, does anyone know how to write a query to return a list of moderator (& super mod) statistics?

What i would like to do is display a league table of moderators (only viewable to moderators) showing who has visited the most, who has answered the most (or most replies) and last visit (and maybe days between visits).

I'd like to show these as a league table on a custome page (template), i've no problem creating the template.

Any ideas?

01-23-2011, 04:48 PM
I think you could query moderator posts and last visit without much trouble (assuming number of posts is what you mean by replies), I think all that's on a user's profile. But I'm not sure about number of visits. Is that even in the database anywhere?

Simon Lloyd
01-23-2011, 05:46 PM
Well maybe not visits then but moderator activity is available as i can check " moderator logs" to see last visit and other info, in admincp i can check who did what too :) i'd like to create a leader board so they can follow theirs and their fellow mods activity...etc